Homeopathy Papers

The Anatomy of Homeopathy

Written by Christina Munns

The author discusses the action of homeopathic remedies and the vital force in the context of Chakras and Nadis.

Long ago, I used to think, like everybody else that my body consisted of what I saw in the mirror. Now I know differently….

Through my own personal journey of illness and the absence of any healing or balance occurring as a result of allopathic drugs, the light eventually dawned on me (after 10 years!), that the allopathic drugs were never going to make me better because the problem was not physical. At one of the darkest hours of my depression, the enlightening understanding came to me that the origin of disease was not physical and therefore its cure could not be physical either. It was not until another six years later, when I found Homoeopathy, began to heal and later began to study, that the reality of energetic anatomy became apparent to me.

As a student homeopath, I did my thesis on “Homoeopathy and The Subtle Body”, as I wanted to share the insights that I had learned. After being a homoeopath for nine years, I have eventually written a book on how the body works from an energetic perspective, plus much more about energy generally. The book is called “1=3: The Caduceus – Unity of Science, Spirituality & Consciousness”. This article concerns the dynamics of the interface of the human body with a homeopathic medicine.

I will first begin with two diagrams…These two diagrams are of what we DON’T see in the mirror when we look at our body. It is a good idea to appreciate that this is what a human being truly is:


OUTSIDE – Subtle Bodies INSIDE – The Caduceus (chakras & nadis)

As homoeopaths, we know that it is the information/energetic body that needs to be healed first. Then concomitantly, the physical body will be healed. These pictures show the quantum body – the fact that we are made of matter, energy and information – all inseparable, all indivisible. The trinity of the body must be recognised for healing to occur.

The black and white diagram shows the 7 horizontal planes of existence that emanate from the 3 central vertical channels. These are the subtle bodies of the causal/willpower, mental, astral/emotional, etheric, physical (solid, liquid, gas) bodies. The diagram of The Caduceus shows the 7 vertical planes of existence which are the seven chakras. “Chakra” literally means “wheel of light”. These vortices of energy/light work as step-down transformers of the Vital Force. The Vital Force enters the body via the Crown (7th) chakra and is the conduit for life itself. It descends down from the Crown Chakra via the core central channel that rests within the inner chamber of the spinal column. This column is called the “sushumna” which means “the very blissful”. The other two major energy channels or “nadis” are called “ida” (represented by the white snake) and “pingala” (represented by the red snake). I will discuss these more later.

These two diagrams also highlight the fact that it is not only the physical body that has differences, for example, hair and eye colour, height, weight, facial features, but also that there are also energetic differences in each individual. These differences take the form of both the vertical plane of the body (chakras) and the horizontal plane of the body (energy bodies). What this means is that EACH PERSON also has a particular chakra pattern, with some chakras being more open and thus more functional than others and some chakras being totally closed. Similarly, a person may have different levels of power and clarity in their energy bodies. For instance, a person may have a strong emotional body but a weak mental body, or a strong causal (will) body, but a weak emotional body. Also, the ida and pingala nadis can be either weak or strong in their flow pattern, or blocked in flow of energy due to different closed or blocked chakras. All this information is totally humbling and awe-inspiring – the complexity and subtlety of what the human body really consists of.

When a homeopathic remedy is taken, due to its vibrational nature, it is able to reach the central core of our being – the sushumna. This energy channel then radiates out the energy of the homoeopathic remedy to the two nadis of ida and pingala, which in turn then radiate out the energy of the remedy via the 72,000 nadis that are the “circulatory system” of the subtle and physical body. The energy is transmitted via the crystalline and water systems of the physical body and via the liquid crystalline structure of the etheric fluidium of the subtle bodies. On the vertical plane, the remedy is “ingested” by each of the seven chakras. The degree of absorption by the chakra is determined by the degree of openness or development of that chakra. Each person has different degrees of chakra development. Also different remedies have an affinity for a particular chakra. So, just like we know which remedies have an affinity for which organ system (e.g. Calendula for skin, Digitalis for circulation and Kali Phos for the nervous system), so too can we learn the chakra affinities for remedies. For example, there is Lycopodium, Staphysagria & Cuprums for the Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra and Aurums, Ignatia, Laurocerasus, Nat Mur for the Heart (4th) Chakra. Here is a sample of the first two chakras and their affinities, the full list is available in the book “1=3: The Caduceus”.


Relates to: family, society, survival, money to survive, grounding, food/shelter, trust, security, belonging

Dysfunction Physical Emotional Mental Causal Remedy


Anaemia Obesity Mistrustful Delusion: he is poor Ailments from fright Arnica


Poor circulation Adrenals Fear:


Delusion: estranged from family Ailments from



Carbo Veg.
Legs/Feet Fear:



Alone in the world


Mental shock



Immune disorders Bones


Fear: death Dreams:




Piles Muscles Fear:

Being harmed




Varicose veins Coccyx Fear:


Milk remedies
Poverty Immune Insecurity Sulphur

Nose Selfishness Natrums

Nails Buddleia
Skin Rhus.Glabra
Hair Red


Relates to: mothering, fathering, money, sexuality, fears, blame and guilt, power to others

Dysfunction Physical Emotional Mental Causal Remedy


Impotence Appendix Sexual desire:





Neglect of mother

Infertility Ovaries Sexual






Neglect of father

Frigidity Uterus Anger:


to talk

Mind: Aversion to



Sexual abuse



Incontinence Prostate Sarcasm Mind:

Aversion to









Jealousy Milk





Blood Fear:




Saliva Dreams:


Nat Mur.

Plasma Staphysagria

Tongue Orange



Much more work needs to be done on chakra affinities – this is only the beginning.

The other important aspect to understand about chakras is that they are themselves multi-layered. They have an inner core which governs the subtle fields of perception and mental faculties and an outer section which governs the physical aspects relating to that chakra. For example, on the subtle level the Throat Chakra (5th) governs self-expression, communication, making dreams come true, the power of choice. On the physical plane, the Throat Chakra (5th) governs the thyroid gland, cervical ganglia, medulla and respiratory system. By understanding the physiological aspects of each chakra level we can have a greater insight into the causative factors behind the pathology. By tracing the pathology back to the relevant chakra and the associated Life Lesson of that chakra, we can effect a far deeper cure than if we just dealt with the mere physical aspects.

From another perspective we can also see in the image of The Caduceus above, the three vertical columns. These represent the nadis or “pipes” of the Vital Force. There are 72,000 nadis in the human body, of which 14 are majorly important and 3 of the utmost importance. In Sanskrit, nadi means “tube” or “pipe”. Nadis are energetic channels that run in the human body and in all living beings that carry the Vital Force. They are comprised of two opposing channels called ida (white column – meaning “moon” or “the inspirer”) and pingala (red column – meaning “sun” or “fire”). These two energetic channels spiral up the central column called sushumna (golden central column – meaning “the very blissful”). The channels conclude at the left (ida) and right (pingala) nostrils. This has a functional purpose because as we breathe, the prana (Life Force energy) in the atmosphere is taken up through the nostrils and into the ida and pingala channels, thus supplying the energetic body with a constant source of Life Force/Prana. If we have no breath, we have no life. The air we breathe is not “nothing”. It is “something”. It contains not only oxygen, but also the Prana of the Universe which sustains all living things. This is because breath is life (Prana meaning “Life Force” or “energy”); breath is also Consciousness.

The three columns/nadis represent the three original universal principles of energy, light and matter. According to Vedic philosophy, these are the three forces (sattwa, rajas and tamas) that govern our physical world and are the three strands from which the material Universe is woven: energy (sattwa); light (rajas); and matter (tamas). These three qualities are called “gunas”. Guna literally means “string” or “single thread or strand of a cord or twine”. Each of these universal qualities, or gunas, produces an effect in the physical world that can be correlated to science, mathematics, medicine, healing and the attainment of wisdom.

Note: There are no words in the English language to explain the principles of gunas, sattwa, rajas and tamas or the existence of nadis, chakras, sushumna, pingala and ida. It is important that these ancient Sanskrit terms are kept in their original form. Just as the Eastern and European countries have adopted many English words into their culture, so too must the English language adopt these words that describe the different aspects of energy into its common vocabulary. By doing so we can truly live with an energetic vocabulary to reflect the reality of our energetic world. The nadis are the energy threads that connect three different sections of the subtle body as follows:

Chakra to Chakra

Subtle Body to Subtle Body

Subtle Body to Physical Body

The word nadi also comes from the Sanskrit root word “nad” meaning “motion” or “vibration”. From an energetic viewpoint, the understanding of the nadis and their relationship to the chakras is imperative for a full comprehension of how The Caduceus operates.

Just as the physical body has a collection of physical channels ranging from the major channel of the gastrointestinal tract to the subtle channels of the nervous system, so too does the subtle body have channels that carry energy. These energy channels are the nadis.


This is the most important and central of the nadis. It corresponds to the central spinal canal of the physical body and to the mode of sattwa or purity and goodness. It controls all the functions of the chakras that are strung like beads on a string upon it. This nadi is the energy flow of the entire mental field or stream of Consciousness itself. The sushumna can be viewed as the conduit for psychic energy direct from the manufacturer (Pure Consciousness/God) to the individual consumer, i.e. the mental and physical planes of a human body on Earth.


This nadi is one of a pair of the central nadis (ida and pingala) that entwine themselves in a figure of eight fashion, one on top of the other around the central sushumna. Ida and Pingala are similar in concepts to the Chinese idea of Yin and Yang – the pair of opposites that eternally juxtapose themselves and which cannot exist in isolation. They describe a state of transition and are only in balance for a moment in time. The ida nadi starts its journey from the base of the spine and ends at the left nostril. Ida has feminine, cooling, soothing, watery qualities and is indrawn in its nature. It is perceived as the silvery whiteness of the moon and is also known as the lunar nadi. It corresponds with the guna or universal quality of tamas or substance and inactivity.


This nadi is the twin of ida. It also arises at the base of the spine and moves from side to side, from chakra to chakra, and ends at the right nostril. Pingala has masculine, hot, fiery, dry, stimulating, active qualities and is outgoing in its nature. It corresponds to the rajas guna of passion and action. It is perceived as the red energy of the sun and is also known as the solar nadi. Ida and pingala are deeply potent energy systems. Suffice to say that these two nadis govern all the other 11 main nadis and are responsible for left brain/right brain dominance, i.e. rational/logical thought processes or creative/emotional ones.

A nadi can be perceived as somewhat like an electrical cable that carries the “electricity” of the Vital Force along its circuitry, delivering energy as well as the energy’s vibrational quality to the different parts of the physical and subtle bodies (i.e. etheric, emotional, mental, causal bodies).

The fact that there are three main nadis is very pertinent, because the number three represents the three primal qualities or “threads” from which the universe is woven. These three qualities are of sattwa (balancing, harmonizing, saturation, neutral, sushumna nadi), rajas (external, heat, activity, outward focused, passion, male, pingala nadi) and tamas (internal, cooling, inertia, inward focused, physical processes, female, ida nadi). The qualities of tamas and rajas represent the Yin & Yang of the universe – the polarities that are in constant play and ever attempting to find balance & harmony (sattwa/sushumna nadi). When these two polarities come into balance then the Vital Force is able to be conducted in the sushumna nadi and harmony prevails. When a homeopathic remedy is taken, the activity of the well-chosen remedy is to restore balance so that the sushumna nadi is the governing nadi and not ida or pingala.

The Caduceus is also a symbol for healing. In the human body the three gunas are represented in the three main energetic channels as: sushumna (sattwa); pingala (rajas) and ida (tamas).

When the Vital Force/Life Force within a nadi is interfered with by another vibration of energy, it becomes imbalanced at the point where it is interfered with. Thus, the imbalance can occur in any of the four subtle bodies. This imbalance manifests in the nadis as either a:

Rarefaction of energy – lowering of density of the Vital Force within the nadi or “hypo” functional states. (Here we can visualise the coils of a spring becoming further apart.)

Compression of energy – increase in density of the Vital Force within the nadi or “hyper” functional states. (Here we can visualise the coils of a spring coming closer together.)

To explain this further I have designed the table below explaining the three possible energy states of the Vital Force/Life Force within a nadi:



Vital Force

= Ida

Vital Force in


= Sushumna


Vital Force

= Pingala

Pressure” decrease

within nadi

Balanced nadi

Pressure” increase

within nadi

Decrease in energy level/vitality within nadi

Optimum energy/


Increase of energy level/

vitality within nadi

Hypofunctional states

Deficiency states

Understimulation states



Hyperfunctional states

Overproduction states

Overstimulation states








It can be proven, therefore, that disease is a manifestation of an imbalanced Vital Force (Prana) within the subtle energy channels (nadis) of the body and that the nature of this imbalanced Vital Force is dependent upon the type of effect that the opposing force has on the waveform of the Vital Force, i.e. a rarefactory effect (ida) or a compressed effect (pingala).

Seen in this light (excuse the pun!), we can see that the external influences that impact on the nadis of the body are of a vibratory nature (since they must be one guna or another). External influences such as living conditions, working conditions, family relationships, toxic chemicals, cigarettes, and each type of substance that is ingested are all a type of guna vibration that can, if of a strong or of sufficient duration, interfere with the vibration of the Vital Force within our nadis and instigate disease.

Internal, exciting causes can be seen as congenital or inherited abnormalities (including miasmatic states), in utero states, the aging process, hormonal changes, mental or emotional states. All these pre-disposing conditions have a certain vibratory frequency that exert their subtle influence on the nadis – again producing imbalance/disease.

Another important component of the subtle body is the ethereal fluidium. The ethereal fluidium is a subtle fluid that can be likened to the connective tissue of the subtle bodies. This etheric fluid is located throughout the body, especially in red blood cells. The organs that store it are: the colon, lymph nodes, skin and stomach. When any vibrational medicine is taken, be it gem elixirs, homeopathics or flower essences, this etheric fluid is enhanced and acts as a carrier of the vibrational medicine through the energetic framework of The Caduceus. It can do this because it uses the properties of liquid crystal to transmit and communicate the healing energy of the remedies via the sattvic guna (harmonising principle) of light.

Finally, I’d just like to mention the process of potency selection. When a homeopath can appreciate the reality of the horizontal and vertical planes of the human body as represented by the 7 states or bodies and the 7 chakras, then choosing the potency becomes much simpler. Here is a table showing the correspondences that I have found clinically to work with the various subtle frequency bodies on the horizontal plane:

Physical 6X, 12X, 6C, 12C
Etheric 30C
Emotional 200C
Mental 1M/10M
Causal 10M/50M

The Caduceus symbol is the map of the energetic body. It is our energy skeleton. From my perspective, I think it is imperative that homeopaths and all healers comprehend its operation. If a therapist truly imbibes the wisdom contained in this symbol, the process of healing will come much more naturally. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed reading this introductory information about energetic anatomy as it relates to homoeopathy. When we understand how the body operates energetically, as represented by The Caduceus, we can begin to be true masters of our wonderful art of science – Homoeopathy.

Frawley, David Dr, Yoga and Ayurveda – Self-Healing & Self-Realisation, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, USA, 1999, pp 157-159


Frawley, David Dr, Yoga and Ayurveda – Self-Healing & Self-Realisation, Lotus Press, Twin Lakes, Wisconsin, USA, 1999, p 71

Gerber, Richard MD, Vibrational Medicine, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1996, pp 272-273

Gurudas, Gem Elixirs and Vibrational Healing, Vol. I, Cassandra Press, San Rafael, California, USA, 1985, p 70

About the author

Christina Munns

Christina Munns is an Australian homeopath, independent scientific scholar and meditator. She is the author of a series of seven books called Principia Unitas. Written in an easy to understand style, these books explain many of her discoveries including: the solution to dark matter/energy, quantum gravity, supersymmetry, cardiocentric cosmology and a Unified M-theory model. Thinking “outside the square" has enabled her to make the connections between ancient Indian wisdom and modern day physics. She is passionate about teaching the scientific community and the general public about Unified Field Theory and its implications for humanity.

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