Morbus Brightii

Homeopathy treatment for Morbus Brightii from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Morbus Brightii…

Brights disease

Ammonium-benz [Am-be]

Eyelids swollen, face bloated, head heavy and stupid; soreness in region of right kidney when pressing back against something; pain across sacrum with urgency to a stool; urine scanty, smoky.

Apis-mell [Apis]

SECONDARY MORBUS BRIGHTII, A GENUINE CATARRH OF THE URINARY CANALICULI; dropsy may be general, but usually worse on eyelids and in upper part of body, with thirstlessness and absence of sweat; anasarca with shining white skin, ascites with great soreness and sensitiveness of the abdominal walls; cerebral oedema; pericardial effusion; oedema of lungs, with great dyspnoea and suffocative constriction about throat; pain in renal region, soreness on pressure and when stooping; frequent sudden attacks of pain along ureters, urine suppressed or scanty, high- colored, foetid, containing albumen, blood- corpuscles, uriniferous tubes and epithelium. Great debility; NO ANGUISH OR FEAR OF DEATH, AS IN ARS.; especially after scarlatina or diphtheria.

Argentum-nit [Arg-n]

Gastro-intestinal irritation, dull, passive, persistent headache, (>) from firm pressure; confusion of thought; giddiness with lassitude from fatty degeneration of liver and kidneys; haematuria, epithelial casts in urine.

Arsenicum-album [Ars]

PRIMARY CASES, TUBAL NEPHRITIS, Oedema begins with puffiness of eyes and swelling of feet and ends with general anasarca; great dyspnoea from cardiac trouble, either from defective carrying of the blood through lungs and system generally or from dropsy in chest, hydrothorax and hydropericardium; suffocative spells, (<) at night and on lying down; skin cool and clammy, while internally patient feels burning hot; urine highly albuminous with waxy and fatty casts; little blisters on legs burst and serum oozes from the dropsical limbs; with their tense, waxy, shining skin; exhausting diarrhoea; burning thirst with intolerance of water; extraordinary restlessness, especially after midnight, pulse intermittent, quick, weak, slow, tense; progressive emaciation and debility.

Arsenicum-hydr [Ars-h]

DEADNESS OF VARIOUS PARTS; hair rapidly loses its color; great fatigue and weakness, prostration on walking, urine suppressed, followed by vomiting; haematuria and haemorrhages from mucous membranes.

Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i]

MORBUS BRIGHTII FROM CARDIAC DISTURBANCES AND PERIODICAL EFFUSIONS, as it reduces the amount of albumen in the urine; constant headache, sallow features, enlarged spleen; heaviness in limbs with weariness of whole body; emaciation and prostration; unable to exercise in any weather.

Aurum [Aur]

INTERSTITIAL NEPHRITIS; CONTRACTED KIDNEY, marked cardiac hypertrophy; mercurial and syphilitic cachexia, swelling of liver, caries. RENAL TROUBLES SECONDARY TO CARDIAC AFFECTIONS, causing a decided albuminous crisis, passing over into hydraemia; at first the urine is increased in quantity, later it becomes scanty and albuminous; bloated, shining face; vertigo as if he would fall to the left side; bruised pain in head confusion in thinking, dyspnoea, palpitations.

Brachyglottis-repens [Brach]

(Puka-Puka). Albuminuria depending on nervous disturbance, as from overwork, gradually causing renal disorganization.

Berberis-vulg [Berb]

Gouty or rheumatic diathesis; burning in back; urine of dark, bloody appearance and largely supplied with albumen; tough mucus in mouth and throat; constant nausea and loss of sleep; frequent palpitation, slow, weak pulse, painful pressure and tension in the lumbar and renal regions, with sensation of numbness, puffiness, warmth, stiffness and lameness, extending at times into thee lower limbs, especially indicated in persons addicted to the use of alcoholic beverages.

Bryonia [Bry]

Urine almost dark-brown, darker and more scanty than usual; effusion in chest with sticking pain under sternum; frequent catching for breath immediately before paroxysm of coughing;suffocative attacks, more after midnight; asthmatic breathing, (<) from least motion; breathing hurried, quick, anxious, from stitches in sternum, compelling him to sit up.

Calcarea-ars [Calc-ar]

Great depression of mind with great anxiety and restlessness, head hot, temples oedematous, eyes have little brilliancy, face swollen, more about eyes, features pale and sunken; lips and tongue dry, but drinking causes pain in abdomen and diarrhoea; distention of stomach and abdomen; great sensitiveness to pressure in renal region; must urinate every hour and urine full of albumen; beat of heart very strong; pulse rapid and easily compressed; oedema of hands and legs; great weariness and drowsiness; collapse.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

ALBUMINURIA FOLLOWING ERUPTIVE DISEASES, especially variola; pressing pains in kidneys and loins or aching when riding; frequent urination, also at night;anxious sensation about heart and palpitations from slightest exercise; fluttering or heart and faintness; fatty degeneration of heart; dyspnoea (<) after walking and ascending, even turning in bed puts her out of breath; difficult breathing, awaking with anxiety; enlargement or induration of liver and spleen.

Cannabis-ind [Cann-i]

SEQUELAE OF PERICARDITIS; palpitations which awaken from sleep; pressing pain in heart, with dyspnoea, all night: oppression of chest, with deep, labored breathing, (<) when ascending; trembling with mental weakness; dimness of vision; countenance dejected and careworn.

Cantharis [Canth]

Early stage, especially when occurring from blows on the loins, or sudden changes of temperature; scanty secretion of high- colored urine, with scalding irritation in bladder and urethra; aching pains across the loins, or in the testicles; strangury, haematuria, erotism, serous exudations, burning pains, paraplegia; dysentery, with shreddy scrapings from the intestines; PLEURISY. Urine contains an excessive quantity of swollen epithelial cells, and coagulates rapidly under heat and nitric acid. Post- scarlatinal nephritis, threatening uraemia; more renal desquamation than blood (Terebintha, more blood than casts).

Carbolic-acid [Carb-ac]

POST-SCARLATINAL NEPHRITIS; EXHAUSTION, pale face; cold clammy sweat, loss of appetite; smoky urine, dark-green, almost black; desire for stimulants.

Chelidonium [Chel]

INTERCURRENT PNEUMONIA (Cann., pericarditis); short and quick breathing, with oppression and anxiety, as if he would choke; urine red and turbid, dark-yellow; constant pain under inferior angle of right scapula, extending into chest and stomach, causing nausea and vomiting; severe palpitations; weariness and lassitude; migraine with lethargy;weight in lower limbs; neuralgia in limbs.

Coccus-cacti [Coc-c]

Palliates the suffocative distress of breathing and the cough arising from the crowding of water against the diaphragm, as in the last stage with ascites; fits of absence of mind or unconsciousness; headache in forehead and temple;face deep red; sweetish taste, little appetite, thirst; unbearable abdominal

pains at night; urging to urinate, urine turbid;general lassitude. Pulmonary congestions during acute desquamative nephritis, with profuse mucous secretion and suffocative spasmodic cough.

Colchicum [Colch]

FIRST STAGE, flatulent distention of stomach; stools watery, jellylike, mucous or bloody, and mingled with a stringy substance; gouty pains in joints, urine dark and scanty, discharged in drops and depositing a whitish sediment; URINE AS BLACK AS INK, CONTAINING BLOOD, and loaded with albumen and tube-casts, smoky in appearance; pericarditis rheumatica with violent cutting, stinging pain in chest, with great oppression and dyspnoea; sensation as if the chest or heat were squeezed by a tight bandage; relapses from talking cold in damp weather or from suppressed perspiration; PATIENT CANNOT STAND UP STRAIGHT OR LIE DOWN WITH STRETCHED – OUT LEGS WITHOUT CAUSING PAIN IN RENAL REGION and vomiting, especially in albuminuria of pregnancy.

Crot. [Crot-h]

Torpor, sluggishness and quiet indifference; RETINITIS albuminuria; pale face as in faintness; nephritis albuminosa in pregnancy or form toxaemia, urine dark, smoky from admixture o fluid blood; passive renal congestion, when from embarrassed circulation, as from obstructive heart disease, asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc., especially during its course, or as sequelae of zymotic diseases; tremulous weakness all over, muscles refuse their service.

Cuprum-met [Cupr]

Convulsions of the head, which is drawn to one side; purplish-red swelling of face, twitching of limbs and biting of tongue; convulsions alternate with loquacious delirium, respiratory muscles affected by spasms, face and tongue turn blue; cold breath; DROPS FROM HYPERTROPHY OF HEART, urine containing albumen and renal elements; URAEMIC CONVULSIONS, vomiting, dyspnoea, suffocative cough; slow wasting away of the muscles; ascites; syphilitic hepatitis and cirrhosis hepatitis.

Digitalis [Dig]

GRANULAR DEGENERATION OF THE KIDNEYS; hydropericardium; scanty urination, urine albuminous, thick, blackish, urinary solids absolutely diminished; nephritis after scarlatina, with anasarca and oedema of lungs; dropsy with suppression of urine, CONTRACTED KIDNEY AND URAEMIC POISONING, with drowsiness, insensibility and frightful convulsions; general nervous prostration; effusion from weakness of vessels and diminished force of circulation; jaundice and easy vomiting; slow and intermittent pulse; bluish hue of skin.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.