Pulmonary phthisis

Homeopathy treatment for Pulmonary phthisis from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Pulmonary phthisis…

Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Pale, waxen emaciated countenance, hectic fever, profuse night- sweats; dropsy of feet and legs extending to knees; titillating cough, with much purulent sputum; oppressed breathing; haemoptysis, coughs up blood.

Aconitum [Acon]

As an intercurrent remedy for congestion of blood to chest, with short cough, haemoptysis, and disposition to pneumonia.

Agaricus [Agar]

Incipient tuberculosis; mental solicitude about his condition; tip of tongue studded with small, dirty-yellow aphthae; bad odor from mouth; frequent tickling irritation in windpipe (laryngo- phthisis); short breath in walking, has to stand still to get breath; frequent dry cough after meals; frequent hemming and bringing up small firm lumps of phlegm, without cough; rattling of phlegm in chest, worse mornings and when lying on back; sense of constriction in cardiac region, as if chest were too narrow or too full of blood; severe burning in chest; twitches running across chest in rapid succession, accompanied by pricking; sticking under nipple; small pulse; sticking between shoulder- blades; painful pressure on middle of sternum, (<) when inhaling; pulse feeble; night-sweats, with consequent sudamina.

Acalypha-indica [Acal]

Tubercular deposits in apex of left lung; HAEMOPTOE OF BRIGHT BLOOD IN THE MORNING, DARK AND CLOTTED IN THE EVENING; cough (<) at night and in paroxysms; constant and severe pain in chest, with dullness on percussion; played-out feeling in the morning, gains strength as the day passes on; progressive emaciation.

Ammonium-carb [Am-c]

Stitches in chest when stooping, (>) by raising the body; stitches in left side of chest, which do not permit her to lie on left side, (<) by breathing and by every motion of the body; dry cough at night, as from a feather down the throat, (<) towards early morn; stitches in heart; dyspnoea and palpitation at the slightest effort; chronic miliary eruptions on upper part of body or red spots there.

Ammonium-mur [Am-m]

Cough at every deep inspiration and when lying on right side, (<) after drinking and when lying with head low; COLDNESS BETWEEN SHOULDERS; chilliness or chills and heat, followed by night- sweats without thirst after midnight; cough dry in the morning, loose in afternoon and evening, with frequent stitches in chest and left hypochondrium; expectoration of blood following and itching in throat; slimy and bloody expectoration in the morning after getting up, with stitches and oppression in chest, (<) when moving arms; in the evening itching miliary eruption on chest; general debility with dimness of sight and ringing in ears, felt more on right side; colliquative diarrhoea.

Antimonium-crud [Ant-c]

Laryngeal phthisis; violent spasms in larynx and pharynx, as if filled with a plug; voice nearly gone; (<) from getting overheated in a warm room, (>) after rest.

Anisum-stell [Anis]

(Illicium). Spitting blood in small quantities and with puslike phlegm; frequent cough with pain at junction of third right rib with its cartilage.

Antimonium-tart [Ant-t]

Phthisis mucosa, BLENNORRHOEA PULMONUM; rattling or hollow cough, (<) at night, with suffocation; throat full of phlegm, sweat on forehead, vomiting of food.

Argentum-met [Arg-m]

Hectic fever in laryngeal and bronchial troubles; chill before midnight, every time the bed-coverings are raised; sweat after midnight, especially on chest and abdomen; cough with easy expectoration of white, thick, starchlike mucus, without taste or smell; violent stitches in chest impede breathing; cough excited by laughing (Stann).

Arsenicum [Ars]

Cough brought on or made (<) in the evening when lying down or in the morning when rising; great dyspnoea when lying down, day or night, has to be bolstered up to half or full sitting posture; acute, sharp, fixed or darting pains at apex and through upper part of right lung, (<) from motion; haemoptysis, with anguish, fear of death, burning heat all over body, (>) by getting up; SALTY EXPECTORATION DURING DAY, HARDLY AND AT NIGHT, or abundant greenish, foetid, purulent, bloody, thick; rapid emaciation and pronounced hectic; colliquative sweats, partial or general, (<) after midnight and coloring the linen yellow; sleeplessness or sleep disturbed by frightful dreams; aphthae; disgust for all food, great thirst and desire for acids and cold water; diarrhoea; chill undeveloped.

Arsenicum-iod [Ars-i]

Hectic fever with dry cough and titillation in larynx (<) at night; broncho-and laryngo-phthisis; pneumonic and haemorrhagic phthisis; bronchial asthmatic dyspnoea, breathing too rapid, even when at rest, increasing in rapidity on exertion; general feeble respiration; frequent, short, suppressed cough, often loose, with muco-purulent expectoration; respiration harsh and jerky in left apex; dull spot beneath left clavicle and coarse crepitation; left half of chest flattened and motionless; cough (<) on lying down at night and between 3 and 5 in the morning; irritability of bowels, fever with increased evening temperature and remission as they commence to move in the morning; aphthae during the last stage.

Arsenicum-nit [Ars-n]

LAST STAGE OF TUBERCULOSIS PULMONUM; cavernous respiration, hectic fever, but night-sweats now less abundant; extreme emaciation; pulse very frequent, great dyspnoea; incessant cough with copious green, purulent sputa.

Asarum [Asar]

Constant short, hacking cough; ALWAYS SICK ALWAYS COLD and shrinking from the cold; (<) in dry, cold weather, (>) in damp weather, frequent dull stitches in both lungs; thin, scrawny, cachectic persons.

Aurum-arsenios [Aur-ar]

Last stage of phthisis with rapid emaciation and debility (Hale).

Baptisia [Bapt]

HECTIC SUPPURATIVE FEVER; disposition to well-marked chills, or merely chilly feeling, followed by fever and perspiration (no night sweats, but like glue); general debility, languor, loss of that hopefulness so common to phthisical patients; great dyspepsia, less after the fever; profuse expectoration of tuberculous pus; marked anorexia; bowels regular; laryngeal phthisis, with severe, constant cough and great emaciation.

Balsam-peru [Bals-p]

CATARRHAL PHTHISIS. Cheesy degeneration of the tubercle, with copious purulent expectoration; profuse foetid expectoration from vomicae in lungs; hectic fever; debility, with slow, feeble circulation.

Belladonna [Bell]

Cough at night, shortness of breathing, and mucous rales; suitable to young girls approaching puberty, or to scrofulous children.

Bovista [Bov]

Incessant cough about 5 P.M., from a tickling and rawness in larynx; anxious respiration, (>) in fresh air, (<) by moving arms; sensation of intense burning in middle of chest, stitches in chest; abundant expectoration of tough bronchial mucus; chill with burning heat in face; chill mornings, heat afternoon.

Bromium [Brom]

PHTHISIS COMMENCING ON VOCAL CORDS; dry barking, whistling, croupy cough with scraping and titillation in larynx, which is painful to touch; air seems cold when passing through it; loose rattling of mucus in larynx and large bronchi with little expectoration; lower right lung and left apex affected; sensation of weakness and exhaustion in chest; cough (<) by exercise and when entering a warm room; congestion to head and chest, (>) by nosebleed; pain in mammary region going up into the axilla.

Bryonia [Bry]

Impossibility to expand chest when attempting to breathe deeply; profuse night and morning sweat; cough excites nausea and, vomiting.

Cactus-grand [Cact]

Phthisical fever and sweat with asthmatic breathing and violent action of the heart, when it is still doubtful whether cardiac or pulmonary disease will be developed; FIRST STAGE OF TUBERCULOSIS, haemoptoe with marked arterial excitement and convulsive cough, but feels better from the discharge.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Prodromal stage especially in rapidly growing young people with a leucophlegmatic constitution as well as fully developed phthisis, when large cavities are forming especially about middle third of right lung. PRODROMAL STAGE OFTEN PRECEDED BY DYSPEPTIC SYMPTOMS, as acrid eructations after fats, oils, or sugar; dislike to fat, constant tendency to diarrhoea, with prolapsus recti; irregular menses from atony, too early, too long, too profuse takes the breath away and causes vertigo and epistaxis; great mental and bodily depression, frequent nocturnal involuntary emissions. During second stage chest painfully sensitive to touch and respiration; constant short spasmodic cough, especially at night, with tough, yellowish green or bloody sputa in the morning, cold, clammy extremities, great chilliness, repugnance to animal food, which passes undigested, loss of

strength and emaciation; sweating of palms of hands and soles of feet; chest intensely painful to touch; evening aggravations; it acts more on middle third of right lung, where loud mucous rales are heard.

Calcarea-phos [Calc-p]

Incipient phthisis in anaemic patients; profuse sweat, especially about head and neck; later stage when cavities have formed, sunken-in intercostal regions; chronic cough with soreness and dryness in throat, stitches in chest, heat on lower part of chest and arm; purulent, greenish expectoration, haemoptoe; breathing rapid; great emaciation; cardialgia with great weakness; legs feel weak in the morning and after coitus; diarrhoea and flatulency (Martiny: in weekly alternation with Arsenicum iod., kept up for some time.). [Calcarea hypophosphorica.]

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.