Homeopathy Remedy Thuja

Thuja homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Thuja…

      A tincture is made of the fresh leaves of the arbor vitae, Thuja occidentalis, L.

General Action

      It appears to act vigorously on the genito-urinary tract, producing urethritis (closely simulating gonorrhoea) as well as vesical catarrh. It is believed to have caused excrescences similar to figwarts and other symptoms allied to the sequelae of gonorrhoea, and in some degree to syphilis.

Allies – Aurum, nitricum acidum, Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Ignatia


      Swelling of veins, (<) arm. Odor of the prover intolerably increased. Intermittent trembling. Jerking in upper part of body during the day; in flexors of l. thumb, in r. cheek and under scapulae; sudden cramplike, of under lip in evening and here and there in circumscribed spots on skin. Walking seems very easy, as if she had wings. Delightful feeling of corporeal well-being in afternoon, with inclination to intellectual labor.

Stitches in all parts; in and on almost every part; in l. palm, r. shoulder and near pit of chin; in different parts, elbow, tibia, nipple, chin, scorbiculus, scapula, shoulder-joints; in forehead and different parts, (<) shoulders, arms and thighs; (in ear, lower jaw, splenic region, hip-joint, iliac region, middle of thigh and leg, tarsus, shoulder-joint, upper arm, forearm and metacarpus), (<) r. side; flying, in different parts; now in l. knee, now in head and now in elbow and finger-joints in evening; now here, now there, with tearing; and tearing, sometimes in the same part, sometimes in others (ear, ear-cartilage, ala of nose, near sternum, in epigastrium, between scapulae) and sometimes in all limbs, in evening in bed.

Tearing in concha, eyeball, pit of stomach, scapulae, shoulder and hip-joints, thigh from ischium to knee, leg, arm and forearm; (in small of back, nape, over temple, in knee, tarsi and some phalanges of fingers), r. side; T., drawing or sticking, with attacks of vertigo and stiffness in feet and back to nape; alternating with drawing pain, (<) limbs, (<) rest, but also in r. tibia when walking, making me limp. Drawing tearing now here, now there, on l. side of body; in r. arm, (<) along ulnar nerve, in r. thigh, r. zygoma and r. side of chest, after rising, then less in l. side of body.

Pinching and pressing pain under shoulder, in dorsum of foot and different parts of external chest. Twitching pain as if tendons of patellae were drawn out and then suffered to return, when sitting and walking, and a similar pain in temples. Pain as from a thrust in spots on chest and limbs, (<) touch. Shocks in isolated muscular parts, (<) middle of upper part of r. thigh and l. arm. Crawling pain. Sensitiveness to touch. Muscular pains were generally in the middle instead of in tendinous portions. Pressure in various parts, with scraping prickling, seeming to be in bones. Bruised sensation in small of back and in feet.

Drawing pain in different parts; in arms and feet and especially in small of back, at night; now here, now there; flying, in various parts, (<) hands; in r. thumb when writing, then in index, later in middle and finally in little finger, and in afternoon in l. arm, shifted to upper part of l. thigh, then in mastoid processes, then in frontal eminence, where it was more of a digging twitching, finally in limbs, next day the pains wandered about, next forenoon it was for several hours near l. wrist and all the afternoon in upper part of l. thigh; tearing, during rest, sometimes in frontal eminences and occipital protuberances, sometimes in middle of l. arm and thigh.

Drawing in hands, feet, small of back and between shoulders; in scapulae, in direction of nape and from knees to malleoli and from elbows to wrists; here and there under skin, in tendinous expansions; in r. thumb and forearm in evening, then in l. thumb and r. upper teeth; at night in hands and feet, with tearing, then in epigastrium, hypochondria, on chest, (<) small of back, ending in seat; in various parts with stitches like electric shocks; now here, now there, also (<) evening; now here, now there, (<) l. side of body; now here, now there, (<) upper part of thigh; sudden here and there, (<) r, fingers.

Illusory sensation, as if the body were thin and delicate and he must avoid every touch, as if the connection of different parts were in danger of being severed. Discomfort; in forenoon, with sensitiveness to cold air; (>) dinner. Malaise in afternoon, with sensation as if a chill were coming on; M. at 8.30 P.M. in the street, with debility and weakness in stomach, amelioration from a glass of cordial, but at 10 P.M. indisposition not easy to describe; two hours after dinner; with ill humor; with internal shivering; with internal chills. Uneasiness; after dinner; before falling asleep; (on walking rapidly, with ill humor).

Weakness; all day; in morning; in morning, with confusion of head; in morning on waking, with bruised feeling; in morning on rising; on rising, (<) upper arms and thighs; in afternoon, with sleepiness; in afternoon, with bruised sensation and a version to motion; in afternoon, with prostrated feeling in limbs; in evening; in evening, with discomfort and with confusion of head; in evening, and unwell; at night; before dinner; after dinner, with ill humor; after dinner, with pain in forehead; after eating, with necessity to lie down; (after stool); with gloomy mood, obliged to take a little wine, then amelioration of all symptoms; with faintness, without being able to say what ails her; of body, with perfect mental activity; with chill, forcing him to bed at 6 P.M.; during the day, as if he had not slept enough at night; sudden, with pain in calves, then internal chill, with hot, dry skin, forcing him to lie down, such debility that it was difficult to move his limbs, at 10 P.M. the chill merged into dry heat, and towards morning sweat, no appetite, much thirst, no urine all day and during the access of heat full, quick pulse and headache, next morning scanty, dark red urine, sweat till noon, could not leave his bed for weakness, that evening a chill, then a sleepless night, next day debility, no appetite, tongue furred, urine copious.

Symptoms appear in morning on waking; appear during rest, are transient, (<) spirituous drinks, except the customary beer. Aggravation of pains after 3 A.M. and 3 P.M., they prevent sleep in evening; A. during rest; during rest, but by remaining quiet symptoms are developed which disappear on motion in open air; A. and amelioration on alternate days. Amelioration in open air; A. from movement.

Clinical In general, good for bad effects of vaccination.


      Cheerful. Lively and loquacious (effects of the alcohol?). Inclination for exertion in evening. Loathing of life (Aurum, Acid nitricum) Ill human (Sulphur); in afternoon; with indisposition to do anything; with heaviness of head and disinclination to talk; walk; with restlessness; with fulness in head and drowsiness. Discontentment. Sadness (Aurum, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, etc.); every forenoon; in afternoon; afternoon and next morning; before going to sleep; with disposition to weep; with discouragement. Excited and inclined to anger. Uneasy, everything seems burdensome and distressing. Anxiety. Averse to everything, anxious about the future. Apprehensive of becoming sick. Earnest in evening. Excessively thoughtful about a trifle. Indifferent to the opposite sex.

Power of thought increased, but rather for analytical than synthetical reasoning. Clearer during the febrile paroxysm and he is inclined to all kinds of work. Indisposed to intellectual labor. Intellectual exercise soon fatigues in evening. Speaks slowly and in monosyllables. Collects his thoughts and speaks slowly, he seeks for words while talking. Could scarcely collect his senses for half an hour in morning on waking. Inattentive to what was going on around him. Distracted, unsteady, inclined to do now this, now that. He could not get rid of a thought that he had just had. Stupefied, with sleepiness and weakness; as if intoxicated, (<) morning. Coma.

Clinical Melancholia, with a fixed idea that he is made of a brittle substance, will not allow persons to touch him, for fear that he will be broken. Great emotional sensitiveness, music causes weeping and trembling (Ignatia). Fixed idea of a living animal in the abdomen; of the soul separated from the body; of strange people by his side, etc.


      Sticking; and in r. eyes; in morning on rising, (<) moving; in afternoon when walking; in evening, (>) evacuation; in centre of brain, extending through centre of l. eye; upward through brain, also (<) coughing; through brain, generally in direction of eyebrows and from eyeball to occiput; jerklike, through head, leaving a pressing. Sticking crawling pain in morning. Tearing in brain extending into r. eyeball. Boring.

Aching; all day; in morning; in morning on waking after a restless night; towards noon; towards noon, and in eyes, with gastric uneasiness and red urine, afterwards (<) wine at dinner, smoking increased it to vertigo; in afternoon; in afternoon, with burning in r. eye; in evening; in evening till 10 P.M.; in evening till midnight; in spots in skull in evening; at night, and in eyes; with chilliness; with heat; with heat in cheeks; in morning, (>) walking in open air, at one time forcing asunder at malar-bone and upper jaw, at another time in vertex, as if pierced by a nail (Ignatia, Hepar s.), as a jerk, at another, as if forehead would fall out, with internal chilliness; momentary, here and there; in morning, as after too deep sleep or after stooping, a pulsation or pressing short jerking in forehead, with redness of face; as if compressed externally with pulselike beating and sticking in temples, the pains (>) pressure and bending backward, returning on bending forward; as if brain were distended in morning on waking after deep sleep, with nausea and vomiting three times of bitter water, with chill for five hours, loss of appetite, without thirst; like a stupefaction; drawing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.