Homeopathy Papers Scientific Research

The Prospects for Genetic Intervention About Cancer Origin

Written by Awanesh Kumar

Drs. Awanesh.Kumar, N. Singh , Ashutosh Kumar, and V.Rani present a study that sought to determine the fundamental cause of the origin of cancer. This particular study used an analysis of case histories of patients and their maternal and paternal pedigrees.

Dr Awanesh Kumar1, Dr. Nandeshwar PD Singh2 ,Ashutosh Kumar 3, Varsha Rani4

This idea was derived from data on cancer sufferers over 20 years of our medical practice. We carefully collected present condition, past history and genetic counseling data of the cancer patients. Different types of 130 case histories of cancer patients indicated similar manifestations, which are functional, morbid, changing, degenerative changes or outgrowths, ie. inside or outside of the body. Sudden occurrence of cancer was not found until now. There was a long history of illness and medical treatments of the patients and their past generations. A set of chronic diseases are found in their past history and also familiar traits.

There are many difficulties in the study of human genetics and we will discuss briefly family studies that can be used to find the genetic basis of human traits in the course of the carcinogenesis. This involves pedigree analysis, where the phenotypic / symptomatological records of families extending over several generations are compiled. On this basis, we hypothesized the segregation pattern. Naturally the more complex the pedigree, the more accurate the genetic analysis The pedigree analysis is the study of traits as they have appeared in the given family line for several past generations i.e. maternal and paternal traits. Past and present symptoms of the patients are also compiled.

In order to determine the mode of inheritance of a trait, it is usually necessary to analyze the data from family histories. Retrospective family studies usually start with an affected individual and work outward from him, through the existing family. One problem with this approach may be the inability to obtain relevant data on deceased relatives or others who are not readily available. Pedigree analysis and patients’ histories indicate mainly two sets of chronic diseases, i.e. psora and sycosis, which meet together. Rarely syphilitic traits are also mixed together. We found in most cases that the hereditary constitution of the individual plays an important role in the cancer origination. It can be seen in the following figure –

Psora    X   Sycotic    Derived from past history of the patients and their  pedigree–analysis of maternal & paternal traits.

Carcinogenesis –  Sensitive to carcinogenesis.

Here, we see the hereditary factors viz psora & sycosis are the main genetic (miasmatic) causes of cancer. It also provides sensitivity to carcinogens in the individuals, and plays an important role in the disease. The course of disease will depend on the genotype of the individual, carcinogenic agent and who comes in contact with it.


The study of human genetics is studied considering the fact that unlike other species of animals and plants, humans cannot be bred experimentally. Therefore we cannot apply the genetic analyses that have been used by Mendel and Devries etc.

This is because:

(a) Not able to arrange the different (wanting) mating.

(b) Long life cycle and relatively less production of offspring

(c) Humans do not live in a uniform environment or uniform conditions.

Therefore genetic counseling and pedigree analysis are basically the source of information about the human genetics. This paper described some aspects of cancer origin, which are hidden truths and have not been described yet. The cancer risk factors of human traits are studied by the case history of present and past illnesses and their genetic counseling and pedigree analysis. The tools for evaluating factors in cancer origin involve hereditary constitution and may be divided into several categories.

Sensibility of the constitution and morbid agents produce changes in the phenotype of human traits in different ways, such as functional, degenerative and non- degenerative changes. There is a high risk of carcinogenesis, where psora and sycosis are found in the past history of maternal and paternal traits. This is the genetic (miasmatic) cause of cancer. Carcinogens are the maintaining and exclusive cause (causa-occasionalis) of cancer.  If both causes (psora &sycosis) meet in a particular platform, then the greater the probability of cancer growth.

Objectives of the Study

Cancer is not a single disease, but an array of different disease, all characterized by uncontrolled cell division .Cancer is a dreadful disease and its incidence is always increasing. There has been no absolute preventive nor curative treatment.  Once the fundamental cause of carcinogenesis is established, many doors will open for further activities in this area. Pedigree analysis of the cancer patient has not been well collected by previous workers. We studied the back generations of the patients, then drew a guideline for genetic origination. The available information becomes a valuable tool for arresting, minimizing, preventing and treating the different dimensions of cancer.

Methods & Materials

The methodology is completely based on findings of case histories of different types of cancer patients of both sexes and different age groups, locations, cultures, habits, races, skills and modes of living.  All these cases are fully diagnosed from recognized medical institutions, laboratories and hospitals i.e. haematology, serology, ultrasonography, FNAC, biopsy and so on. It is notable that the present clinical study of cancer was undertaken and fully based on case histories of the present and past illness and their maternal and paternal traits of diseases with as much detail as possible. We retrospectively analysed the files of patients diagnosed with cancer for 20 years of our practice and included also genetic counseling and pedigree analysis.

In the present clinical study, the total number of patients enrolled was 130, however 30 case histories were only partially collected in our early working period, because this new idea was not fully developed. After some data collection of the case histories and evaluating the facts, the methods needed became more clear to me. This can be seen easily in the summaries of case histories. The primary purpose of this paper is to find the “fundamental cause of the origin of cancer”.

Even when in contact with carcinogens, some people are resistant to cancer. Thus these agents are only exciting causes and this fact also indicate that some genetic causes are also present.

Total races, age groups and sex of the case histories are indicated in the table below:

Table No – 1.

Total No of patients ——————————————————130

Total No of male ———————————————————–60

Total No of Female ——————————————————–70

Total No of Hindu———————————————————117

Total No of Muslim —————————————————— 13

Total No of Hindu male — ————————————————53

Total No of Hindu Female ————————————————64

Total No of Muslim male ————————————————–07

Total No of Muslim female ———————————————–06

Total No of Children — —————————————————-03

Total No of Adult ——————————————————- 127

Total No of Others. ——————————————————–00

All diseases are classified under Psora, Syphilis &Sycosis, as indicated in key words.  Based on case histories of present and past illnesses, genetic counseling and pedigree analysis, we arrive at table No -2.

Table No – 2.

Types of cancer to be observed in this table

  1. Liver Cancer —————————————————————— 40.
  2. Lung Cancer ——————————————————————- 03.

3.Mouth Cancer  —————————————————————— 12.

  1. Gland Cancer Including (Lymphoma) ———————————— 11.
  2. Blood Cancer – Including (Leukemia) ————————————– 07.
  3. G B Cancer ——————————————————————– 06.
  4. Uterine Cancer —————————————————————— 06.
  5. Cervical Cancer —————————————————————– 08.
  6. Prostate Cancer – —————————————————————– 01.
  7. Chest Cancer – —————————————————————— 03.
  8. Throat Cancer – —————————————————————— 06.
  9. Pancreatic Cancer – ————————————————————– 02.
  10. Ovary Cancer – ——————————————————————- 01.
  11. Lip Cancer – ———————————————————————- 01.
  12. Knee Cancer – ——————————————————————– 01.
  13. Gastric Cancer— —————————————————————– 03.
  14. Abdomen cancer – ————————————————————— 01.
  15. Colon Cancer – ——————————————————————– 02.
  16. Breast Cancer – ——————————————————————– 07.
  17. Glioma – —————————————————————————— 02.
  18. Cervical Cancer – —————————————————————– 01.
  19. Skin Cancer – ———————————————————————- 01.
  20. Stomach Cancer – —————————————————————– 02.
  21. Anal Cancer – ———————————————————————– 01.
  22. Necrosis —————————————————————————— 01.
  23. Glioblastoma ————————————————————————- 01.


The beginning data is less detailed. Gradually, due to advancements in our knowledge, the data becomes more complex.  In the primary stage only simple case histories of the patients were collected. Afterward we found previously taken case histories were not sufficient. Later on, more detailed case histories were taken.


Table No- 3.

Page of table 2      Total pt’s   Past history                     Maternal traits            Paternal traits          Remarks

–        –   Psora syph  syco  psora syph  syco  psora syph  Syco

  1. 14. 11      01      06      02      00      01      02      00      01

02      21      15      01      11      07      00      05      08      00      05

03      20      16      02      09      04      00      04      16      06      12

04      22      14      02      04      06      03      04      14      00      01

05      24      13      02      07      08      02      05      12      00      07

06      24      11      04      12      12      00      10      17      00      16

07      05      04      00      03      05      00      02      04      01      03

GT    130    84      12      52      41      05      31      73      07      45

%      130    64.62 9.23   40.00 31.53 3.84   23.84 56.15 5.38   34.61


Result :  Data based on present and past case histories of patients and their maternal and paternal pedigree analysis are shown in the following table.

Table No – 4.

Particulars drawn from: Psora %      Syph %      Syco  %      Remarks

Past History         84      64.62%       12      9.23%         52      40%

Maternal pedigree analysis      41      31.53%       05      3.84%         31      23.84%

Paternal pedigree analysis       73      56.15%       07      5.38%         45      34.61%

Now we observed each pedigree of the patient’s past history, maternal and paternal traits and found the following:

Table No – 5.

Psora-         %      Syph %      Syco  %

108    83.07 26      20.00 83      64.62

We found:

Total psora found in 108 (83.07%) pedigrees, syphilis found in 26 (20.00%) pedigrees and sycosis found in 83 (64.62%) pedigrees out of 130 patients.


Study of the patients’ case histories was undertaken, which involved obtaining their medical history of present and past illnesses and thorough physical and mental examinations done by physicians including the diagnosis of cancer. We found that cancer is not produced suddenly but rather there is a long history of illness including chronic diseases and various treatments.

Past history of the individual along with their pedigree and chronicity in the pedigree analysis.

Analysis –The tables and pedigree analysis indicate the following:

  1. Psora was present in each and every cancer patient.
  2. Psora was also found in the family traits (pedigree).
  3. A long history of illness and their treatments was found the patient and his family history.
  1. Psora was found in 108 patients (83.07%) out of 130.
  2. Syphilitc histories were found in 26 of 130 patients (20.00% ).
  3. Sycotic taint was found in 83 (64.62% ) of 130 patients.
  4. Families suffering cancer were more sensitive to carcinogenesis.
  5. In families where more cancer is found, the pedigree analysis is more complex and full of chronic disease.

Psora was found in every patient and in their family history. The acquired psora was carried from their generation.  If the sycosis miasm is also found in the family, the chance of cancer occurring is greater.  When psora and sycosis both meet in the same individual, the chance of cancer is greater. We can finally conclude that psora and sycosis are fundamental in the origins of cancer. Rarely does the syphilitic taint play a role, but psora is always present.

Key Words: Psora,  Syphilis, Sycosis, Causaoccasionalis, Morbid Agent, Carcinogens, Fundamental cause, Maintaning cause, Exciting cause.

Psora – The term psora according to the English dictionary means itch or some similar skin disease. ( Ref- Organon of medicine 6th Ed Dr Bksarkarpp- 349).

Infections attributed to psora

According to Stuart Close, MD, the causative agent (miasm) is identical and the two terms e.g. psora and tubercular are synonymous  ( Ref-Organon of Medicine 6thEdi Dr BK Sarkarpp– 357)

Psora is often described by Hahnemann as the internal itch disease. He states that it is a cause of all disease, either acute or chronic in nature. McConky, (bacteriologist) through his clinical experience came to believe and taught that heart disease with or without valvular lesions, diabetes, rheumatism and cancer are Tubercular in nature and origin.  Stuart Close likes to fix the denotation of the psoric miasm and identifies it as Koch’s.  But, we think it has a “focal infection” of strepto-staphylo and other pyogenic micro organisms. Vide – Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy .1933 p-633,716. It is the psoric manifestation which is one of the primary morbid agents, from a primative era as a mental itch.

Syphilis – Syphilis is an acquired (secondary) dyscrasia. It is characterised by destruction, degeneration. Syphilis is a highly contagious sexually transmitted disease.

Sycosis – Sycosis is the most widespread miasm and the most dangerous. It is also an acquired (secondary) dyscrasia.  As with syphilis, sycotic development is characterised by proliferation and over growth of connective tissue/ hyperplasia. Also characteristic are gonococcal infections of pelvic viscera. The Sycosis miasm is established after the suppression of complaints that originated in gonococcal infection and that were treated with suppressive medicine. The systemic taint together with psora, permeates to every cell followed by various internal troubles.

Causa occasionalis – This means the fundamental cause, maintaining cause and exciting cause.

  • Fundamental cause – The cause responsible for the development of true natural chronic diseases, ie. psora, syphilis, sycosis. (2) Maintaining cause –Any avoidable noxious influence which causes a pseudo chronic disease. (3) Exciting cause – The cause which excites a disease condition whether acute or chronic.

Morbid Agent – Disease producing factors.

Carcinogens – A substance that has the power to produce cancer. Benzine and polynuclear hydrocarbons containing more than two benzine rings fused together are toxic and said to possess cancer producing (carcinogenic) properties.


  1. Textbook of medicine -Price
  2. Textbook of medicine –Davidson
  3. Textbook of medicine –Golwala
  4. Textbook of medicine – Royal George
  5. Synthesis Repertory – Dr. Frederick Schroyans
  6. The Basics of Medical Genetics – G.P Pall
  7. Textbook of Biochemistry – Thorpe
  8. An Introduction to Genetics – Marrel
  9. Organon of medicine 5th.Ed. – Hahnemann
  10. Chronic Disease & Its Nature – Hahnemann
  11. Lecture on Materia medica – Kent J.T
  12. Materia medica (clinical) – Clark J.H
  13. Materia Medica (clinical) – E.A. Farrigton
  14. The Philosophy of natural cure & therapeutics
  15. Principles of Prescribing – Mathur
  16. Dr. V K Chauhan MD – Practice of Medicine.
  17. Dr. Meeta Gupta MD – Practice of Medicine.
  18. Numerous websites and newspapers
  19. A text book of Genetics – H S Bhamrh & CM Chaturvedi.
  20. Human genetics – PK Dhar.
  21. Science reporter CSIR Publication Delhi Nov 11.
  22. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology – Sep, Oct – 2014.Pp – 432- 439
  23. Organon of medicine – B K Sarkar.

About the author

Awanesh Kumar

Dr. Awanesh Kumar obtained his B.H.M.S. (BRABU 1998) from R.B.T.S. Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Muzaffarpur, Bihar. He has sixteen years of clinical experience and works at the Homoeopathic Curative and Research Centre, Muzaffarpur, Bihar. His research work includes restoration from carcinoma through homoeopathy, risk of carcinogenic development when tubercular susceptibility meets with the sycotic, an hereditary approach towards carcinogenic origin, prospects for genetic intervention in cancer and prevention of encephalitis through homoeopathy. His research, articles and cured cases have been published in various print media.



    • Dear Dr Gupta,
      I honor your valuable comment on my findings.
      dear Dr Gupta any causative agent of diseases even miasm and immunity is directly proportionate to the vital force . Our preventive measure develop immunity against the cancer to the VF and reduces the potency of prominent miasm not the irredegation of miasm . So I think it is possible and may success.

  • your research is in a good way sir it’s really possible if we reduce the action of psora then is automatically it prevent the chronic disease like cancer or other diseases #thanks for this idea#amezing thinking

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