Shock traumatic

Homeopathy treatment for Shock traumatic from the Homeopathic Therapeutics by Lilienthal. Homeopathic remedies for the treatment of Shock traumatic…

Acetic-acid [Acet-ac]

Great relaxation, with vertigo and fainting; dry heat after much burning or sprains; eyes sunken and surrounded by dark rings; weakening emissions next night; antidote to anaesthetic vapors.

Aconite [Acon]

Injury with fright, followed by fever, fear of death and misfortune; great restlessness; cannot be pacified; all the senses excessively keen; pulse tense, thready and wiry, chilly when uncovered, FAINTING WHEN RISING FROM RECUMBENT POSITION; COLD FEET.

Ammonium-caust [Am-caust]

Gunshot concussion of stomach, after failure of whisky; affections of tissues of organic life; skin pale, breath feeble; wants to lie down from excessive weakness and prostration; FELT THE WIND KNOCKED OUT OF HIM.

Arnica [Arn]

After injury, sickness of stomach or vomiting from shock, (<) from motion and from rising; wants the head low (Arsenicum and Bryonia, high); wants to be covered warmly, the whole body is cold, excepting the head and face, which are warm and hot; bruised feeling all over body; slow, weak pulse; fears of being hurt by the approach of persons.

Arsenicum [Ars]

Tendency to collapse, as in cholera; skin dry, cold or moist, pinched or livid; great restlessness; thirst for water little and often, vomits drink as soon as swallowed; wants external heat and cannot bear a breath of air, (>) WHEN PERSPIRING AND PAIN RETURNS AS SOON AS SWEAT STOPS (Secale, cannot bear heat, and throws off covering); hippocratic features; filiform pulse. Gangrene.

Calamus (infusion) [Calam]

Great faintness and fainting, immediately after profuse haemorrhages.

Calcarea-carb [Calc]

Often follows Sulph.; constant feeling of heat and coldness, with or without shivering; withered skin and emaciation; constant anxiety about his affairs; patient sweats from mental exertion; bone and other suppuration; marked fear; cold, damp feet; easy sweating from any exertion; cold hands and feet.

Camphora [Camph]

After injuries or shock the whole surface of body cold and clammy; face pale and bluish, lips also; tendency to diarrhoea from shock and exhaustion; pulse feeble; nervous anxiety with stupefaction of mind; feeling of great exhaustion and weakness; respirations few and sighing; nervous anguish.

Capsicum [Caps]

Great shock after injury; soft, carious state of the petrous portion of the temporal bone; cold, clammy skin; pulse thready, imperceptible; burning sensation internally and chilliness externally, especially between scapulae; prostration, beginning in back; sluggishness of body, as in cold weather; anxiety from constant danger of death, with chilliness in back.

Carbo-veg [Carb-v]

Collapse with hippocratic countenance; cadaverous stools; stagnant circulation; coldness of surface; BREATH ABSOLUTELY COLD, and still the patient wants to be fanned, though apparently dying; veins full of blood; frequent, scarcely perceptible pulse; loss of vision and hearing; sweat warm when it breaks out and slight warmth of the surface (Veratr. alb., sweat cold in collapse; Calcarea carb., sweat warm when it comes out and becomes cold on face).

Chamomilla [Cham]

Unnerved by the pain, (<) by talking and touch; groans all the time; cannot stand the pain; cold, moist skin; sweat on forehead and extremities cool; pain burning and as if torn, (>) by warmth (Veratr., (<) by warmth).

China [Chin]

After exhausting haemorrhages pale countenance and threatening collapse, fainting with ringing in ears, deafness and eructations; heat in cardiac region, he feels the blood coming warm from the heart; nervous agitation; anxious, can hardly breathe.

Chloroformum [Chlf]

If taken in whiffs after shock or an injury, gives relief, especially when respiration is nearly stopped, few and feeble; features motionless; lips livid, pulse feeble, unconscious; skin cold, pale; patient as if dying.

Coffea [Coff]

Restless and sleeplessness; mental anguish, afraid of the surgeon, more quiet when left alone; general hyperaesthesia, intolerance of all manipulations, which cause great agitation, interfering with treatment, (<) by any one walking over the floor ever so lightly; pain (>) from cold water; wide awake, as long as there is any light or noise about, even the ticking of the clock annoys him (Opium, Sanicula).

Cuprum [Cupr]

Deathly feeling behind ensiform cartilage; sighing; rolling from one side to another; at intervals trying to take a deep breath; frequently thready pulse; spasmodic symptoms; sickness at stomach; delirium, will dress himself to go home; cerebral paralysis, with the symptoms of collapse.

Digitalis [Dig]

GREAT CARDIAC DEBILITY; very slow pulse; faintness and weakness with sweat; bluish paleness; inactivity of pupils; optical illusions.

Gelsemium [Gels]

GREAT DISTRESS AND APPREHENSION AT THE MEMORY OF A FORMER ACCIDENT; overpowering fear with fatigue; unconscious anxious muttering; tendency to diarrhoea; diarrhoea with fear and aching in limbs; pale and anxious face; great exhaustion and prostration; head, arms, back and legs feel too heavy, feels easier and drowsy when resting on his couch.

Helleborus [Hell]

Shocks after as blow or fall on the head; drowsiness; one pupil larger than the other, semi-consciousness; breathing heavy and slow; pulse full and easily compressed; (<) from 3 to 6 P.M.

Hepar [Hep]

A little pain causes fainting, preceded by vertigo, then headache; involuntary deep inspirations; internal shiverings from below upward; very irritable and excitable; nervous trembling; limbs feel weak and bruised.

Hydrocyanic-acid [Hydr-ac]

Distorted features and dilated pupils; eyelids paralyzed, cannot open and close eyes; fluids gurgle down throat into stomach; general coldness; long-lasting faint; anguish and pressure in chest; hiccough; filiform pulse.

Laurocerasus [Laur]

Distorted features and dilated pupils; eyelids paralyzed, cannot open and close eyes; fluids gurgle down throat into stomach; general coldness; long-lasting faint; anguish and pressure in chest; hiccough; filiform pulse.

Hypericum [Hyper]

TETANUS, darting pains in back; contraction of muscles of various parts of body, resultant on injuries to nerves; tetanus following lacerations of skin, involving sensory nerves; INJURIES OF FEET AND HANDS OF vertebral region; shuddering all over, with desire to urinate; retention of urine; great nervous depression.,

Ipecacuanha [Ip]

Haemorrhage of bright-red blood; slight uterine haemorrhage of bright-red blood causes fainting and sinking (China, exhaustion from great loss of blood); suffocative feeling in air-passages; prostration, pallor, nausea; vomiting, colic, diarrhoea; pupils dilated; chilliness, cold hands and feet, which are dripping with cold sweat.

Lachesis [Lach]

SHOCK APPARENTLY STRIKES TO THE HEART; pain in heart and sensation of suffocation, want to tear everything away from throat from anguish, which causes cold sweat to break out; lying with body and limbs doubled up; nose, ears, forehead very cold; dizziness and blindness; skin shrivelled, cold, livid; pulse filiform, nearly gone, RAPID GASPING, INCESSANT SIGHING; blue rings around eyes; increasing stupor.

Lycopodium [Lyc]

RIGORS IN HECTIC AND SEPTICAEMIC FEVERS; forced respiration, with fanlike motion of the alae nasi, from obstructions in respiratory passages; rumbling in bowels; oppressed breathing from flatulency; red sand in urine.

Mercurius [Merc]

Sinking feeling at the heart, as if dying, sensation of blindness comes over him; skin livid and pulse thready; gasping breathing; warm, profuse sweat, which remains so until it is made cold by removing the covers, which sets him wild; lies with limbs drawn close to abdomen; nose, ears and forehead very cold; trembling from slight exertions; on waking from a doze trembling, as if frightened, with palpitations.

Natrum-mur [Nat-m]

Great thirst; threatened collapse, with intermittent pulse, (<) at eleven in forenoon and when lying on left side, with heart throbbing. CHRONIC AFFECTIONS AFTER INJURIES AND SHOCKS, (>) by sweat; dreams of horrible things – fire, murder, robbers-and feels anxious about it till search is made, (<) by consolation.

Nitric-acid [Nit-ac]

Anguish after crushing losses of dearest friends.

Nux-moschata [Nux-m]

CONSTANT DROWSINESS, even in chill; stupid and sleepy; pain from

pit of stomach to chest, sometimes very sharp and aching; least exertion makes him drowsy; slow, rattling breathing; diarrhoea; skin cool and sensitive to exposure; peculiar prostration of old people, who tire very easily (Agaricus, loquacity of old people); dry tongue and mouth, but no thirst.

Nux-vomica [Nux-v]

Despondent, always angry and fretful, fainting from slight causes; convulsions from flatulence, attended by clonic cramps and contractions; shooting pains in limbs; cold sweat, anguish and vertigo; haemorrhage of dark blood.

Opium [Op]

Breathing rapid, stertorous; tubular at long intervals; eyes fixed unequally; face pale or livid; injuries of brain, shock and concussion, with convulsions and unconsciousness; after fright.

Phosphorus [Phos]

Apparently listless state, with occasionally convulsive movement, followed by greenish vomiting; vomits drink as soon as it gets warm in stomach; copious, easy, gushing vomiting; cadaverous face; haemorrhage of bright blood.

Samuel Lilienthal
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal (1815-1891) was from Germany, and became a pioneer homeopath in America. He received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from the University of Munich in 1838. After he moved to the United States, he was hired as Professor of Clinical Medicine at New York College for Women, and also as Professor of Mental and Nervous Diseases at the New York Homeopathic College.
Dr. Samuel Lilienthal was the author of many great books including “Homeopathic Therapeutics”. For many years, with the support of Dr. Constantine Hering, he was the editor of the North American Journal of Homeopathy. Dr. Lilienthal passed away on February 2nd 1891 in San Francisco.