SABADILLA symptoms from Manual of the Homeopathic Practice by Charles Julius Hempel. What are the uses of the homeopathy remedy SABADILLA…


SABAD – Semen Sabadillae, Veratrum Sabadilla, Alder Buckthorn, Berry-bearing Alder. See Stapf’s “Additions.”.


Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natr-mur., Nux-v., PHosph., Pulsatilla, Rhus-tox., Sepia, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Veratrum


Camph., Pulsatilla


Painful drawing in all the limbs and heaviness in the feet. Drawing through all the limbs and sensation as if paralyzed. Pain in the limbs, especially the lower. Intense but transitory pain, as of bruises, in various parts of the body. Sensitiveness to cold. Intense pain in all the bones, especially the joints. Tremulous sensation and trembling in the upper and lower limbs. Weakness of the whole body. Weariness in the limbs. Great weariness and heaviness in all the limbs, especially the joints. Weariness and heaviness in all the limbs.


Burning creeping sensation about the body.


Frequent yawning, with lachrymation. Excessive drowsiness. REstless sleep. Unrefreshing sleep. Pulsation all over, in the evening, before falling asleep. Excessive itching all over, at night in bed. Sleep disturbed by frightful restless dreams.


Small spasmodic pulse and coldness of the limbs. Febrile shivering through the whole body. Shivering over the back; he feels chilly through the whole body. Burning heat in the face, with chilliness over the body, especially in the extremities. Febrile condition there is seething of the blood; irresistible desire to sleep, with yawning icy-cold shuddering without shaking; constant nausea. Intermittent fever. Chilliness or external coldness with shaking of the limbs, with little or no thirst, followed by heat with little thirst, and accompanied or followed; by sweat. Quotidian tertian or quartan fevers, occurring at a regular hour, attended with loss of appetite. Oppressive bloatedness of the stomach, pain in the chest, cough, debility, and thirst between the chilly and hot stages. During the chilliness: pain of the upper ribs, dry, spasmodic cough, and lacerating in all the limbs and bones. During the hot stage: delirium, yawning, and stretching. Sleep during the sweat. After the fever the limbs feel bruised without any other complaint.


Cheerful disposition. Anxious restlessness. Great anguish. Rage.


Vertigo, as if everything were turning. Vertigo, as if he would faint, with obscuration of sight. Gloominess of the head. His head feels dull and heavy.


Aching in the vertex. Pressure in the head, with heaviness. Tensive pain in the forehead, with pressure. Stupefying, oppressive sensation in the forehead. Headache, as if the head were violently squeezed from all sides. Painful pressure in the head, as if the whole head would be pressed asunder. Itching, with pressure in the head, most violent in the forehead. Constant headache, or sort of tension. Dull sensation in the forehead. Slight jerking headache. Headache, especially after every walk. Headache, occasioned by continued attention. Pulsative headache in the right side of the forehead. Sticking headache, especially in the forehead. Confused headache, with burning and itching of the scalp. Tension of the scalp, particularly during the fever. Stinging in the scalp, particularly on the forehead and temples. Burning pain on the hairy scalp. Itching of the hairy scalp.


Head and stinging itching in the face. Burning of the lips, as if scalded. Pain of the lower jaw on touching it, as from swelling of the glands.


Pressure in the eye-balls. Blue rings around the eyes. REdness of the margins of the eye-lids, and sensation in the yes as if an inflammation would take place. Dim-sightedness, with vertigo. Lachrymation. Blackness before the eyes.


Otalgia and snapping as of electric sparks in the ears. Humming and buzzing about the ears.


Contractive, biting sensation in the nose. Itching tingling in the nose. Bleeding from the nose. Occasional sneezing, accompanied with sticking contractive headache over the eyes, and red margins of the eye-lids. Fluent coryza, with disfigured countenance and dullness of the head.


The lower jaws, when touched, are painful like swollen glands. Drawing in the jaws and teeth. Subdued beating and drawing in the teeth.


Burning at the tip of the tongue. The tongue feels sore, and as if full of blisters. The tongue is coated, mostly yellowish. The tongue is coated white, the tip is bluish. Dryness of the mouth, without thirst. Burning of the tip of the tongue, with great soreness of the throat.


Sore throat when swallowing. The throat feels swollen. Scraping sensation in the fauces, with dryness and difficulty deglutition. Swelling of the uvula. Burning and pressure in the throat, during and between the acts of deglutition. Scraping and painful sensation in the throat. Tensive crampy sensation in the parotid gland. Burning crawling, stinging sensation in the palate. Constrictive sensation deep in the throat. Oesophagitis.?.


Flat, bitter taste in the mouth. Loss of taste and appetite. Aversion of food. Thirst.


Frequent painful eructations. Empty eructations, with a feeling of shuddering over the body. A kind of heartburn, heat being felt in the abdomen, extending through the stomach and as far as the mouth, accompanied with considerable ptyalism. Nausea while eating. Nausea, water-brash, and vomiting. Feeling of nausea and pain, with weakness. He feels qualmish and nauseated. Nausea and desire to vomit. Constant desire to vomit. Nausea and gulping up of bitter mucus. Nausea, with bitter taste on the tongue. Nausea, with retching. Vomiting of ascarides.


Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Horrid burning in the stomach, immediately after walking. Slight pressure in the stomach, with sensation as if bloated. Burning in the stomach and along the oesophagus. Corrosive burning pain in the stomach. Sudden oppression of breathing, in the pit of the stomach, with anxiety. Gastritis.


Digging up in the liver. Burning pains in the abdomen. Sticking in the right side, especially in the region of the liver. Pain in the stomach and abdomen, as from a stone. Cutting in the abdomen, as with knives. Shuddering in the abdomen. Colic, with violent urging to stool, with imperceptible discharge. Burning in the abdomen and rectum, coming on after every stool. Abdomen, hands, and chest are covered with red spots.


Violent urging to stool. Slippery and liquid stool, mixed with blood and mucus. Diarrhoea; the stool looks fermented and brown. A sort of pinching sensation around the umbilicus, followed by a copious evacuation. Dull pains in the anus and abdomen. Violent titillation in the rectum, as from ascarides. Taenia.


Increase of urine, mixed with blood. Burning in the urethra, between the acts of micturition, with urging to urinate. The urine becomes thick and turbid, like loam-water. Scalding in the urethra, when urinating.


Painful erection, with some chordee in the morning. Lascivious dreams in the morning, with scanty emission of semen.


Decrease or increase of the menses.


Hoarseness. Nightly dry cough, which leaves him no rest. Short dry cough, produced by a scraping in the throat. Cough as soon as he lies down. Deep dull cough, with bloody expectoration. Vomiting when coughing, with sticking in the vertex, and pains in the stomach. Grippe. Tightness in the pit of the stomach and chest, especially during an inspiration. Short difficult breathing, especially in the afternoon. Great oppression of the chest. Palpitation of the heart, and sensation as if all the arteries in the body were beating.


Violent pain in the small of the back. Pain in the small of the back, with chilliness. Simple pain in the whole back, as from weariness. Bruising pains in the spine, when sitting. Pain in the nape of the neck, when moving.


Convulsions of the arms. Aching in the muscles of the upper arm. Spasmodic jerking in the elbow. Small burning itching pimples on both fore-arms. Raging pain in the fingers and toes. Trembling of the arms and hands.


Aching pain in the hip. Stinging sensation in both thighs. Violent pains in both thighs, as if they had been compressed. Burning of the knees. The knees feel weary. Violent lacerating tensive pain in the calves. Weariness in the legs.

Erysipelatous inflammation on the right tibia, with violent burning pain. Heaviness in the feet. Swelling of the feet. Tension in the feet.

Charles Julius Hempel
Charles Julius Hempel (5 September 1811 Solingen, Prussia - 25 September 1879 Grand Rapids, Michigan) was a German-born translator and homeopathic physician who worked in the United States. While attending medical lectures at the University of New York, where he graduated in 1845, he became associated with several eminent homeopathic practitioners, and soon after his graduation he began to translate some of the more important works relating to homeopathy. He was appointed professor of materia medica and therapeutics in the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1857.