Materia Medica

Carbon Group

carbon coal
Written by Roger Morrison

An exhaustive study of the various groups of Carbon remedies in homeopathic materia medica.

Summary of the Characteristic of Various Groups

carbon-coalBelow I am highlighting the results of my studies of the various groups of Carbon remedies. Very few carbon remedies are made exclusively of carbon: Adamas. Carbo Animalis. Carbo Vegetabilis. Graphites. The rest of the remedies (over 150 remedies) are compounds including some amounts of Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Sulphur. What is fascinating is that some Carbon remedies can include for example just three elements:

Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen. With these same elements a carbonyl (Camphor) or a carboxylic (Acetic Acid) or an alcohol (Carbolicum Acidum) can be constructed. And each of these remedies — with identical elements — can have vastly different characteristics. Luckily, all Carboxylics (and all Alcohols or Carbonyls, etc.) have reliable similarities. Thus in Carbon remedies, we can not predict the characteristics by the chemical formula — instead the exact structure, how the elements combine — gives us the possibility to predict the symptoms of a remedy. Through provings and cured cases, I have been able to gain some insight into these various groups. This information is summarized below.



The main characteristic of the alcohols is extreme inhibition (or conversely, disinhibition). The patient appears withdrawn and unable to express himself. Other patients have just the reverse, with immoderate laughter and gesticulation. He may become flagrantly egotistical. These two characteristics can alternate, giving the patient a sort of “manic” appearance. In the disinhibited state, the patient loves everyone, acts overly familiar in an offensive or uncomfortable way. He does not understand your personal space. At other times the patient flares up over long-held grudges which he had been harboring. He abuses especially those who are close family or friends and those who have helped him. The dependency the patient feels toward his close associates is also threatening – they may let him down or abuse him. Furthermore, there may be a type of almost childish bravado, blustering or egotism which the patient feels is punctured by those who have seen his weaknesses too clearly. This creates an external aggressiveness. Internally, the patient feels a desperate need to be understood and valued but feels that this need will never be truly fulfilled. Thus there is an alternating attempt to cover up or overcome his flaws followed by aggressiveness when his needs are not heard. It is interesting to note that many of these remedies are used in the treatment of alcoholism. Most of these remedies appear to be in the Sycotic miasm.


Abusive: Alco. Carb-Ac. Ferr-Pic. Gall-Ac. Lac-Ac. Sac-Alb.

Abusive of family and friends: Alco. Ferr-Pic. Gall-Ac. Lac-Ac. Affectionate, distasteful: Carb-Ac.

Dipsomania: Alco. Carb-Ac. Chlol. Kreosotum Lac-Ac. Sac-Alb. Egotism/selfishness: Alco. Gall-Ac. Sac-Alb. Forsaken feeling: Alco. Sac-Alb. Sac-L. Gesticulating: Alco. Kres. Sac-Alb.

Guilt/embarrassment/shame: Alco. Kreosotum Immoderate: Alco. Carb-Ac.

Loquacity: Alco. Kres. Lac-Ac. Sac-Alb. Thymol. Shame: Pic-Ac. Sac-Alb. Shameless: Alco.

Talkativeness, by which untimely confessions are drawn from him: Alco.

Provings and Cases

Alco: The modest blush of shame vanishes, and improper, undignified acts are committed.

Alco: “My mother was an alcoholic. I was made to take care of her. I was invisible.” Morrison

Carb-Ac: “I hold grudges. I take a lot of guff for a long time then I explode inappropriately. I once kicked my foot through a door. I can be bold and audacious. If people are mean and nasty I can be obnoxious. I chew them up and spit them out.” Reichenberg-Ullman

Kres: Loquacious; abundant gesticulation. Wants to embrace the whole world.

Kreos: “Guilt has been a big motivation for her in the past. When her mother was dying of cancer, the patient gave up her schooling and career to care for her.” Baker

Lac-Ac: Intense ugliness and hatefulness; writes to her best friends all sorts of mean and contemptible things.

Pic-Ac: “I decide not to push too much since I notice how the patient is feeling very embarrassed and sullen and, furthermore, I really don’t think the answers are very free and truthful.” Mangialavori

Sac-L: Cross and faultfinding, could not speak a pleasant word to anyone.

Alcohol Remedies

Alco. Carb-Ac. Chlol. Chrys-Ac. Cit-Ac. Gall-Ac. Glyc. Guajol. Kres. Kreosotum Lac-Ac. Menthol. Meth-Sal. Naphtol. Pic-Ac. Res. Sac-Alb. Sac-L. Sal-Ac. Salin. Salol. Sarcol-Ac. Tann-Ac. Tart-Ac. Thymol. Ur-Ac. Vanil.

Related Remedies: Menth. Ol-Sant. All Citrates. Picrates. Tartrates. All Sugars.



There are over twenty aliphatic compounds used in homeopathy. The best known of these include Aceticum Acidum, Aetherum, Alcoholus, Amyl Nitrosum, Chloralum, Glonoinum and Oxalicum Acidum. The main homeopathic characteristic of these remedies is passivity. Naturally when there are moieties on the chemical, this passivity may be more or less disguised. For example, Aceticum Acidum is known for its desperate anxiety and irritability which arise from its carboxylic moiety. Despite this, when a patient requiring an aliphatic remedy comes under stress, the deepest instinct seems to be utter passivity. This passivity may be described as a lack of reactivity – both mentally and physically. (This stands in strong contra-distinction with the aromatic remedies who confront stress by excessive mentalization.) The passivity is also related to the general theme of organic compounds concerning lack of self-worth and invisibility. They seem to desire a personal invitation to participate in life. For example, one of the common complaints of those needing the remedy Alcoholus is that they were never heard or listened to. This demonstrates some of the passive quality.

There may be a marked inability to assert. The general organic characteristic of confusion and slowed thinking is even more emphasized in this group of remedies, probably because most are quite small, lipid soluble molecules and thus readily pass the blood-brain barrier. Physically, the patients are especially prone to circulatory dysfunction: pulsations, arrhythmia, ecchymosis. Faintness and syncope are also prominent physical pathologies in the aliphatic group.


Ailments from quarrels: Gloninum

Indifference: Acet-Ac. Alco. But-Ac. Chlol Gloninum Glyc. Lac-Ac. Nit-S-D. Ox-Ac. Sulfon.

Head: Pulsating blood vessels: Aether. Alco. Aml-N. Cit-Ac. Gloninum Glyc. Lac-Ac. Ox-Ac. Paraf. Chest, Pulsation: Acet-Ac. Alco. Aml-N. Chlol. Gloninum Nit-S-D.

General; Faintness: Acet-Ac. Aether. Alco. Aml-N. Chlol. Cit-Ac. Gloninum Lac-Ac. Nit-S-D. Ox-Ac. Sulfon. Thios.

Provings and Cases

Acon-Ac: Dream: I was a character who kept dying and coming back to life with a decomposing body. Sometimes I was this person and sometime I was just watching a movie of him.

Alco: “I just didn’t exist as far as the family was concerned. Especially not fitting in, not being listened to.” Carbn-H: “She is not concerned about things. She just smiles and plays. Even when she wants to change her clothes, she calls for her mother to help her. She won’t flush the toilet and needs help with simple tasks.”

Chlol: From having been a woman of strong will and excellent mental power, she became listless and peevish, childish, indeed, in many things begging for chloral.

Cupr-Acet: They become totally apathetic, don’t want anything, except to be dead, at least there will be no more demands then. Failing that, the least you can do for them is to leave them alone to rest and sleep. Scholten

Glon: “When asked to describe her main personality characteristic and emotional state her response was: ‘I hate arguments.'”

Thios: “She is quiet with a melancholic demeanor and gives the impression of having suffered a great deal of emotional trauma in her life.”

Aliphatic Remedies

Acet-Ac. Aceton. Acon-Ac. Aether. Aethyl-Br. Aethyl-N. Alco. Aml-N. Amylam. But-Ac. Carbn-H. Chlol. Cit-Ac. Cosm. Croto-Chlol. Gloninum Glyc. Keto-Ac. Lac-Ac. Meth-Ae-Ae. Nit-S-D. Ox-Ac. Paraf. Sarcol-Ac. Succ-ac. Tart-Ac. Thios.

Related Remedies: Acetyls-Ac. Benz-P. Benzin. Hip-Ac. Keroso. Nat-Pyruv. Petroleum Phenac. Sulfon. Thymol. Trion. All Acetates. Citrates. Lactates. Oxalates. Succinates. Tartrates. Valerates.


In our materia medica there are some twenty remedies which include amine groups. None of these remedies are well-known or fully understood. Also related are the ammonium salts (NH4 ions) such as Ammonium Carbonicum. By comparing these remedies certain aspects come clear. Scholten (Homeopathy and the Minerals) has written extensively about the ammonium salts identifying resentment, bitterness, grudges, coming from disappointment. These themes are similarly represented in the amines. The patient has a feeling of impending misfortune, disease or injury. Difficulty with trust is a frequent component. Rather, the patient withdraws and becomes a loner and has very poor skills with communication. This gives rise to dreams of desperate or thwarted attempts to communicate with others through the telephone. He feels victimized by life, yet dislikes consolation. Thus solitude is a frequent theme. He feels taken advantage of or even persecuted. At first there may be impulsiveness and hurry but later he becomes indifferent to external things. The patient at times shows a defensiveness, acting brusque or coarse with cursing and other impolite behavior. Internally, there is great timidity. These symptoms, added to the fact that many amines are products of excretion give the suggestion that these remedies may fall in the Leprosy miasm. Physically, the amines have several unique focuses. Foremost is the tendency for renal disorders. Temperature regulation is disordered with marked chilliness in most of these remedies. Headache and nausea are prominent. Weakness and prostration are common to the whole organic group but comes earlier and more regularly in the amine group.


Company, aversion to: Allox. Prop. Skat. Thios. Cursing: Allox. Skat. Dictatorial: Allox.

Dreams animals: Allox. Indol.

Forsaken: Allox

Washing the hands: Allox.

Provings and Cases

Allox: “I often dream of mice, big and in many different situations¼ they are disgusting animals. The last time I saw two of them coming from a cemetery and then they mated¼ it was awful.” Mangialavori Allox: Feels dirty, keeps washing hands.

Prop: I became morose, with great desire to be let alone.

Skat: A marked and overwhelming consciousness of despondency evidenced itself even from the first. This feeling was not of apprehension, but rather of hopelessness. Simultaneously with the despondency an irritability manifested itself; very easily peeved; felt mean towards everyone.

Thios: “She is a loner, seemingly by choice, but she claims it is because there is no one she can relate to.” Riley

Thios: “I sometimes think I am great, and other times I think I am worthless. Sometimes I just want to be left alone, but I hate that, too.” Riley

Amine Remedies

Acetan. Allox. Ami-Sal-ac. Amylam. Anil. Anil-S. Antipyrin. Hip-Ac. Indol. Lysid. Methyl. Oro-Ac. Paraph. Phenac. Pipe. Prop. Skat. Sulfa. Sulpha. Sulfonam. Thios. Ur-Ac. Urea.

Amides (aminoesters)

Hip-Ac. Phenac. Sulfonam.


Mentally, the strongest characteristic of the benzene derivatives is mental activity. The thought process is whipping through the brain like the electrons through the vortex. The mind is racing with ideas. The patient is often loquacious or pressured in speech and movement but even more so in thought. The excitement may be strong enough to produce starting. This same excitement is usually found in the sexual sphere with marked arousal, excessive erections, nocturnal emissions and fantasy life. At other times, there may be an excessive preoccupation with the past and with unpleasant or sad memories.


Thoughts rapid: Carb-Ac. Pic-Ac.

Ideas abundant: Carb-Ac. Kreosotum Pic-Ac. Excitement: Sal-Ac.

Loquacity: Benz-N. Kres. Thymol. Sal-Ac.

Lascivious: Carb-Ac. Pic-Ac. Sal-Ac. Zinc-Pic.

Provings and Cases

Benz-D: “I must be constantly stimulated. My mind locks onto interesting things. It’s an internal restlessness. Driven. In a state of alert.” Morrison

Gall-Ac: “Nocturnal erections. Annoyingly hard. Better when my back is relaxed. I try to stop the sexual fantasies – they’re too much. It’s an addiction.” Morrison

Gall-Ac: “Thoughts are going all the time. My left temple stays locked all day long. It’s hard to release it and this keeps my mind wired. I am a workaholic. I get obsessed with projects but I also want to escape the real world. I want to just get the idea and have others carry it out. Poor mental focus.” Morrison

Physical characteristics which point toward benzene and its derivatives include: General amelioration in the open air. Hemorrhage and anemia. Weakness during menses. Band-like sensations. Vertigo and Meniere’s syndrome. Marked tendency toward retinitis and retinal hemorrhage (which is characteristic of the whole group). Hay fever. Tinnitus. Glossitis. Infection or inflammation of the prostate. Kidney stones. Emphysema. Heaviness or inflammation of the spine and spinal cord. Ataxia (often related to the spinal difficulties). Peripheral edema. Gout and podagra. Gangrenous burns.

Aromatic Remedies

Acetan. Acetyls-Ac. Anil. Anil-S. Anthrch. Antipyrin. Benz. Benz-D. Benz-N. Benz-Ac. Benzoq. Carb-Ac. Chrys-Ac. Eos. Gall-Ac. Guajol. Hip-Ac. Indol. Kres. Methyl. Methyl-Sal. Naphtin. Paraph. Phenac. Pic-Ac. Polyst. Res. Sal- Ac. Salin. Salol. Skat. Sulfa. Sulfonam. Tann-Ac. Thymol. Trinit. Vanil.

Related Remedies: Anthro. Benz-P. Keroso. Kreosotum All Benzoates. Picrates. Salicylates.



Carbonyl bonds are double bonds between carbon and oxygen. If the molecule has two different organic moieties attached to the carbon involved in the carbonyl bond, the molecule is called a ketone. If there is one or less organic moiety, the molecule is called an aldehyde. Carbonyl bonds are also a component of the carboxylic acid structure but considered separately (see Acids). In organic chemistry, the carbonyl bond creates an ideal circumstance for reactions which make additions to the original molecule. The carbonyl bond is inherently unstable and the double bond reduces in the presence of certain types of molecules such as Grignard agent. This reaction is one of the most important in organic chemistry, allowing additions of specific moieties in exact locations for making the desired chemical. Interestingly, when such a reaction is carried out, the chemist refers to the process as “attacking” the carbonyl bond with the moiety to be added. This seems to be an intuitive anticipation of the homeopathic theme of the group. In homeopathy, there are few carbonyls which have significant provings or extensive clinical cases. The most widely used is the remedy Camphor. We do have an extensive proving of the heterocyclic substance Alloxanum with some clinical cases, and smaller provings of other remedies. The common theme found in the mental state is the feeling of persecution. The patient has the feeling of vulnerability (like the molecule) to attack. Thus we can expect confusion between carbonyl remedies and metal remedies. This sense of attack brings forward as a natural consequence great aggressiveness. (Note the similarity to the Carboxylic Acid group.) In order to cut off any real or perceived attack, the patient may become dictatorial and demanding. He is often described as argumentative and defensive. This leads his family and associates to stay away in droves. At othertimes the patient feels so disappointed in his close ones that he cuts them off. For both of these reasons, the patient often complains of a strong sense of isolation and being forsaken.

Physical symptoms which are common to this group of remedies include:

A susceptibility for diabetes. General tendency for twitching. Cramping pains. Glaucoma. Copious salivation. Desire for and amelioration from cold drinks. Tuberculosis.


Quarrelsome: Allox. Camph.

Provings and Cases

Allox: Would like to have a jolly good row [lost her job]. Just feels quarrelsome.

Anthrch: Am even-tempered and now it makes no sense that I wasn’t able to get over being pissed off. It’s been 6-7 years since I got angry spells I couldn’t seem to get over. [cured symptom]

Camph: The child creeps into a corner, howls and cries; everything that is said to him is taken as if one were ordering him and he were considered naughty and would be punished.

Camph: “I was always in a blinding rage, blaming my boyfriend or someone.

I’d always be seeing the real truth – that it was all his fault!” Herrick Keto-Ac: Feel “stirred up” today. Vented lots of feelings on a relative stranger which left me feeling uneasy.

Carbonyl Remedies

Aceton. Ald. (Methan, Formal). Allox. Anthrch. Antipyrin. Benzoq. Croto- Chlol. Chrys-Ac. Eos. Keto-Ac. Oro-Ac. Urea. Ur-Ac. Vanil.




In the early or successful stages of pathology the patient appears confident and optimistic. He is goal oriented and industrious. Sometimes he may appear rather hard. However, internally there is great anxiety and desire for company. Often, however, company alone does not bring the needed relief. The carboxylic acid patients seem to need intense interaction and reassurance. Especially noted is the desire to be held or carried – seen in Saccharum Album, Acetic Acid, Antimonium Tartaricum and Benzoic Acid. Furthermore, in Gallic Acid the patient desires to be watched constantly – not for an instant out of the sight of a person who gives him security.

Thus there is often great fear about the health of the loved ones as well as his own health. There is often an aversion to leaving home or even his bed. The anxiety may also take the form of fear of being attacked, killed or murdered (especially shot). When we hear of a patient who is in terror of attacks and being shot or murdered, we can deduce that aggressiveness is a feature of his make-up. Indeed, nearly all of the carboxylic acids are listed for irritability, anger and many are listed for striking, kicking or maliciousness – even toward the very ones upon whom they depend. This combination of extreme dependency and extreme aggressiveness is a good clue toward the need for a carboxylic acid remedy. Nearly all of the group appears to fit into the Typhoid miasm. They demonstrate the determination, urgency, hurry, ambition, industriousness, ruthlessness and crises of the other members of this miasm. In the failed state, we find great discouragement, apathy, aversion to work and a curious fixation upon suicide – most likely more an ideation than a true threat. This comes about from the torture of the fears or from frustration of desires. Deeper in the failed state, we see the well-described debility and weakness.

Physically, the carboxylic acids have further common patterns. The patient is generally chilly but often with heat, congestion, perspiration in the face and head. Thirst is often quite marked. Many of these remedies are used in the treatment of severe arthritis and gout. The pains are described as sharp or piercing. There is great stiffness. More striking is how frequently these remedies are indicated in deforming arthritis and joint destruction. Next we have a great focus on the mouth with marked tendency for inflammation, aphthae and ulcerations – even bleeding and offensiveness. Almost all of this group has problems with digestion, characteristically with burning in the stomach, sour eructations, flatus and often diarrhea. All of the usual themes of the organic group can be found in this group.


Anxiety about health: Acet-Ac. Ant-T. Bar-Ox-Succ. Oro-Ac. Succ-Ac. Dreams of murder: Acon-Ac. But-Ac. Fumar-Ac. Merc-Acet. Nat-Ox. Oro-Ac. Plb-Acet. Sac-L.

Fear/dreams being shot: Acon-Ac. But-Ac. Mang-Mang-Acet. Plb-Acet. Desire to be held: Ant-T. Benz-Ac. Plb-Acet. Sac-Alb.

Desire to be carried: Acet-Ac. Ant-T. Benz-Ac. Sac-Alb. Desire to be watched constantly: Gall-Ac. Dictatorial: Gall-Ac. Sac-Alb.

Fear poverty/business: Acet-Ac. Calc-Acet. Cit-Ac. Mang-Acet. Zinc-

Acet.Anxiety future: Ant-T. Calc-Acet. Ferr-Acet. Keto-Ac. Mang-Acet. Nat- Acet. Fear/dreams of death: Acet-Ac. Acon-Ac. Ant-T. Cupr-Acet. Keto-Ac. Lac-Ac. Mang-Acet. Merc-Acet. Ox-Ac. Plb-Acet. Sac-L. Sal-Ac.

Homesickness/fear to leave the home: Bar-Acet. But-Ac. Cupr-Acet. Keto-Ac. Lac-Ac. Oro-Ac. Plb-Acet. Sac-Alb. Sac-L. Succ-Ac. Industrious: Calc-Acet. Mang-Acet. Nat-Ox.

Malice: Acet-Ac. Fumar-Ac. Lac-Ac. Mang-Acet. Nat-Ox. Oro-Ac.

Striking/kicking/violent: Ant-T. Cupr-Acet. Gall-Ac. Lac-Ac. Plb-Acet. Sac-Alb.

Hurry: Ant-T. Benz-Ac. But-Ac. Keto-Ac. Lac-Ac. Merc-Acet. Nat-Ox. Ox-Ac. Sac-Alb.

Industrious: Calc-Ac. Mang-Acet. Nat-Ox.

Aphthae: Acet-Ac. Ant-T. Benz-Ac. But-Ac. Chin-Sal. Form-Ac. Lac-Ac. Merc-Acet. Nat-Ox. Ox-Ac. Plb-Acet. Sac-Alb. Sal-Ac. Succ-Ac.

Arthritis deformans: Ant-T. Benz-Ac. Cit-Ac. Form-Ac. Lac-Ac. Lith-Sal. Mang-Acet. Sal-Ac.

Eructations sour/acrid: Acet-Ac. Am-Be. Ant-T. Bar-Ox-Succ. Benz-Ac. But-Ac. Calc-Acet. Chin-Sal. Cupr-Acet. Ferr-Acet. Form-Ac. Hip-Ac. Lac-Ac. Mang-Acet. Nat-Acet. Nat-Ox. Ox-Ac. Plb-Acet. Sac-Alb. Sal-Ac. Sarcol-Ac. Tart-Ac. Zinc-Acet.

Heartburn: Acet-Ac. Ant-T. Bar-Acet. Benz-Ac. Calc-Acet. Chin-Sal. Cit-Ac. Cupr-Acet. Ferr-Acet. Gall-Ac. Keto-Ac. Lac-Ac. Mang-Acet. Nat-Ox. Ox-Ac. Sac-L.

Provings and Cases

Murder (especially shot)

Acon-Ac: Dreamt of being shot viciously in my left ear. There was a flash, a bright light and then I thought, “Not yet. Damn stupid way to die.”

But-Ac: Developed great fear, and in the evening this fear was greatly accentuated. Had fear of being shot. This condition of fear forced him to bed.

Camph-Ac: “I had to kill or be killed. You just fired. It was mindless madness. You had to be on the lookout all the time. I hated it – God! So much!” Nat-Ox: Dreamed of a mass murderer. When he ran away, there were only two women left, a mother and a daughter. Others were killed.

Oro-Ac: I remembered a long shocking dream about being convicted of murder and having many friends come to say good-bye before I was given the death penalty!

Sac-L: Imagined that her mother wanted to kill her; kept constantly looking round to see if she was coming up behind her.


Benz-Ac: Fear following hurry.

Fumar-Ac: Really scary episode with heart during the night. It stopped in the middle of a dream for 2-3 seconds. Preceded by really fast palpitations. I was concerned that if I slept I would die in my sleep.

Gall-Ac: “I cannot be alone; even in the office my secretary works on the other side of a thick window so this way she cannot hear the noise; but I have to be able to see somebody.”

Nat-Ox: Dreamt of missiles exploding. Dreamt of my brother who is a militant neo-Nazi fascist. And fear of a stranger who came into my home.

Succ-Ac: In the evening I was supposed to go and buy some groceries. I was reluctant to leave the house for some unknown reason.


Gall-Ac: “He disrupts the whole class, spits at and strikes other children, curses, ignores people when spoken to, bites classmates or kicks them, initiates all the fights with his classmates and his sister.” Zaren

Sac-Alb: “He becomes cross, rebellious, angry and hyperactive. He has horrible fits of temper, stamping his feet on the floor, kicking, striking, and breaking things intentionally in front of his parents, especially his mother.

Defiant.” Smits Hurry/Industry

Cupr-Acet: They have a tendency to work very hard and to deny themselves all sorts of basic needs.

Lac-Ac: He is impelled to productive work in the evening, although he had been much fatigued during the day¼.

Oro-Ac: Felt my mind was racing way ahead of me. Felt wired. I felt hyped up on overdrive today.

Nat-Ox: I felt like I had to hurry all day at work today.

Succ-Ac: “He never can stay in place. He likes to move. He has businesses in Russia, Austria, former Yugoslavia. He is very fast.” Sankaran


Carboxylic Acid Remedies

Acet-Ac. Acetyls-Ac. Acon-Ac. Ami-Sal-Ac. Benz-Ac. But-Ac. Camph-Ac. Cit-Ac. Form-Ac. Fum-Ac. Gall-Ac. Hip-Ac. Keto-Ac. Lac-Ac. Meth-Sal. Oro-Ac. Ox-Ac. Sal-Ac. Sarcol-Ac. Succ-Ac. Tann-Ac. Tart-Ac.

Related Remedies: Ol-Succ. All Acetates. Benzoates. Citrates. Formates.

Lactates. Oxalates. Salicylates. Succinates. Sugars. Tannates. Tartrates. Valerates.




The ethers are compounds in which two organic groups (or any form) are connected by an oxygen atom whichhas a single bond to both groups (R1-O-R2). Here we see disassociation between mind and body; between parts of the personality. This disassociation may be associated with a pleasurable tranquility or with great fear.

Physically, cerebral congestion has been noted in several of these remedies.

Ether Remedies

Aether. Guajol. Meth-Ae-Ae. Phenac. Salin. Vanil. Related Remedies: Eucal. Pipe. Sac-Alb. Sac-L.




The nitrate moiety is not strictly speaking an organic molecule and does exist in inorganic molecules (for example, our remedies Kali Nitricum and Argentum Nitricum). In these inorganic compounds, the nitrate group is an ion in an ionic salt; in the organonitrates, the moiety is found covalently bonded to a variety of organic molecules. Because there are a large number of these organonitrate remedies, I believe it may be useful to summarize some of their characteristics here. The organonitrates have been used by humans extensively for explosives. They are also used medicinally as vasodilators. The main characteristic of the nitrates in the emotional sphere is the strong sense of imminent danger. This characteristic was first mentioned by Chhabra.

The danger is usually perceived as being something cataclysmic like an automobile accident or an explosion (it is interesting that the organonitrates are among the most explosive substances known). The patient shows an explosive quality with enthusiasm, buoyancy or temper outbursts (normally rapidly dissipating). He may be impulsive or, more commonly, spend great effort on controlling his impulses and behavior. There is a fear of expressing himself too forcefully. On an inner level, the patient frequently tells of dreams of fire, explosions or other dangerous situations. He suffers from an unexplainable fear that something terrible is about to happen.

Physically, the most common complaints reflect a disturbed circulatory system including hypertension, flushes and hot flashes, great sensitivity to heat and especially the sun. Vertigo on over-rapid rising from a seat is a common complaint. Migraines or severe, pulsating headaches with flushed face are found. Palpitations and violent pulsations can occur in all members of this group.

Provings and Cases

Amyl-N: “I have cured a very bad case of chronic blushing or flushing of blood to the face on the least excitement, either mental or physical.” Nash

Benz-D: “I have fear of letting go of the structure and trusting the universe. I won’t be held. It will be total chaos. I’ll be falling without a net.” Morrison

Benz-D: “I’m also obsessive. Especially about women’s bodies. My desire is so strong that it pulls all of my attention. I don’t have a big sex drive for my girlfriend. In fact, my libido is way down – yet still there’s the thoughts. It’s this compulsive thinking! It’s disturbing. I can’t stop it!” Morrison

Glon: “Once during a particularly ‘explosive’ argument the patient had a sudden impulse to throw herself from the apartment roof. She can also weep and cry simultaneously which eventually relieves her mood.” Morrison

Nitrate Remedies

Aethyl-N. Amyl. nitrosum Gloninum Nit-S-D.

Aromatic Nitrates

Benz-D. Benz-N. Pic-Ac. Trinit. Related Remedies: All Picrates.




The nitrile moiety consists of a carbon atom triple-bonded to a nitrogen atom which is commonly known as cyanide. This arrangement leaves either a free bonding site on the carbon atom (allowing organonitriles) or a negatively charged ion (anion) that becomes bonded into salts with a variety of cations. It is thus chemically similar to the halogens – in fact, it is known as the “false halogen.” The nitriles (or cyanides) are among the deadliest poisons known to man. The main characteristic is betrayal (similar to the Iodum feeling of being stabbed in the back) which is of a life and death nature. The cyanide group brings with it the feeling of murder, betrayal and tremendous fear. The first compensation is to cling to those around him. If this proves ineffective, or if the perceived threat comes from those near to him, he combats the threat with anger and abusiveness, biting and struggling and violence. If this is ineffective, he gives in, loses hope, loses touch with reality or becomes suicidal. Though the patient acts rather cheerful, the mental state is centered upon fear. There is fear of death, dreams of dead bodies, fear of houses collapsing upon him and fear to go to sleep. The threat causes a strong desire for company (similar to carboxylic acids) and a fear to be left alone. Thus the patient falls into a relieving fantasy that he is with friends – he reaches out to them and calls them by name. Heart symptoms and bangina are strong physical symptoms of the nitriles. The patient may shriek out in pain and fear. With this apprehension may also be the typical organic chemical confusion. When this is extreme, the patient is lost and disoriented. There can be difficulty of thinking and absent-mindedness, forgetting of appointments. To understand the state, we can reflect upon the consciousness of a condemned prisoner: strapped in a chair, left alone in a dismal room, knowing that death is seconds away. He may call out for help, weep violently, rant or bite at those confining him. Yet all of this behavior is in vain and he knows it. Additional physical characteristics include: Spasms, especially of the hands, face and throat. Cyanosis. Contractures. Cancer of the tongue. Convulsions and petit mal. Dysphagia. Like the other halogens, there are many throat and larynx symptoms.


Absence, frequent: Hydr-Ac. Merc-Cy. Zinc-Cy. Anxiety from pain: Hydr-Ac. Merc-Cy. Fear death: Hydr-Ac. Kali-Fcy.

Face; Discoloration bluish: Hydr-Ac. Kali-Cy. Face, old expression: Hydr-Ac. Kali-Fcy.

Throat; Swallowing, difficult: Hydr-Ac. Kali-Cy. Merc-Cy.

Provings and Cases

Hydr-Ac: Experienced under hypnosis: “He lost his parents in the chaos, only clinging to his teddy bear. He was hustled along in a group, and finally told to undress to take a shower. Many naked people were jammed together into a large room, and then they started to scream and to tumble down on top of him. Being shorter than most, he was one of the last to breathe in the deadly fumes of the gas, Zyclon B (cyanide). He died in terror and pain.” Collins Kali-Cy: “It’s heartbreaking – especially not getting to be with my wife.

I’m allergic even to the bedding in our home. I’m like a homeless person. I don’t know where I’m going to sleep. I’m a fugitive – on the run. On the margin of society. I’m not highly thought of, no social support. There’s very little support in the world. Nothing works, I could just spiral down and down.” Herrick/Morrison

Nitrile Remedies

Amyg-Am. Arg-Cy. Chin-Hydrastis Ferr-Cy. Hydr-Ac. Kali-Cy. Merc-Cy. Merc-SCy. Zinc-Cy.

Related Remedies: Kali-Fer (Kali-Fcy). Zinc-Fcy.




Sugars are best understood as a sub-category of Carboxylic Acids. Structurally there are great similarities but more importantly the inner state is often indistinguishable. Confirming their importance as a source of energy in the body, the patient who needs one of these remedies often has a great deal of difficulty with food and nutrition. Smits has written about the importance of Saccharum Album in hypoglycemia and diabetes. Seeing deeper into the nature of the remedy, he elucidated the sense of deprivation often associated with the remedy.

This is true of all of the sugar remedies. The patient feels he is being neglected even when people are doing everything in their power to help him. The Buddhists call such individuals “hungry ghosts” in reference to unsatisfied spirits whose mouths are too shriveled to take in more than a drop of refreshment. It is as if the patient has been unable to assimilate the sweetness of life – or has been given none. He becomes demanding and aggressive. The strongest symptom associated with this group of remedies is sarcasm and contempt. The patient is unable to hold his tongue and frequently scolds and harangues others in the most cutting terms.

Galeazzi has spoken of the opposite side of these remedies, saying that the patient has a compulsive desire to sweeten everything around him, sometimes becoming almost unbearably sweet. In the failed state the patient may be subject to depression and great anxiety.

Physically, the patient often suffers with disorders of blood sugar, diabetes, anorexia or other disorders of nutrition. Many complaints are ameliorated by eating. Conversely, these remedies may be indicated in digestive troubles and food intolerance. Especially there is great rumbling and flatus (as in the carboxylic acids). Restlessness is a frequent complaint. Also disorders of yeast are common such as tinea or thrush. Due to the carboxylic acid moiety, the sugar remedies fall in the Typhoid miasm.


Censorious: Lac-Ac. Sac-L. Forsaken: Lac-Ac. Sac-Alb. Homesick: Sac-Alb. Sac-L.

Sarcasm: Lac-Ac. Sac-Alb. Sac-L.

Want of childish cheerfulness: Sac-Alb.

Provings and Cases

Lac-Ac: Intense ugliness (repulsiveness, hideousness) and hatefulness; writes to her best friends all sorts of mean and contemptible things. Becomes easily peevish and mistrustful; believes himself intentionally injured (hurt, prejudice) by all his environments, and attaches the most hateful significance to the most innocent occurrences.

Lac-Ac: “Her mother badgered the life out of her, she had no contact with her father and her brother took his frustrations out on her. She left home in consequence.” Case of hypoglycemia, Scholten

Sac-Alb: “Refuses to be cuddled, but asks for much attention. She says to her mother, ‘You don’t love me anymore.’ Feels that she is accused of everything and that her brother is always in the right.” Behavior disorder, Smits

Sac-L: It was as if she was young once more, and longed for something which she feared she could not get. Feeling of grievance and neglect, and as if her old long forgotten troubles were brought back to her. Cross and faultfinding, could not speak a pleasant word to anyone.

Sac-L: Intense nervousness, seems as if she would fly out of her skin; wakes at 3 AM, and does not sleep again till 7 AM; worries about all sorts of things.

Succ-Fr: “Great depression of the mind and spirits. Worries much over his disease.” Yingling


Sugar Remedies

Acer-S. Melilotus Sac-L. Sac-Alb. Succ-Fr.

Related Remedies: Lac-Ac. Salin. Tann-Ac.




These plant-derived chemicals have a fresh, stimulating fragrance and effect. All of us have used Vick’s VapoRub which combines several terpenes – there is a pleasant, warm-cold sensation which creates an openness in the chest and whole respiratory tract. They also produce a mild euphoric or excitement feeling. This translates into the main mental characteristics for their homeopathic use.

The patient feels a type of uplifted and excited sensation. They have many ideas which they pursue with enthusiasm and intensity. There is a drive for activity – both physical and mental. They may dream of excited flying or adventures. Despite this stimulated state, the patient is analytical and has a practical side and a consciousness of finances. Alternately, the patient suffers with a sense of boredom when unable to find an outlet for these excitements. Pathology develops when the patient is let down by family or co-workers. Rage and mania are the result. Physically, the patient suffers from neuralgia, strong inflammations of the organs or serous membranes, urinary problems or especially respiratory difficulties. Left frontal headaches, glossitis and chemical sensitivity syndromes. Generally of the Tubercular miasm.


Mind; Activity; desire for: Eucal. Menth. Delirium, maniacal: Camph. Ter.

Ideas abundant: Camph. Menthol. Ter.

Head Pain; Forehead; Eye; above left: Camph. Menthol. Ter.

Provings and Cases

Camph: Never felt better; ideas never more lively or clearer; it appeared as if the intellectual powers were increased; champagne never brought on a more pleasing intoxication (after half an hour).

Eucal: Pleasant general excitement, shown by irresistible desire for moving about and a feeling of buoyancy.

Menth: Eager for work and dispatches it quickly.

Tere-L: I accomplished everything and more. Overcame obstacles effortlessly.

Terpene Remedies

Camph. Eucal. Gaul. Menth. Menthol. Ol-Sant. Ter. Tere-Ch. Ter-L. Related Remedies: Camph-Ac. Camph-Br.


This article is modified from the book, Carbon — Organic and Hydrocarbon Remedies in Homeopathy available from Hahnemann Clinic Publishing, email: [email protected].


About the author

Roger Morrison

Roger Morrison, MD, DHt attended medical school at the University of Tennessee, graduating in 1978. After completing his internship in medicine, he studied for two years at the Athenian Center for Homeopathic Medicine in Athens Greece, earning the Diploma of the Athenian Center. In 1984 he moved to California, helping to found the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy and the Hahnemann Medical Clinic. He has studied intensively with Rajan Sankaran since 1995. Roger resides in California where he practices and teaches with his wife, Nancy Herrick. He has lectured throughout the world and his writings include: Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms, Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology, Psychiatric Disorders with Relevant Remedies, The Essence of Various Groups. Visit Roger Morrison at his website:


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