Materia Medica

Kalium Iodatum

Drs. P. I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni share their materia medica of Kalium Iodatum from their book Absolute Homeopathic Materia Medica

Excerpted from their book: Absolute Homeopathic Materia Medica

Iodide of Potassium                        Kali-i.



  1. Mucous membranes: Alimentary (G.I.). Genitourinary (G.U.). Respiratory (B.P.).

Pleura (serous membranes). Nasal (and sinus). Larynx

  1. Glands: Pancreas. Prostate. Kidneys. Lymphatic. Thyroid
  2. Blood-vessels


Joints. Periosteum. Ligaments. Lumbar. Legs


WARMTH: Weather; room; bed

Cold weather, dry or damp. Change of weather. Open air (coryza)


Periodically: Evening; dusk; to morning. Night; towards morn 4-7a.m./p.m. 5 a.m./p.m.

Rest. Lying; on painful side

During sleep

Walking (chest, heart)

Touch. Clothing. Pressure

Jolts. Jars Vibrations of car riding


Eating; long after. Cold food, drink, milk

Mercury. Lead. Sulphur


COLD: Cool open air. Applications. Uncovering

Warm room (coryza), applications (scalp, teeth)

Temperate climate

Morning 7-12 a.m./p.m. 9 p.m.-4 a.m.

Diversion. Activity. Pleasant company. Talking

Motion. Travel. Riding. Walking (anxiety, pains)

Keeping awake

While eating; esp. feasting



  • All iodides are nutrition remedies, and therefore pertinent to scrofula, vegetative disturbances, diabetes, glandular troubles (including endocrinal), indurations, fissures, tumors, phthisis, cancerinique, arterio-sclerosis, even thrombosis, cataracts, leprosy, osteomalacia, necrosis, goitre. This one depicts the preponderance of
  • Stubborn chronicity and deep-seated action. Poised for organic changes (syphilitic, gouty, rachitic, tubercular, cancerous, etc.). In chronic ailments at times useful (like ) even if not frankly indicated; esp. as a hindrance-remover and absorber.
  • System depressed. Slow reaction. Lagging repair process, recovery never complete. Low vital strength.


  • Pale, delicate, warm-blooded (rarely or latterly cold-blooded too); flushing easily. Scrofulo-syphilitic (like Aur.). Syphilo-sycotic (like Thuj.). Mercuro-plumbo-psoric/ syphiltic. The anti-rest (like Aur-m., Tub.).
  • Children: With big head and wasted limbs; big teeth and small jaws; with polyuria and polyfecia; who cannot bear touch or jolts; inherited syphilis; marasmus; rickets.


  • Fungoid diseases like thrush, ringworm, eczema, cauliflower excrescences, condyloma, actinomycosis, teataster’s cough (allergic inflammatory response of the lungs to inhaled tea fluff), of joints. Bacterial diseases like T.B. (Amebiasis).
  • Induration: Of ligaments and fasciae; of glands.
  • Cellular tissue inflamed; orbital; pelvic.
  • Mucous membranes: Exudative diathesis. Croupous catarrhal congestion (like Hep.), inflammation, ulceration, suppuration (Hep.). Burning (as in Xan.). Degenerating, esp. of stomach.
  • Discharges: Copious, acrid, watery, salty, ichorous, foul, greenish; thick; viscid.
  • Bones: Osteocopy; gnawing, throbbing, burning, tender. Thickening of periosteum, esp. tibia. Softening; Pott’s curvature; rickets. Hypertrophy. Painful exostoses. Necrosis. Caries; of lower jaw (Phos.); Ozena. Perforations in bones (osteoporosis). Cancers.
  • Joints: Old gouty cases, with deposits (tophi). Chronic arthritis, with considerable spurious ankylosis. Bursitis; housemaid’s knee. Hip joint disease (T.B.). Synovitis. Spasmodic contraction of muscles or tendons.
  • Glands: Inflamed. Indurated. Ulcerating. Tender (mammae). Enlarged; cervical (T.B.). Atrophied; ovaries; one mamma or teste disappears.
  • Copious glandular secretions: saliva, urine, milk. Buboes, after abuse of mercury, with fistulous openings. Goitre, sensitive, rapid growth. Enlarged prostate.
  • Blood: Scorbusis; parent of diabetes. Anthrax, on a syphilitic base. Suppurations, “A liquid or rolled up knife, a homoeopathic lancet”, difficult and slow.
  • Hemorrhages: In brain; from nose, rectum, lungs, fibroids, (gums). Purpura hemorrhagica; miliaris; petechial spots; extravasations.
  • Venous states. Thrombophlebitis; milk leg.
  • Diffuse arterial vasculosis and degeneration. Arterio-sclerosis; consequent cerebral embolism or thrombosis; temporary paralysis of right arm, later sudden transient loss of sense of personal identity, and of surroundings, amentia, amnesia, confusion, daze. Aneurisms. Painful beating of abdominal aorta. Orgasms; after emotions.
  • Wrinkling emaciation; after every acute trouble; progressive, with anorexia or bulimy; sans apparent cause, just from a cachexy (syphilitic, mercurial, tubercular or cancerous). Emaciation (and temperature) less marked than in
  • Dropsies: Hydroa i. e. bullous eruption (on lips). Hydrocephalus. (Ascites). Hydrocele. Hydrothorax. Edema; eyelids, retina, face, mouth, palate, throat, lungs; pedis, from sour (e.g. tamarind); angio-neurotic; anasarca. Interstitial infiltration from pressure of swollen (lymphatic) glands. Interstitial distension of bones or other tissues. Effusions in various (or serous) cavities; of serum in cellular tissue.
  • Vegetations (proliferations): Change of connective and fibrous tissue into tubercular. Excessive growth of connective tissue (aneurisms, bubo, gumma, bunions, nodes, cysts, sebacious cysts, indurated ulcers). Sensitive, rough (syphilitic) nodosities (or rice bodies) all over. Painful hard lumps; on pericranium, on mammae. Condylomata (acuminata) or nodules of long standing; in cachectic subjects; after chancre; on glands. Tumors: Fibroid. Lipoma; under axilla, after measles; on scapula, after tensions (). Abdominal. Mammary. Uterine. Cerebral (gumma, involving nervous tissues, hence sensitive; neuro-fibromas). Bony; exostoses; about orbital bones.
  • Deposits: Fatty more than fibrous (unlike Calc-f.). Of lead, mercury or sulphur. Effete products of acute diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, erysipelas, hemorrhages (e.g. apoplexy) liquefied and absorbed (like , Sulph.). Valvular deposits. Calcareous deposits: on teeth, in kidneys, on joints (like Carbn-s. but sans its senility).
  • Malignancies: A cancer cachexy. Epithelioma, jaws (Nit-ac.), Cancer of rectum, mammae, uterus, skin. Canceroid ulcers. Secondary conditions after removal of cancerous uterus, or of tumors.


  • Pains: Crushing. Compressing, as in a vise. Screwing in. Squeezing. Darting. Sharp-stitching (Nit-ac.). Burning (Sulph.). Streaking, like lightning (in head). Worse: night, damp weather, touch, pressure, rest, lying on painful side. Better: open air (Rad-br.), lying on back, motion. Painful rheumatic conditions: in neck, back, sciatic, heels, soles, toes; with tenderness as if ulcerating. Coldness of painful parts (Led.). Pains precede catarrh (Lach.). Numbness but rare; of legs; of toes. Syphilo-mercurial or gonorrheal rheumatisms.
  • Universal commotion: Jerkings, shocks, starting, startling, on falling asleep or during. Cramps, contraction of muscles. Twitching. Subsultus tendium (involuntary twitching of muscles). Crawling: in nose; at root of tongue; in legs, when sitting, better lying down. Tremor; of hands; not so prominent. (Tingling in left arm).
  • Chorea rheumatica. Rolling eyes. Convulsions; in hydrocephalus. Epilepsy.
  • Syphilis of nerves and brain; locomotor ataxia; tottering gait; brain softening.
  • Faint-like exhaustion. Nervous weakness, better walking about; not a feature (unlike the Kalis here) except when hungry (cannot stand fasting). Paralytic sensation in limbs; paralytic lameness of right arm (after animated talk).
  • Paralysis; of syphilitic or mercurial rheumatism. Hemiplegia; after spinal meningitis (or apoplexy); right, of a muscle connected with (syphilitic) periostitis or rheumatism of spine; transient, from embolism or apoplexy minor.


  • Pain long after injury. Tendency to strain back.

 Noteworthy features

  • Distressing, unstrung condition of the nervous system, a nervous irritation that compels one to walk even long distances (a “nervous mobility “), and it causes no fatigue (like Fl-ac.). Must be on the go. Weak, nervous and tired if forced to stay indoors (esp. if warm). Feels better out of doors, esp. on busy streets, and still better when walking. Rest is fatiguing. Travelling is to him a tonic (like ). He has to seek some diversion, activity or a pleasant company. The anti-rest (like lod., Tarent.).
  • Diffused sensitiveness or soreness of surface/skin; of area around affected part (e.g. skull, cheeks, splenic region). Generalized tenderness of whole body and limbs to touch or jolts (or vibrations). Mild goose-flesh from touch of cloth.
  • Always troubled with something. Many, varied, or diverse symptoms and lesions, and modalities (like , Lyc.).
  • A vague indescribable feeling (discomfort, uneasiness or distress) in head, epigastrium, chest etc.
  • Feels used up/spent/exhausted, a kind of faintness and sinking.
  • Warm-blooded (like lod.), but rarely also (esp. in later stage) chilly, the Kali element then prevailing.
  • Attacks (rheumatic et at) persist long, stubborn chronicity.
  • Metastases: of lungs to brain or chest to head. Or alternation between them (like , Lach.).
  • Lack of reaction; paucity of symptoms (like nosodes, ).
  • Its action takes some time to start (like Kali-bi.), relief coming gradually but soothingly.


  • Stress and strain make him despondent, irritable, abusive and stern, but also has moments of jocular loquacity.
  • Sulky, harsh with own people. Cruel. Aversion to being touched (Ant-c.).
  • Anxious, restless, morose, weeping (from the slightest cause). Nervous; must walk. Starting from noise.
  • Tendency to (syphilitic) dementia, dyslexia, G.P.I.



  • Vertigo: Ocular; labyrinthine; reeling; intoxicated feeling; vanishing of senses; confusion, daze (see Blood).
  • Headaches: Catarrhal, congestive (all KALIS), apoplectic; protracted, mercuro-syphilitic; < 5 a.m.
  • Cerebral metastasis (congestion, inflammation, effusion) from hepatization of lungs, or of mercuro-syphilis. Meningitis.
  • Apoplexy minor. Cerebral embolism. No brain fag (unlike Kali-c.).


  • Catarrhal congestion/inflammation; scrofulo-syphilitic. Conjunctivitis. Pustular keratitis. Iritis; irido-choroiditis. Choroidoretinitis. Retinitis: proliferating; punctata albescence; albuminurica; (pigmentosa; apoplectica). Orbital cellulitis; periosteitis.
  • Opacity: Of cornea, punctata; of aqueous; of vitreous (diffused); of lens (cortical cataract). Incipient glaucoma (syphilis). Pupils contracted. Edema: eyelids, conjunctiva (chemosis) with injection.
  • Vision: Disturbed; dim; diplopia; foggy; lost (nephritic).


  • Otitis, with tender scalp (in rachitis); in facial abscess; interna. Adhesions in middle ear. Catarrhal deafness.
  • Noises: various; ringing; humming, as of a distant siren; pulsating, in and about ears. “A specific for tinnitus in warm-blooded patients” (Cooper).


  • Inflammatory catarrh, involving eyes (lachrymation etc.), face, frontal and maxillary sinuses, root of nose, mouth; descending colds. Crawling, tingling, burning in congested nose.
  • Discharges: (earlier) Copious, watery, acrid; (later) greenish, cool, viscid, bland. Also dry, stuffy colds (‘cold in the head’). Sneezing: morning, on rising; paroxysmal, violent, frequent and prolonged. Epistaxis; mercurial.
  • Hay fever. Influenza.
  • Ozena, nose flattened and softened; with perforated or ulcerated septum.


  • Pain; in jaw when opening mouth or chewing. Swelling; also sub-maxillary and parotid glands (mercurial). Suppurating glands and antrum. Lumpy jaw (actinomycosis).
  • Lips: Dry and cracked; glutinous mucus on, in morning; (swollen).
  • Acne: Small boils/papules around one large; leave scars; epidemic; suppurating; rosacea.


  • Teeth: Crawling at root; jerking pains. Gums: scorbutic, receding, ulcerated; gum boils. Stomatitis; materna; ulcerative, mercurial. Salivation; during sleep; with chest complaints. Sore throat; of speakers; ulceration; pain worse by warm drink, or cold drink (but not amel. by warm drink).
  • Diphtheria (membrane greenish), edematous appearance. Tonsils red and swollen. Throat dry; in coryza; with cramp and apprehension. Uneasiness and burning in esophagus and stomach. Terrible pain at root of tongue.


  • Desires dry, cold food; roasted preferred to cooked; sweets. Averse to broth.
  • Live appetite, cannot go long without food; a faintness or a qualmish emptiness (or nervousness) in epigastrium that drives him to eat, latest about 11 a.m. Feels well while eating; troubles start during digestion, burning, distress, eructations (which amel.), oppression in chest. Clucking (a kind of cry) in stomach.
  • Deranged, feeble digestion, bordering on athrepsia; everything causes distress, a full sensation and oppression, esp. after midnight; chilled things and sour things not tolerated. Catarrh; vomiting, with salivation; nausea, after coition. Degeneration of gastric mucous membrane; suggestive of incipient cancer.


  • Constant fermentation. Flatulent distension (sudden), incarceration and pain. Flatulent dyspepsia (Lyc.). Incarcerated flatus, after heavy food, or from embarrassment or depression.
  • Tenderness over hepatic (and splenic) region, after fatigue. Syphilitic liver; enlarged, with gumma on.
  • Spleen enlarged after malaria. Pancreatitis. Griping pain in groins. (Hernia, flatulent). Tightness in hypogastrium, better deflating.


  • Rectal syphilis, such as cancer. Spasms in rectum; after coition. Mucous piles. Diarrhea / dysentery with tenesmus; with lumbar pain, polyuria; after mercury; in phthisis.


  • Gouty or mercuro-syphilitic nephritis, with copious urine, darting pains in renal back, chilliness and chest involvement (phthisis); free salivation and urine precede. Calculi.
  • Granular kidney (chronic interstitial nephritis). Contracted kidney.
  • Bladder catarrh, frequent painful urging, before menses, > as flow starts; before nephritis. Enuresis nocturna.
  • Prostatic enlargement. Painless urethritis; greenish gleet; burning, urine (semen) (Sulph.).
  • Urine: Copious, esp. at night; and frequent; limpid, or red; hot and dark coloured (in coryza, flu); suppressed, (in pneumonia etc.); diabetes.


  • Scrofulo-syphilis, secondary syphilis, esp. after mercury. Tertiary syphilis: chancres, with hard edges; fistulous ulcers, thin, acrid or curdy pus, gangrenous. After coitus fullness in epigastrium and chest, vertigo, weakness in arms, numb fingers.


  • Menses late and copious; with polyuria, and squeezing in uterus. Suppressed menses, with chilliness, heat in head, abdominal pains going into thighs, which feel as if squeezed.
  • Leucorrhea: In metritis; in young weds; acrid, watery, offensive, like meat-washings, or white.
  • Hypertrophy of uterus (predisposing to hemorrhage). Bearing down pains. Ovarian pains (right). Pruritus.
  • Pregnancy: Salivation. Abortion. Subinvolution.
  • Lactation: Much flow, or disappearing.
  • Mammae: Dwindle (, Sabal.); abscess on; nodes on.


  • Spasmodic croup, of scrofulous children; croupy hoarseness. Aphonia: Nightly, with dyspnea; with head or chest pains.
  • Larynx: Catarrhal inflammation, with edema, choking spells (from obstruction in larynx); of speakers; with rawness. Phthisis.
  • Dyspnea, edema pulmonum and emphysema. After midnight wakes-strangling or hyperventilating, dry lips, oppression (2 a.m.). Awakened about 5 a.m. with oppression of chest, preceded by dreams of dispute, relief from getting up and deflating, and worse lying on right side (Kali-c.); flatulent dyspnea. Dyspnea on ascending, with anxiety in chest, pain in precordia (palpitation).
  • Nasal colds descend to chest. Allergic conditions, with coryza, sinusitis, (angio-neurotic) edema, hay asthma. Asthma of youngsters not growing well. Suffocative (capillary) bronchitis, so-called chest colds. Morning cough dry, later loose with soap-suds like or greenish salty expectoration.
  • Dropsy in chest; worse lying down on well side. Orgasms in chest; after emotions. Stitching pains; in nephritis; amel. lying on painful side; from midsternum to both shoulders (the Y-pain). Pleurodynia rheumatica. Uneasiness about left chest. Oppression; towards morning, < lying on right side, must sit up, > deflation; on waking.
  • Exudative pleurisy; during nephritis or pneumonia; cannot lie on the affected side. Pleuro-pneumonia; of scrofulous children. Pneumonia with: dilated pupils, catarrh, red face, blue lips and nails, salivation, hemiplegia; hepatization (bronchophony), metastasis Jo brain, hydrocephalus, anuria and hydrothorax (Hell.); edema pulmonum. Croupous pneumonia. Abscess in lungs.
  • “Lung syphilis”: various diseases of lungs and pleura, with salivation, constant hacking cough, dyspnea, hectic and exhausting night sweats; phthisis pituitosa, with catarrh and purulent sputa in addition, patient cachectic already.


  • Weakness, vascular (Kali-c. muscular). Horrible smothering feeling about heart during sleep, awakens and compels him to rise up (, Lach.). High B.P.; C.C.F. (see Blood, ante).
  • Anguish (anxiety and apprehension) with palpitation and jerking in left arm; fluttering on awaking; with tinnitus (esp. humming, pulsating), beats felt in ears; reflex from obstructed flatulence or cardio-neurosis. Stitches. Cutting pains (‘pangs’). Angina pectoris; rheumatic heart. Tumultuous palpitation, nightly, worse walking.
  • Inflammation: Endocarditis rheumatica, tumultuous, irregular and intermitting beats, tensive pain, oppression, faint-like exhaustion. After (repeated) endocarditis or abuse of mercury burning or darting pains in heart when walking, dilation of right ventricle. Pericarditis, with the Y-pain, polyuria, despair of recovery.


  • Rheumatism; pain ext. to the sternum; stiffness; Right of spine, with paraplegia. Weakness of scapulae; throbbing between shoulders. Lame feeling in lumbar.
  • Lumbar: Pain: in meningitis; in nephritis; after abuse of mercury; during diarrhea; as before menses; as if vised, crushed, bruised, broken (Mag-c.). Worse sitting bent. Coccyx pain as after fall on it. Painful lumbar stiffness, worse bending backward or forward, rising, turning sideways, has to turn to well side before rising (Kali-c.), cramps at times esp. from jarring, jerking pain on sneezing, coughing, lifting, sits erect but walks stooped. Preceded by darting or crampy pain in left hip; cause, abuse of chilled drink of sour buttermilk; repertory-winner Sep. failed, Kali-i. cured; second attack required Kali-c.


  • Hip-joint disease. Darting or boring-gnawing in left hip (bone). Sciatica; < at night, lying on painful side. Pain in periosteum of left leg; thigh feels as if squeezed; better flexing legs, walking, open air.
  • Knee: Gonitis. Synovitis. Bursitis. White swelling (fungus articulosum or tumor albus genu). Effusion in, non-fluctuating, doughy spongy feel.
  • Cramps in calves; after mercury. Gnawing in left leg. Hot, burning feet (). Ulcerative or gouty pains in heels, soles and toes, worse cold and wet.
  • Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis); or neuralgia of brachial plexus, < motion of opposite arm (Caust.).


  • Lies on back or on left side with legs drawn up. Restless legs in bed. Wakeful 2-5 a.m. from flatulence; all night, except early morning. Wakes nightmared with a start and distress as from some emotion or a sense of calamity. Weeping during sleep.
  • Dreams of danger, of falling, wandering.


  • Epidemic purulent eruptions. Nodular (i.e. giant) urticaria. Bullae. Summer boils. Rupia (bulbous eruptions of tertiary syphilis). Squamous (scaly) syphilides. Erythema nodosum, worse winter. Purple spots. A large carbunculous boil surrounded by small ones. Pustular eruptions; often umbilicated. Herpes, on face, itching worse heat, covering, better scratching. Acne rosacea; pustular. Erysipelatous swellings. Leucoderma or skin lesions symmetrical.
  • Ulcers: Foul; fistulous; indurated; gummatous; with a corrosive, ichorous, curdy-cheesy deposit at bottom.


  • Cold hands and feet; painful parts (). Chill predominates; with thirst; alternates with heat or sweat; > (at times) in warm bed but never by applied heat (Hering); begins in the back.
  • Flushes of heat, with dullness in head. Evening fever; then chill; then nightly sweat (acute syphilis). Temperature (and emaciation) more marked in
  • Sweat: Nightly; scanty. Normally dry skin, unable to perspire; dry and wants dry (food and no water).
  • Hay fever/influenza/allergic rhinitis: catarrh in prodrome; or rheumatic pains precede catarrh; sinus headache; congestion of eyes, nose, palate, throat; swollen (upper eyelids); lachrymation; tinnitus; sneezing; running nose; burning throbs in nose; (angio-neurotic) edema of face; white tongue, salivation; violent thirst; hot dark urine; laryngitis; dyspnea; cough; chills. Also as a prophylactic.
  • Old malarial cases; in scrofulous persons. Chill better applied heat, not by warmth of room (Kent repertory). Chill > warmth of bed, not by applied heat. Dry mouth, thirst. Anasarca. Splenomegaly.
  • Evening remittent fever, going off in nightly perspiration; hectic.


  • Antidotes: Am-m., Arg-n., Aur., Ars., Chin., Hep., Merc., Nit-ac., Rhus-t., Sulph., Val.
  • Antidote to: Lead. Mercury. , Sulph.
  • Acutes: Ant-t., Apis, Ars., All-c., Bell., Carb-v., Chel., Colch., Cur. (a wet-weather ), Gels., lod., Lach., Merc (-c)., Phos., Puls., Sumb.
  • Complementary: (Agar.), Ars-i., Aur., Bac-7., (Bar-m.), Calc., Carc., Caust, Hep., Hydr., Kali-c., Lach., Lap-a., Lyc., Med., Merc(-c)., Nit-ac., Phos., Phyt., Plat-m., Plb., (Sep.), Sulph., Syph., (Tub.), Sumb.
  • Symbiotics: Kali-c., Lach., Olnd., , Sulph.
  • Counterparts: Acid-f., Ant-c., Ars-i., Aur., Calc-f., Hep., Kali-c., Lyc., Merc., Op., Still.
  • Collateral: , Sep., Phos., (or Lach.) and Kali-i. are rehearsals of each other; one continues the work left by the other. So are Lach. and Phos., also Aur-m.
  • Is a cocktail of: , Carbn-s., Cur., Hep., lod., Kali-c., Lach., Lyc., Merc., Phos., Sep., Sulph. Isn’t it?
  • Is a version of , a syphilo-mercurialized Sulph. Lach. is intensified Kali-i.
  • Kali-i. and Sul-i. (both ‘syphilitic ) carry further the work of lod.
  • is deeper-acting in tertiary syphilis; Kali-i. is unkind to one’s own people, but this one (may be a child of a Kali-i. parent) is cruel to parents, may withal be ‘sold out’ to spouse and children and be quite amiable towards outsiders. (Another instance of a split or unstrung personality).

About the author

P I Tarkas

Dr. P. I. Tarkas (1908-2000), the doyen of homoeopathy, belonged to the 20th century generation of sincere and dedicated homoeopaths of India. He worked like a Trojan throughout his life for the cause of homoeopathy. The work he left to posterity will not go into oblivion. Upgrading materia medica and Repertory in an authentic way was the mission he took up in early 1950 and worked endlessly and selflessly for over 50 years.

About the author

Ajit Kulkarni

Dr Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.) is Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune, A veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed international teacher. A classical Homeopathic physician, he has been practising for 35 years. He has given over 100 international seminars and workshops in different parts of the world. Dr. Kulkarni is co-author: Absolute Homoeopathic Matera Medica, Five Regional Repertories: AIDS, DM, Thyroid, HTN and Trauma . Also, author of Body Language and Homeopathy, Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality (Three volumes),
Law of Similars in Medical Science, Homeopathic Posology, Kali Family and Its Relations, Homeopathic Covidoscope (published by Amazon) and over 100 publications on various aspects of homeopathy, papers and books translated in several languages, He has Award of ‘Excellence in Homoeopathy, Award of ‘Homoeo-Ratna, Life achievement Award, Dr. B. Sahni Memorial Award.,
He is a member, Editorial Board, National Journal of Homeopathy, Mumbai / E-mail ID: [email protected]

1 Comment

  • Kali-iodatum sounds like a very important remedy for many of us in my family. We have too many symptoms to list. Thank you so much for posting this important article and, more than that, thank you for being a homeopath and truly helping people have a better life.

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