Homeopathy Papers

After Surgery Had Done Its Best

Written by TF Allen

Dr. Timothy Field Allen presents an “incurable” case of malignant sarcoma, in which surgery had failed.

Excerpted from: The Homoeopathic Recorder Volume XVI  – 1902

When, a little time since, I responded to your request to present to you some cases typical of homoeopathic cures I thought over the matter rather carefully, and came to the conclusion that it would be useless to attempt to report any case which could emanate from a person not well known and, if possible, not prominent in social life. I, therefore, sent to you the cases which appeared in your November Recorder of cures wrought in people well known, politically and socially — cures which had been thoroughly examined and upon whom opinions had been given by surgeons distinguished for their learning and for their high standing in the community.

The cases which were presented to you were both of them examined by me, and the treatment was under my supervision and also that of my son, Dr. Paul Allen. In the case of the lady, who is a Spanish lady of good birth, owning large estates in Cuba, a lady whose means are abundant, who could command the best medical and surgical skill in the world, and who did command it, in whom the diagnosis was to my mind clearly and accurately made, who consulted not less a personage than Professor of a great University in the City of New York, a distinguished author and professor, and on account of whose diagnosis the various operations were performed. His opinion was given unhesitatingly, after most careful examination. The operations were performed by the most distinguished surgeons, were performed in the most expert manner, and, in spite of these operations, the disease repeatedly returned, exactly as prophesied by the distinguished expert who had been consulted. An ex-surgeon of the United States army had pronounced the case hopeless, had pronounced further surgical interference utterly out of the question, and I myself was asked to give advice. My son, Dr. Paul Allen, repeatedly saw the case at her house and later at my office. She was suffering, as has been stated, with cerebral symptoms, threatening disorganization of the brain, probably haemorrhage, and it was recognized that the disorder was, in all probability, the result of a malignant disease, and no other opinion could be given except to concur in the opinion of the distinguished specialist in histology, that, as had been feared, it was the return of the malignant sarcoma.

Indeed, the last recurrence of the disease (on the arm) was even then apparent. The flesh of the forearm was swollen, infiltrated, the lymphatics angry and inflamed, and the glands of the axilla inflamed and painful, and, taken with the previous history of the case, left no doubt in my mind, or that of the preceding surgeon, of the malignant character of the growth, which had, for the third time, attacked and threatened her life. There only remained the advice which was given, and which so far as I knew, or could at that time know, could have no essential bearing upon the sarcoma.

My opinion was based upon the necessity of prescribing for the cerebral symptoms, and for the symptoms of the fever which had recurred. The symptoms were essentially these, that about 10 or 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the fever would begin to rise, the distress in her head would increase (the temperature increasing to about 104 ), associated with vertigo, loss of coordinated movements, increase of stupor, heat of the head, and entire absence of thirst, to be followed about 12 to 1 o’clock by slow subsidence of the fever, so that by afternoon or evening she became greatly relieved, the fever would almost entirely disappear, and before nightfall she would be able to lie down in bed and sleep, but the attack would recur on the following day at about 10 or 11 o’clock. This recurrence had taken

place so regularly that the only remedy necessary to prescribe with any hope of success was Gelsemium, which it was advised to administer in the sixth dilution in half a glass of water. So, accordingly, a powder was prepared, containing a few pellets medicated with the sixth centessimal dilution, and this powder was directed to be dissolved in a half glass of water and a teaspoonful taken every hour until the fever disappeared. Then to discontinue the remedy until the temperature should begin to rise next morning; then to resume the remedy and continue it throughout the next period. It was said at the time that though there was no hope held out, it seemed to be the only possible way of checking the periodical rise of temperature.

The effect was as marvelous and unlooked for as could well be imagined.  The next day the temperature did not rise above 101°, and on the third day the rise of temperature disappeared entirely and the patient felt well, and, indeed, within a week she seemed to be entirely cured. Within two weeks after that time the lady herself came to my office and showed me the malignant growth on her arm, which was very much less angry, and which finally dried up and dropped off, leaving a smooth surface, which was the end of that.

The lymphatic glands became less and less inflamed, the tenderness disappeared, dresses could be worn with comfort, and that was the end of those symptoms. The vertigo in the head disappeared with the fever, she lost her stupid look and actions, her appetite returned, and these symptoms entirely disappeared. Within a few weeks the lady was out driving, and after three years there has been no return of any of these symptoms and she seems to have recovered so far that she feels per- fectly safe in spending the winter on her estates in Cuba.

All the medicine that was given her was half a dozen powders of Gelsemium in sixth dilution, as mentioned. No other medicine has during the space of three years been administered for any purpose whatever, nor does any medicine seem to be required.

This, I think, is by far the most brilliant and most wonderful result of pure, straight, unmitigated Homoeopathy that it has been my lot to witness. Instead of producing the slightest impression upon the mind of the celebrated Professor of Histology, I have been told that when the cure was brought home to him, and he was asked why the operations had been advised and what he thought of the result, his simple reply was that he thought, after all, he had made a mistake in diagnosis.

So, in reply to the various inquiries which have been made as to what I consider the diagnosis, I can only say in the words of the distinguished expert, written and treasured by the lady and her family, that it was a case of malignant recurring sarcoma. I can make no other diagnosis. It does not matter, really, what the diagnosis was. Something was the matter with her that, in the best judgment of the surgeons, required very extensive and very careful excision or extirpation of the lymphatics of the arm and both legs, and the disease continuing to recur and attacking the brain compelled an unfavorable prognosis. The cure was simply a homoeopathic cure. It was based upon pure symptomatology. Gelsemium was the only possible remedy to prescribe and it was the only possible chance of life the lady had.  No other system of treatment could have been possible. No other system of therapeutics would have cured the lady, and I myself am quite satisfied with the results of Homoeopathy.

About the author

TF Allen

Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)
Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years. In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.


  • And over a century later Allopaths would still prefer to “admit” to a wrong diagnosis than recognize that a homeopathic intervention was successful… what remedy should we put in the medical schools’ drinking water? Considering what is happening in Europe with the removal of reimbursement of homœopathic care, it seems the pathology is getting worse, not better.

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