Veterinary Homeopathy Interviews

Vaccines, Pet Food and Your Dog: Elaine Lewis talks to Catherine O’Driscoll

Written by Elaine Lewis

Are we killing our dogs just to keep a handful of lucrative businesses afloat? Homeopath Elaine Lewis gets to the bottom of this with author and animal activist, Catherine O’Driscoll.

The lack of intelligent compassion, not to mention common sense, means we spend billions of dollars every year on profitable new drugs and vaccines when this same money, spent on ensuring that every person on earth has clean water and safe disposal of sewage, would have a far greater impact in terms of benefit to health.

The Tip Of The Needle, p. 9


 Remember in May I wrote an article called, “Everything You Know About Pet Care Is Wrong”?  First of all, that was very unexpected for me, because I had never written about pet care before:

Tidbits 57: Everything You Know About Pet Care Is Wrong!

But then, in the true spirit of synchronicity, Alan, our editor-in-chief, called and said, “Do you want to interview the author of The Tip Of The Needle, a book about veterinary  vaccines?”

and I thought, “This is amazing, I just wrote about that!”  So I said, “Yes, send me the book!!!!”

And here we are now with the book’s author, Catherine O’Driscoll!

Catherine, welcome to!  We appreciate your willingness to answer our many questions about pet vaccines, pet food and pet care.  I’m sure there are a lot of pet owners out there who want to steer clear of anything that could possibly harm their pets!

Hugs, and big thanks for your lovely energy and all your lovely questions, Elaine!

Let’s start with this one, because this quote from your book really stood out for me.  You said on page-33:  “I don’t think dog owners appreciate what’s in store for them when they get their first dog.  We get a puppy or an older rescue dog, and pretty soon, many of us are dealing with sickness and pain and vets and horrendous vet bills.”  (P.S., you could probably say the same about children–unfortunately!)  I wonder if you would care to enlarge on that?

The fantasy of dog ownership is perhaps different for different people.  You’ve made me really think.  What is it we want when we invite a dog into our lives?  I heard an interesting statistic some time ago; it said that the average length of dog ownership in America is five years.  


And I wonder what’s behind that?  Does the dog die within five years, or get abandoned or shuffled off to another home?  What are the stories behind that short number of years?

I know!  It’s a startling statistic!  It suggests that dog owners have bitten off more than they can chew.  Either dogs get very sick (which should make us all look long and hard at what we’re doing for them) or as dog parents, we’re really falling short and have a lot to learn; probably a little bit of both.  But I tried to address both these areas in “Everything You Know About Pet Care Is Wrong!”  And believe it or not–and I don’t think anyone has taken my advice so far–if people would just get 2 puppies instead of one, a lot of bad puppy behavior–like chewing up the house–and bad consequences, could be eliminated!

Dogs are PACK ANIMALS, they are not meant to be alone; and in the wild, they are never alone!  A dog alone either has to become neurotic, or make the human he’s living with into a fellow-dog, which means biting (that’s how dogs play) and otherwise making a pest out of himself.  This often results in the dog being tied up in the back yard or put outside permanently.  The dog barks non-stop, the neighbors complain, and finally the owners get rid of him–probably within the first year.  But 2 dogs together entertain each other, they play hide and seek, keep each other busy, chase each other, and stay out of trouble.  So, it bears repeating: buy two puppies, preferably litter mates, and your house will be filled with fun instead of anger, disappointment and frustration. 

What influenced your decision to adopt a dog?

I guess, for me, I was always looking for someone to love.  I have never seen animals as ‘its’.  They’ve always been people to me.  Look into their eyes, and there’s a soul inside.  So I guess many of us are looking for connection with another living being.  Someone who we love and who loves us back.  Someone we can have adventures with, go walkies with; someone we can put our arms around and watch the sunset with.

But dogs live for a very short time. The average lifespan for a dog is 10 to 13 years.  So if you have a dog, you are going to meet grief.  And some die very suddenly, or you find yourself watching them suffer with skin problems, or they lose the use of their legs, or have digestive issues – or more serious conditions like cancer, autoimmunity or neurological problems.  Sooner or later, if you have a dog, you have to watch them suffer.

When Oliver died, he was only four years old.  And that rocked my world.  In fact, I have another book out which was published a couple of weeks after Tip of the Needle.  It is called The REAL Epidemic, and it looks at the inflammatory diseases which are, in my opinion, literally the real epidemic in the modern dog. 

Catherine, don’t look now, but, The Real Epidemic is reviewed in this very issue of Homeopathy For Everyone, click below:

The Real Epidemic – Preventing and Treating Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases in your dog (and yourself) by Catherine O’Driscoll

Talk about coincidences and synchronicity…  Many thanks to for this!  So, as I was just saying, everyone seems to be concerned with preventing viral disease, but the price seems to be introducing chronic disease into our dogs.  Most of this inflammation is man-made.

Yes, I know; I did an interview with Dr. Richard Moskowitz, the author of Vaccines: A Reappraisal, and he said exactly the same thing, that in our quest to rid the world of viral diseases–as if that were even possible!–we’ve reaped chronic disease in exchange:


“…a considerable volume of research has documented [that] adults who acquired the measles, mumps, chicken pox and influenza naturally in childhood, rather than being vaccinated…[are the beneficiaries of] a significantly lower incidence of asthma, allergies, seizures and a variety of autoimmune disorders…later in life.” — Vaccines: A Reappraisal, p. 12.


I cannot imagine that our farming ancestors would have kept dogs if they needed propping up as the modern dog does.  In fact, when my dogs started dying around me, I noticed that my neighbours who – compared to me – seemed to neglect their dogs, rarely visited the vet.  Mine were at the vets every two weeks for one problem or another.

Yes, exactly; much as children are constantly at the pediatrician’s!  Asthma, eczema, ear infections….

The neighbours’ ‘neglected’ dogs seemed so much healthier.

Vaccines are at the top of the list in terms of triggering inflammatory conditions.  This includes allergies, auto-immune diseases, cancer, and neurological conditions.

Do you want to know what the cancer rate is among dogs?  Hold on to your hat!  1 in 10?  No.  1 in 5?  No…  1 in 3???  No!  It’s 1 in 1.65, according to the docu-series, “The Truth About Pet Cancer”!

Most of the illnesses walking into a veterinary practice on four legs are, in my opinion, vaccine-induced.  In fact, in 1996 and 1997, my organisation – Canine Health Concern – conducted a survey to test the experience in practice of homeopathic vet, Christopher Day.  His observations caused him to conclude that 80% of all illnesses start within three months of a vaccine event.

Wow!  You know, again, I’m drawn back to my interview with Dr. Richard Moskowitz…

Tidbits 52: Elaine Talks to Dr. Richard Moskowitz about His Book, Vaccines: A Reappraisal

…who talked about the so-called vaccine “safety trials”.  The trial supervisors never took into account illnesses that were reported after 14 days of the shot!  And here, Christopher Day is saying that even 3 months later, you can still be impacted by your vaccination!


 “Limiting the observation period to three widely separated periods of 14 days each already casts serious doubt on the results, because a primary antibody response to an antigen encountered for the first time requires at least 14 days; and in my experience, it can easily take longer than that, weeks or even months, for serious chronic conditions to develop and manifest.  The obvious and inevitable result, if not the intent, of limiting the study period to 14 days after each dose, is thus to exclude almost all chronic diseases from consideration….”

 Vaccines: A Reappraisal, p. 31


We tested Christopher Day’s observation by sending out questionnaires and had a very high response of around 3,800 completed questionnaires.  We were able to conclude that a very high percentage of all illnesses in dogs start within three months of a vaccine event.  We were even able to narrow it down to many specific illnesses.  Frankly, we were incredulous at the results.  The biggest finding confirmed that neurological and behavioural problems are mostly vaccine-induced.


Other conditions such as cancer, allergies, skin problems, autoimmune diseases, and so on, can, with a very high level of statistical certainty, be related to vaccine adverse effects.

What a disaster!  So, yes, modern day pet ownership: many trips to the vet, many hundreds of dollars spent on skin diseases like eczema, allergies…my friend’s dog has seizures, another friend’s dog is mean and vicious…  which brings me to perhaps the most stunning quote of all from your book; in fact, if a Nobel Prize could be given for the category, “OMG, I Can’t Believe You Just Said That!”, this one from your book would surely win the award.  Here it is.  Strap yourselves in!


“Lyn Thompson, a vet … had telephoned me a few years previously to offer her help.  She also felt that vaccine damage in animals was more common than the reports suggested and had tried to persuade her veterinary boss to drop the annual vaccination, even lending him my book.  One day she telephoned me, brimming with excitement!  Her boss hadn’t read my book but he had read one of my letters in Veterinary Times, complete with the references I provided.  He was shaken, having finally looked at a small selection of the science and told her that they would stop vaccinating annually….  Two weeks later, however, Lyn phoned again.  Her boss had been thinking, and told her that apart from losing booster income, the practice would also lose patients if there was no vaccine damage to treat.  He told her to shut her mouth and refrain from enlightening clients on the vaccine issue.”

 The Tip Of The Needle, p. 205 [emphasis mine–EL]


Holy cow!!!!!  Another case of saying the “quiet” part out loud!

Catherine devotes quite a bit of her book to shining a bright light on the “people” who are at the helm of Big Pharma, and here’s what they think of doctors who won’t “go along”…won’t “keep their mouths shut”, as it is said:


According to CBS News, May 2009, … Merck [Pharmaceuticals] made a ‘hit list’ of doctors who criticized a discredited drug called Vioxx. … The list, emailed between Merck employees, contained doctors’ names with the label “neutralise”, “neutralised” or “discredit” next to them.

 The Tip Of The Needle, p. 148


 Whoa!  I hope you know what “neutralise” means.  These are the people making your vaccines.

Another vet wrote to me to say that her daughter is vaccine damaged, compensated for by her government, and confirming that it was vaccine damage.  The child just sits rocking backwards and forwards, screaming all day.

Unfortunately, I believe that, I know that to be true!  This is a real scandal that people are sweeping under the rug.  Do you know that autism is actually being “normalized” in the media now?  “Sesame Street”, for example, now has an autistic Muppet.

The vet’s husband couldn’t take it and walked away…

Not surprised.  This is what autism can do to a family.

…and the lady whose daughter is vaccine injured can no longer work as a normal vet because, as she says, she now knows what vaccines can do.  She tells me she’s tried talking to her veterinary colleagues about the damage vaccines cause but they refuse to change.  Some even say they know, but she won’t stop them.

All we can do is appeal directly to the people.

Other vets are fooled by their education.  Academic establishments take money from corporations – for research, or bursaries, or building projects, or even free vaccines and pet food – and then the corporations dictate the curriculum.  They even influence research findings or at least pay academics who are amenable to control to conduct the research.  Vets are required to obtain points to show that they’ve continued with their education once in practice, but there’s no quality control.  A sales jolly over a lavish dinner hosted by a vaccine or drug company is considered worthy of further education points.  One vet told me he’d been on three skiing holidays with Intervet, but it didn’t influence his buying decisions at all!

Yes, I’m sure it didn’t!  Why would receiving lavish gifts influence anybody?

I  must also say that I have met a great deal of arrogance from people who believe themselves to be superior to ordinary humans because they’ve been to college.  They demand scientific proof and then they don’t look at it, or they ignore it, or they say the research is ‘badly conducted’.

“Flawed”.   I’ve heard it 100 times.

They willfully see what they want to see.  And yet there is copious, irrefutable, research to confirm that vaccines can cause cancer, leukaemia, brain damage, autoimmunity and allergies: the modern epidemic.

Yes, for sure!

But always in the background lurks the veterinary vaccine industry, handing out money to professional bodies, vets in practice, and student vets.  So even the professional bodies turn a blind eye where vaccines are concerned, and the major animal charities all have their hands out, so they can’t be relied upon to speak the truth either.  It’s all a seething cesspit of corruption.

All we can do is try to reach as many pet-owners as possible.  Fortunately, there’s social media, where, for example, this very article can be posted!  (Hint-hint!)

I know your book is primarily about vaccines, how your dogs suffered and died from them, how you don’t vaccinate anymore, how corrupt the veterinary industry is, how Pharma is in the thick of it, pulling the strings in education, research and vet practice, etc.; but, I wonder if you would be willing to answer a few questions about pet food.  I know you’re a raw food advocate, and that a lot of what’s wrong with dogs would disappear if they were on their natural diet.  I’ve read in your book that chicken wings have caused a bit of stomach upset in dogs, and yet you seem to be very high on chicken wings!  Can you clarify this discrepancy; and is there anything else you can tell us about the average daily menu for dogs?  Are turkey wings OK?  What about lamb shanks?  The fat on raw meat–does it have to be cut off?  Can I buy a sirloin steak and give it to a dog?  Does it have to be cut up first?  What vegetables should the dog have with his raw meat meal?  How many times a day should a dog have a raw meal?  Sorry for all the fussy questions! 

Also, worms.  A lot of vet-visits have to do with round worms.  You can actually see the worms in the dog’s stool.  Are you OK with worm medicine or do you give herbs for that or does the raw diet mitigate against the incidence of worms and heart worms as well?

Many dogs are becoming allergic to life.  I believe this to be largely vaccine damage, an allergic response set up by vaccines, but it’s also associated with environmental chemicals – like glyphosate – which destroy the gut microbiome.  Many vaccines are cultivated on animal proteins, like eggs, dog, cat and monkey brains and kidneys, hamsters, even aborted human embryos.  Adjuvants include monosodium glutamate (MSG) which is a neurotoxin and excitotoxin; peanut oils (hence the rise in peanut allergies), and even wheat oils, hence the rise in wheat allergies.

The words, ‘vaccine’ and ‘sensitivity’ could be regarded as synonymous.  Vaccines sensitize.  A study in the ’80s by Frick and Brooks showed that if you vaccinate a dog and then expose him to an allergen, he is highly likely to develop atopic dermatitis and conjunctivitis, which is how canine allergies are chiefly manifested.  But if you expose him to the allergen before he’s vaccinated, then he won’t develop an allergy.  Logically, you might conclude that whatever a dog is exposed to shortly after being vaccinated could become the substance he’s allergic to: petrol fumes in the car on the way home from the vet; the chicken he’s given for dinner; the grass cuttings he smells on the way home; the pollen in the air, and so on.

That is so interesting…

So now we’re finding that many dogs have food intolerances and chicken is a major one…

Oh, I see…

…maybe because they use eggs in vaccine manufacture, or maybe because chickens are so intensively farmed.  I teach muscle testing in my workshops…

I teach the same thing also!  In fact, here’s my article on Homeopathy and Muscle-Testing:

Homeopathy and Muscle Testing

… and we go through all the proteins, vegetables, grains and so on to ascertain what each dog can tolerate.  My eight-year-old Golden Retriever, Freddie, came with inherited thyroid disease which I had him tested for after discovering that he had food sensitivities.  Give him chicken and his ears will start to itch and his head even became swollen after eating it.

I hope you keep Apis 30C in your house for things like that.  Swelling from an allergen is usually Apis.  Another remedy to have is Histaminum 30C.

He’s also intolerant to beef.  It’s different for every dog, though.  Whilst chicken and pork can be quite allergenic, they’re not for every sensitive dog.  It’s all very individual.  Some dogs do well on dark meats, others on the lighter meats.  All meats for the non-sensitive dog are fine: rabbit, turkey, lamb, beef, chicken and so on.

As for fat, it depends on the dog whether you cut excess fat off or not.  If the dog is prone to pancreatitis, for example, you wouldn’t want to be giving him tripe, which is very fatty, though great for the average dog and full of natural probiotics, but not for one with pancreas issues.

You can certainly buy a sirloin steak for your dog – lucky you if you can afford it!

I use that as an example, in that it’s not clear to a lot of people what you mean when you say, “Feed your dog raw meat.”

I hear that Queen Elizabeth treats her Corgis to steak once a week.  But don’t cook it, and don’t cut it up.  Raw meaty bones and big chunks of meat act as Nature’s toothbrush!

Oh!  That’s a very good point!

A whole oxtail or a cow’s trachea are the ultimate in terms of cleaning the teeth (although you wouldn’t give a toy-dog a whole oxtail, of course).


Give according to the size of the dog and if he’s fat, give less.

You can also tell a lot about a dog’s state of health and particular health issues by seeing which herbs and supplements he’s asking for when you muscle test.

A dog with an inflammatory condition – an allergy or autoimmunity or even a neurological problem, for example – will “ask” for all the anti-inflammatory supplements such as vitamin C and zinc, and often CBD oil.

The average daily menu for a raw-fed dog can differ depending upon the viewpoints of the person telling you!  Some raw feeders feed only raw meat, organ meat, and bones.  They contend that dogs don’t need the other food groups.  I personally veer towards the diet put forward by Dr Ian Billinghurst in his book, Give Your Dog a Bone.


Dr. Billinghurst was talking about processed pet food vs. raw, meaty bones for dogs.  He was saying how healthy dogs were if they were given the food that had kept the species alive for millions of years.  As I read it, a lightbulb went on in my head.  Prudence was overweight, but she was always hungry.  I realized from this article that I had been slowly starving my dogs to death with processed pet food.

The Tip Of The Needle, p. 40


His diet is mainly raw meaty bones, meat and organ meat, but he adds vegetables and fruits which you whizz up in a kitchen processor to mimic the content of the prey’s stomach.  You can also give raw fish, eggs and table scraps so long as your own food is healthy and natural.  You would avoid onions for dogs but garlic in the right quantity is great.

I know, especially as it repels fleas and other pests.

I feed my dogs twice a day.  They get raw meaty bones in the morning, and meat and whizzed up vegetables in the evening. It’s easier to add supplements to the evening meal.  As a general rule, most dogs benefit from vitamin C and an essential fatty acid such as flax/linseed or hemp oil.  You’d then add other supplements to treat any particular health issues.  This is detailed in my book, The REAL Epidemic.

As for worms, it’s very unusual to find worms in a raw-fed dog.

I had a feeling that might be the case.

Pet food generally turns into a gloopy mush in the dog’s gut and it takes many more hours for the dog to try to digest it since it’s biologically inappropriate.

Yes, that can’t be stressed enough!

This gives worms a lot to thrive on as it hangs around in the gut for hours.  Raw food, on the other hand, is generally metabolised within four hours.  Most of it is easily used up by the body, so the faeces are smaller, and worms have little to thrive on.  I don’t worm my dogs as a matter of course.  If I suspected worms, I’d do a worm count, where you send some faeces off to be put under the microscope, or your vet can do this for you.  If worms were found I’d treat herbally (a herbal product called Verm-X is an option).  Worm medicine from the vet is always a possibility if all else fails.

And finally, Catherine, do you have a list of mistakes that new pet owners are making?

When you break it all down, there are a small number of things that cause disease.  These are:

–          Genes

–          Diet

–          Over-vaccination

–          Environmental toxins

–          Veterinary drugs

–          Viruses and bacteria

–          Stress

Genes are what a person comes in with (and dogs are people too).

Of course!

It’s hard to change what you’re given at birth, but we now know that genes load the gun, but the environment pulls the trigger.


In other words, genetic predispositions are unlikely to be expressed unless environmental conditions put the pieces of the jigsaw in place.

Well-said again!

Diet is crucial to health.  Absolutely central.  So the pet food industry has a lot to answer for.  Processed pet food is nothing much more than industrial waste.

Let’s just let that sink in for a moment……….  Industrial waaaaaaaaaste……….  OK!  Moving on…!

It’s the leftovers of the human food chain – the stuff that can’t go into human food because it’s rancid or a ‘by-product’: the lips, hide, spleen, hooves, etc., of animals, or the husks and off-cuts of plant matter.

Charming!  I’m sure no one knows this!

Cook this industrial waste at high temperatures to kill off the molds and toxins and then extrude it (remove the liquid to make kibble), and you kill off many nutrients, or the water-soluble vitamins go down the drain.


Then add chemicals so it looks right to the human eye, and other chemicals so it can sit on supermarket shelves…


and chemicals like monosodium glutamate (a neurotoxin) so that disgusting muck seems palatable … and you end up with chronically malnourished, poisoned dogs.

Mamma mia!

The solution is to revert back to Nature and what Grandma used to do: feed dogs REAL food.  Meat, bones, table scraps … Check out the raw feeding movement.  We’re finding that our naturally fed dogs are living long and vibrantly healthy lives.

Vaccination is the main subject of Tip of the Needle; there is a great deal to say about its tragic effects.  But what I will say here is that if you vaccinate anyone who is malnourished, then the immune system is already at a disadvantage.  You need nutrients to feed the immune system.  If they’re not there, then the person being vaccinated is going to have a hard time dealing with the vaccine challenge.  I’ll mention stress in a little more detail later, but I will say here that you should NEVER vaccinate anyone who’s under stress.  A six or eight-week old puppy in a new home, removed from her litter, is – believe me – going through a lot of stress.

Again, yet another reason why you should adopt the litter mate as well!

Not a great time to vaccinate.  The emotions and the immune system mirror one-another, and vaccines need a healthy immune system to withstand the vaccine challenge.

I don’t believe in telling anyone what they must do, but I will say that I haven’t vaccinated my dogs for over 25 years.  Not at all – not even puppy shots.  The rewards are long-lived, healthy dogs who rarely need to see a vet, and an absence of trauma and heartbreak.

Environmental toxins are a big problem in the modern world we’ve created.  It’s hard for dog owners to keep their dogs away from farm chemicals.  Glyphosate, for example, is in all of us.

Glyphosate is the herbicide in the popular weed-killer, Round-Up.

It’s now an accepted carcinogen, and it’s a major disruptor of the microbiome.  We’re now beginning to realise how important gut health is.  Leaky gut, and gut dysbiosis is, we’re discovering, a major contributor to a wide range of illnesses.  And of course dogs are down there on four legs…

Sniffing the grass…

…finding it hard to avoid chemicals like glyphosate.  One recent study concluded that dogs have 5,000 times more glyphosate in them than humans!

Good lord!  But it makes sense when you think about it.

Then there are the chemicals we’re advised to deliberately put onto and into our dogs.  By February this year, there had been thousands of adverse event reports logged by the European Medicines Control Agency in respect of flea control products for dogs.  Bravecto had caused 7,098 serious (reported) side-effects and 1,696 deaths.  Nexgard gave rise to 11,275 acknowledged serious side-effects and 698 deaths.  Simparica was acknowledged by the MCA to have caused 834 reported side-effects of a serious nature, and 118 deaths.  So I’d advise new pet owners to avoid these chemicals at all costs.  Instead, attend to husbandry.  Feed well.  A well-nourished dog is infinitely less likely to attract parasites.

If you check out “Everything You Know About Pet Care Is Wrong”, you will see that I go into detail regarding the safe alternatives to commercial flea control.

And then we come onto veterinary drugs.  Basically, they’re all toxic – just as all human drugs are toxic.  Side-effects are part of the conventional system.  In fact, the conventional system is not denying side-effects as a possible sequel to drug use; they’re just interested in how many people have those side-effects.  It’s a numbers game: Russian Roulette.  Give your dogs NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories), steroids, antibiotics and vaccines, and then you have to give even more of them to treat the conditions caused by these drugs and biologics in the first place.  It’s a truly vicious circle.

So as advice to new pet owners, I’d say avoid conventional drugs and vaccines as much as you can.  If you feed real food and avoid vaccines, then you’re unlikely to need them, anyway.  Use homeopathy, herbs and natural foods to build health from within instead.

With regards to viruses and bacteria, then – again – real food is the way to build a dog who is more likely to withstand these natural pathogens.  There are also herbs and nosodes to use prophylactically.  But we are looking for homeostasis: balance.  You don’t want the puppy’s environment to be too sterile.  Like human babies, they need to be exposed to a certain level of natural germs so they can build their immune systems.  Allow them to play on the grass; don’t be over-zealous about hygiene.  I personally would be looking for a puppy from a mother who’s been raised in a barn alongside cattle and exposed to lots of healthy immune-supporting microbes.  That’s the best way to get yourself a puppy who doesn’t suffer from allergies and autoimmunity.

And finally, stress.  This is a biggie in the modern world.  So my advice is to be gentle with your dogs.  Treat them kindly.  Don’t shout at them or hit them.  Handle them gently.  Introduce them to the world in a calm and measured way.  Understand that their greatest desire is to please you; teach them how to be in this world, don’t expect them to know unless you tell them.  Love them: give them your attention to aid them in their growth.

You also need to be mindful of your own stress because dogs, like children, are totally attuned to you energetically.  If you’re stressed, they’re going to be stressed.  Look after yourself.  Treat yourself kindly.  And despite all I’ve said above, don’t worry too much.  Trust life to be good.

Thank you, Catherine, this is a good positive note to end on!  Listen everybody, to order Catherine’s book, click below and scroll down to the big red button!

It will make a great holiday gift for anyone who has a dog!

Bye, Catherine, and thank you again!


Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases–even animal cases! Write to her at [email protected]

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About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and


  • This part is stunning but not surprising:
    “Her boss had been thinking, and told her that apart from losing booster income, the practice would also lose patients if there was no vaccine damage to treat. He told her to shut her mouth and refrain from enlightening clients on the vaccine issue.”

    I would imagine this happens a lot more often than we’d like to suppose — both in the veterinary world and the “doctors for humans” world.

    A very eye-opening article Elaine! Other than the vaccines that our cat had as a kitten before we adopted her, I’ve avoided all vaccines for as long as she has been in our family, just as the humans in our family has avoided vaccines. Look at the domino effect from vaccine damage! Catherine’s suggestion that sensitivities can develop to whatever an animal is exposed to immediately following a vaccine is really interesting to consider — and not just for animals being vaccinated.

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