Homeopathy Papers

Tidbits 28: Lies Your Doctor Tells

lewis tidbits june image
Written by Elaine Lewis

Are they “lying” or do they just know which side their bread is buttered on?

 Dr. Hibbert smiling

“You need to be on a cholesterol-lowering drug!”

People have been obsessing about cholesterol and saturated fat for 60 years!  One out of 4 Americans over 45 is on a cholesterol-lowering drug.  If there’s anything your doctor is sure of, it’s that too much cholesterol and saturated fat can kill you!  I can promise you there’s a Crestor prescription at your doctor’s office waiting for you!  

I guess your doctor has never heard of the Framingham Study which has been going on for 70 years, one of the longest studies ever done in the history of medicine!  What this study concluded was that the lower your cholesterol was, the more likely you were to die of heart disease!  It also found that eating saturated fat didn’t raise your cholesterol levels at all!  Needless to say, this study is almost never talked about.1/

“You need a yearly mammogram to prevent breast cancer!”


  According to the LA Times: 


“For every 10-percentage-point increase in screening rates, the incidence of breast cancer rose by 16 percent…” 

Sounds to me like mammograms CAUSE breast cancer!  The British Medical Journal reported on the largest mammography study done in recent years, which concluded that mammography had no advantage over annual breast exams!2/

Plus, here’s something else you should know about mammography, something called “over-diagnosis”.  Apparently 25% of diagnosed tumors, even though meeting the criteria for “cancer”, never grow and never materialize into anything, but because you’ve been “diagnosed”, now you are aggressively treated with surgery, chemo and radiation and endure needless suffering and disfiguring.  

False-positives is another problem.  They occur 20 to 56% of the time according to the Archives of Internal Medicine. The Cochrane Database Review says that mammography leads to a 30% rate of over-diagnosis and over-treatment.3/

The Lancet Oncology in 2011 reported on a study that showed that the more mammograms women got, the more breast cancer they developed in later years compared to the controls.4/

Is it really hard to believe that radiation causes cancer? 


“Unfortunately, our time is up.”

“Why is my doctor always in such a hurry to get me in and out?  Why do I always have to wait so long in the waiting room?  Why is the waiting room always so over-crowded?”  

While lawyers are paid by the hour, doctors are paid by the diagnosis and the procedure.  What he needs from you is a diagnosis and, in fact, as many diagnoses as possible of approved diseases that are listed in his book of “things” that insurance companies will pay for; nothing else matters.  So he sends you out for tests.  This is the whole idea, to be tested.  The more diagnoses he can make, the more money he can charge the insurance company; and the more people he can do this with, the more lucrative his practice becomes.  A doctor’s appointment in the United States tends to last only 10 or 15 minutes.5/  All he needs is a diagnosis and a Rx pad for a “medicine” that will most likely prove worthless.

Let me put it this way.  Your lawyer charges $400 an hour.  At the end of the hour, you pay him $400.  He can’t keep charging you every time he does something– uses a book, reads a financial statement….  In the end, no matter what he does, it’s $400. 

On the other hand, when you see your doctor, it’s not just $400 for the office visit, he gets to charge for all the diagnoses he makes and the tests he’s ordered!  Your blood pressure is slightly above normal, so is your cholesterol, you’ve got some sort of skin problem… maybe he can say it’s “Eczema”.  There is an incentive for him to over-diagnose and over-test; and the more patients he can do this with, the more money he makes.  Furthermore, once he diagnoses you, he gets to put you on drugs, and that means you have to come back!  He’s making full-time customers out of all of you!

Your lawyer, once he’s made out your will, or your medical power of attorney, he’s done with you.  But your doctor?  You’ll be seeing him regularly for the rest of your life, and for stuff you could have cured yourself just by eating more vegetables, but, don’t expect to hear that from him, he doesn’t even know—or care!

“But the United States has the best medical care in the world!!!”

I don’t think so.  Americans are in the worst health compared to other industrialized nations.  We have the highest rates of: obesity, diabetes, cancer, chronic lung disease, teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease, injuries and homicides compared to 17 other developed nations, such as Italy, Germany, France, Norway, Denmark, England, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Canada, Sweden, etc.6/

(We’re number-one!  We’re number-one!)

“You need the full battery of diagnostic tests!”

Dr Nick in scrubs

This is what happens to people with good insurance; not only are they over-tested, they’re over-medicated; in other words, anything the insurance company will cover, they’re getting!   Insurance will only pay a doctor X-amount of dollars for each diagnosis.  But this number can be enhanced by ordering all the tests for which the insurance company is willing to pay!  The more tests, the more opportunity to make a “diagnosis”, and the more diagnoses, the more the doctor can charge the insurance company and the more drugs you can be put on.  Unfortunately, some of these tests can actually be stressful and harmful.  For example, having to fast before a test, having to drink barium before a test, having to drink glucose before a test, having to undergo CAT scans which expose you to 1,000 times more radiation than a chest X-ray…. What I’m saying to you is, you can’t assume that all the tests you’re in line for are actually for YOUR benefit!

“An infant can safely receive up to 10,000 vaccinations at once.”

Dr. Hibbert with lolly

So says “Mr. Vaccine”, Dr. Paul Offit (aka, “For-Profit Offit”), who holds a 1.5 million dollar research chair at Philadelphia’s Childrens Hospital, paid for by none other than vaccine-maker Merck Pharmaceuticals.  According to Philadelphia Magazine, “Offit is the world’s number-one vaccine pundit.  He writes opinion articles about vaccines.  He writes books about vaccines.  Offit just published his fifth book, Autism’s False Prophets.  He recently helped convince a famous Hollywood actress, Amanda Peet, to become a spokesperson for vaccines.  He even invented a vaccine. … The vaccine he co-invented now sells as RotaTeq.  It’s a prevention for a diarrheal disease called rotavirus … CHOP [Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia] sold its royalty stake in RotaTeq for $182 million, and Offit received an unspecified chunk: his share of the intellectual property, ‘in the millions,’ a life-changing windfall. Offit discussed the patent money with me on several occasions … To Offit, getting the money felt like winning the lottery…”7/

Paul Offit sat on the CDC committee that makes recommendations for the vaccine schedule, in other words, he got to vote on his own vaccine!  You can’t be the spokesperson for the safety of a product if the product is the source of your income!  Oh, you can try, but your credibility is shot!  And notice that Children’s Hospital, itself, made almost $200,000,000.00 from selling its interest in this one vaccine!  It makes you wonder to what extent hospitals in general have vested interests in ALL pharmaceutical patents, and is this the reason why no natural treatment is available in any hospital?

“It doesn’t matter what you eat!”

Dr. Nick's nutrition pyramid

So say doctors who get next to no nutritional training in medical school!  But what can you expect from a profession that allows the hospital cafeteria to be replaced by McDonalds?  How indifferent to nutrition do you have to be to let this happen?  Here is some of the misinformation doctors are passing on:

1) Saturated fat puts you at risk for obesity and heart disease.  Actually…no.  The correct answer to that is sugar, and white flour, which turns to sugar in your stomach, high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oil.  In that context, most of what people are eating these days is nothing but sugar and unhealthy fats.  This is where your heart disease comes in.8/

2) If you’re diabetic, replace sugar with artificial sweeteners.  Really?  They’re neurotoxins! Originally, Aspartame, aka “NutraSweet”, was rejected by the FDA.  But the drug company, G.D. Searle, was determined to get artificial sweetener, Aspartame, approved by hook or by crook.  In 1977, the FDA issued a report that blew the lid off G.D. Searle’s criminally flawed Aspartame studies.  Here’s what the report found:

  • Deceased lab animals were not immediately autopsied, some not for an entire year after death. Decomposition rendered any data from them inaccurate.
  • Tumors found in lab animals were reportedly cut out and thrown away.
  • Animals from whom tumors were removed were labeled “normal,” and obvious tumors were deemed to be “normal swelling.”9/  

aspartame 2

Yes, I know this is shocking but, par for the course, as I’ve come to realize.  So what did G.D. Searle do?  They offered the US Attorney who had them under investigation, a job!  So of course, the investigation stopped!  In 1977, Searle was taken over by none other than Donald Rumsfeld, famed for instigating the invasion of Iraq as George W. Bush’s secretary of defense.  Rumsfeld, not surprisingly, was a friend of Ronald Reagan’s.  When Reagan became president in 1981, he convinced Reagan to replace the head of the FDA with the friendlier Dr. Arthur Hayes.  Hayes approved Aspartame and then resigned.  He was immediately hired by the manufacturer of Aspartame!  

3) Eggs will raise your cholesterol.  No, they won’t.  Eggs are very good for you.  According to Science Daily, eggs can help prevent heart disease and even cancer.  Of course, this only applies if you’re eating organic, free-range eggs.10/

4) Drink your milk, milk is good for you.  Unless it’s raw milk, no it isn’t.  Pasteurizing and homogenizing milk changes its molecular structure.  As such, it’s a processed food and can lead to allergies and immune disorders, and on top of that, it contains bovine growth hormone, antibiotics, veterinary drugs, the cows are housed inhumanely, they are over-crowded and often sick…  Try to find raw milk if you’re going to drink milk.  Check with your health food store to see if they carry it.

5) GMO’s are a non-issue.  GMO’s are a disaster!  Genetically Modified foods have caused tumors, premature death, organ failure, gastric lesions, liver damage, kidney damage, allergic reactions, etc. in lab animals.  The insecticide used on GM plants, “Round-up”, contains a toxin called Glyphosate, believed to be responsible for the die-off of bees.11/ Without bees, we’re sunk!  Every processed food at this point should be presumed to contain GMO’s.  This means you can’t eat out, you have to buy organic, whole foods, and you have to cook from scratch.  Sorry.

“There’s no cure for this disease.”

Dr. Hibbert no cure

How long can they get away with saying that?  Imagine a car repair shop known for repeatedly saying, “We can’t fix that.”    

“Hello, can you fix my dented fender?”  

“No can do.”  

“Well, what about my rear bumper, all the paint’s been scraped off in an accident.”

“We can cover it up with bumper stickers!”  

“Well, the engine is making a noise…”  

“We can disguise it by making an even louder noise by putting a hole in the muffler.”

Of course, it seems preposterous because no one would put up with this kind of incompetence in the car repair industry.  Imagine how stupid we would have to be if we tolerated, accepted and believed that the so-called car “repair” industry couldn’t repair a single car!  We’d have to be insane, almost hypnotized, to keep taking our cars there time and time again!  So why do we keep going to doctors who say there’s no cure for this and no cure for that as if that’s just the way it is?  Do you think I’m exaggerating?  Here’s what they still have no cure for:

The common cold

Any virus at all including the flu




Heart disease








Panic disorder

Alzheimer’s disease











Crohn’s disease


High blood pressure



I’m not sure when to stop….

Maybe they can’t cure these things because they’re invested in NOT CURING THEM. What if their livelihood depends on not curing them?  Believe it or not, you know who can explain this better than I can?  Comedian Chris Rock!  See the video below.  He says, “There’s no money in the cure, the money’s in the medicine!  That’s how you get paid, on the come-back!  That’s how a drug dealer makes his money, on the come-back!”  

Remember, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia made 182 million dollars selling its interest in one drug, ONE drug, the RotaTeq vaccine.  Do you really think they’re invested in only ONE drug?  Does that seem credible?  Why would you invest in only ONE drug when you, as a hospital, are in a position to ensure that all your investments succeed?

I think now I understand Dr. Matthias Rath’s open letter that appeared in the NY Times in which he referred to the medical/hospital complex as an investment business:  

Largely unbeknownst to the American people, there is a war going on that has claimed victims in every family.  This war is escalating and threatens every human life.  It is a war being waged in the interests of the multibillion-dollar pharmaceutical industry, which is not a health industry, but rather an investment business [based on disease]. 12/


So, I thought to myself, “An investment business????  What does that mean?”  Well, I get it now!

It’s like when Dick Clark owned the publishing on pretty much every record he played on Bandstand!

Dick Clark and records

But he knew not to stop with Publishing!  He knew that if he was in a position to make these songs into hits, courtesy of his daily TV dance show, he could also invest in every aspect of the recording industry: the pressing plants, the record companies, the management companies, and he could start his own record company and his own touring company!  It’s like, if the record sells, then the record company makes money, the artist’s manager makes money, the publisher makes money, the song writer makes money, the touring company makes money…therefore, why shouldn’t Dick Clark be all of the above?  And the record will sell because he’s gonna play it…on his show…his wildly popular, nation-wide, show!  So, yes, Dick Clark invested in everything that was part of the infrastructure of “Rock ‘n’ Roll”.  And the government came for him, they said, No, no, you can’t do that, you have to disinvest, otherwise you’re running a racket.  But because the drug industry has over 1,000 registered lobbyists in Washington DC, hospitals and doctors are allowed to invest in drugs, dialysis centers, nursing homes, rehab centers and anything having anything to do with the medical profession.     

Do me a favor, pick a drug, any drug!  And now go to drugs.com look at the side effects!  What about one of the Statin cholesterol-lowering drugs that 1 out of 4 people over the age of 45 are on, like Crestor!  See what diseases Crestor causes (you can call them “side effects” if you want to, but to me, Diabetes is a disease).

I’ll wait here for you to get back.

You know, it occurred to me while I was waiting,  that the dizzying array of diseases listed under Crestor suggests that I had it all wrong earlier when I said that seeing a doctor was like taking your car to a repair shop that couldn’t fix anything.  Actually, it’s like taking your car to the “repair” shop and the mechanics smash your windshield and slash your tires and give it back to you!  Of course, you would say, “What have you done to my car?”  And if your mechanic was a doctor, he would say, “Hey, I didn’t do it!  It was like that when it came in!  You know what your car has?  Lemon Syndrome!  It’s genetic!  It could also be a coincidence!  And besides, where else are you gonna take your car?  The best car-repair industry in the world is right here in the USA!”  

“Oh, that mechanic is right!  I’m going to send all my friends to him!  He’s so nice.”  

You would have to be under some sort of post-hypnotic suggestion if you ever went back to that mechanic again!  But that’s what we do!  If you think my analogy is strained, you need to read the Crestor list of “side effects” again.  I realize it goes on and on, but, Crestor causes Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, and Kidney and Liver Failure!  Have a look at just this part: “Other hepatic [liver] side effects reported with [Crestor] have included chronic active hepatitis, fatty changes in the liver, cirrhosis, fulminant hepatic necrosis, and liver failure.[Ref]”  

No one with any common sense would ever take this drug, but we have elevated doctors and hospitals to such a high degree of esteem, we will accept anything from them–any advice, pronouncements, etc.– without even a second thought!

Now, speaking from a “drug dealer’s” point of view, try to pick out all of Crestor’s “side effects” that would lead to MORE doctor visits and MORE drugs!  The possibilities are intoxicating!  Crestor causes High Blood Pressure!  That’s a big-ticket item!  Think of all the heart drugs you can prescribe now: the Beta-Blockers, the ACE inhibitors, the Calcium Channel Blockers ….  What else?  All the muscle and joint pain this drug causes could easily lead to prescriptions for opiates and anti-inflammatories.  The insomnia could easily justify a course of sleeping pills…AND, when you consider that all the drugs enlisted to treat these things have their OWN side-effects, leading to more prescriptions and more doctor visits, there’s nothing you can say except, GENIUS!  It makes the illegal drug trade look anemic by comparison; utterly amateurish!  But boy oh boy, the government is sure cracking down on illegal drugs, is it not?  

Guess what else?  The CDC (U.S. Centers For Disease Control) is invested in Vaccine Patents too!  56 of them!  RFK, Jr. calls the CDC a “vaccine company”! 

Robert Kennedy Jr.: CDC Is A Privately Owned Vaccine Company

This is the agency that’s supposed to be over-seeing vaccine safety and setting up the vaccine schedule for children and babies.  Can you do that with such a glaring Conflict of Interest?  I don’t think so!  Is your child getting vaccinated because it will help him, or because Children’s Hospital or the CDC owns the patent on the vaccine?  It certainly makes one suspicious of the motive behind the hyper-aggressive vaccine schedule in infancy and childhood.  Where are the safety studies showing that 3-9 vaccines given all at once is perfectly safe?

“No cure” for this disease?  They’re not even looking for a cure!  As Dr. Rath, Linus Pauling’s associate, was quoted as saying earlier, this is an investment business based on disease; it doesn’t work without disease, disease is what makes it all possible, and it appears that their goal is for the amount of disease to increase exponentially!  Luckily, diagnosing disease is very easy nowadays because the lab test “normal” ranges are constantly being adjusted downward, just like the number of vaccines a baby “needs” is constantly being adjusted upwards.  Just last month in “Tidbits 27”, I talked about how the doctors who lowered the “normal” range for cholesterol were on the payroll of the drug companies that make Crestor (and the other cholesterol lowering drugs)!13/   Are you surprised?  Well, then, Joan Rivers has a message for you: 

“Grow up!”


P.S.  This Just In…

Some heavy-hitters in the medical field have just made some jaw-dropping announcements:

Dr. Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, said: “Much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.”/14

Dr. Marcia Angell, editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine, wrote: “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.”/15

Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, University of British Columbia’s Neural Dynamics Research Group, reported: “Vaccine manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, and health authorities have known about multiple dangers associated with vaccines but chose to withhold them from the public. This is scientific fraud, and their complicity suggests that this practice continues to this day.”/16

Dr. Relman another former editor in chief of the NEJM said this in 2002

“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”/17


So, let’s recap:  Fraud, Lies, Corruption, Racketeering and Conflict of Interest.


O’Jays, play us out:  

Money money money money….



      1. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/05/24/medical-fraud-doctoring-data.aspx?e_cid=20150524Z1_SNL_art_1&utm_source=snl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150524Z1&et_cid=DM75661&et_rid=964460063
      1. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/02/26/mammograms.aspx
      1. Ibid
      1. Ibid
      1. http://patients.about.com/od/followthemoney/f/FAQdoctortime.htm
      1. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/01/23/united-states-health-ranking.aspx
      1. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/11/04/saturated-fat-intake.aspx
      1. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/10/13/artificial-sweeteners-more-dangerous-than-you-ever-imagined.aspx
      2. http://www.glyphosate.news/2016-06-27-study-shows-honeybees-are-starving-because-of-roundup.html

12. http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/open_letters/open_letter_2005_01_23.htm

13. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/08/10/making-sense-of-your-cholesterol-numbers.aspx

14. http://nsnbc.me/2015/06/19/shocking-report-from-medical-insiders/

15. Ibid

16. Ibid

17. https://medium.com/@drjasonfung/the-corruption-of-evidence-based-medicine-killing-for-profit-41f2812b8704


Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases! Write to her at [email protected]

Visit her website: https://ElaineLewis.hpathy.com 

About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at:
https://elainelewis.hpathy.com/ and TheSilhouettes.org


  • Thank you, thank you! And then Alan’s editorial this month? The drug companies hired fake “women’s groups” to “demand” that some fake “female Viagra” be put on the market? What level of dishonesty won’t they sink to? I should have ended the article with “see editorial”!

  • Elaine, your intrepid declaration of facts was mind blowing. I just feel your article should be spread in the newspapers on the main headlines.

    Drug industry is creating a havoc in the market, but when the world is towards destruction ( called Kaliyug in india ) we would be seeing such scenarios only…….

    Yes, I also do agree with the scans of mammography and other scans. Its the radiation from these
    hi-tech instruments creating cancers more than scanning one.You take for example, even the cell phone( a time bomb in our hands ) and even the electronic gadgets can cause cancer as they spread radiation.

    I strongly believe, any electronic gadget, which has a “silica chip” ( Silicea in homeopathy ) if exposed in crude form, causes cancers and abscesses. “What causes also cures..in homeopathy” …so potentised Silicea is used to cure abscesses ………That’s one of the reason why cancers are on the rise…

  • The car mechanic analogy is spot on; and I will add, in that scenario of course any average person would be very angry and take their car and their business elsewhere. That car is valuable and it’s their only way to get around and… oh wait a minute. But people don’t get angry and take their bodies elsewhere to find ways to truly heal. Where’s the anger that motivates a person to find a better answer? Or an answer at all??

    Great article for riling people up because people should get riled up and come to the defense of their own health!

  • Thanks Claire! And speaking of getting angry, doctors do get quite snappish, like a scolding parent, if you question them at all! If you say you don’t want your child vaccinated, they’ll tell you not to come back again. We have all the tolerance in the world for them but it’s not a 2-way street.

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