Homeopathy Papers

Bothrops Lanceolatus for the Prevention of Adverse Effects from Covid-19 Vaccination

Written by Egidio Galli

Dr. Egidio Galli shares his repertorization of the major side effects of covid-19 and the homeopathic remedy which emerged from that to prevent those side effects. He also reports on his experience using the remedy prophylactically.

A problem which is becoming evident in the current vaccine campaigns being promoted to limit Covid-19 and the spread of SARS-Cov-2 is the prevention of adverse effects from these vaccines.  During a worldwide pandemic, the vaccination of hundreds of millions of people with vaccines which have been produced in emergency conditions, with much shorter-than-usual trial periods, means that side effects, some of them new and unexpected, are discovered along the way.

Most side effects are temporary and not severe.  However, more serious problems, in rare cases even fatal, are possible; for example, thromboembolic complications and DIC.  Recently, the extremely serious vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) has been noted, with a clear relation to viral vector vaccines.

At the moment the risk of this reaction cannot be predicted and often cannot be detected even after a thorough investigation into patients’ medical history and after the usual preventive examinations which take into account an individual’s personal characteristics and predisposition for disease.

We also have to take into account the use of vaccines produced by using new technologies with limited testing. Currently approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) are the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna (soon also CureVac) mRNA vaccines, and the Astrazeneca (or Vaxzevria) and Janssen/Johnson&Johnson (soon also the Russian Sputnik V) vaccines based on genetically modified adenovirus vectors.

There is sufficient knowledge of the short-term side effects of these vaccines but it is too early to know much about the medium- and long-term effects. This study begins with the collection of side effects which have been declared and confirmed in the official regulatory agency registration documents and in the information leaflets attached to the informed consent forms.

I have also been able to personally verify many of the symptoms in my practice, not only as a homeopath but also as a doctor for the National Social Security Institute (INPS) and, in the last few months, being involved in taking patients’ medical history before having their first and second doses of the vaccines in a large vaccination hub. In this way I have been able to assess several thousand people.

Common and unimportant symptoms related to the injection site have been excluded. The more serious and undesirable symptoms have been considered, these being the most important to prevent. Almost all of the reactions to the four vaccines mentioned above have been considered, vaccines which are similar to each other as, although they use different technologies, they all have the objective of inducing the synthesis of the viral spike protein.

The 28 symptoms considered and used for the homeopathic repertorisation in Radaropus with Synthesis Treasure Edition are: idiopathic thrombocytopenia – thrombosis – stupor confusion – irregular heart palpitations – wheezing breath – difficult breathing – swelling of the face – nausea – weakness – joint pain – sleepiness – dizziness – swollen glands – fever general heat – profuse sweating – purpura – chills in general – general paralysis – bleeding – metrorrhagia – apoplexy – facial paralysis – one sided paralysis – swollen extremities – chest pain – blurred vision – bruising – diarrhoea.

As well as the symptoms mentioned in the vaccine information leaflets, I have included thrombosis, apoplexy, bleeding and idiopathic thrombocytopenia as these are rare confirmed complications.  I have also included the symptom ‘metrorrhagia’ as I have personally observed at least 5 serious cases clearly related to vaccination as reported by the patients.

For the same reason I have also added the symptoms ‘facial paralysis’ and ‘one-sided paralysis’, because of some reported cases and because in the Synthesis repertory the symptom ‘Bell’s palsy’, a noted reaction to mRNA vaccines, does not include the remedy Bothrops lanceolatus, whereas in Marim’s proving of Bothrops 50MC ‘continuous flow’ these symptoms are reported.

The symptoms ‘abdominal pain’ and ‘persistent severe headache’, adverse reactions present in case histories, do not include this remedy in the repertory either, whereas symptoms of this kind are reported repeatedly in the above-mentioned proving.

Viral vector vaccines are the vaccines most likely to cause more frequent and more serious adverse reactions, at least in the short term.  In particular, in all countries there have been very rare but often fatal cases of thrombocytopenia together with cerebral, mesenteric, jugular or splanchnic venous thrombosis, often developing into DIC, and in particular in females under the age of 60 the above-mentioned VITT.

In these cases there is an autoimmune reaction towards factor 4 platelet activation factor (PF4), similar to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia.  The thromboembolic cascade and the consequent DIC do not respond to heparin, which is contraindicated in this case.

Unfortunately, for every adverse reaction serious enough to be reported in the news, there are many unreported, less serious but of clinical importance and identifiable from the changes in coagulation parameters, in particular fibrinogen and D-dimer, tested after vaccination.

A certain number of individuals may develop anti-PF4 autoantibodies to a degree not high enough to cause obvious or serious thrombosis. There is however a risk that after the second dose, for example after 12 weeks for the AstraZeneca vaccine, the autoimmune reaction may be amplified, with unforeseeable consequences.  Several government health bodies are in fact taking action towards avoiding the second dose of the viral vector vaccine, a confirmation that there is a real risk.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Classical homeopaths have always given remedies to their patients at times of vaccination, to minimise potential adverse reactions, both acute and chronic, to the vaccine. This preventive measure is particularly important in the current vaccination campaign which involves several million people worldwide, with consequences proportional to the uptake.

The main iatrogenic symptoms related to the aforementioned vaccines being distributed in Europe have all been taken into consideration, except for simple pain at the injection site.  In this way, it is possible to carry out a repertorisation and extrapolate the remedies which best cover all these symptoms and therefore can prevent and treat the main adverse reactions, from the least to the most serious.

It must be noted that these symptoms are not accompanied by modalities, something which is normally so useful in homeopathy when identifying the remedy. To highlight all the symptoms with the first twenty or more related remedies, the repertorisation has been divided into two halves.  One considers the total of the symptoms without degree, the other is limited to the ‘small’ remedies, to limit the bias due to the large difference in extension of pathogenesis between lesser- and well-known remedies.

Bothrops lanceolatus stands out as the remedy which gives the best similarity, not for the patient but for the illness, as it covers all the symptoms reported as adverse reactions, even if the symptoms are often only to the first degree due to the fact that it is a remedy with few provings (only 236 symptoms) and little clinical confirmation.

A repertorisation based only on the number of symptoms, without degree, places the remedy among the first few, while a repertorisation for ‘small’ remedies or small remedies and small rubrics, places it clearly first.

Other scientific observations show a particular indication of the remedy derived from the venom of Bothrops lanceolatus (or jararaca), deducible from important pharmacological analogies.

  • Effectiveness in heparin-resistant thrombosis, such as VITT, autoimmune thrombosis with thrombocythopenia from anti-Covid vaccination. The batroxobin in the venom combines with fibrinogen separately from thrombin, and it is effective in all coagulation problems which, during the coagulation cascade, take place before the transformation of fibrinogen to fibrin.  The molecule is not inactivated by heparin or similar anticoagulants.
  • It is the only snake venom that contains the angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, BPP5a (Bradykinin-potentiating peptide); there is a notable biochemical similarity between the enzymes ACE and ACE2, which the BPP5a combines with in the same way as the virus. There is also similarity between the protease serina BjSP of the venom and the type 2 transmembrane protease serina (TMPRS2) which promotes viral absorption on the wall of the type II alveolar epithelial cells.

The ACE2 receptor is also the same point of binding as the spike protein used by Sars-Cov-2 to penetrate human cells, and the spike is also the chosen target of the immune reaction activated by the anti-Covid vaccines.

In Covid-19 ACE2s are reduced (downregulation) and are unable to counterbalance the ACE and its vasoconstrictive and inflammatory effects.  The action of ACE2 takes place via the conversion of angiotensin II to angiotensin 1-7 which, via the MAS receptor, promotes the release of vasoactive peptides such as NO, bradykinin and PGE21 with vasodilating, anti-inflammatory and organ-protective effects.

Homeopathic Bothrops therefore could increase the expression of the ACE2 receptor and its beneficial and anti-inflammatory effects, contrast the replication and the cytopathic effect of Sars-Cov-2, and antagonise the platelet activation and the haemocoagulative and vasculitic cascade.

The total coherence of the anatomo-pathological, molecular and clinical similarity of Bothrops lanceolatus with the biological effects of Sars-Cov-2 and the vaccines used to fight it suggests that this is the best remedy not only for treating cases of Covid-19 with thromboembolic complications from multi-organ vasculitis, as demonstrated in another publication, but also for preventing even the most severe adverse reactions to both the mRNA and the GMO viral vector vaccines.  It could also be considered in the treatment of the lingering symptoms of ‘long-covid’.

In my personal practice I currently prescribe Bothrops lanceolatus 30CH, 3 granules every evening in the 3 days preceding the vaccination, and for 5 days afterwards, with excellent results for all potential symptoms. Then, when appropriate, I prescribe a dose of Thuja occidentalis, 200K or MK, to rebalance the terrain made sycotic by the vaccine.

The use of the remedy must always be adjusted for constitutional type, personal risk factors, age, disease history, clinical reaction and also for the availability of the remedy, which is difficult to find in Italy.


  • Galli E. : Study on the use of snake venom homeopathic remedies in the treatment of coagulopathy from Covid-19, Il Medico Omeopata N°75, 2020
  • Gasparini L. : Metodologia Clinica Omeopatica nel Covid-19 Parte 1-2-3-4 (Homeopathic Clinical Methodology for Covid-19 Part 1-2-3-4),net, 2020
  • Marim Matheus AMHB 3. Federation of Argentinian Homeopathic Medical Associations Conference.  Buenos Aires, 25-28 October, 2000 – Radaropus
  • Marim Matheus AMHB pathogenetic trials (provings) – clinical confirmation with the proving of Bothrops jararacussu

About the author

Egidio Galli

Dr. Egidio Galli graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1983 from the University of Messina, where he lives. He immediately dedicated himself to non-conventional medicine, specialising in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Homeopathic Medicine at LUIMO with Prof. Antonio Negro, A. Rodriguez, P.S Ortega, P. Paschero. He is a specialist in sports medicine and a Medical Examiner. Dr. Galli is Co-founder of several homeopathy schools in Sicily: the Sicilian Homeopathic Centre, the Free University of Homeopathic Studies of Catania, the Sicilian Homeopathic Academy. He is also a founding member of the national FIAMO and a teacher since the foundation of the EMC-High Training School in Homeopathic Medicine, in Calabria, with which he has carried out numerous homeopathic provings and various works published in journals or presented at national and international congresses. He is also a member of the Research Group of the E.C.H, European Committee for Homeophathy. During the Covid 19 period he has been particularly dedicated to homeopathic research on snake venom remedies, with particularly promising results for the prevention and therapy of short and long term Sars-Cov-2 pathologies, and for the prophylaxis of complications from related vaccines.


  • i want to share with the author that i have almost exclusively used this medicine since first wave of Covid 19 in 2020 and through out this recent spike. used it both as prophylactic and therapeutic simply because of literature association that first ACE inhibitor was derived from Bothrops venom. and ACE affinity of the virus. so i used it like tautopathy. The results are really brilliant in all patients. i have also used Ars alb in between in almost all patients. Using it before vaccination has added new dimension to its usage. Congratulations to you for bringing out this brilliant article for all.

  • Dear Author
    it is great pleasure to see someone putting in the effort to collect the syptoms after this “vaccination”. From my clinical experience I can tell that after this “vaccination” ( which is in fact a experimental Therapeutic ) a multitude of health problems arose, each patient needing an individually selected remedy. There seems to be no general pattern emerging, leave aside the long-time to be expected allergic cross reactions.
    Your remedy choice cought my interest, so I first tried to find the proving, date, provers etc, to give me a prime unaltered idea.

    I got a write up on it by Paul Herscue ( The New England Journal of Homeopathy
    Fall/Winter 1999, Vol.8 No.2) who wrote:
    >> Bothrops is a remedy that is not well known to us. It has not had a proper proving and has not been used in a grand way, outside of a few types of situations. <<

    This does not create confidence, and makes the use of this remedy rather experimental. (taking your bunch of symptoms I tend to look into ARNICA as a possible simile)

    Even more questionable is the idea to give remedies in anticipation of a vaccination. Here its note worthy, that till date no virus has been isolated, and therefore claims to have derived a vaccine from such are bogous. Therefore it is sensible to advice our patients to abstain from vaccinations altogether, as each vaccine introduces chemicals into the body which should not be there, if one desires to remain healthy.

    Hans Weitbrecht
    Consultant homeopath

  • Thank you for sharing your work. I have been very concerned about what may assist those individuals who have received the mRNA poisons!

    As you will know Scientists/Drs speaking out against the use of these poisons are constantly vilified & removed from all MSM/ Social Platforms. Much of what they have been saying is now very much coming to light, one only needs to view VAERS/ European Medicines Agency/ MHRA data on the adverse reactions & these will only be the tip of the iceberg!

  • Dr P. Gupta, thanks for your valuable post on Bothrops. Kindly suggest the posology which was employed by you in Covid 19, as prophylaxis and for treatment.

    • 30 potency during both prophylaxis and treatment. Repetition was twice daily for five days and repeat same after two weeks in prophylaxis. It was daily twice continuously during treatment phase.

  • It would seem that snake and scorpion remedies can be very useful for the adverse reactions to the Covid ‘vaccine’. (For vaccine read ‘experimental gene therapy’).
    I had a patient who constitutionally had done well on Crotalus horridus 200. After the Covid jab he had severe intestinal bleeding which responded immediately to a repeat of Crot-h 200.
    Another patient was helped by Parabuthus transvaalicus 30C and also Naja mossambica 200.
    The analogy of injecting poison by vaccination and snake and scorpion venom is obvious.
    When the symptoms agree, radioactive remedies such as Plutonium nitricum and Radon have also been useful, according to Jeremy Sherr.

  • I have successfully used Belladonna and Thuja in treating an active case in 2020. The patient has been tested twice in the hospital and found negative as far as Covid-19 is concerned.

  • Crickey! There are only landmarks of homoeopathic principles described in the article and the understanding of the so called “vaccines” is very peripherally. In both medical disciplines there’s a lack of a deeper understanding. Homoeopathy is a medical discipline that is working in line with the natural laws, in the words of the founder of homoeopathy Dr Hahnemann, to restore the old order of god. This way of prescriping medicine is based on the totality of symptoms, understanding the hierarchical function of each organ. The author of the above article seems to be a materialistic practitioner focusing on localised events. The way he works is dangerous and could cause harm for generations. The author’s understanding of the novice “vaccines” is missing the point that they are for the most part no vaccines but gene therapies. The hijacking of the human genome is the essential outcome, thrombotic reactions are merely a small symptom of this event. The two medical disciplines do not go hand in hand, especially not in the way described where the allopathic approach robs the patient of his/her essential humanity and the homoeopathic approach aims at the restoration of some divine order. Homoeopathy uses a similar (homoeos) suffering (pathos) to assist the individual life force to overcome an impasse on a dynamic level. Its prescription is individualised not of the shelf the same for everyone. That may be the case when we have all become transhuman but to this day we remain individuals with individual reactions to pathogenic influences deserving an individually tailored remedy.

  • https://www.materiamedica.info/en/materia-medica/john-henry-clarke/trachinus

    Dear David, Snake and scorpion remedies can be very useful for the adverse reactions to vaccine, but also fish poisons may help. I have given trachinus before and after the injection, I thought I had given vipera berus, it worked. I looked at the MM written by Clarke, gave trachinus 200 to other patiens saying to take it before anf after the injenction and all of them did well.

  • Thank you for sharing this. Good to have additional homeopathic “weapons” to add to our arsenal right now. It will broaden not only our use but also our patients’ understanding of homeopathic medicine.

    As homeopaths, we should take pride in the work that is being done in our field.

    A very timely and well-presented article.

    Again, thank you very much for sharing this.

  • Everyone must read, keep this article in mind, and keep the Bothrops remedy close. I now send it to every patient, along with their indicated remedies. Gratis, and with “I sincerely hope you never need it, but keep it in case”. And sometimes it happens. Better safe than sorry. If in doubt, there’s one way to know, and that is to use it. It may save a life, or lessen the damage. My most sincere thanks to Dr Galli for doing so much relevant research around this.

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