Answers to questions on page 12 and 13

Answers to questions on page 12 and 13…

1. Secale is almost a specific when the growth of foetus is arrested. (See Repertory by Dr. Calvin B. Knerr: GENITALIA—FEMALE, Pregnancy, foetus: arrests development, Secale.) One single dose of Secale 10M is sufficient.
2. See Calvin B. Knerr’s Repertory—Head—Cerebrospinal
affections – meningitis – epidemic: Zinc.
3. See Calvin B. Knerr’s Repertory—Stages of Life and
Constitution—Constitution, syphilitic—mothers, to
prevent disease in offspring: Aurum-mur-nat.
4. See Kent’s Repertory—GENERALITIES—IRRITA
BILITY—When too much medicine has produced an
over-sensitive state and remedies fail to act: Ph-ac.,
[Homoeopaths are giving medicines to patients. The
homoeo pharmacists put about ten drops of the tincture
to a 5 ml phial of pills. Regardless of whether the
homoeopath buys the potencies in dilution or pills, the
doctor inadvertently smells the medicine each time he
opens the phial to give a few pills to the patient. This
causes irritation, making them restless and/or haughty to
the point of telling that he need not learn any more thing
in homoeopathy. Also when the doctor himself is sick, no
homoeo medicine seems to act on himself.]
5. Life and Letters of Hahnemann by Dr. Richard Haehl and
another book by Bradford.
6. (a) Oxalic acid (Myelitis acuta, inflammation of the
spinal cord)-myelitis paralytica; pains occupy small
longitudinal places, < on thinking of them; limbs
stiff; dyspnoea and spasmodic constriction of chest,
paroxysms of short, hurried breathing, with
intervals of ease; acute pain in back gradually
extending down to thighs, with great torture, seeks
relief in change of position; back too weak to
support the body; spinal softening, weakness about
loins and hips extending down legs, with numbness
and loss of power.
(b) Oxalic acid (Paralysis)-sclerosis of posterior column;
pains shooting down from the cord to the extremities,
especially lower ones, stiffness of limbs, dyspnoea,
followed by a peculiar general numbness, approaching
to palsy; back feels too weak to support the body;
jerking pains, confined to small spots, lasting only a
few seconds; pains in small longitudinal spots;
paroxysms of dyspnoea.
We do not have any symptoms that appears latitudinally.
[Items (a) and (b) are from Lilienthal]. Have you still not
bought a copy of Lilienthal?

7. Crotalus horridus is the prime remedy for haemophilia.

8. (a) See the answer to question No. 12. (b) Diseases, more particularly acute, that are longstanding
and not cured in spite of best treatment, and where
patient is affected much, disturbing his daily routine.
We may call them by the term ‘Cachexia.’ Acute
diseases such cough, cold, diarrhoea, skin rash etc.
normally do not last long. When you find a patient with
these complaints standing long for years and bothering him much, you may use the term ‘Cachexia.’ This may
otherwise be called as weakness of the system or of a
part of body.
9. Crotalus horridus.
10. (a) Hamamelis: Passive haemorrhage. No anxiety or
(b) Phosphorus: Active haemorrhage with anxiety.
11. (a) Arnica (b) Cicuta (c) Millefolium (d) Phosphorus.

12. For a patient with chronic tonsillitis, you would generally look into the Repertory against the following: Tonsils, inflamed (quinsy, tonsillitis) (page 454 of Kent’s
Repertory) But remedies in this list may be useful for acute complaints of tonsillitis. For curing tonsillitis permanently, it needs ‘treatment of chronic diseases.’ Chronic tonsillitis is due to tuberculosis (See MEDICAL DISEASES OF
INFANCY AND CHILDHOOD by Dawson Williams, London: Cassel & Co. p. 338-348) When tuberculosis affects the lung it is called pulmonary tuberculosis or phthisis; with a family history of tuberculosis, when T. B. affects bones or glands it is called ‘scrofula’ or ‘struma’. All chronic affections of glands are due to tuberculosis in the family. Chronic affections of bones may be due to either tuberculosis or syphilis; (in syphilitic affections of bones we find ‘nightly boring’ pain.) Therefore, to cure a chronic tonsillitis patient, we must consider the following: Scrofulosis — glandular affections. Bar., Bell., Calc., Carb. an., Cist., Clem., Con., Dulc., Graph., Hep., Kali, Lapis, Lyc., Merc., Nitr. ac., Phos., Rhus, Sil., Staph., Sulph. [See p. 943 of Lilienthal]
13. The Accoucheur’s Emergency Manual by Dr. W. A.
14. See Dr. Calvin B. Knerr’s Repertory – MIND – Suicide,
attempted: Plb.
15. Pain at the point of amputation is called ‘ghost pain’.
Allium cepa is the remedy for this.
16. See Calvin B. Knerr’s REPERTORY—GENERALITIES—Bones, injuries,….after fracture of tibia:
17. “… a patient had been travelling about from oculist to
oculist, who had many visual troubles and no glasses
would suit…LAC FEL. cured her.” (See Kent’s
18. Physostigma (Calabar) – on walking, feeling of
unsteadiness from knees downward, so that he
has to tread carefully, especially when eyes are
shut; he must see where he is going wants a
cane to support himself; stiffness in recti
femoris; languor; flatulence.
Spinal irritation, loss of motility, prostration… Fibrillary
tremors. Rigidity of muscles; paralysis. Depresses the motor and
reflex activity of the cord and causes loss of sensibility to pain,
muscular weakness… Paralysis and tremors, chorea. —
Boericke Materia Medica—Physostigma.
Trembling of legs, as if one could not walk straight. A feeling as
if all power was going out of legs and they would give way; as if
the cause of the weakness came from that one spot in back, between hips, and took away all power below that spot from
limbs… Shuddering and trembling running down through all
nerves of body… Violent tremblings all over, in the street; felt
for an instant as if he should lose consciousness, and could hardly
get home; riding in a car for twenty minutes did not relieve
sensations… Loss of voluntary motion without loss of
consciousness… Complete relaxation of whole body, as if every
nerve was unstrung, even to the eyes, which felt as if all power
to see was going out of them. Giddiness and faintness without
uneasiness. Paralyses motor nerves, but does not impair
sensibility, intelligence and muscular irritability. — The Guiding
Symptoms of Our Materia Medica (10 volumes) by
Dr. Constantine Hering—Calabar.
Remember physostigma (Calabar) 10M one single dose,
for an old man walking with a cane trembling and treading
carefully, It is one of the old age remedies par excellence. Learn
by rote the above symptoms of Calabar in mind.

The present day seminars, work
articles in homoeo journals and books pub
after the year 1946 and research papers
Central Council are but mockery of homoeo
Homoeopathy is based on eternal laws. Ther
heories or principles of practice. It is ridiculous
principles’ and ‘theories’ of homoeopathy.
Question: Where will you look for remedies for c
of (a) the new born within twenty-four
birth; and (b) within one year of age?
Answer: (a) See the last chapter THE BABY in Y
(b) See (i) the Chapter GENITALIA—FE
INFANTS in Dr. Calvin B. Knerr’s
and (ii) “Children Diseases of—Morbi
Neonatorum et Infantum.” in HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS by Dr. Samuel
Lilienthal. (p. 148 to 184)

V. Krishnaamurthy