1. Introduction

Dr.Bernoville proposed to deal, this year with the drainage of the circulatory apparatus, the drainage of respiratory and genital systems. Last year he studied the generalities of drainage, drainage of the digestive system of the liver, drainage of the urinary apparatuses and of the digestive system….

2. Principles

In chronic states of old persons where the circulatory troubles are more and more important, the vascular drainage, has, on the contrary, an absolutely capital value….

3. Lymphatic

This third lecture of Dr. Bernoville concerning the drainage of the circulatory system includes the study of drainage of the spleen, lymphatic glands and of interstitial spaces….

4. Inflammatory Remedies

The fourth lecture will be concentrated to cardiac remedies in relation to the subjective troubles or troubles of inflammatory nature. The fact is to be noted that these remedies are almost exclusively used by the Homoeopaths….

5. Tonicardiacs

In this lecture on the drainage and canalisation on the circulatory system, Dr. Bernoville describes a series of homoeopathic remedies acting specially on the heart, remedies that are used according to the law of similars and physiologically as tonicardiacs….

6. Principal Remedies

These homeopathic medicines are used in ponderable doses. They are used in Homoeopathic doses only when the law of equilibrium becomes related to the law of similars. They are used more to give relief to the patient than to cure….

7. Cough

In the drainage of the respiratory system, the functional remedies cause to disappear the symptoms and the ground remedies are of capital value. It results thus that in the treatment of the diseases of the respiratory system one should act much more deeply than in the case of the diseases of the other organs….

8. Cough Remedies

Remedies of dry cough in the first stage of an acute disease are Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Ferrum Phos, Chamomilla, Veratrum viride, Hepar sulphur….

9. Classification

Spongia and Naja are very important in recurrent cough, nasal voice or loss of voice. But if the trouble seems to arise from the intracardiac nervous system or from cardiac troubles Naja is better than Spongia. …

10. Moist Cough

In the study of the remedies of humid cough we have to deal with remedies of direct drainage on the respiratory mucous, of expectorants, of medicines fluidifying the bronchial secretion such as Antimonium tartaricum, Kali bichromicum, Hydrastis, etc……

11. Topography

Hydrastis and Kali bichromicum have almost similar indications: Thick yellow thready discharge. They may be used together because they reinforced the actions of each other. …