CALCAREA SULPHURICA. Calcarea sulph. was a pale, sickly, cachectic individual with a pimply face and Calcarea sulph. was in trouble. He had bruised his finger an…

Calcarea sulph. was a pale, sickly, cachectic individual with a pimply face and Calcarea sulph. was in trouble. He had bruised his finger and inspite of all the nursing he had given it, a felon was developing.

Calcarea sulph. is another one of Schussler’s friends. Miss. Calcarea has been compelled by circumstances to follow Mr. Sulphur so much, that she finally made up her mind that if she must follow him all her life, she might as well marry him and be done with it, and young Calcarea sulph. was the result.

When we call to mind all the suppurations of Mr. Sulphur and remember that Miss. Calcarea was so prone to suppurations that even small wounds suppurate instead of healing, it will give no surprise that poor Calcarea sulph. has continually some felon, run-around, boils, or abscesses to nurse and if per chance, he is free form these, then pimples, ulcers, or eruptions take his attention.

If Calcarea sulph. receives a blow, the place suppurates; if he bruises his fingers, pus forms; if he sticks a splinter into himself, he immediately festers; little cuts or wounds do not heal, but suppurate; his burns follow the same course; he can’t even have chilblains like other people, for his chilblains also end in the suppurating process. One physician says this condition is due to poverty of blood, another says it is due to too much blood, but the wise old ladies are all sure it is due to impure blood. It is always the blood and never Calcarea sulph. that is sick. Does his history not reveal whence came this sickness?.

When a baby, Calcarea sulph. had a sore head, and eruptions upon the scalp. Remembering the child heads of the mother and father, it is not difficult to tell whence it came. The scabs were yellow, just as were his father’s and mother’s before him and it was cured in the self same way by local applications.

Shortly after the disappearance of the eruption, baby Calcarea sulph. had bleared, red eyes, and he suffered from colics. The eyes grew worse and the thick yellow pus of ophthalmia with deep ulcerations of the cornea followed. The mother said that anyone who could see that discharge would know that baby took his sore eyes from his father. The father answered that the scars on her own cornea plainly told the origin of disease. Wherever they came from, they were cured as were both Calc’s. and Sulph’s. by “eye water and yellow salve.”

After this time a catarrh appeared. There was a thick yellow, ropy, sometimes blood-streaked mucus discharge from the nose with a yellowish green mucus in the post nares. Calcarea sulph’s. catarrh was more like his mother’s. Before the catarrh was cured, little Calcarea sulph. was unfortunate enough to receive a blow on the ear which resulted in suppuration. It is possible that he might have had this ear trouble even if he had not received the blow, as he inherited otitis from “both sides of the house” Patent catarrh medicines and an ear syringe saw him through these troubles.

Calcarea sulph. was as hungry as his father but he didn’t care any more for meat than his mother did. He cared more for green and sour vegetables and fruits. He was a perfect grandmother in his desire for tea and like both father and mother he was fond of his wine. Like his mother, his muscles do not seem to have any strength. He is always tired and complains of weakness and wants to lie down. Mr. Sulphur says they ought to eat more meat. Like his father, he is sleepy during the day and sleepless at night. Calcarea sulph. likes the open air and even cold air and he wants to be in it. His father wants the doors and windows all open so he can have fresh air, but he would rather be in the house. Calc- sulph’s bath makes him cold, gives him pain in the knees and lungs, and Coryza. His father doesn’t like the bath either for sundry reasons.

There is a great tendency in Calcarea sulph. to the formation of pus. There is discharge of pus from the nose, eyes, ears, rectum and urethra. Abscesses come almost anywhere with the slightest provocation, even his ulcers, of which he has many, discharge thick yellow pus. What wonder then, that like his mother he had hip joint disease and suppurating glands.

Calcarea sulph. has been sinned against and he has sinned. What right had two such extremely psoric individuals to marry and thus intensify their sickness in future generations, but even so, the sufferings of the child might have been averted, had the demonstration of the disease been met along the line of cure instead of suppression. so far Calcarea sulph. has been sinned against but Calc- sulph. had syphilis and gonorrhoea which he did not inherit and they also were suppressed. As a result of this life-long suppression of his inherited and contracted diseases, we find him a cachectic individual with a chronic cough, spells of difficult breathing, pain in the chest and hectic fever accompanied by constipation and red urine. The disease which has persistently tried to demonstrate itself upon the surface has been thwarted so long that it has yielded at last and turned its attention to the vital organs. At no point can we say, here is the cause, ’tis the old, old story which is continually repeating itself with variations, but the story is always the history of the work of sin and Ignorance. Side by side they go together and they work to the detriment of humanity. ‘Tis a tangled web they are weaving but in the tangle, humanity is captured. Year by year, the web grows stronger and its complexity increases. To Homoeopathy belongs the work of freeing humanity from the tangled web of disease that Sin and Ignorance have woven about it. The Homoeopath alone can pick up the thread, follow it in and out, never losing it, never breaking it until at last he has followed it back to the beginning and the captive is set free. ‘Tis a difficult task. It requires patience without end, perseverance without end. Dare we take up the work? Dare we refuse?.

Frederica E. Gladwin
Frederica E Gladwin was born in 1856 in rural Connecticut. She initially trained to be a teacher. She came across homeopathy and studied medicine, graduating from the University of Missouri. She continued her studies under Kent and was one of his greatest followers. She helped him in putting part of his repertory together and corrected some mistakes in earlier editions.
She was one of the first students to graduate from the Philadelphia Post-Graduate School of Homeopathy and served at the school as Clinician, Professor of Children's Diseases and Professor of Repertory. She taught from 1933 until her health failed. She also taught Pierre Schmidt how to use the repertory.
Her accomplishments include being one of the founders of the American Foundation of Homeopath. She was a frequent contributor of articles, many of which are printed in the Homeopathic Recorder. She died on May 7, 1931.