Medicines for complaints during nursing and lactation like milk fever, sore and cracked nipples, deficient milk production and help with weaning with homeopathic remedies….

XLVII. The Breasts.

Much inconvenience and suffering may be obviated by paying proper attention to the breasts during pregnancy. It is then especially necessary to examine whether the nipples are of the proper size and shape, for in many instances the nipple is naturally deficient, or has been so thoroughly compressed by tight clothes, that after confinement it can scarcely be said to exist. The pain thus induced is often very severe. A very simple and efficient plan has been suggested in these cases: it consists in winding woollen tread or yarn two or three times around the base of the nipple (Which is to be previously drawn out sufficiently), and tying it moderately tightly, but not so tightly as to interfere with the circulation. In this way the nipple may be kept sufficiently prominent; the woollen threads may be worn for many days without the least inconvenience.

During the last two or three months of pregnancy, the breasts should be regularly bathed with cold water every morning, and perfectly dried by means of a coarse towel

For simple excoriation or tenderness, the nipple may be washed two or three times daily with water in which a few drops of the tincture of Arnica have been mixed, or the Glycerol of Hydrastis may b applied.

XLVIII. Milk-Fever.

Soon after delivery a pricking sensation is generally felt in the breasts, which gradually swell and harden during the next day or two, until they feel very heavy to the mother. Sometimes this is attended with a rigor, and slight general febrile action; this is commonly called “Milk-fever.: In some cases the disease borders on, or runs into, Puerperal, or Child-bed fever, when the patient suffers from headache, pains in the loins, alternate chills and heat, and thirst; the pulse is full and firm, thee tongue white, and thee Lochia suppressed or diminished, Usually, however, Milk-fever is but a slight temporary disease; the symptoms, if not aggravated by any improper exposure, subside in a few hours, and the breasts having in the meantime acquired their function, the milk finds vent at the nipples. Exposure to cold will greatly aggravate the symptoms.

TREATMENT. In severe and prolonged cases, and especially with women who do not intend to nurse their offspring, one or more of the following medicines may be necessary.

Bryonia. Distended breasts, oppression and shooting pains in the chest, etc. This remedy is often alone sufficient.

Aconitum. Full and strong pulse, pain in the head, dry skin, and thirst. A dose every two hours, in turns with Bryonia

Belladonna. Violent pains in the head, confusion or wandering of ideas, redness of the face, glistening eyes, and other symptoms indicating cerebral disturbance. This medicine may follow Aconite, or be alternated with it, every two or three hours, till the above symptoms subside.

XLIX. Sore Nipples.

In most cases, if the preparatory treatment suggested, page 157-8, has been adopted, soreness of the nipples will be prevented. But where there is a tendency to excoriation and soreness, the nipples and the breasts around should be bathed several times daily with a lotion made by adding twenty drops of the pure tincture of Arnica 1. If there is a predisposition to Erysipelas, Calendula lotion will be preferable to Arnica, and may be applied in the same manner or or Hydrastis to a tumbler of water. The author can testify to the entire success of one of these applications in a very large number of cases which he has treated. The lotion should be applied after thee infant has sucked, and the nipple moistened with saliva or mucilage before nursing.

In obstinate cases, in which thee complaint apparently arises from constitutional causes one or more of the following remedies may be administered: Calcarea, Graphites, Mercurius, Silicea, or Sulph.

Administration. A dose of Calcarea every six hours for two or three days; if the in convenience is diminished, the remedy should be continued twice a day for a few days longer; if there be but little improvement, another medicine may be administered in the same manner.

ACCESSORY MEANS. In order to prevent sore nipple, as often as the child is nursed they should be gently washed with tepid water immediately afterwards, very carefully dried, and then dusted with very fine wheat flour. As before recommended, the wheat flour. As before recommended, the entire breast and chest should receive ablutions in water, night and morning-using cold water if the patient can bear it, but if not, tepid, and gradually reducing it to thee natural coldness.

In these, as in all personal ablutions, rainwater will be found highly beneficial; and we are persuaded that if its salutary effects upon the skin, both remedial and preventive, were more generally known, grater pains would be taken in storing it for such purposes.

L. Gathered Breast. (Mammary Abscess.)

This disease may arise at any time during the nursing period, but is most likely to occur about the fourth or fifth day after delivery.

CAUSES. Exposure to cold, by not covering the breast during nursing; sitting up in bed to nurse thee child; too small, too depressed, or sore nipples, so that thee breast becomes distended with milk, favouring inflammation and suppuration; strong emotions; mechanical injuries; too prolonged nursing; in the latter case, the Abscess may not appear until a late period-from the tenth to the twelfth month. Thee great predisposing cause is constitutional debility.

TREATMENT. Bryonia. LArge collection of milk, hard, heavy, hot, and painful breasts. A dose every three hours. Belladonna may be alternated with Bryonia every three hours, if the surface of the breast has an erysipelatous and glossy appearance; or Aconite if there is much feverishness.

Phytolacca. Inflammatory engorgements of the gland; it may bee used internally and as a lotion. The testimony to its value is very strong.

Phosphorus. Fistulous mammary Abscess.

Silicea. If suppuration be tardy, or seem to require aid. HeparS. is also good in these conditions.

China. Much weakness from excessive discharge. If the suppuration continue profuse, this remedy should be alternated with Silicea

Arsenicum. Abscesses with burning pain and great debility.

ACCESSORY MEANS. The preventive treatment consists in applying the infant to the breasts in order to empty them as soon as they are filled, when the milk is unaffected; in keeping the breasts and person of the patient warm; and in moderate diet. The enlarged breast should be supported by a broad handkerchief, so as to take off the weight, which aggravated the patient’s sufferings greatly; also a linseed poultice, when suppuration is threatened, or a piece of spongio-piline immersed in hot water, should be applied to the part; this will allay the pain by relieving tension. Fomentations with hot water are also highly useful. In extensive engorgements and induration an opening may bee necessary, which should be made, as soon as fluctuation is discovered, in the most dependent part.

LI. Retarded, Scanty, or Arrested Flow of Milk.

The secretion of milk may be tardy or deficient; or may be suddenly suppressed from exposure to cold, powerful emotions of the mind, or from any circumstances likely to cause febrile symptoms.

TREATMENT. Pulsatilla. Tardy flow, or partial or entire suppression. The immediate administration of this remedy almost invariably arrests these symptoms, and indeed exerts a healthful influence over the female constitution, in almost every departure from the normal course during the whole period of nursing.

Calcarea. Deficiency in the secretion of milk at the outset, or fulness or enlargement of the breasts, with tardiness in the formation of milk. This remedy may follow Pulsatilla.

Aconitum. Febrile symptoms; a dose every hour or two for three or four times; afterwards every four hours for several times.

Coffea. Great restlessness or sleeplessness. A dose or two will generally remove these symptoms.

Chamomilla. Suppression caused by a fit of anger; Ignatia-by grief; Dulcamara-by a chill.

ACCESSORY MEANS. When the distension and consequent irritation have been relieved by the appropriate medicine, the milk which has been arrested will generally flow freely Should the discharge continue imperfect, the breast-pump may be used, or better still, a stronger child may be applied; or the following may be tried:

METHOD FOR PROMOTING THE FLOW OF MILK. Take a decanter, or a soda-water bottle, and fill it with boiling water. When it is thoroughly hot, suddenly empty it, and press it gently on the breast, with the nipple in the neck of the bottle. The discharge of the water, and the gradual cooling of the decanter will create a vacuum; the nipple will be drawn into it without pain, and in almost every instance the milk will immediately flow. The experiment may safely be repeated, after a short interval, if it does not happen to be successful at first.

DIET. A nutritious and digestible not an extra-diet is necessary. Good cocoa is one of the best auxiliaries in improving the quality and increasing the quantity of the mother’s milk. The writer has known it to succeed admirably when other means had failed. During the whole period of nursing this nourishing beverage will be found highly conducive to health.

Edward Harris Ruddock
Ruddock, E. H. (Edward Harris), 1822-1875. M.D.

Author of "The Stepping Stone to Homeopathy and Health,"
"Manual of Homoeopathic Treatment". Editor of "The Homoeopathic World."