Homeopathy Remedy Sepia

Sepia homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Sepia…

      Triturations should be made of the pure Sepia (the inky juice of the cuttle-fish).

General Action

      It produces general relaxation, fatigue and exhaustion, with loss of power of upper lids, extremities, abdominal muscles, etc., etc. Many symptoms point to an inactive, even congested liver. Weakness of the female sexual organs seems to be its most prominent feature. The indications of herpetic eruptions are marked and have proved very useful in practice.

Allies. Natrum mur., Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Lycopodium; Podophyllum, Lil-tig. Murex, Carbo-v.; Rhus-t., Graphites, Berberis


      Swelling of whole body, face, abdomen, legs and arms to wrists, with shortness of breath, fever every two or three days, chills alternating with heat, sweat with the heat. Unpleasant exhalation from body after getting warm in bed. Trembling; anxious, with cold sweat on forehead, Jerking here and there, with sticking; J. sensation here and there in body, also in head, r. and l. sides. Spasms as from nervous weakness, pulse sometimes weak, sometimes spasmodic.

Paralytic sticking here and there, then immobility of the part. Pains in various parts; P. on l. side; in all parts of which she sits or lies; in muscles of abdomen and limbs on waking; sudden; wandering; burning, in different parts, (<) lower part of l. hypochondrium. Burning constriction in shoulders, chest and throat evenings. General drawing, even in bones of arm; cramping, in r. shoulder and whole r. side. Lame sore feeling all day. Sensation of a heavy cold. Symptoms of catarrhal fever, with weakness in lower limbs and drawing in arms. Feeling as if she could easily strain herself. fulness about 1 or 2 P.M. in l. axilla, then r., then in groin. Pulsation through body (<) in whole l. chest; in head and limbs, (<) night; sensation as if heart filled all cavities of body, with labored, muffled beating. Wavelike sensation through body and down arms and legs, then sudden interruption of wave and expansion, with sharp rheumatic pain. Excitement of whole body. Restlessness; he must rise at night and walk about; during menses, with drawing pain in lower limbs and abdomen, with rumbling, so that she must remain in bed two days, in second forenoon palpitation and dyspnoea.

Goneness, especially; in stomach. Weakness; in morning during menses; in morning; in morning on waking; in morning on rising; in morning, with uneasiness in abdomen; at 9 A.M.; about breakfast time; in forenoon; in afternoon after sleep; at 7 P.M.; at 9.45 P.M.; from continued speaking; after an emission with sensitiveness to damp air, vertigo, turbid urine and constipation; with short breath; with stupid feeling in head and tightness on chest; as from nausea, in morning on waking; from walking half an hour, so that he was nauseated and could not breathe, air-passages seemed drawn together as far as pit of stomach.

Indolence; in afternoon after a meal, with sleepiness; after a meal of mind and body, with difficult breathing. Heaviness. Heavy stupid feeling towards evening. Faintness in forenoon; in morning on rising in bed, with loss of thought, then chilliness, with gooseflesh and yawning, tongue pale, pulse weak and slow, F. about midnight, with sweat, consciousness, but inability to talk or move a finger, in the midst of the paroxysm a sort of dream that he was fighting with a ghost, soon a second faint, with dream of being lost in a forest; during a slow ride; with heat and then coldness. Numbness in all nerves in evening and in tongue, with Dullness of head and absence of though. Paralyzed feeling from vexation.

Aggravation from about 12 till 1 P.M. and from 4 till 6 P.M.; in afternoon after sleep, vascular excitement, general soreness and lameness and desire not to move; evenings and nights; on l. side; of pains during and after meals; when lying, amelioration after supper. Symptoms returned on taking a dose of Nux Vomica. Amelioration of pain at 4.30 P.M., after eating; A. in open air; at rest and lying; of pain by local application of warmth; on eating supper; of all symptoms except dryness of throat by supper; during violent exercise, and aggravation in forenoon and evening when sitting quietly; from Rhus.

Clinical Jaundice. General tendency to emaciation. Anaemia and chlorosis. Indurations, especially of the breasts and ovaries. Epithelial cancer, with burning pain (lip, stomach, vagina). Especially suitable for persons with dark hair. General aggravation twice a day, forenoon and evening, from washing in water, at rest. Pains begin in morning immediately on waking, become very intense, and gradually decrease until in the afternoon they vanish. Pains are burning worse after eating, also worse before menses.


      Fanciful pictures at night if he closes eyes, (>) opening eyes. Cheerful and inclined to sing. Laughing and crying alternately without corresponding change of mood. Apathy (phos., Pulsatilla). Sadness; in morning on waking; during menses, (<) morning: (<) morning; (<) evening; (<) walking in open air; with attacks of weeping; with loss of ambition; about her health; at the news of the slight illness of a friend (which at another time would have made no impression), increasing till I felt that I should scream unless I held on to something; alternating with liveliness. Oppressed in sultry weather, but more cheerful when it thunders and lightens.

Forebodings about his disease. Fear; when riding in a carriage; to be alone. Anxiety; all day after coition, with restlessness; in morning, (>) rising; towards evening; in evening, with intermittent redness of face; intermittent; about her health, with irritation and weakness; about her health, thinks that she shall have consumption and soon die. Anguish as if in blood; A. in attacks; A. when eating, and heat so that face was red and bloated, also eyes, ears and nose were affected and sweat stood in drops on finger-tips. Desire to be alone and to lie with closed eyes.

Irritability; at 7 A.M.; at 7 A.M., do not want to talk or be talked to; at the recollection of past unpleasant events; before menses, an attack of furious gestures, with sobbing, she throws herself on the bed, where she remains all day without eating; (<) morning; and out of humor for all business. Vexed and disposed to scold. Discontented. Fault-finding; with weeping and heat of face. Irritable tearfulness. Quarrelsome (feeling ashamed of it at the same time). Loathing of life. Aversion to company.

Anger; in morning; so that she fears apoplexy, with blackness before eyes; over past times, so that he did not know what to do, with anxiety, palpitation and sweat. Ebullition of passion, with trembling, (<) hands. Impatience when sitting, like uneasiness in bones. Hastiness, with restlessness. Nervous; at 10 A.M., and so contused that I could not keep my mind on study. Nervous irritability, forcing me to be quiet. Nerves sensitive to least noise. Much affected by piano playing. Inclination to wonder over the future.

Intellect unusually clear; and memory quick. Mistakes in writing. Language comes slowly, forget the chief points, etc. Indisposition for mental labor, which aggravates the headache. Thinks of things he does not wish to think of, uses expressions which he knows are incorrect, undertakes things opposed to his intentions and finds such contradictions with himself that he is uncomfortable and uneasy. Inattentive. Absent-minded and not desirous to work; A., spoke incorrectly and misplaced words.

Heavy flow of ideas (lyc., Ph-ac.). Dullness in afternoon. Dullness of comprehension, inability to collect or express thoughts, building air-castles. Stupid feeling. Stupidity in paroxysms, with shuddering and arrest of breath, she must then take a deep breath. Forgetful; and thoughtless, but desirous to work. Inability to think in forenoon and afternoon; when spoken to, could follow the ideas when the same question was addressed to another person. Unable to collect thoughts at 9.30 A.M., or to answer the simplest questions, which caused unhappiness, felt better after crying.

Clinical Hypochondriasis and hysteria; valuable for the various forms of mental depression of women, complete indifference, without interest in their own affairs or those of others of others (Pulsatilla and Nat. mur.).


      Jerking forward in morning; backward in morning on rising. Pinching jerks in morning on rising. Painful cracking as if something in it broke on turning head, with pain in neck. Stitches; after a meal; through head; coming up back at every step; outward through eyes all day; lastly in occiput, making him feel inactive. Tearing in a spot in brain during cough, as if something tore loose.

Aching; all day; all day, (<) from 5 till 6 P.M.; all day, with mental depression; in morning; every morning on rising; every morning after rising; from morning till noon, with nausea; at night, with vomiting; almost all night and till next noon; on waking, (>) moving about; on waking, (>) rising, through temples at 9.45 P.M.; after a papescent stool; (<) towards evening and (<) shaking head; (<) walking in open air, with weakness; with pain and heat in eyes; with drooping of lids and feeling as if I had not sense enough to lift them; with mental depression and inability to collect my thoughts; as if brain were crushed, in forenoon; as after jolting, after noonday nap; digging itching, with sensitiveness of head to touch and stiffness of neck. Throbbing pain in evening; at night; on every movement. Aching as if it would burst; when coughing. Pressure outward; as if eyes would fall out; as if everything would issue from forehead and eyes, with jerking, beating and heat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.