
Homeopathy treatment for Dyspepsia from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Dyspepsia…

Weakness of Stomach

Abies-nigra [Abies-n]

Total loss of appetite in the morning, craving for food at noon, and exceedingly hungry and wakeful at night; pain after a hearty meal, but abstinence from any particular food does not relieve the dyspepsia; belching and acid eructations, frequent vomiting SENSATION AS IF SOME INDIGESTIBLE SUBSTANCE HAD STUCK IN THE CARDIAC END OF THE STOMACH (Lact.ac.; sensation as if all food lodged under upper end of stomach). Continual distressing constriction just above the pit of stomach as if everything aware knotted p or as if a hard lump of undigested food remained there, (<) whenever his vital energy is below part; hypochondriasis; constipation.

Abrotanum [Abrot]

CHLOROSIS; disturbed distention; weak sinking feeling in bowels; food passes undigested;distended abdomen;great weakness and prostration; gnawing hunger, craves bread boiled in milk.

AEsculus-hip [Aesc]

HAEMORRHOIDAL PATIENTS; Heartburn, waterbrash., empty eructations, burning pain in stomach after eating, lasting from one meal to another;nausea, vomiturition, or vomiting empty eructations or bringing up thick phlegm; PRICKING IN HEPATIC REGION, with between shoulders and whole length of spine; bloatedness of abdomen; colic around navel and incisive pain around navel; incessant desire to defaecate, provided by pressure behind, with pruritus and sensation of ulceration of anus; bilious temperament, lassitude, confusion of ideas; hypochondriasis.

AEthusa-cyn [Aeth]

Violent vomiting of frothy white substance, REGURGITATION OF FOOD AN HOUR OR SO AFTER EATING, or painful contraction of stomach of such severity as to prevent vomiting; tearing, m rending pains in put of stomach, extending to oesophagus; soreness and painfulness in both hypochondria; weakness and drowsiness, speech, impeded, slow; breath short, interrupted by hiccough, pustules in throat, making patient nearly frantic, with burning in throat and dysphagia;sensation as if stomach were turned upside down, with burning feeling chest.

Agaricus-musc [Agar]

Epigastric pain, commencing to be felt about three hours after eating, and daily renewing itself about the same time after a meal; burning, changing to a sensation of deep pressure, with nausea, vomiting and feeling of obstruction in throat; stitches in hypochondria and around navel; borborygmi, colic, constipation; during the paroxysm, convulsive motions of face and extremities; lips cyanosed; nervous persons, vertigo, with pale face and tendency to fall forward; nearly amaurotic weakness, with muscae volitantes; very drowsy after meals.

Aletris-far [Alet]

DYSPEPSIA FROM GENERAL DEBILITY; nausea, disgust for all food, the least food causes distress in stomach;l frequent attacks of fainting, with vertigo; slow digestion;flatulence, constipation, sleepiness.

Allium-sativum [All-s]

Long-standing dyspepsia, especially in old fleshy people whose bowels are disturbed by the slightest deviations from the regular diet; weight in epigastrium immediately after a meal; cough, which seems to come from the stomach; dry cough after eating; GLUTTONY, COMPLAINTS OF THOSE WHO EAT TO EXCESS; pressure as from a stone in stomach, (>) by bending and pressure with hands.

Alstonia-const [Alst-c]

ATONIC DYSPEPSIA, with loss of appetite, great debility and

prostration, when recovering from severe acute affections or from malaria(Compare Chin)

Alumen [Alumn]

Sinking sensation at epigastrium, after eating; nervous exhaustion with inactive bowels and tremulousness of lower extremities; pulsation at the pit of stomach, sensation of constriction as of a cord; sudden violent pains with nausea, deathly faintness and prostration; cold sweat.

Alumina [Alum]

DRYNESS, hence deficient of gastric juice in stomach; irregular or excessive appetite; derangement of stomach and oesophagus, so that even small portions of food are swallowed with difficult, tingling itching at tongue, loss of taste, heartburn; potatoes disagree; acrid. salty taste of all food;saliva salty, mouth feels dry; aversion to meat and craving for indigestible things; chronic indurated engorgement of glands; STUBBORN CONSTIPATION FROM INERTIA AND DRYNESS OF RECTUM; PRURITUS ANI.

Ambra [Ambr]

Sour eructations; aching in a small spot on right side of abdomen, in hepatic region sensation as of a spoiled stomach and regurgitation stomach after midnight; frequent tenesmus, but no. tool, with considerable anxiety;wants nobody around her, she must lie down on account of giddiness and sensation of weakness of stomach, (<) from warm drinks, especially warm milk uneasy sleep, must get up; MENTAL WORRY.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

Pressure in stomach after eating and at night, the clothes feel oppressive;burning and heat in stomach, vomits all his food, afterwards sour taste in mouth; continual thirst, no appetite, except for bread and cold food, (<) from warm food; cannot eat dinner without drinking; inclination to stretch limbs. Suitable to old stout women who lead s sedentary life.

Ammonium-mur [Am-m]

Lymphatic subjects without energy; ALL MUCOUS SECRETIONS INCREASED AND RETAINED, bitter eructations, thirst for acid; regurgitation of food, hawking up of sour mucus; nausea after a meal; heat and fulness in stomach; epigastric pain sets in IMMEDIATELY after eating;heaviness of liver, bloatedness of liver, bloatedness of abdomen; stools soft, glairy, or hard followed by tenesmus, and always covered with mucus; burning and smarting of anus after every stool; lassitude increased by the least exercise; no sleep after e A.M.; constipation alternating with diarrhoea.

Anacardium [Anac]

FLATULENT DYSPEPSIA. PROSTRATION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM AND FUNCTIONAL LANGUOR OF STOMACH, often from excessive mental labour, exhaustion of nerve force, hence CONSTANT DESIRE TO EAT, which gives ease momentarily, but the hunger is never assuaged, and pain and distress may be again relieved by eating; he has to get up at night to eats breathing; flatulence from emptiness; tasteless or sour eructations.

Angustura-vera [Ang]

PARTICULAR AVERSION TO MEAT AND GREAT LONGING FOR COFFEE; desire some thing or another and is disgusted with everything brought to her; bitter taste in mouth; bread tastes sour; bilious eructations and loss of appetite; often slight desire for stool. Craves warm drinks (Cascar., Cedr., Hypericum)

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

Overloading the stomach and GASTRIC DERANGEMENT IN CHILDREN, WOMEN AND OLD PEOPLE, thickly coated white tongue, with anorexia, slow digestion and foetid eructations, often followed by Diarrhoea particularly after acid wines or new beer; habitual sensation in stomach as if overloaded, excessive crossness, even hypochondrias with suicidal tendencies; dryness of mouth with great thirst, (<) at night; constipation alternating with diarrhoea; helminthiasis; caused by overeating, hot weather, bathing, during measles;metastasis of gout and rheumatism.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Disgust for food, frequent nausea and relief by vomiting; aversion to milk, whiskey or tobacco, desire for apples, fruit, acid, or for any cold drink; violent hiccough, without vomiting, belching relieves; pressure in pit of stomach, dullness of head and anxious, difficult breathing, great precordial anxiety with vomiting of mucus and bile; violent cough after eating, causing vomiting of food; bitter taste in mouth, like rotten egg’s, (<) at night (Arnica and Graph only in the morning.)

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA; Sharp stinging pains soon after taking food, with copious tasteless eructations; the stomach seems as if it would burst with wind, with great desire to belch, which is accomplished with difficult, when the air rushes out with great violence, or vomiting of stringy, glairy mucus, after taking any fluid, it appears as if it were running straight through the intestinal canal, without stooping; loud rumbling in bowels; time seems to pass very slowly; moral stooping; loud rumbling in bowels; time seems to pass very slowly; moral and nervous disturbance, especially after dinner; (<) from anything cold, from candy, sugar, or sweetmeats; child cries with pains during eructation.

Arnica [Arn]

After a meal sensation of impending apopletic congestion of brain, with throbbing headache and drowsiness sensation of lassitude pit of stomach frequent eructations, smelling of sulphuretted hydrogen, especially in the morning; bad taste when waking up; sour taste constantly in mouth, all that he eats tastes sour;thick brown tongue; repugnance to milk, meat, fat soup, wishes only for vinegar; complete loss of appetite; after eating, nausea or vomiting; fulness of stomach and pressure and from stone cramps., stitches, burning; tendency to diarrhoea or Lienteria;heat in head and coldness of other parts of body; fullness in epigastrium with flatulence and distention of abdomen after a meal; feeling of indolence in the extremities, restlessness and disturbed sleep, cannot find a soft place or an easy position to sleep; dullness of had, especially forehead, and over the eyes; obscurity of sight, especially when moving head or walking; furunculosis.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.