Homeopathy Repertory

A Short Study on Julian’s Repertory of Nosodes

A useful article about A Short Study on Julian’s Repertory of Nosodes.Full details about A Short Study on Julian’s Repertory of Nosodes

A Glance at Nosodes

Nosode is derived from NOSO (Gr.) that signifies the ‘disease products’. It may also be compared with NOXA (L.), which means ‘noxious or damage’.  ‘Nosodotherapy’ means the therapeutic use of organic reactional wastes or some ætiological factors which are the source of the ‘damage’ to the disease. The term ‘nosode’ has no legal existence in France & Germany and has been replaced by the term ‘biotherapy’. Dr. Pierre Schmidt explained nosodes as ‘an isopathic remedy‘. According to him, “If it is applied after having been tested on a healthy man, it becomes a nosode”. Actually, many of the nosodes do not possess this quality.

Homeopath  René Allendy defined nosodes:  “The nosode is characterized by a pathological substance used as the medicine prepared in advance and according to the homeopathic method of dilution“. Fortier Bernoville characterized a nosode as “Specificity and Immunity“.

“Nosodes are some homeopathic preparations obtained from microbe cultures, from viruses, pathological secretions and excretions” [Order of ‘Codification of Official Homeopathic Preparations’; Official Journal of France; published on December 29,1948]. Stedman’s medical Dictionary defines nosode as – “An agent administered in minute doses in the treatment of the disease, which in large amount, it causes; an isopathic term, signifying a bacterine or bacterial vaccine”.

Rules of Prescribing Nosodes:

  • As a Constitutional Medicine – i.e. when the mental, physical generals and particulars are characteristics.
  • When well chosen remedies fails to give relief.
  • When there is a lack of symptoms – i.e. to clear-up the case.
  • Never been well since” symptoms.
  • As “Miasmatic inter-current” medicine.
  • When there is a partial portrait of the disease and no medicine completely fits  the case.
  • As “Homeopathic Prophylaxis“.
  • As “Genus Epidemicus“.
  • As an “Auto-nosodes“.

Contra-indications of Prescribing Nosodes:

  • In Active Phase of the Disease.
  • During the Incubation of the Disease.
  • In the Acute Explosive Stage of the Disease.
  • During the Active Phase of a Recurrent Attack.
  • Auto-nosodes, during the acute infectious disease.
  • Below 200c or 30x Potency; and should be administered in Infrequent Repetition.

Homeopathic Nosodes as Prophylactic Treatment:

Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the Law of Similars, where natural substances (remedies) are used to strengthen a person’s immune system and self-healing abilities. A substance capable of producing symptoms in a healthy person similar to the typical symptoms, of (eg) Cholera, is also capable of preventing those typical symptoms in a previously unprotected person. In other words, the Cholera nosode can be used to prevent Cholera the disease.  A disease nosode alerts the body to the possibility of a disease process.

The difference between a nosode and a conventional vaccine is that there is no chemical component to the homeopathic remedy. The energy of the substance in the remedy stimulates the body to heal / protect itself. The preparation of a nosode in the pharmacy involves a lengthy process of succussion and dilution of the original material until no molecules of the crude substance remain. E.g. Rabies nosode, starts with the rabid dog’s saliva and is then “potentized”.

The benefit of using the homeopathic nosode rather than a conventional vaccine, is that it has no side effects. Along with other self-help measures such as strict sanitation, cleanliness and good nutrition, infectious diseases can be avoided during travelling. Homeopathic remedies will not act unless there is something for the body to fight; so it is only necessary to consider taking the nosodes for diseases known to be epidemic.

The book:

Materia Medica of Nosodes with Repertory; Treatise on Dynamised Micro-Immunotherapy.

Author : Dr. Othon A. Julian [18.06.1910 – 14.03.1984].

Compiled by: Dr. Ratnakar V. Patwardhan.

First published in India: 1980.

Translation from French to English: Dr. Rajkumar Mukherjee MA, DHMS

The book has three parts:

Part I :  Isopathic Concretology.

Part II: There is the Materia Medica of Biotherapic Nosodes – containing therapeutic hints of 66 nosodes. Every nosode is discussed under the heading of —-

1.     Bibliography.

2.     History.

3.     Stock.

4.     Clinical Cortico – Visceral Protocol or Clinical Pathogenesis.

5.     Positive Diagnosis.

6.     Differential Diagnosis.

7.     Posology.

8.     Clinical Diagnosis.

9.     Commentary.

Part III: Repertory Index [with Differential diagnosis, Clinical diagnosis & Posology].

Dr. Ratnakar and his team had attempted to pick out key-words from the ‘Materia Medica of Nosodes’ of Dr. Othon A. Julian; arranged them alphabetically like rubrics, and under them group all the nosodes. The ‘key-words’ signifies all the words which individually or in a group or in a sentence, constitute meaningful homeopathic information for a prescriber.  Although this book is structurally similar to a repertory, it does not really constitute a repertory. Dr. Ratnakar said it is a ‘Word Index of Nosodes’.

It contains 35 nosodes. Only the available drugs have been included. Medicines which are not available now-a-days, have been dropped [e.g. Marmorek, Flavus etc.]. Here, medicines are not graded.  Rubrics are arranged alphabetically starting from ‘Abdomen’ and ending in ‘Zoster (Herpes) Zosterian’. Cross-references are given where needed. “A rubric in this work may give several words with the same or similar meanings (symptoms) of the heading. It does not mean that all the synonyms are necessarily given as rubrics in this index”. For alternative expressions the compiler instructed the readers to use any given context.

Dr. Ratnakar named the rubric as ‘Card’. Under ‘Time’ rubric, “all the medicines which have symptoms or aggravation and ameliorations occurring at a particular time are grouped”. There are no particular divisions of time; ‘Time’ is a general rubric in this word-index of nosodes.

The rubric ‘Painful’ or ‘Pain’ contains very few medicines. It contains only those, which have very specific pain. All words qualifying pain have been included in their respective alphabetical order.

In this repertory, some medicines having the same actions and more or less and the same sources have been grouped together under one name. These are ——–

·        PUTRESCINUM and PYROGENIUM have been grouped under PYROGENIUM.


·        VARIOLINUM and VACCINOTOXINUM have been grouped under VARIOLINUM.

·        OURLIANUM [nosode prepared from the saliva of the patient suffering from Mumps] has been grouped with PAROTIDINUM.

Some terminologies, used in O. A. Julian’s book of nosodes, not exactly found in the dictionaries, have been changed to modern terminologies. E.g.

·        ‘Hypdrolipopexia’ has been changed into lipopexia [accumulation of fat in tissue].

·        Dysthermia / Disthermia , was not found in the dictionaries and so discarded.

The medicines, used in the repertory, are ———

Sl. No. Abbreviation Name of the Nosode
01. Anthracinum Anthracinum
02. Avi. Aviary
03. Baci. Bacillinum
04. Carcinocin Carcinocin
05. Diphtherinum Diphtherinum
06. Hydroph. Hydrophobinum
07. Infl. Influenzinum
08. Syphilinum (Lues.) Syphilinum (Luesinum)
09. Malan. Malandrinum
10. Malar. Malaria
11. Hippoz. Hippozinum / Malleinum
12. Medo. Medorrhinum
13. Morb. Morbillinum
14. B.Morg. B. Morgan / Bacillus Morgan
15. Dys-Co. Dysentery – Co.
16. B.Gaert. B. Gaertner / Bacillus Gaertner
17. B.Mut. (a) Bacillus Mutabilis
18. B.Mut. (b) Bacillus Fæcalis
19. B.Mut. (c) Cocal – Co.
20. Baci – 7 Bacillus No. 7
21. Syco. Co. Sycotic Co.
22. Morg. G. Morgan – Gaertner, Bacillus of
23. Baci – 10 Bacillus No. 10
24. Osc. Co. Oscillococcinum
25. Parot. Parotidinum, Ourlianum
26. Paratyph. Paratyphoidinum
27. Pert. Pertussinum
28. Pneum. Pneumococcinum
29. Prot. Proteus
30. Psorinum Psorinum
31. Pyrogenium Pyrogenium, Putrescinum
32. Staphyl. Staphylococcinum, Staphylotoxinum
33. Streptococ. Streptococcinum
34. Tuberculinum All Tuberculinum (TR, TK, VAB)
35. Var. Variolinum, Vaccinotoxinum

ADVANTAGES of Julian’s repertory:

1.     It is an alphabetical repertory; thus, making the search for rubrics easy.

2.     The book contains 35 nosodes in the Repertory part, and in the Materia Medica part there are 66 medicines. Thus for the final selection of the remedy, one need not consult some other Materia Medica.

3.     The nosodes included are enriched with authentic sources; viz.

(a)        Bibliography.

(b)       History.

(c)        Stock.

(d)       Clinical Cortico – Visceral Protocol or Clinical Pathogenesis.

(e)        Positive Diagnosis.

(f)         Differential Diagnosis.

(g)        Posology.

(h)        Clinical Diagnosis.

(i)          Commentary.

DISADVANTAGES of Julian’s repertory:

1.     Only 35 medicines have been included in the repertory part.

2.     There are no gradations of the medicines.

3.     There are no particular rubrics. It only contains general rubrics.


Nosodes are some of the most popularly prescribed remedies today.  However, until the publication of this ‘word-index’ in 1980 in India, no repertory had laid strong emphasis on the nosodes.

According to John Paterson, “The motto of the medical profession is still Tolle Causam, find the cause, and today there are many who consider that germs are the only cause of disease and are working to discover the specific germ or virus for well known clinical entities”.

Prior to them, Dr. Constantine Hering was the first stalwart to observe the efficiency of the nosodes in his clinical practice. Since then, prescribing nosodes has gained its popularity.

In this era where mixed miasmatic and complex diseases are spreading their roots, nosodes are the aid. Administration of the nosode becomes inevitable for cure, when most well-selected medicine fails.

The repertory of nosodes by Dr. Othon A. Julian has proved itself to be of immense help to clinical practitioners.


1.     Allen, Dr. H. C. – Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons of some leading remedies of the Materia Medica with Bowel Nosodes.

2.     Julian, Dr. O. A. – Materia Medica of Nosodes with Repertory.

3.     Patil, Dr. J. D. – Gems of Materia Medica.

About the author

Krishnendu Maity

Dr. Krishnendu Maity -BHMS [Calcutta] MD (Hom. Repertory) [Pune]
Associate Professor & HOD I/c, Department of Practice of Medicine,
Teaching Practice of Medicine, Materia Medica & Repertory @ Lal Bahadur Shastri Homeopathic Medical College, Bhopal, India.


  • ur repartory is excellent and ur work is so good
    please keep it up.sir……….
    your obedent student

  • The repertory appears to be useful as I could access it from the above article on bowel nosodes.

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