CAUSTICUM symptoms of the homeopathy remedy from Homeopathic Drug Pictures by M.L. Tyler. What are the symptoms of CAUSTICUM? Keynote indications and personality traits of CAUSTICUM…


      ONE of Hahnemann’s flashes of genius: an outcome of Hahnemann the Chemist, and Hahnemann the Physician.

FARRINGTON says, “Causticum is evidently a potash preparation, but its exact composition I do not know. Hahnemann was not able to define it and chemists since his time have not been able to tell of what it is composed. Nevertheless it is a unique remedy and is one that we cannot do without in practice.”

HAHNEMANN calls it a hydrated caustic, but what is more important, he gives full directions as to the preparation of “this powerful drug”. He says:–

“Take a piece of recently burnt lime weighing about 2 lbs., immerse it for a minute into a vessel full of distilled water, and then lay it in a dry cup, where it soon becomes pulverized, giving out much heat and a peculiar odour. Of this fine powder you take 2 ounces, place it in the mortar which had been previously warmed, and then mix it with a solution of 2 ounces of bisulphate of potash in 2 ounces of boiling hot water, the potash, before having been dissolved, having been exposed to a red heat, melted and cooled again, and then pulverized. This thickish preparation is inserted into a retort, to the open end of which the receiver which ought to be dipped in water to half its height, is hermetically fastened. The liquid is distilled over by gradually approaching a coal-fire to the retort, and until the preparation is perfectly dry. The liquid in the receiver is about one ounce and a half, as clear as water, and containing the Causticum in a concentrated form, which smells like the lye obtained from potash, and has an astringent and burning taste on the back of the tongue. Its freezing point is below that of water. It promotes the putrefaction of animal substances which are placed in it. With the salts of baryta it gives out no trace of sulphuric acid, nor any trace of lime-earth with the oxalate of ammonium.

“One or two globules of the 30th potency are given at a dose, which often acts for upwards of fifty days.”

HERING’S Guiding Symptoms says: “Whatever diversity of opinion may exist theoretically in regard to the chemical nature of this substance the unquestionable good results obtained by its use, in potentized form, by a majority of our best practitioners stamp it a polychrest of the highest order.”

And NASH calls it “A very unique remedy, proved by Hahnemann. Its exact chemical composition is not known but it is supposed to be a kind of potash preparation. It has quite a long list of a peculiar symptoms, which are very reliable.”

Causticum, mentally, is unhappy: weeps, cries: is melancholy — hopeless: looks on the dark side: has forebodings and apprehensions. Is peevish, irritable, censorious : very suspicious and distrustful. It is a remedy of mental alienation after suppression of eruptions.

Affects especially persons dark-haired, dark-eyed, and of darkest mood and temper. No suspicion of brightness or gaiety here. Kent says Causticum “has cured insanity: not acute mania with violent delirium, but mental aberration of the passive kind, where the brain has become tired. The constitution has become broken down with long suffering and much trouble and finally the mind can be no longer co-ordinated: it is in confusion.”

FARRINGTON says: “Especially suited to patients who are timid, nervous and anxious, full of fearful fancies especially in the evening at twilight, when shadows grow longer and fancies more rife. The child is afraid to go to bed in the dark.”

We will quote further from Farrington: “The patient has rather an odd sensation, one not frequently met with, a feeling of an empty space between the brain and the cranial bones–relieved by warmth. Odd as this symptom may seem, it is not too uncommon for you to make a note of.

“Very characteristic of the drug is paralysis of single parts or single nerves facial paralysis, especially when the result of exposure to dry, cold winds.”

“These paralyses may be caused by deep-seated nervous diseases or, very characteristically, by exposure to cold, particularly to the intense cold of winter when patient is of the rheumatic diathesis.” (Aconite from the same cause–bitterly cold, dry winds). “In facial paralysis, from this cause Aconite will often cure, but if it threatens to become chronic, Causticum.”

“Children, emaciated, especially about the feet, with abdomen large and tumefied. With eruption on scalp, and inflamed eyes; often otorrhoea, purulent; and the child stumbles when it attempts to walk.

“Aphonia or failure of voice. N.B., the hoarseness of Phosphorus is worse in the evening; that of Causticum worse in the morning.

“The paralytic condition extends to the cough also; cannot cough deeply enough to raise the phlegm; or phlegm, partly raised, slips back into pharynx; and, again, the urine may spurt during cough.” (“This inability to expectorate is found in every species of cough; whooping cough, etc.”)

Farrington also says he has cured Meniere’s disease with Causticum (Salicylic acid.)

Again: “Epilepsy, especially petit mal. Of course, during the unconscious stage the patient passes urine. Convulsions, especially when they recur at the full moon. (Silicea)

“Rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, especially where joints are stiff and tendons shortened, drawing the limbs out of shape.” (Here one remembers an old body, much benefited by Causticum, who finally got Drosera, and rapidly recovered movement in almost all the joints that had been “set” for years. She had developed pain in the tibia also, which then suggested Drosera Drosera has particularly “pain in the long bones”.)

Rheumatoid conditions then, with contractions and deformity; worse cold, dry winds, better warm wet weather.

KENT says: “Causticum is a very searching medicine, suitable, too, in old broken-down constitutions, suffering from chronic disease. Its complaints are progressive, slow, and accompany a declining state of the economy. Gradual decrease of muscular power. A paralysis.

“Paralysis of the oesophagus, paralysis of the throat, such as occurs after diphtheria” (Gelsemium)’; “paralysis of the upper eyelids, paralysis of the bladder, paralysis of the limbs, of the lower limbs; great lassitude, muscular relaxation, indescribable fatigue and heaviness of the body” (Gelsemium). “And there is a tremulousness” (Gelsemium), “a quivering, jerking, twitching of the muscles, twitching in sleep.”

Then, “contractures of tendons and muscles, when the limb is drawn up.

“Also a rheumatic state of the tendons and ligaments about the joints, with perhaps swelling, but pain and shriveling of the joint, which becomes tightened up and ankylosed. Stiffness, with weakness and melancholy; hopelessness; something going to happen.

“When this rheumatism, he can stand neither heat nor cold; and he is always worse in dry weather; worse cold, dry winds (Aconite). Facial paralysis from exposure to cold, dry wind (Aconite). Such paralysis will almost always recover under Causticum.”

“Then, hysteria; startled easily; crampings. Convulsions if frightened. Epilepsy from fright, from being chilled or exposed to some great change in the weather; or from bathing in a cold river. Passive mental aberrations of a tired mind. Timorous anxiety: ‘something going to happen’. Lacks balance. Everything excites him.

“The suppression of eruptions is apt to bring out mental symptoms. He was fairly well while he had the eruption, but when it disappeared his mind gave out the driving in of a facial eruption will frequently result in facial paralysis. Violent headaches associated with rheumatic and gouty conditions which also affect the scalp: which contracts and tightens up in places like the contractures in other parts.

“Torticollis. Causticum is a curative remedy in this shortening of the tendons and muscles.

“Paralysis of optic nerve. Deafness from paralysis of auditory nerve.

“Fissures seem to form upon the least provocation. fissures about the lips, the wings of the nose, the corners of the eyes: fissures of the anus, of the skin about joints: old cases of salt rheum with fissures in the bends of the joints.

“Stammering from paralytic condition of tongue. Complete paralysis of pharynx and oesophagus-as after diphtheria: food goes down wrong way, or enters larynx, or posterior nares. Paralysis of organs of speech: awkward at talking, awkward at chewing: bites tongue and cheeks when chewing.

“The Causticum patient sits down to the table hungry, but thought, sight or smell of food takes away the appetite (Arsenicum, Sepia, Cocc.). A common symptom of pregnancy.

“A queer sensation in stomach, as if lime were slaking there.

“Many symptoms are better for a swallow of cold water. The violent, spasmodic cough may be stopped at once by a drink of cold water. Cold water seems to tone up the paralytic condition.

“Paralytic weakness also in rectum: it is inactive and fills up with hard faeces which pass involuntarily and unnoticed (Aloe.). Stool passes with less straining when standing: retention of urine except when standing (compare Sarsaparilla).

Margaret Lucy Tyler
Margaret Lucy Tyler, 1875 – 1943, was an English homeopath who was a student of James Tyler Kent. She qualified in medicine in 1903 at the age of 44 and served on the staff of the London Homeopathic Hospital until her death forty years later. Margaret Tyler became one of the most influential homeopaths of all time. Margaret Tyler wrote - How Not to Practice Homeopathy, Homeopathic Drug Pictures, Repertorising with Sir John Weir, Pointers to some Hayfever remedies, Pointers to Common Remedies.