Homeopathy Remedy Viola Tricolor

Viola Tricolor homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Viola Tricolor…

      A tincture is made of the whole plant in flower (Pansy).


      Feeling as if he had not slept enough in forenoon when sitting. Exhaustion.

Clinical General aggravation in winter and cold air.


      Hasty in his actions as if impelled by anxiety, yet feeling of prostration. Sad about his domestic relations. Disobedient. Morose all day, with sensitiveness and little desire to talk; M. all day, inclined to quarrel and dispute; M. all day, in evening jolly and inclined to talk; and quiet, indifferent; and weeping mood. Introspective. Discouraged, discontented with his work; I., discontented with himself, distrustful of himself, especially of his future. Disinclination for mental work; D. for earnest work. Dullness in afternoon and evening, with disinclination to talk, which was almost impossible.


      Tearing, with heat in face and thirst. Pain in brain; P., with pressure in forehead; in brain extending outward though forehead. Confusion; with pressure in frontal bones; with pressure in forehead, and when walking the brain shakes, with heaviness, as if a stone were in it, which extended forward into head. Heaviness, with pressure towards forehead; H. as if a weight pressed it forward, (>) stooping, (<) rising. Vertigo when walking, with reeling.

Forehead. Burning stitch in bone. Pain above r. eye, (>) pressure; extending from root of nose into brain, (>) open air; wavelike. Tensive drawing externally in l. side, extending into cervical muscles. Tingling when sitting still.

Tearing stitch externally in l. temple. Pressure out ward in temples. Pain in l. temple near eye; burning, on r. side of vertex when sitting; bruised, in parietal bone on touch. Pressure outward in r. side of head. Sticking in l. side of occiput; tensive in r. Muscles of occiput.

Clinical Eczema of scalp, with swollen cervical glands. In crusta lactea it is similar to Vinca ( but Viola has urine like cat’s urine). By some considered nearly specific in eczema of the scalp, especially with matted hair.


      Itching cutting stitches outward in r. Biting in l. as if sweat were in it. Pupils contracted. Tensive stitch in l. ball, persistent on motion. Sensation of a hard body between balls and upper lids. Lids pressed together and difficult to open. Hardened matter in canthi. Vision obscured, especially distant objects.

Clinical Scrofulous ophthalmia, with crusta lactea

Ears, Nose and Face

      Itching stitches behind l. ear. Pressure inwards upon drum of ear. Itching pressure towards l. side of nose. Drawing tension in l. cheek, in front of ear. Drawing paint from l. side of lower jaw into r. side of head.

Mouth and Throat

      Tongue white. Tongue covered with bitter mucus. Salivation, with dry sensation in mouth. Sore throat in evening.


      Loss of appetite and taste. Empty eructations. Nausea and retching. Sticking in diaphragm during inspiration and expiration. Constriction in pit on inspiration.


      Rumbling and emission of flatus. Stitches like lightning in r. side of A. and chest when walking; griping S. when walking, so that he must stand still. Griping. Cutting; with urging to stool; with howling and screaming, then sleep at noon, the pain returned on walking, then emission of flatus and stool with mucus in large pieces,. Sticking in upper A. During inspiration and expiration; S. Externally in umbilical region. Sticking cutting in hypochondrium on inspiration while sitting bent over. Stitches in l. groin when sitting and on rising up; jerklike, in forepart of hypogastrium when sitting, (>) standing up, leaving burning. Pinching crawling in r. side of pelvis when sitting.

Rectum and Stool

      Excessive urging to stool, which is normal. Stool soft; soft, preceded by flatulence; hard; as if chopped.

Urinary Organs

      Tenesmus. Urging; frequent, with copious urine; frequent, with scanty urine. Frequent copious micturition, can scarcely hold the urine. Stitch in urethra when not urinating. Urine copious, burning; Scanty; turbid; offensive; smelling like cat’s urine.

Clinical Incontinence of urine at night, in children, the urine smelling like cats urine.

Sexual Organs

      Erection in morning. Penis, jerking, tending to make it stiff, in morning on waking; stitch in back; itching biting in skin; pain extending to glans. Burning in glans. Swelling of prepuce. Voluptuous itching of prepuce when standing, with erection. Itching sticking of Scrotum. Emission, with lascivious dream. Stitch on r. side of mons veneris. Leucorrhoea.


      Twitching of r. pectoral muscles. Sticking on l. true ribs; in l. side during inspiration and expiration while walking; in r. side when walking; when standing; in r. side, (<) inspiration and expiration; in upper part of sternum, (<) expiration; itching, in r. pectoral muscles. Cutting on r. side, (<) moving trunk and arm, bruised pain on pressure.

Heart and Pulse

      Anxiety in H. in wavelike throbbing when lying. Oppression in region of H. on bending forward while sitting, with stitches. Pulse rapid.

Neck and Back

      Swelling of cervical glands. Cramplike drawing in cervical muscles, which suddenly drew the head backward. Sticking in l. scapula. Pinching contraction between scapulae, with coldness.

Upper Extremities

      Sticking in r. axilla; cutting, in axilla, with itching; in l. shoulder joint, (>) motion; in l. elbow; contractive, in l. forearm near bend of elbow, when walking; in l. ring finger during rest.

Lower Extremities

      Stitches in l. gluteals when lying. Thighs feel bruised in morning on walking. Tearing bubbling in internal and upper part of thigh when sitting. Drawing in r. thigh when standing. Itching stitch in l. knee; in r. patella when lying, (>) motion, returning on sitting. Twitching in r. calf towards inner side; feeling of T. in l. calf. Sticking in r. tibia when walking. Pressing-out pain in r. tibia when walking and sitting, (<) standing. Drawing along calf and thigh when walking, with given way of knees. Tensive sticking in middle of r. foot when walking. Tearing in heel beneath inner malleolus, (>) motion, leaving burning. Pain in r. sole; in r. sole when sitting; in r. sole when walking, (<) joints. Pressing burning in l. great toe.


      Thick and hard on face. Eruption over face (except eyelids) and behind ears, with burning itching, (<) night, a thick, hard scab formed, cracked here and there from which a tenacious yellow pus exuded and hardened into a substance like gum. Pimple beneath l. zygoma with pain on touch; itching P. on last joint of index. Nettle-rash over whole body, with stinging biting. Hives on l. cheek, with itching, not (<) scratching.

Burning stitches on l. thigh; on upper abdomen when walking. Itching stitches below r. external malleolus; on r. side of abdomen, (>) touch. Cutting and crawling, with cramplike pain in skin between scapulae. Itching on r. wing of nose; on r. scapula; inner upper part of r. thigh; anteriorly above l. knee; on l. inner malleolus; on ball of r. great toe when standing, (<) sitting; of dorsal muscles, (>) scratching; between scrotum and thigh when sitting, (>) scratching; sticking in l. brow, (>) rubbing.

Clinical Impetigo, groups of pustules, followed by scabs on chin and upper lip.


      Sleepiness in afternoon; in afternoon, with falling of eyelids; irresistible, in afternoon. Frequent waking. Restless. The child twitches the hands and closes in the thumb, with general dry heat and redness of face. Falls asleep late on account of numerous thoughts, in morning he wakes early, lies upon the unaccustomed side and cannot arouse himself on account of weakness. Amorous dreams. Vivid dreams.


      Chilliness in cold, open air; creeping, in forenoon, with vertigo and pulling asunder sensation in middle of brain. Heat without thirst; H. after eating, (<) face, with sweat, oppression of chest, with anxiety, driving him about; in scalp above forehead; in skin of temple by r. eye; in side of face on which has was not lying in evening; suddenly in face when sitting, without thirst. Sweat at night.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.