Fever Typhoid

Homeopathy treatment for Fever Typhoid from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Fever Typhoid…

Typhoid Fever Enteric Fever

Absinthium [Absin]

OBSTINATE AUTUMNAL FEVER, WITH SWOLLEN SPLEEN AND LIVER; sleeplessness from congestion at the base of the brain; wants to walk about, seeing all sorts of visions.

Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Fever with violent delirium, incoherent talking, with distended and obstinate constipation or with rumbling of bowels, colic and diarrhoea, followed by stupor, interrupted by delirious talking; SLOW, PUTRID FEVER WITH NIGHT-SWEATS. Intense thirst for water with passing large quantities of urine; vomiting of all nourishment with sensation as if there were a sore spot or ulcer in stomach; profuse, very weakening diarrhoea in later stages of fever; febrile heat with dry, hot skin and oppressed breathing during first stage; great debility and prostration.

Agaricus [Agar]

Constant delirium with attempts to get out of bed, talks continually tremulous propulsion of dry tongue; general tremor of whole body, small, quick pulse; alcoholic stimulants are well borne.

Alstonia-const [Alst-c]

Slow convalescence, great prostration and debility, low fever, diarrhoea.

Alumen [Alumn]

Ichorous diarrhoea, mixed with blood of an offensive odor, or passes large QUANTITIES OF COAGULATED BLOOD; very weakening colliquative diarrhoea, discharge of coagula rectum and uterus; metrorrhagia from atony (Acid nitricum, bright-red flooding).

Alumina [Alum]

Alvine discharges frequent, foul, large quantities of black blood with each stool; cannot urinate without straining hard to stool; DIARRHOEA WHENEVER HE URINATES; unpleasant want of animal heat.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

ADYNAMIA; high colored and foetid urine; glandular swellings, bleeding from nose, gums and bowels; sense of oppressive fulness in head, as if brain wanted to burst through, debility with soreness of whole body, has to lie down; great chilliness with the headache; haemorrhagic diathesis from fluidity of blood and dissolution of the red blood-corpuscles; tendency to decubitus and gangrenous ulcerations.

Anacardium [Anac]

Intellect remains weak and impaired after having passed through a severe and exhausting attack of fever, with weakness of all the senses.

Apis-mell [Apis]

Muttering delirium; trembling tongue, which is blistered, can hardly protrude it, dry, cracked or ulcerated; muscles relaxed so that patient slides down in bed; nervous, restless and fidgety; sleepy, but can not sleep, shrill outcries, finally stupor as deep as under Opium, but happy, strange expression of face during muttering delirium; great soreness and bloatedness of abdomen; head and whole surface of body hot and dry; SKIN BURNING HOT IN SOME PLACES AND UNNATURALLY COOL IN OTHERS; skin mostly dry or only transient sweat; bruised, sore feeling of skin; face puffed and dark-red, lips dry, covered with a brown crust; tongue feels as if wooden, studded around the edges with blisters and catches between teeth; PRICKLING SENSATION IN TONGUE AND FAUCES AND VERY TENACIOUS, TOUGH MUCUS IN THROAT; anorexia, but much thirst; considerable swelling of spleen, abdomen sunken in, on pressing ileo-caecal region gurgling as from fluid; great soreness and bloatedness of abdomen, so that the walls become tense; watery, foul-smelling diarrhoea or constipation; incontinence of urine; moist cough but raise sputa only to the tongue, whence it must be wiped away; pulse weak, full and soft; roseola well developed.

Arnica [Arn]

At an early stage diarrhoea of offensive gushing stools and apathy and stupefaction, with foul-smelling breath and ecchymotic black or yellowish-green spots on skin; weakness, weariness and bruised sensation, general sinking of vitality, compelling the patient to lie down, and still he asserts that he feels perfectly well; forgets the words while speaking and goes to sleep while answering questions; desires constantly, on account of general soreness, to move or to be moved about, as everything upon which he lies seems too hard; irritable and angry, wants to be left alone; fear of being touched; brown streak through middle of tongue; restlessness attending the soreness of abdomen; involuntary stool and urine, brown or white diarrhoea, with distension of abdomen before and rumbling in abdomen during stool; sore, bruised feeling in walls of chest and cough with expectoration of mucus and blood; loud blowing inspirations and expirations; head hot, rest of body cool, or at least not hot; head confused and cloudy, sitting as if in thought, yet thinks of nothing, like a waking dream; sleep unrefreshing and full of dreams, with whimpering and loud talking during sleep; STUPOR AND PETECHIAE.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Must not be given too early and it follows Rhus. Restlessness and anxiety, with fear of death, from the start to the end; EXTREME RESTLESSNESS WITH EXTREME EXHAUSTION, patient thinks himself still able to move, but when he tries, finds out how weak he is, and may faint away with cold sweat all over; picking at bedclothes; delirium, fever and anxiety (<) about and after midnight; face distorted, sunken, anxious, hippocratic; BURNING HEAT, AS IF HOT WATER WERE FLOWING THROUGH THE VEINS, with throbbing in head and desire to throw off covering; excessive thirst and drinks large quantities more frequently than mere sipping of fluid at a time; craves hot drinks; fluids roll audibly down the stomach; intellect enfeebled, but coma rare; eyes staring, glistening or sunken, dull, watery, or closed with sticky matter; hard of hearing; lips dry, cracked; LIPS, GUMS AND TEETH COVERED WITH BLACK SORDES; tongue red, cracked or black and stiff; hence speaks unintelligibly; papillae raised around dorsum and tip of tongue; APHTHAE IN MOUTH BLEED READILY; vomiting and retching; burning in stomach and bowels, sensitive to pressure; swollen abdomen full, but soft (China, hard, meteoristic), and from the decomposition of the fluids the flatus are putrid and offensive and the diarrhoeic stools scanty, brownish, watery, foul as from rotten ulcers, (<) from food and drink, after midnight, containing blood, mucus or pus; haemorrhages from different orifices; pulse weak, rapid or filiform and intermittent; breathing short and anxious; oppressed, rattling, dry cough; foetid breath, white miliary eruption, even petechiae; cold, clammy perspiration or hot, pungent, dry skin (calor mordax); restless and disturbed sleep, anxious and frightful dreams, (<) at 3 A.M. on account of great heat; decubitus; general and rapid sinking of life’s forces and excessive prostration. Erethistic typhoid fever, follows well after Rhus, and many authors raise their voices against giving it too early, considering it more indicated in the second and third week.

Arum-triph [Arum-t]

During delirium boring in nose, picking at one spot or at the dry lips; quivering of upper lids; picking ends of fingers and dry lips till they bleed; restless tossing about the bed, wants to escape; unconscious of what he is doing or of what is said to him; urine suppressed; putrid odor from mouth; buccal cavity raw and bleeding; diarrhoea dark yellow, fluid or mushy, each succeeding discharge more watery; sleepy, but on falling asleep sensation of smothering; great weakness; last stage, probably with uraemic poisoning.

Baptisia [Bapt]

FIRST STAGE OF TYPHOID OR SEPTIC FEVERS with predominance of nervous symptoms; face flushed, dusky-red or hot with a BESOTTED EXPRESSION, dulness and confusion of mind; chilliness and soreness of body with intolerance of pressure on lying; chilly all day and hot at night; nightly deliria with stupor, heavy sleep with frightful dreams; dark sordes on lips and teeth; tongue dry and brown down centre; pulse full and rapid, but soft and easily compressed; high temperature; restless, tossing about the bed with the illusion that he is double, or that he is scattered about and tries to get himself together again, or sensation as if his upper or lower extremities were enormously enlarged; slight sensitiveness in ileo-caecal region and yellow, putrescent stools. During second or third week prostration profound, stupor, patient falls asleep while answering questions; heavy, dark, besotted look of face; aphthae in mouth; ALL EXHALATIONS AND DISCHARGES EXCEEDINGLY OFFENSIVE; stools horribly putrid; urine and sweat offensive. Blood is decomposed from high temperature and sepsis.

Belladonna [Bell]

In the beginning, during the stage of irritation by the typhoid poison, furious delirium with screaming out and violent efforts to escape from the bed and house; face more often bright than deep red; pupils dilated, eyes injected; full of fear; intense headache, with lancinations in back part or top of head; vertigo with staggering on attempting to walk; frightful visions and dreams disturb sleep; heavy, snoring sleep with jerking of muscles, twitching of limbs and screaming out; tongue red, hot, dry, papillae inflamed and much swollen; speech difficult and stammering; reddish spots like flea-bites on chest, abdomen, face and neck; constipation or watery, profuse diarrhoea; urine scanty, with or without sediment; sense of weariness and heaviness in limbs, with marked debility and weakness, cold feet.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.