Symptoms of the homeopathic medicine PHOSPHORUS from A Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics by A.C. Cowperthwaite. Find all the symptoms of PHOSPHORUS ……

      Common name. Phosphorus. Preparation. A saturated solution is prepared in Alcohol by a special process (see Pharmacopoeia) which corresponds to the 3x dilution. Subsequent dilutions are prepared in the usual manner. Triturations are also used, but the alcoholic solution is preferable.


Acts powerfully upon the vegetative nervous system and upon the blood, tending in each to disorganization and destruction, which is manifest more especially in the paralysis consequent upon the destruction of nerve force, and in the disorganization and decomposition of organic substance, consequent upon the modification of the blood life. The first condition produced is one of violent erethism, going on to congestion and inflammation; this soon gives way to a condition of torpor and paralysis, which may indicate exudation in parenchymatous organs, or decomposition of the blood and of organic tissues, including the brain, spinal marrow and the bones. The most essential action of of Phosphorus is upon the blood, the maxillary bones, the lungs and the teeth. The character of this action has already been indicated. In the blood, as a result of the decomposition and of the lowering of the power of resistance in the parietes of the vessels by fatty metamorphoses, there are haemorrhages and ecchymoses; in the maxillary bones and the teeth, caries and necrosis, and in the lungs tissues sanguinous infiltration, while in various organs and tissues there is fatty degeneration, notably in the liver and heart. It causes nephritis, subacute hepatitis and acute yellow atrophy of the liver. In all mucous membranes it causes inflammation and degeneration, especially throughout the alimentary and respiratory tracts. The special action of Phosphorus on each of the separate tissues and organs of the body may only be studied in the careful provings which Hahnemann and his immediate followers have left us.


Mind. Stupor, low muttering delirium (Phosphorus ac., Rhus tox.); grasping at flocks (Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium); loquacious (Hyoscyamus). Thinks he is several pieces, and cannot adjust the fragments (Baptisia, Petrol.). Stupor from which he would be aroused fro a moment only to lapse back into a muttering lethargy; and forgetfulness. Great apathy; very sluggish; dislike to talk; answers slowly or not at all (Mercurius, Phosphorus ac.). Great indifference to everything (Berberis, Carb., v., Cinchona, Phosphorus, ac., Selenium). Alternations of hysterical laughing and weeping (Aconite, Ignatia, Nux moschata). Tender mood, weary of life. Sad, apprehensive, depressed; filled with gloomy forebodings (Ignatia, Natr. mur., Platina, Pulsatilla). Anxious, apprehensive. Great anxiety and restlessness (acon., Arsenicum, Belladonna), especially when alone or during a thunder storm. Nervous, fearful (Aconite, Cinchona, Ignatia), especially in the evening (Calcarea c., Rhus tox.). Very irritable and fretful mood (Bryonia, Nux v.). Great indisposition to mental or physical exertion (Nux v., Sepia, Sulphur). Inability to think; ideas slow; cannot keep the mind on any particular subject (Gelsemium, Nux v., Phosphorus ac.).

Head. Vertigo, with heaviness sand pain in head, as if he has been lying with the head too low. Staggers while walking. (Nux moschata); after rising from bed (Bryonia, Chamomilla, Lycopodium, Picr. ac.); or from a seat (Bryonia, Kali bichromicum); worse mornings (Alumina, Nitr. ac.). Great dullness of the head; confused and heavy, with some vertigo. Weakness in head, could not endure sound of a piano. Congestion to the head (Aconite, Belladonna, Gloninum). Dull, pressive, frontal headache, extending to the eyes and root of nose (Aconite, Baptisia, Kali bichromicum, Mercurius iod.). Throbbing pain in the temples. Stupefying pain in the vertex. Sensation of coldness in cerebellum, with sensation of stiffness in the brain. Pulsations, sticking and burning in the brain; the heat enters the head from the spine (reverse, Paris.). Sensation of heavy pressure on


the top of the head. The brain always feel s tired, as if he could not get it rested. Shocks in the head following a mental strain. Sensation, as if the skin of the forehead were too tight (Causticum). Violent itching of the scalp (Causticum); with copious dandruff (Cantharis, Mez.). Falling out of the hair (Graphites, Nitr. ac., Sepia, Sulphur); the roots seem dry; in large bunches; bald spots above the ear.

Eyes. Pupils contracted (Mercurius cor., Opium, Phytolacca, Physos.); dilated. Eyes give out while reading (Myrica, Ruta, Sepia). Distant objects appear to be covered by a smoke or mist (Gelsemium, Lycopodium, Natr. mur., Silicea), Sees better in the morning, in twilight, or by shading the eyes with the hand. As if a black veil were before the eyes. Green halo around the candle (Osm.; red halo, Belladonna). Black floating points; sparks, spots and flickering before the eyes (Agaricus, Belladonna, Cyclamen, Mercurius, Sepia, Sulphur). OEdema of the lids and about the eyes (Arsenicum, Apis., Natr. ars., Rhus tox.). Twitching of left lids and external canthus. Frequent itching in the eyes.

Ears. Difficult hearing, especially of the human voice (Silicea). Sounds re-echo in the ears (Causticum, Mercurius, Phosphorus ac.). Feeling as if something were in front of the ears. Roaring ringing in the ears. Aching. Tickling. Itching.

Nose. Nose swollen and painful to touch (Alumina, Nitr. ac., Rhus tox.). INternal nose swollen, dry, and stopped up; ulcerated; scabs on margins of nostrils (Alumina, Calcarea c., Graphites, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Sulphur). Polypus of the nose (Calcarea c., Mar. ver.); bleeding easily. Frequent sneezing (Aconite, Gelsemium, Sanguinaria). Greenish-yellow discharge from the nose (Kali bichromicum); bloody, purulent mucus. Frequent blowing of blood from the nose; profuse nosebleed (Aconite, Hamamelis). Slow bleeding. Coryza; with inflammation of the throat (Mercurius), and dullness of the head; fluent and dry alternating (Alumina, Nux v., Silicea). Over-sensitive smell (Aconite, Agaricus, Belladonna, Colchicum, Graphites, Hepar s., Lycopodium, Sulphur); especially with headache.

Face. Face red, pale, sunken, earthy (Natr. carb.); sickly yellow (Sepia); icteric (Chelidonium): swollen, puffy (Rhus tox.). Eyes sunken with blue rings around (Cinchona, Kali iod., Secale, Sulphur). Cheeks hot; one or the other. OEdema of the lids and around the eyes (Apis.) Tension of the skin of the face. Tearing, darting pains in bones of the face, temples and jaw. Lips dry and parched, swollen (Bryonia). Crack in middle of lower lip. Necrosis of the lower jaw, rarely of the upper.

Mouth. Tearing, stinging pains in teeth. Gums separated from the teeth, and bleed easily (Argentum nit., Carb. an., Carb. v.), especially from touch (Mercurius, Nitr. ac.); painfully sensitive (Carb. an., Mercurius). Toothache from having the hands in cold water. Tongue swollen, dry and black (Opium, Veratrum alb.), chalky white; dry and white; dry and red (Rhus tox.); dry and brown center (Baptisia, Plumb.); coated yellow (Chelidonium, Cinchona). Dryness of the mouth and throat (Arsenicum, Bryonia, Nux moschata, Pulsatilla). Bitter taste in the mouth; sour; after milk. Bloody erosions on inner surface of cheeks. Salvia increased, watery, tasting saltish (Antim crud., Mercurius cor., Sulphur); or sweetish (Plumb., Pulsatilla). Difficult articulation (Belladonna, Gelsemium, Stramonium); speech slow.

Throat. Dryness of the throat day and night. Tonsils swollen. Hawking of cool mucus in the morning. Roughness and scraping in the throat; worse toward evening (Ammonium carb., Carb. v., Causticum, Pulsatilla, Rumex.).

Stomach. Ravenous hunger, especially at night; feels faint. Loss of appetite (Alumina, Arsenicum, Cinchona, Natr. mur., Opium). Longing for acids and spicy things (Antim crud., Ant. tart., Hepar s., Veratrum alb.). Thirst; unquenchable; longs for something refreshing (Phosphorus ac.). Regurgitations of food (Podophyllum); also in mouthfuls (Alumina, Carb. v., Nux v., Sulphur). Eructations, empty, sour, of food; tasting of the food (Antim crud., Calcarea c., Carb. an., Cinchona, Graphites); ineffectual. Much belching of wind after eating (Carb. v., Cinchona). Constant nausea (Ant. tart., Digit., Ipecac., Lobelia). As soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up (Bism.). Vomiting of food (Ipecac., Kreosotum, Plumb., Veratrum alb.); of blood, mingled with bile and mucus (Nitr. ac.); of black substances (Plumb.); like coffee grounds. Great fullness in stomach, and painfulness to touch and pressure (Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Lycopodium). Cardialgia. Pressure, as from a hard substance above pit of stomach. Pressure in pit of stomach, as from a heavy weight, after eating (Bryonia, Nux v.). Oppression and burning in epigastrium (AEsc., Arsenicum, Cantharis, Iris., Veratrum alb.). Drawing pin in pit of stomach, extending to chest. Spasmodic drawing pain in stomach (Pulsatilla).

A.C. Cowperthwaite
A.C. (Allen Corson) Cowperthwaite 1848-1926.
ALLEN CORSON COWPERTHWAITE was born at Cape May, New Jersey, May 3, 1848, son of Joseph C. and Deborah (Godfrey) Cowperthwaite. He attended medical lectures at the University of Iowa in 1867-1868, and was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1869. He practiced his profession first in Illinois, and then in Nebraska. In 1877 he became Dean and Professor of Materia Medica in the recently organized Homeopathic Department of the State University of Iowa, holding the position till 1892. In 1884 he accepted the chair of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Clinical Medicine in the Homeopathic Medical College of the University of Michigan. He removed to Chicago in 1892, and became Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. From 1901 he also served as president of that College. He is the author of various works, notably "Insanity in its Medico-Legal Relations" (1876), "A Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics" (1880), of "Gynecology" (1888), and of "The Practice of Medicine " (1901).