Homeopathy Remedy Sulfuricum Acidum

Sulfuricum Acidum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Sulfuricum Acidum …

      It is diluted with distilled water (1 to 9) for use.

General Action

      Compare Sulphur.


      Lying on back, body and lower limbs immovable; on r. side, with knees drawn up and body bent forward; doubled up almost in the shape of a ball. Emaciation. Appearance as in collapsed stage of cholera, extremities livid, cold clammy feel, pulse gone. Tremor. Twisting about on all sides. Convulsions; with falling to the ground; with unconsciousness; with cramps in pharynx preventing swallowing; every half, with dyspnoea, distorted eyes, gnashing of teeth, frothing from mouth and cold sweat on face; epileptiform, with rush of blood to head, unconsciousness; clonic, of upper limbs and dorsal muscles, convulsions of facial muscles, eyes sunken.

Agony, with occasional hysterical fits, with spastic rigidity of muscles of lower jaw, loss of speech, sudden weakness, weak and fluttering pulse, pallor and dejection of countenance. Rheumatic tearing and drawing in whole body. Pain; in every part; in spots, at first increasing, then suddenly disappearing; intermittent, with drawing up of legs and moanings. Consumption. Symptoms of last stage of croup. Rush of blood upward, with anxiety and tossing about. Tremulous sensation over whole body, without trembling, (>) morning. Hyperaesthesia over trunk. Sensation as if would. full to one or other side when walking. Restlessness; and loud screams. The odor of coffee is disagreeable and causes weakness and trembling. Weakness; in morning after taking milk; after eating; (>) open air, with pain in forehead; and marasmus. Collapse; with restlessness; with irregular, finally suppressed pulse, cold sweat, etc. Faintness. Paralysis, with epileptiform spasms. Inability to move or talk. Symptoms appear immediately after dinner. Aggravation in open air; A. from cold, wet and windy weather, amelioration when warm and dry. Amelioration from pressure over epigastrium.

Clinical General tendency haemorrhage in various parts.


      Delirium; at night. Excitement. Jocose. Exaltation of mind and disposition. Fretful; all day, she avoids speaking to every one; in morning on waking; if his work is not done to suit, and impatient; and quarrelsome, averse to answering; and sick, so that she started at everything; and sad. Mistrustful. Sedate, earnest. Lachrymose. Fright. Melancholy and weary of life; M. in morning. Despondent. Apprehensive; from morning till evening. Anxiety; with tossing about; with burning pain and heat in stomach; with nausea, then vomiting of mucus. Averse to talking,. Hasty mood, she can finish nothing quickly enough though it fatigues her. Distraction, often gave inappropriate answers. (Stupor); in paroxysms. Roused with difficulty, and when aroused resisted, saying “Let me alone, let me die.” Inclined to coma. Unconsciousness.


      Stitches here and when walking in open air, Tearing. Aching; as if shattered in morning after waking, with sleepiness as if it would burst; as if full; drawing, in evening; drawing, (<) r. side towards forehead. Drawing and tension. Dullness; in morning, with heaviness; with burning in stomach. Heaviness and as if brain fell forward and came through; H., fulness and necessity to hold it forward. Weakness. Vertigo on rising; in afternoon when sewing; when sitting; (>) open air.

Forehead. Sudden jerking beneath l. eminence, suddenly disappearing; sudden painful J. above l. eminence. Sticking in r. side of sinciput in evening, (>) pressure, with tearing; S. above l. orbit, increasing, then disappearing; deep in brain below l. eminence. suddenly increasing, then diminishing, at last suddenly disappearing; now r., now l. side of sinciput, extending deep into brain; sudden, below l. eminence, extending into brain; alternately in F. and occiput. Tearing in middle towards l. side. Pressive and burning pain, and in eyes. Pain as from a blow, increasing, then suddenly disappearing, in r. side; near l. eminence. Painful soreness above l. eminence, more acute in isolated jerks. Pain in r. eminence on shaking head, as if brain were loose and knocked against skull. Felling as if brain were loses and fell backward and forward. Constriction, increasing, then suddenly disappearing. Dullness in forenoon, with fulness.

Temples. Shooting jerks in r. Sticking in r. Tearing in r. towards evening; in l. during breakfast. Wavelike burning pain as from a bruise. Intermittent grumbling in bones. Drawing rather externally in a spot in l. Pressure inward.

Pain in vertex when standing, Stupefying throbbing pain in r. side on rising after stooping. Screwed in sensation above l. ear. Heaviness in l. side. Sudden confusion as from smoke in r. side when sitting Sticking in l. side of occiput, with pressure. Compressive pain in side of occiput, (>) holding hands towards head without touching it. Pain in scalp as from suppuration, with pain on touch. Hair becomes gray and falls out. Itching. Tension in l. side of scalp and in l. ear, more in front of ear.


      Sparkling. Lustreless and watery; L., and pupils dilated. Ghastly, and face. Redness, lachrymation and photophobia. Protruding. Sunken and expressive of suffering. Fixed, and pupils contracted. Look unsteady. Burning; on reading in the commencing twilight, with lachrymation; with inflammation, lids swollen, r. eye looked dull and opaque, on fourth day r. conjunctiva acquired a jelly-like consistence, on eight day the cornea, which all along had been opaque, sloughed away, giving exit to the lens and part of the vitreous humor, for more than a week this eye continued inflamed and discharged much purulent matter, it is still suppurating and wasting away; biting, in l. when reading during the day, with lachrymation. Biting in r.

Lachrymation. Burning pain anteriorly in ball in open air, but in the house pain only on looking intently. Lids agglutinated in morning; most closed, but pupils small and piercing; sink down and he cannot open them; sticking outward above margin of r. at every paroxysm of cough; sticking itching on lower. Canthus, twitching in r. inner; sensation of a foreign body in r. outer in morning when walking, (>) in the house; pressure in other. Subcutaneous tearing on margin of r. orbit, extending towards temple. Photophobia. Twitching sensation before vision, with weakness. Vision dim in morning.


      Tearing in front of l. and up into temple; in front of;., extending into cheek, where it became a crawling; deep in. l., then crawling; rather externally in r., with sticking. Pain, and in fauces. Drawing outward in r. meatus. Exit of agreeable warmth from r., then jerking in it. tickling in concha. Ringing in r., Roaring; in evening; rhythmical; as of a waterfall in l. on opening mouth during dinner. Diminished hearing as from a leaf before ear.


      Stinging pricking in r. side. Ineffectual inclination to sneeze. Vapor mounted through nose, then incessant sneezing, then stoppage of nose. Discharge of dark brown froth. Coryza, with sore eyes; C., with loss of smell; running out much water, with stoppage of one nostril; dry; dry, at times he could get no air through one or the other nostril. Bleeding in evening when sitting and standing.

Clinical When the discharge trickling down from nose is thin and lemon- colored (Puls).


      Pale; and puffy; and sunken; and restless. drawn; and hippocratic, drawn; dingy, deathlike; with movement in stomach. Red; and puffy; r. cheek, and hot; covered with red spots, which in a few hours scabbed over and became brown. Dark blue. Cheeks livid. Gangrenous look. Distorted; and livid. Swelling of cheeks; l. cheek; S., with frequent changes of color, lips swollen and sore. Sunken; and anxious, the patient frequently sprang from bed, and died in collapse, with offensive odor from mouth and involuntary discharges. Expression of anxiety; E. of collapse. Jerking about l. ear always on moving head; afterwards also during rest. Convulsions, and of lips. Sticking frequently extending up ward in r. cheek. Tearing in l. bones, then in r. side of head; here and there in lower jaw. Pinching in skin beneath r. eye, increasing then disappearing. Bruised pain in l. malar bone, increasing then suddenly disappearing. Sensation as if cheeks were puffy and as if albumen had dried upon skin Trismus.

Lips. White, and tongue; and mouth and fauces; and sodden, and tongue and mouth as far as could be seen; and mucous membrane thickened; in corners, and sore as if ulcerated; and excoriated, and tongue, mouth and fauces; and shrivelled and had blisters inside, with similar appearances on mouth and tongue; pearly and mouth and throat; inner surface and gum grayish-white, thick and wrinkled. Violent. Reddish brown. Smooth, dry, brownish. Cracked and scaly. Peeling of inner side. Swelling, redness and pain on touch; S. of inside, tongue and fauces, with appearance as if smeared with thin arrowroot; and tongue and mouth and covered with white aphthous spots exuding offensive bloody ichor; of lower lip and tongue, the margins of which were black, mucous membrane of mouth swollen, with burning in mouth, pharynx and stomach. Dark grayish slough across upper, descending down angles of mouth, similar but slighter marks on foreparts of neck, chest and on r. arm. Excoriation, and of chin. Sore pain in corners. Pressure as with a finger above l. corner.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.