Hay fever

Homeopathy treatment for Hay fever from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Hay fever…

Catarrhus Aestivus

Antipyrin [Antipyrin]

Itching, burning in swollen nose; violent, incessant sneezing; stoppage of nose, though discharge is watery and profuse; eyes deeply suffused, lachrymation, itching and burning in eyes and ears; buzzing, singing in ears.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Nose discharges thin watery fluid, which excoriates the upper lip, and nasal passages feel stuffed all the time; dull, throbbing, frontal headache; sneezing without relief; ulcers and scabs form in nose; irritation in one spot in the nose as from tickling of a feather, causing sneezing, catarrhal asthma.

Ailanthus-glan [Ail]

Copious, thin, ichorous discharge from nose without foetor; rawness of nostrils, nose and upper lip covered with thick scabs; fluent catarrh with sneezing, lip cracked; eyes suffused and congested.

Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i]

In persons of pale, delicate complexion, prone to glandular affections, burning sensation in nostrils and throat, sneezing, profuse coryza, discharge thin and acrid; difficult breathing through nose, (<) morning and after meals; lachrymation; itching of eyes, nose, ears and mouth; eyes and nose red; rawness and dryness of throat with hoarseness and asthmatic breathing.

Aralia-rac [Aral]

Frequent sneezing; copious watery, acrid discharge, excoriating the nasal passages; smarting soreness of the posterior nares and alae nasi; suffocative catarrh with extreme sensitiveness to a draught, the least current of air causing sneezing; salty taste; awakes with suffocative breathing; cannot lie down; dry, wheezing breathing, (<) during inspiration, (>) by bending forward.

Arum-triph [Arum-t]

Nose stopped up, (<) left side, must breathe through mouth; sneezing, worse at night; acrid fluent coryza and still nose feels stopped up; nostrils sore; nose, lips and face chapped as from a cold wind; aversion to light; smarting of eyes; asthmatic breathing; tickling cough from mucus in trachea, (<) at night after lying down, with inability to sleep and hoarseness.

Cyclamen [Cycl]

Frequent sneezing with profuse discharge from nose and loss of smell and taste; itching in ears; confusion of head with dim vision, pale face, rings around eyes, depraved appetite, enfeebled digestion and menstrual irregularities.

Dulcamara [Dulc]

Nostrils entirely filled up, preventing breathing; constant sneezing; profuse discharge from nose and eyes, (<) open air, (>) in closed room; (<) on awaking and in the evening; cannot bear to near cut grass or newly mown hay; (>) at the seaside.

Euphorbium [Euph]

Sneezing, cough, chilliness and heat alternating; inflamed eyelids glued together at night; dryness of mouth and throat; oppression of chest; dry, deep, hollow, hoarse cough, with irritation of larynx; general prostration with desire to sit or lie down; (<) from draught of air or dust.

Euphrasia [Euphr]

Profuse coryza with smarting, lachrymation and photo-phobia, or with sneezing and discharge of mucus from anterior and posterior nares; profuse fluent coryza with cough and expectoration of mucus, mornings; soreness and painfulness of inner nose; profuse painless diarrhoea; abundant mucous secretion, with loose cough and bronchial rales.

Gelsemium [Gels]

At the very start of the disease; summer colds with violent sneezing in the morning; edges of nostrils red and sore; pharyngeal inflammation with pain on swallowing, shooting up into ear; deafness; hands and feet cold in afternoon; fever till morning; disposition to catch cold with every change of weather.

Kali-bichrom [Kali-bi]

Sneezing fluent acrid discharge, excoriating the mucous membrane from nostrils to throat; pinching pain across the bridge of nose, (>) by hard pressure; headache in left supraorbital ridge; hoarseness and oppressed breathing; wheezing cough with expectoration of tough stringy mucus; cough excited by eating and drinking; loss of smell.

Kali-iod [Kali-i]

Incessant sneezing for an hour or more every morning on rising; aching, heavy pressing pain between the eyes; lachrymation when sneezing, at night nose becomes stopped up, feels sore to touch; burning, corrosive watery discharge from nostrils; swelling and redness of nose and eyelids; corrosive tears; oppression of breathing; violent suffocative cough; rawness and burning in nasal and respiratory organs; choking sensation when awaking; profuse, white, frothy and stringy expectoration.

Naphthalin [Naphtin]

Fulness, pressure, stuffed up and aching feeling in frontal sinus and forehead, with itching in mouth, nose, ears and eyes; severe paroxysms of sneezing, profuse coryza, and lachrymation, irritating the anterior nares, causing redness, heat, swelling and soreness of nose; stuffed up, raw feeling in frontal sinus; coryza drops from nose; ASTHMATIC LABORED RESPIRATION, desire to have doors and windows open; bloated, full feeling with tenderness in epigastric region; stuffed up feeling in chest, more especially left and under sternum; must loosen clothing; used also as a prophylactic.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Least exposure to sun brings on most violent attack of coryza, with sensation of itching in nasal and lachrymal passages.

Psorinum [Psor]

Boring, stinging in right nostril, followed by excessive sneezing; burning, followed by thin nasal discharge, which relieves; nose sensitive when inhaling air; psoric constitution the cause of most hay fever, sometimes alternating with eczema.

Rhus-tox [Rhus-t]

Spasmodic sneezing; tip of nose red and sensitive; nose sore internally; hardness of hearing, especially human voice; influenza.

Rosa-damascena [Ros-d]

In the beginning when the Eustachian tube is involved, with some hardness of hearing and tinnitus aurium.

Ranunculus-bulb [Ran-b]

Smarting in eyes, eyelids burn and feel sore, nose stuffed up, (<) towards evening, with pressure at root of nose, crawling and tingling within its cavity; much hawking; hoarseness; sharp stitching pains in and about chest; burning on urinating; muscular soreness.

Sabadilla [Sabad]

Great itching and irritation of Schneiderian membrane, with violent paroxysms of sneezing; copious watery discharge from nose and eyes; severe frontal headache; fever; lachrymation in open air and when looking at a bright light; redness of eyelids; dryness of mouth without thirst; muffled cough, (<) on lying down; chilliness with heat in face; heaviness and pain in limbs; great sensitiveness to cool air.

Sanguinaria [Sang]

Frequent sneezing, (<) by odors; watery acrid discharge with much burning; depraved smell; pain in frontal sinuses; dry cough; oppression, pain and soreness in upper part of chest with difficult wheezing breathing, wheezy whistling cough; asthma with desire to take a deep breath; cough (<) at night.

Silicea [Sil]

Rose cold sets in with itching and tingling of nose, violent sneezing and excoriating discharge from nose; itching and irritation in posterior nares or at orifices of Eustachian tubes, causing the patient to hawk or swallow; hoarseness, roughness and dryness, with a tickling cough, coming apparently from the suprasternal fossa, (<) by cold drinks, by speaking and when lying down at night.

Sinapis-nigra [Sin-n]

Mucous membrane of nose dry and hot, NO DISCHARGE, (<) afternoon and evening; or red smarting eyelids, much lachrymation, frequent sneezing and discharge of thick acrid mucus, excoriating.

Sticta-pulm [Stict]

Feeling of fulness and heavy pressure at root of nose; tingling in right side of nose; loss of smell; coryza; dull, heavy pressure in forehead and root of nose; severe, dry, racking cough, caused by tickling in trachea, below larynx, (<) by inspiration; general feeling of dulness and malaise, as when catarrh is coming on.

Teucrium [Teucr]

(Marum ver). Tingling in nose, frequent sneezing, followed by coryza; profuse smarting in ears, in open air; tearing and scraping in fauces; tickling in upper part of trachea, (<) when coughing.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.