Homeopathy Papers

Hoarding Disorder

Written by Lynn Amara

Homeopath Lynn Amara discusses hoarding disorder, providing rubrics such as fear, poverty, fear, misfortune, delusion he is ruined, as well as indications for about twenty remedies.

Abstract:  The purpose of this Hoarding algorithm is to provide a framework for understanding hoarding in a homeopathic way. By looking beyond just the symptomatic presentation of hoarding, the homeopathic practitioner can begin to appreciate the context and root cause of this disorder. Furthermore, material medica is explored in a way that opens to future possibilities.


Hoarding disorder is a persistent difficulty discarding or parting with possessions because of a perceived need to save them. A person with hoarding disorder experiences distress at the thought of getting rid of the items. Excessive accumulation of items, regardless of actual value, occurs.” 3.



brain functioning

stressful life events3      

death of a loved one


loss of possessions in a fire or other natural catastrophe       


“Often surfaces during the teenage to early adult years.”3   “Initial start of hoarding symptoms is thought to happen in childhood or adolescence (typical onset is around age 13) and it is chronic and progressive. Hoarding is more common in older than younger age groups.” 11


“occurs in an estimated 2 to 6 percent of the population of the USA. Some research show hoarding disorder is more common in males than females. It is also more common among older adults–three times as many adults 55 to 94 years are affected by hoarding disorder compared to adults 34 to 44 years old.”12 “hoarding disorder is more common among people who have a family member who has hoarding disorder.”13

Clinical Symptoms:

 Related Rubrics:

Etiology:     Fear of Poverty

Mind, Fear, poverty

Mind, Fear, misfortune

Mind, Avaricious

Mind, Greed

Mind, Delusion, want, he would come to

Mind, Delusion, is ruined, he

Mind, Delusion, will be ruined, he

Mind, Delusion, poor; he is

Mind, Anxiety, money matters, about

Mind, Collects many things

Mind, Selfish

Mind, Indifference, welfare of others

Fear that the Past will disappear

Mind, Sentimental

Fear that they will not realize their potential

Mind, Plans, making many plans

Mind, Plans, gigantic plans

Mind, Deeds, great

Mind, Delusion, great

Mind, Fancies, absorbed

Mind, Fancies, exaltation

Mind, Ideas, abundant

Mind, Succeeds, never


Mind, Irresolute

Mind, Irresolute, acts, in

Mind, Fear, undertaking anything, of

Mind, Confidence, want of

Anxiety Disorder

Mind, Anxiety (with modalities)

Mind, Anxiety, Everything, about

OCD: Shopping, Collecting

Mind, Thoughts, Persistent

Mind, Squandering (with modalities)

Mind, Insanity; makes useless

Grief Reaction

Mind, Ailments from grief (with subrubrics)

Mind, Ailments from death of loved ones:

Cat, of a

Child; of a

Mammal; of a

Parents or friends; of

Mind, Ailments from love, disappointed


Mind, Sadness (with modalities)

Mind, Sit, inclination to

Mind, Talk, indisposed to talk, taciturn

Mind, Dirty

Mind, Indifferent, Appearance, to

Mind, Indifferent, External things

Mind, Indifferent, Household affairs

Mind, Indifferent, Possessions

Mind, Indifferent, Surroundings, to

Mind, Indolent

Mind, Neglecting everything

Mind, Neglecting household affairs

Mind, Unattractive

Mind, Untidy

Mind, Washing, Aversion


Mind, Delusion, Even rags seemed beautiful

Mind, Delusion, Old rags seemed as fine as silk

Physical Infirmity: an indisposition

Head, Aneurysm

Plan of Action:

Remedies to consider:

Plant Realm:


Anacardium orientale –  May collect meticulous files on a specific topic which they love (the subject near and dear to their heart/cardia) but live in squalor otherwise, with fast food containers piling up into mountains of trash. The collections they keep are part of grand plans,  ailments from grief.

Rhus toxicodendron – OCD; ritualistic tendencies, Rigid routines


Mancinella venenata – The mind cannot sort out the good from the bad.


Ignatia amara  – Ailments from the loss of a loved one. Never fully grieved their loss. instead they cannot remove items that the loved one was surrounded with. Sighing but no crying.

Nux vomica – Squanders money to retain a sense of order and control after loss.  Fear of poverty, Co-factor: alcoholism


Clematis erecta – Profound regret over their perceived dereliction of duty that resulted in an unrecoverable loss. Ailments from homesickness


Aethusa cynapium –Hoards/collects animals.  Relates to animals more than to people

Conium maculatum  – Buys too much stuff. May not even get around to opening their purchases.  ‘retail’ therapy after the loss of a long time mate.  Shopping and buying and accumulating keeps them busy and helps avoid the grief.

Elementals and Salts:

Ammonium carbonicum –  Aversion to washing, Indolent, Not open to suggestion, Intolerant to contradiction

Dwells on the past,  Obsessive thinking

Antimonium crudum  – Keeps things as reminders of the past.  Sentimental May hoard food so that they can binge eat.

Chlorinum – Cannot get rid of things because of the idea and the fear that they could end up as a homeless person. Prone to hives from chlorinated water.

Natrum muriaticum  – Ailments from grief, a love loss; cannot let go of the past embodied in objects…wants to ‘make something out of them’, something concrete and tangible. Grief made tangible through a symbolic object: a pillar of salt.

Sulphur  –Cannot discriminate between treasures and trash. Finds value in things that others see no value in.  Fear of poverty but too proud to admit it. Cares not for what others think of them or their appearance or the appearance of their ‘stuff’. Lazy in regard to hygiene. Adverse to bathing.


Narcissistic personality disorder


The Milks:

Lac equinum                  Sentimental

Lac felinum                    Sentimental

Grief reaction after loss of pet cat.

Lac delphinium – Desire to touch things/ Impelled to touch things/  Trifles seem important

Fear of robbers, Introverted with a sensation of isolation, Loss of self control

The Reptilian Realm:

All the venoms

Avian Realm:

Halieetus leucocephalus –  A large nest of collections, especially of small objects which they fashion into something new in rudimentary ways.




Austistic spectrum/Aspergers


Gaddus morrhua

Oleum jecoris assili        From Massimo Mangialavori:

Withdrawal is their main strategy.  Something bad happened to which they no longer react anymore.

Immaturit, Want to remain in a safe environment and not be disturbed. Not much social interaction

Emotional malabsorption


Bipolar spectrum

Autistic spectrum

Saccharum album Hoards food

Food insecurity


Streptococcinum   – An exciting cause/a trigger for OCD behaviors



Adjuncts:    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Therapeutic Sources & References:

1Hoarding: Buried Alive: The Learning Channel

2Remaining in a Safe Environment: The Sea Remedies  by M. Mangialavori

3Mayo Clinic:




7Anxiety and Depression Association of America website. Hoarding: The Basics. https://www.adaa.org/understanding-anxiety/obsessive-compulsive-disorder… (link is external) Accessed March 28, 2017.

8Morein-Zamir S, Papmeyer M, Pertusa A. et al. The profile of executive function in OCD hoarders and hoarding disorder. Psychiatry Research. 30 March 2014;215(3):659-667. (link is external)

9Frost RO, Steketee G, Tolin DF, Sinopli N, Ruby D. Motives for acquiring and saving in hoarding disorder, OCD and community controls. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders. January 2015;4:54-59. (link is external)

10American Psychiatric Association. Understanding Mental Disorders: Your Guide to DSM-5. 2015. American Psychiatric Publishing.




© 2010 Lynn Amara

About the author

Lynn Amara

Lynn Amara, C.C.H. was introduced to homeopathy over 40 years ago by Rudolph M. Ballantine M.D. Years later she was able to study with some of the world’s finest homeopaths, foremost being Dr. Francisco Eizayaga - with whom she published a 13 volume manual of homeopathic therapeutics. Lynn also co-established the Pacific Academy of Homeopathic Medicine’s Foundation program in 1990 and taught both beginning and graduating students for over 9 years. During that time she also published Acute Therapeutics for the Homeopathic Practitioner. Lynn continues to practice and to teach and to mentor locally and globally.

1 Comment

  • Thanks Lynn for the rubrics for hoarding and also differentiating the different mind-sets behind the hoarding disorder. I would appreciate if you could share any cases of this hoarding disorder to also understand your prescribing technique in such conditions.

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