PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM signs and symptoms from the Characteristic Materia Medica by William Burt of the homeopathic medicine PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM…


The action of this remedy I believe to be principally upon the pneumogastric nerve, and spinal cord; through this it especially affects the liver, and intestinal canal. The rectum, small intestines, and stomach are violently inflamed by its action, accompanied with vomiting, purging, violent colic, dysentery, tenesmus and prolapsus ani. The hepatic secretion is greatly augmented, urine dark color, &c. In some cases it has produced salivation.


Morning diarrhoea; stools watery and green; or they may be natural, but exhaustive.

Severe colic every morning, with stools of mucus and blood.

Black stools only in the morning.–HALE.

Green, sour stools in the morning.

Flatulence during dentition, with green sour stools in the morning.

Dysenteric diarrhoea, depending upon inflammatory irritation of the rectum.-.

Severe straining during stool, with emission of much flatulence; mucous stools, with spots and streaks of blood; thirst but no appetite.–DR. E.P. ANGEL.

Diarrhoeic and dysenteric stools; pain preceding an evacuation; relieved by pressure.–DR. C. MILLER.

Yellow watery stools, with meal-like sediment.–DR.


Colic of a high grade; the pain originating in a depraved and excessive secretion, through the solar plexus.

The disturbance in the nervous ganglia is only in consequences of the excessive hepatic action.–S.L.

The pains in the abdomen and back are worse during stool, and continue after.–S.L.

Enteritis folliculosa; larger stools than are to be expected from the amount of the ingesta taken, with great fetor.–E.A.


Food turns sour, with belching of hot flatus, which is very sour.–RAUE.

Vomiting, with very severe spasms of the stomach; vomits bilious matter mixed with blood.

Has an extensive reputation for the expulsion of gall- stones; the gall-stones are removed by the excessive amount of bile secreted, under the action of Podophyllum.

The patient is constantly rubbing and shaking, with his hands, the hypochondriac region.

Biliousness, with nausea and giddiness; bitter taste, and risings; tendency to bilious vomiting and purging, with dark urine.-.

Prolapsus ani; particularly following parturition; accompanied with exhausting, frequent stools, worse in the morning.–RAUE.

Hemorrhoids, with prolapsus ani, and morning diarrhoea.– Child lying upon mother’s lap, moaning constantly; eyes half closed, rolling the head, stools offensive, and of a dark color Rolling of the head, with moaning in sleep, eyelids half closed.–DR. MILLER.

Hydrocephaloid diseases of children.

William Burt
William H. Burt, MD
Characteristic materia medica Published 1873
Physiological materia medica, containing all that is known of the physiological action of our remedies; together with their characteristic indications and pharmacology. Published 1881