
Feedback from October 2018

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Hpathy readers comment on the interview withCatherine O’Driscoll -Vaccines, Pet Food and Your Dog, Dr.  Janice block Interview, How one homeopath helped 100 studentsby Francis Treuherz,Homoeopathic Approach in Dengue Feverby Drs. Pawaskarand Srikanth and much more!

From:  Vaccines, Pet Food and Your Dog: Elaine Lewis talks to Catherine O’Driscoll

This part is stunning but not surprising: “Her boss had been thinking, and told her that apart from losing booster income, the practice would also lose patients if there was no vaccine damage to treat. He told her to shut her mouth and refrain from enlightening clients on the vaccine issue.” I would imagine this happens a lot more often than we’d like to suppose — both in the veterinary world and the “doctors for humans” world.A very eye-opening article Elaine! Other than the vaccines that our cat had as a kitten before we adopted her, I’ve avoided all vaccines for as long as she has been in our family, just as the humans in our family has avoided vaccines. Look at the domino effect from vaccine damage! Catherine’s suggestion that sensitivities can develop to whatever an animal is exposed to immediately following a vaccine is really interesting to consider — and not just for animals being vaccinated.


From: Live and Let Live – Editorial by Alan V. Schmukler

Live and Let Live

Yes Alan, I heard about it and was shocked. I don’t think the Indian government would ever think of approving the same.

Vamsi Sudha

From:  Dr. Janice Block interviewed by Linda Nurra PhD.

I am VERY impressed with Janice Block, MD, and because of this, my company (Homeopathic Educational Services) began to make available her new book:

Although it is cheapest for us to sell it to people in the USA (shipping is relatively cheap within the USA), we do send this book to anyone anywhere, though the cheapest cost for shipping this book outside of North America is $28.00 plus the cost of the book.

Dana Ullman

From: School Suffers Salmonella Outbreak How one homeopath helped 100 students – Francis Treuherz

School Suffers Salmonella Outbreak How one homeopath helped 100 students

So informative, thank you! You should write for us more often!

Elaine Lewis

I agree with Elaine! What could have been an overwhelming situation (given the severity of the symptoms and the number of affected people) you handled with grace and quick thinking, electing the top three indicated remedies and returning with the combo China-ars and also Gaertner nosode for those who needed a follow-up. How remarkable that most of the children quickly experienced relief from those miserable symptoms. If homeopathy had not been used, the school might have had to hospitalize, and things could have gotten complicated — for the kids, their families, and the school.


From:  Homoeopathic Approach in Dengue Fever – Drs. NavinPawaskar&J. Srikanth

Excellent clinical teaching article!

Dr.  Leela D’Souza



From:  Depression: Palliation Case –Dr. Maurizio Paolella

Depression: Palliation Case

An excellently managed case, showing what can be accomplished in even the most advanced cases of pathology.

Alan V. Schmukler

A very interesting case, simple and clear

Franco De Luca

From:Switching on the Lights with Lithium Carbonicum – Elizabeth Adalian.

Thank you very much for your description of this remedy which I enjoyed to read. I agree that this remedy has to be added in our repertories.

Dagmar Scholz

Dear Elizabeth,
My son has a problem with his circadian rhythm where he cannot fall asleep until 3 am or so. How would I dose this remedy for him?


From:   A Rethink of Psora – by Alastair Yarrow


A Rethink of Psora

You could not understand what Hahnemann says about psora?

Dr Abdussalam Faisal Afaq

I find it difficult with all the different interpretations in the literature out there. I have read many of his books and will continue; as I wrote I am working on

developing my understanding; thanks for your response, it does not deter me from asking questions.

Alastair Yarrow

From:  A Solution for the Wikipedia-Problem: Freewiki -Joerg Wchmann

Wow – this is so ambitious Joerg.  In awe and gratitude.

Miranda Castro

A very good idea. Discrediting Wikipedia for spreading nonsense about things they don’t understand is a marvelous idea.But those who intend to show where wiki is bungling should be highly intelligent and knowledgeable in Science subjects. Hence if what they’re writing is to be taken seriously, they should also be able to  differentiate the correct methods and interpretations of the science of homeopathy.


From:  Homeopathic Medicine for Zika Fever – Dr. Manish Bhatia

The way you have written this article should be the model for how to write clear instructions to the lay public. Yet, some might need more reference as to how to use this kind of article. My questions thinking as a lay person: Genus epidemicus, comparison of remedies. What is this? Also, the lay public might not know why you mention the serious secondary diseases resulting from Zica. How do you know which remedies are for mild symptoms?

Ellen Madono

Very informative message

Renu Mathur

From:  Tips & Secrets – Dr. Sneha Thakkar

A wonderful collection looks like a valuable Repertory of the symptoms.

Aslam Sherwani

From: Revisiting: “Miss Lascivious” Has Left The Building! – Elaine Lewis D. Hom, C. Hom

Revisiting: “Miss Lascivious” Has Left The Building!

Elaine, every quiz of yours has something new to learn. Symptoms were very close to Lachesis when I zeroed on, but could not locate the symptom “sensation as if heart fills my chest”. Was waiting for your answer and yes we have a new remedy Cenchris! to learn about. Keen analysis and you are a knowledge bank. Interesting quiz, and thanks for sharing the details of the book “Sensations As If by H.A. Roberts”.

Vamsi Sudha M

A very Interesting and wonderful case. Thank you Dr Elaine. I never read the remedy Cenchris before.

Salma Afroz

A peculiar sensation solved the case. Otherwise, it looks like a clear case of Lachesis. I guess all the snake remedies are very similar! Thanks for reading!

Elaine Lewis

Pleasure is always mine reading all your interesting cases. Thanks once again for teaching and guiding.

Vamsi Sudha M

From: Herpetic Eruption in a Girl of 10 – Dr. Pravin Pente

Herpetic Eruption in a Girl of 10

Kudos to Dr. Pravin Pentefor the proper selection of Rhustox 200.I had sixth nerve palsy which affected my right eye at the age of 74.I suffered heavily, lost my sleep, became restless. My friend Sri. Balu gave Rhustox 200 and I got substantial relief.


From:  A Possible ADD/ADHD Case Helped by Phosphorus

What a beautiful case! Thanks for sharing!


From:  Renal calculi in a woman of 45  – Dr. VitanGosain

Thank you for sharing this case with us. It is interesting to see that even kidney stones disappear with the right chosen remedy.

Dagmar Scholz

From:  Cartoon:  Phase Out! – Alan V. Schmukler

Phase Out

Good one Alan!! You keep us updated about the latest news about Homeopathy with your timely cartoons. And you are a great artist too.

PM Modi’s drawing is perfect!!!

Vamsi Sudha M

We would refer to him as Modiji …

Good one!



Elaine Lewis

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