Homeopathy Papers Materia Medica

A Homoeopathic Treatise on Homoeopathic Help, Research and Allied Work – Part II

Written by P.S. Rawat

The 2nd in a series of excerpts from Dr. P.S. Rawat’s book. Here he discusses the M.M. of Anacardium, Ant. C, Ant T. and Apis.

Dedicated to my late parents and other family members who reared me and the teachers who taught me to help mankind.

This book is the outcome of my association with the Homoeopathic System of Medicine as a teacher, practitioner, and researcher for nearly 25 years. Although most of the text of the book has already been published in the past in various journals and dailies, it was imperative to compile all the published and unpublished work in book form. I am therefore pleased in presenting the same to you. The contents have been bifurcated into two parts. Part I deals with the description of 30 drugs. Part II contains mainly research and other Allied work.

In the end I am grateful to Mr. Upendra, Ravindra, and Mrs. Shashi Kala who are my son, daughter and wife for helping me directly and indirectly in bringing out this small contribution of mine for Homoeopathy.

M.M. of Anacardium, Antimonium crud, Antimonium tart, Apis


Anacardium orientale is a homoeopathic medicine prepared from the seeds of the marking nut (used by washerman for identification marking on clothes). The Indian name for this plant is “bhilava.” It is a remedy for mental fatigue, when a slight mental exercise brings on a dull pressing headache. Also, for those who suffer from sudden loss of memory, when things heard at a given moment are forgotten minutes later. Anacardium is prescribed to overcome memory weakness after an exhausting disease, or due to old age. Impaired memory may lead to depression or irritability, aversion to work or lack of self-confidence. It’s also for fear of examinations, interviews or public appointments. Confusion reigns supreme in such persons. They may also become suspicious that they are being observed. They cannot easily make a decision.

The patients may also become violent and suffer from profound melancholy and hypochondriasis. He may cause bodily injury to others without any cruel, malicious or wicked intention. It is also suitable for those who are hypersensitive when it comes to religious issues. It acts as “smiriti sudha” for students, if taken 10 to 15 days before the examination in 200 potency doses weekly. This dose is also advised for the patients mentioned above.


Antimonium crudum is a chemical compound also known as black sulphide of antimony. This homoeopathic remedy is commonly prescribed for gastric derangement due to sluggish stomach in normal eaters, but mostly for those who overload their stomach from fat food, milk, meat, pasty and sweets. As a result, there may be a thick milky white or dirty coating on the tongue with or without cutting colic in the abdomen, along with a feeling of oppression in the stomach. Diarrhoea often follows such dietetic errors where the stool is lienteric and partly hard solid lumps remain mixed with watery faecal discharge. Sometimes loose motions may alternate with constipation, and this is particularly noticed in old people.

Antimonium crudum is also given to those long standing cases that date from the beginning of the present trouble, e.g. after going swimming, falling into water or after cold bathing. Headache is one such problem commonly noticed after cold bathing, particularly in a river or canal in chilly weather. Tender abdomen in the flanks (ovarian region) along with many other female problems are also found after indiscriminate cold bathing. It is also a good medicine for Gout or Rheumatoid arthritis of fingers, where the swelling and pains are worse from cold damp weather or cold bathing and relieved by heat or hot bathing.

Antimonium crudum is excellent for corns on the soles and occasionally on the palms. The corns are very painful when walking especially on hard ground. The nails may also be brittle and growing out of shape.

Antimonium crudum has been found efficacious in toothache or decayed teeth (stumps) where there is unbearable pain after eating anything or after cold drinks. The gums may be receding from the teeth and bleed on touch.

It is also indicated for the hysteric or other sentimental patients who are down hearted (sad) and become impulsive to commit suicide in desperation by drowning. At times, they may have an irresistible desire to talk in rhymes and verses particularly on nights with full moon. Young children, irritable and fretful when touched or looked at, who sometimes become obese, may also be helped by this remedy.


Antimonium tartaricum or Tartar emetic is an indispensable life saving homoeopathic medicine, owing to its marked action on the respiratory system, particularly the lungs. It not only helps in the absorption of mucus secretion, but also strengthens the lungs to expel the mucus and builds resistance for subsequent attacks of cold.

This drug is mostly prescribed for bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia (cold in the chest), asthma and various other chest complaints. Although it can be prescribed for all age groups, its special affinity is for young children and old rundown people who easily become victims of exposure to a sharp cold spell in winter and suffer from chest congestion. The patients cough and cough but are unable to raise the phlegm and throw it out due to weakness of the lungs. Thus, there appears a large accumulation of mucus in the chest, and coughing with a peculiar “rattling” sound.

Owing to chest congestion, the victim has difficulty breathing while lying in bed and is compelled to sit erect in the bed, or wants to be carried by the mother in her lap to have easier breathing. The newborn may have had their first attack at the time of birth, from exposure to cold. Such children become sensitive to subsequent exposure to cold later in life.

During such attacks, the face becomes cold and darkish blue, owing to lack of oxygen. They may have low or high fever, with their tongue thickly white coated. The nostrils may be dilated and flapping. The child coughs with a loud rattling for a long time, but cannot raise the mucus. He becomes dull, drowsy and unconscious before the impending death.

Antimonium tartaricum is also used to relieve asphyxia from drowning, swallowing foreign bodies (buttons, seeds, pebbles etc.) which stick in the trachea or bronchi, and from paralysis of the lungs, where the victim is almost breathless and gasps for air. It not only removes the rattles, the impending death signal, but brings the patient back to life.


Apis mellifica is the common honey bee. The medicine is prepared from the whole bee including its poison.This homoepathic medicine is prescribed to persons who show awkwardness and drop things, despite careful handling. Such persons may keep themselves “very busy” by constantly changing from one kind of work to another. Apis is also indicated for paralysis, particularly on the left side, after hearing bad news, severe shock, fright, vexation or jealousy.

Apis is the leading medicine for the swelling of the skin after insect bite when there occurs sudden puffing of the part. The swelling most common is urticarial (dhappar) in nature, which appears and disappears here and there over the skin.

At times, swelling develops all over the body (anasarca), the face is greatly swollen and the lower eyelid and uvula hang down like transparent sacs filled with water. Sometimes there may be intensely violent and rapid, or insidious painful (or painless) throat problems, such as diphtheria, where the patient seems in imminent danger of death by suffocation from closure of the throat due to oedema of the larynx. There is accompanying hoarseness, short dry cough and difficult or hurried breathing. The patient may feel as if every breath will be his last.

Apis is a splendid remedy in inflammation of the abdominal viscera, particularly the ovary, uterus and genitals commencing from the right side of the body and extending to the left side. The inflamed area is pale, waxy. Apis may be indicated in hydrocephalus, ascites, hydrothorax, and hydrocele etc. (owing to abnormal accumulation of the cerebrospinal or serous fluid in these body cavities).

Apis is the most suitable medicine for congestion of the brain that may be due to hot weather, leading to meningitis, where the patient bores his head into the pillow or rolls and tosses in the bed. The child gnashes his teeth, has squint of eyes, body convulsions and may be in a semiconscious state, moving his hands frequently to his head. Very often the child cries out with a piercing shriek (brain cry), suddenly from sleep.

Apis is effective in trachoma (Rohain), chemosis (oedema of whites), staphyloma (protrusion of cornea and sclera) etc. There is deep burning, stinging or stitching pain in the eyes and the patient wants something cold applied to the eyes. These troubles get worse from looking at white things like the snow. It is effective medicine in acute nephritis (Bright’s disease), as a sequel of acute throat trouble when there is ineffectual urging for urination owing to irritability of the bladder. There is much straining in voiding the urine which comes in drops. The urine may be scanty, fetid and contain albumen or blood. At times, there is retention or suppression of the urine, specially noticed in nursing infants. They scream while passing urine.

Apis is equally effective in stopping fecal matter or fluid that oozes from the anus owing to loose sphincter. It also removes the fear that body parts will break if he strains at stool.

It has often cured tumors and stopped the progress of cystic growth of ovary and uterus.

Apis is useful in malarial fever when chill starts at 3 p.m., and in brain fever which occurs due to suppression of skin eruptions.

About the author

P.S. Rawat

Dr. P.S. Rawat B.Sc., B.M.S.,(Lkw.), B.H.M.S. (JPR.) is Assistant Professor and former Principal, Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Sector-26, Chandigarh
Professor Chandola Medical College and Hospital, Rudrapur


  • This article gives more information about the medicines, especially about the Apis Mel. I will be grateful if the Author Dr.Riwat gives his email address . i would like to discuss with him about a chronic urticaria case( of my wife) who is suffering from this ailment for more than a year.

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