Fever Intermittent

Homeopathy treatment for Fever Intermittent from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Fever Intermittent…

Absinthium [Absin]

Chill, heat with sleep, then sweat; thirst in all stages; OBSTINATE AUTUMNAL FEVERS, with swollen liver and spleen; attacks antepone.

Aconite [Acon]

Recent cases in young plethoric persons with anguish of mind and body and restlessness during the attack; PERIODICITY NOT VERY MARKED AND APYREXIA NEVER CLEAR; chill from feet to chest, (<) by motion or uncovering; dry burning heat, with chilly shiverings running up back and great thirst for large quantities of water, everything else tastes bitter; profuse warm sweat over whole body or only on side on which he lies; (<) evening and night, in warm room.

Alstonia-constricta [Alst-c]

CHRONIC MIASMATIC INTERMITTENTS, often suppressed by quinine; general debility and great prostration; rigors; cold sweat. diarrhoea.

Alumina [Alum]

Tertian; CHILL 4 A.M. to evening, or from 5 to 8 P.M.; great thirst and nausea, no relief from heat, (<) from warm drinks and by slightest motion; HEAT without thirst, with anxiety at night, often only on right side of body, (<) by motion; SWEAT at night, in bed, most profuse on right side of face or no sweat at all. During apyrexia continual empty eructations which relieve; UNCONQUERABLE DISPOSITION TO LIE DOWN.

Ammonium-mur [Am-m]

FEVER PAROXYSM EVERY SEVEN DAYS; chill running up back; chill and heat alternating, ending with copious sweat, (<) from every motion.

Ammonium-picric [Am-pic]

Fevers maltreated with quinine or having a quinine, cachexia engrafted upon a malarial one. Periodical headaches nervous, bilious, gastric, recurring every four, seven, fourteen days or once a month, in women just before or after menses.

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

MUCH GASTRIC DISTURBANCE; the greatest sadness and woeful mood; CHILLINESS predominates, not relieved in a warm room; violent shaking chill towards noon, with thirst (for beer), or thirstlessness; aching in forehead, bitter taste, and eructations of food taken; pain in chest, with heat and drawing in sacrum, sweat breaks out during the heat, but soon disappears and is again followed by dry heat; great desire for sleep; during apyrexia tongue thick and white; sore feeling and redness on border of tongue; constipation or diarrhoea; disgust for drink and food, desire for pickles; quotidian or tertian fever with loathing nausea, vomiting, cutting in bowels and diarrhoea or constipation.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Intermittents from exposure in damp cellars or basements; nausea, vomiting and anorexia; great sleepiness or irresistible inclination to sleep; (<) in damp cold weather, motion, lying down at night; EPIDEMICS OF WINTER OR EARLY SPRING, quotidian, tertian and quartan type; tertians anteponing. CHILL AND HEAT alternating during the day without thirst; cold skin, trembling and chilliness always from within outward; short chill and long-lasting heat, with somnolency and profuse sweat on forehead; intense thirst and delirium during heat in tertian. Profuse sweat all over, (<) while sweating, but (>) after. Weariness, lassitude, exhaustion, with great depression of spirits, neither appetite not thirst during apyrexia.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Intermittents in seasons when thee flies sting with unusual vigor. Type: quotidian, double quotidian, tertian. CHILL WITH THIRST, or none, about 3 P.M., begins in front of chest, abdomen, knees; OPPRESSION OF CHEST AS IF HE WOULD SMOTHER; (<) from warmth or in a hot room; sleep and urticaria as chill passes off. HEAT WITHOUT THIRST, with inclination to uncover, burning hot, dry skin all over, especially in spots and abdomen, chest and hands, which felt as if dead during chill, oppression and burning in chest with sensation of smothering; intense headache with sleepiness; itching, burning nettlerash, heat of room unbearable, lips swell and are painful; sleep. SWEAT IMPERFECT OR ABSENT or of a very light grade, it often breaks out, dries up again, no thirst; weak, trembling and sleepy. Old, protracted, mismanaged cases, no appetite, craves milk which relieves. During apyrexia great prostration, soreness and pain under left ribs, in spleen, in all limbs and joints; skin sallow or waxen, feet oedematous; urine scanty; sleepless; urticaria.

Aranea-diad [Aran]

Remarkable periodicity. At precisely same hour quotidian or tertian fever. CHILL LONG-LASTING, often twenty-four hours, (<) on rainy, cold days, from bathing in cold water, from damp dwellings, (>) in fresh air, when walking or smoking; HEAT SLIGHT OR WANTING, NO SWEAT, no thirst. Chilliness hardly relieved by anything, even in midsummer. Annual return of intermittents, first contracted in cold and wet localities. APYREXIA clear, spleen enlarged; anteponing menses, too much and lasting too long; patient subject to haemorrhages; (<) AT EVERY COLD OR DAMP CHANGE OF THE WEATHER.

Arnica [Arn]

CONGESTIVE MALARIAL INTERMITTENTS, tertian or quartan, with hyperaesthesia of spinal cord; thirst for large quantities of water, with gaping and stretching before the attack, drinking refreshes. CHILL, usually afternoon or evening, WITH THIRST, vomits afterwards; chill with pain in muscles of back and extremities and sensation as if cold water were poured over him; chill in pit of stomach, chill with burning of face, rest of body cold; chilly from slightest movement of bedclothes. HEAT WITH THIRST; with indifference, stupor and weakness; great internal heat, with coldness of hands and feet and still cannot bear the slightest uncovering as it makes him feel chilly. SWEAT sour, offensive, (<) when sweating; breath sour, foetid; taste bitter, putrid, of rotten eggs; longing for liquors. APYREXIA; headaches, bruised feeling all over, debility and aversion to exercise; yellow face, no appetite; great weakness, must lie down, yet bed feels too hard, changes position often for relief. IT ANTIDOTES QUININE MALTREATMENT.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Intermittents contracted in the salt marshes near the seashore; intermittent neuralgia affecting one side of face, almost maddening pain, driving sufferer from place to place, at its acne nausea and vomiting, buzzing in ears; intermittent, semilateral headache; periodical complaints when the year comes round. Before the attacks faintness, inclination to lie down, sleepy, pain in abdomen and chest. IRREGULAR IN TYPE AND STAGE AND PERIODS, anticipating. CHILL irregular, mingling of heat and chilliness; and often; desires warm drinks. HEAT INTENSE, long-lasting, dry, burning, pungent to touch, with inclination to uncover and insatiable thirst for hot drinks; cold water he ejects and it makes him feel chilly; oppressed breathing; great restlessness, burning pain in spleen and bowels. SWEAT with cessation of former symptoms, sour and offensive, with excessive thirst or no sweat at all, the dry heat continuing all night. Drinks large quantities during sweat, or little and often in chill and sweat. APYREXIA; great weakness and prostration with desire for stimulants, wine and coffee; pale, sunken face; abdomen bloated; foetid watery diarrhoea, great desire to lie down, great praecordial anguish; violent pains or lameness of extremities; hungry after paroxysms; tendency to degenerate into remittent fever; dropsy as the result of enlarged spleen and liver. The paroxysm is generally not complete. One (ESPECIALLY THE COLD) STAGE IS GENERALLY WANTING.

Baptisia [Bapt]

TENDENCY TO BECOME TYPHOID. Quotidian type, chill, fever and sweat afternoons. CHILL all day, up and down the back, whole body feels sore; HEAT in flushes, burning in parts, especially face, as if sweat would break out, moves to a cool part of the bed; limbs hot but feet cold. APYREXIA: feels sick all over, restless and uneasy. AUTUMNAL FEVERS.

Baryta-carb [Bar-c]

GREAT SENSITIVENESS TO ATMOSPHERIC CHANGES. CHILL daily afternoons, followed by alternating chilliness and flushes of heat, WITH ICY-COLD FEET. HEAT dry and burning; chilly when undressing, must wrap up in blanket to get warm, although her skin is burning hot to the touch of others; soles of feet burn, yet she cannot put hands or feet from under the bedclothes because it makes her chilly, towards morning she falls into an uneasy sleep with slight perspiration. No THIRST IN ANY STAGE. Prostration after paroxysms. APYREXIA: white tongue, bitter taste, appetite capricious; constantly weak and weary, wishes to lean on something to sit or lie down.

Belladonna [Bell]

Periodicity not marked. Anteponing quotidian or tertian. CHILL begins in both arms, thence over body, WITHOUT THIRST. Chill with violent, bursting headache, dilated pupils; dread of light and noise; pale face when lying down, red when sitting up, and icy-cold feet; chill after eating. HEAT INTENSE, WITH GREAT THIRST, within and without, averse to uncovering. SWEAT on covered parts only, stains linen yellow, disposition to perspire. Irritable, whining mood, mouth and fauces dry, food tastes salty, bread sour.

Bovista [Bov]

CHILL 5 to 8 A. M. or 7 to 10 P. M., no thirst; CHILL PREDOMINATES, even when sitting near warm stove, without heat or sweat, or heat with thirst and restlessness, (>) by uncovering; SWEAT, especially upon chest, profuse in axilla, smelling like onions. APYREXIA: great weakness in all joints, drops things from hands as from weakness.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.