Materia Medica Homeopathy Papers

Kalium Phosphoricum

Drs. P. I. Tarkas and Ajit Kulkarni share the materia medica of Kalium Phosphoricum from their book Absolute Homeopathic Materia Medica.

Phosphate of Potassium                                                                                                                          Kali-p.  


Nerves; brain (gray matter); cord


Blood and intercellular fluids

Mucous membranes

Excretory system



One side


Lying. Rest. Beginning of motion

Slight causes. Excitement. Touch (Lach.)

Surgical shock (Stron-c.)


Eating (stomach, bowels)

Cold dry air. Winter

Pains. Puberty. Uncovering head

Depleting factors: Exertion. Coition

Lying on painful part

Mechanical injuries. Blows

Grief. Worry. Bad news. Fright. Anxiety. Fatigue

3 am. 5 am. 2-5 am (pains) After rising in morning



Cold (neuralgia). Warmth

Rest. Gentle motion (motion without exertion)

Leaning against something

Company; pleasant excitement

Eating (pain in occiput). Nourishment

Menstrual flow

Out of doors (headache)






  • Nervous, delicate, oversensitive, neurotic, and in a state of inertia. Worn out businessmen, professionals.
  • Nervous women who are subject to abortion, nursing mothers tired to distraction by nervous babies. Society women who have gone through the season of excitement ().
  • Young people born weak or deficient in nerve power (Sil.).
  • Aged persons with want of regenerative force of the nervous tissue, adynamia and decay, sluggish circulation, slow creeping paralysis.


  • Fagged, exhausted nerves. Nervous insufficiency followed by vital insufficiency.

Weakness: Exhaustion; with or without irritability; with nervousness. Tremulous sensation. Muscular exhaustion; but no trembling (Royal). Weak and tired. Mental and physical debility (paralytic lameness) due to impaired nerve energy. Weakness starts from shock mental or physical, from overstrain or overdrain of the system. Weakness from chemotherapy. Weakness from pains. Neurasthenia; esp. from sexual excesses; with spinal irritation.

  • A general slowing down. Inertia. Brain and nerve exhaustion and degeneration; softening. Marked disturbance of the sympathetic nervous system. Conditions arising from want of nerve power, mental and physical depression, from excitement, overwork and worry; morphine habit.
  • Increased sensitiveness to all impressions, from weakness of the vital organismic resistance or control. Hyperaesthesia of senses with anemic weakness and failure of strength as after mental overstrain, depressing emotions or from exhausting draining nerve centers of the spinal card.

Paralysis: Paraplegia. Paralysis depending on exhaustion of nerve power in recent cases as after diphtheria. One sided; from a gradually increasing weakness, comes on suddenly; partial (face; bladder, upper lid, vocal cords etc.); with atrophy. Creeping paralysis, slow tendency to walking, loss of tactile sense of facial paralysis (from working in water). Infantile paralysis. Multiple sclerosis.

  • Pains: Chronic neuralgia, > by gentle motion, pleasant excitement, exhaustion after paroxysm; with depression; failure of strength, sensitiveness to noise and light, < when quiet or alone; cold. Or, little pain.
  • Epilepsy: Palpitation and coldness after attack; from fright; menstrual.


  • Cancer: For the pains, offensive discharge and discoloration; after removal of cancer when in a healing process the skin is drawn tight over the wound. Cancerous ulcers. Suspicious malignant tumors. Cases coming very late, with advanced metastasis. Typhus, putrid states. Leukemia. For the detoxification as after chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Neuro-fibrosarcoma. Malignant triton (like a large mollusc) tumours.
  • Blood: Septic putrid hemorrhages. Blood not coagulating, thin, blackish or light red.
  • States of adynamia, decomposition and decay, gangrenous conditions. Blood poisoning with infiltration. Low blood states, such as gangrene, phagadenic states.
  • Discharges: Serous, ichorous, sanious, corroding, chaffing; putrid or golden-yellow secretions, coat on tongue, stool, urine etc.; copious; onion or carrion odor of secretions. Pus brownish, watery, dirty, offensive; stench from mouth and stomach; great prostration.
  • Atrophy: Of glands; with putrid stools. Atrophic diseases in old people, tissues dry, lack of vitality. Wasting muscular diseases. Rachitis with atrophy; atrophy with paralysis (Plb.). Emaciation, anemia and tubercular tendency. Patient losing flesh all the time and often suffering from diabetes, phosphaturia, cancer, loss of se-men and blood.
  • Fatty degeneration of muscles; of heart.
  • Scurvy with gangrenous condition (Carb-ac.).
  • Collapse: Vitality ebbing–sinking; strength failing: in delayed labour; after abortion; (in cholera); complete inertia; physical; uterine. Collapse, livid bluish countenance and low pulse; in cases coming late under treatment with great weakness, pale bluish face etc.; speech slow, becoming inarticulate. A good remedy in restoring the vital force to its par value.
  • Delayed convalescence; from fever and blood poisoning.
  • Burning; soreness.
  • Irregular: Menses, pulse etc.


  • Morose, irritable, tearful, aversion to being talked to, flies into a passion and can hardly articulate; tongue feels thick; affections perverted, cruel to dear ones, husband, to baby, quarrels with her family; apprehensive, completely exhausted after a moderate mental effort; resents criticism, objects to being advised, insists he is all right. Irritability after diarrhea or purgative.
  • Children: Cross and ill-tempered, fretful, frightened easily, screaming, whining, night terrors; scorbutic; fear of burglars; wants to be carried. Backward children. Cerebral palsy.
  • Great impatience. Makes mountains out of mole hills. Anxiety, nervous dread without any special cause. Lethargy, external lassitude and depression. Slightest labour seems a heavy task, want of energy. Hypochondriasis. Undecided, irresolute.
  • Hysteria: Nervous attacks from smothering passion in a highly nervous and excitable person. Hysterical fits of laughing and crying. Changeable.
  • Great despondency about business and pecuniary affairs. Sighs; fidgetiness and trembling. Tired of life, with fear of death. Looks at the dark side and troubles arising from nervous excitement. Sad by day, sleepless at night; from domestic troubles.
  • Weeping mood. Very nervous, start easily, when touched. Nervous prostration from mental work, prolonged anxiety, much sorrow and sexual excess or vice. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Melancholia: from overstrain of mind; accompanying exhausting drains affecting the nerve– centers often spinal cord; of aged; religious.
  • Shy; indisposition to mix with people, to converse; excessive blushing from emotional sensitiveness. Sheepish.
  • Lack of drive. Miser. Selfish. Homesick. Haunted by vision of past and longing after them. Routine lover. Indifferent. Frustrated.
  • Delirium, fear, sleeplessness, restlessness and suspicion, rambling talk, grasping at imaginary objects, in typhoid and septic fevers. Loss of memory; cannot recall names or words.
  • Alzheimer’s disease. Softening of brain, early stage, starting on being touched.
  • Aphasia after suppressed sweat from fright or mental emotions, from mental over work. Insanity; due to excessive masturbation; puerperal mania.



  • Head cold and sensitive to cold air. Complaints after uncovering.
  • Vertigo: Cerebral anaemia, causing undue nervousness and vertigo. From nervous exhaustion and weakness, not gastric. < lying, standing up, sitting, look upwards, (facing sun) (Gran.). Seasickness, without nausea.
  • Headache: Bilious, of students and those worn out by fatigue resulting from deep emotions and physical efforts. With weak, empty gone feeling at stomach (, Sep.). Worse: < Bright light, noise, pressure, eye strain. Better: > gentle motion; good sleep; massage; nourishing food; fresh air; cheerful excitement; eating; pressing temples. Occipital headache > lying on back; rising; while eating. Before menses violent tearing pain in forehead and sense of fatigue; > lying down and menses appearing. Alternates with toothache, bellyache, spine pain etc. Neurotic headache of pale, sensitive, irritable persons; followed by great weakness. Neuralgic pain at base of brain and upper spine. Trigeminal neuralgia; with atrophy of nerves.
  • Hydrocephalus, acute or chronic. Brain affection with diarrhea smelling like carrion. Feeling as if a rocket passed through the head during sleep.
  • Incipient paralysis of brain (with nephritic irritation). Brown stripe at edge of hair. She must let the hair hang down.


  • Anemia; atrophy of the optic nerve; paralysis. Drooping of left lid.
  • Eyes burn, sting and swim in tears; yellow gray. Milky (curdy) secretion. Retinitis, albuminuria. Reflex eye symptoms. Weakness of sight, loss of perspective power. Strabismus after brain diseases. Conjunctiva inflamed. Sensation: of sticks in eyes; of sand; dryness; prickling and smarting.
  • Lids agglutinated in the morning; styes on left lower lid.
  • Strabismus, incoordination of ocular muscles and loss of accommodation for near objects; after diphtheria; from exhaustion of optic nerve, fatigue. Weakness of eyes in newly married people (due to sexual excess).


  • Tinnitus: Humming, singing, ringing and buzzing in the ears < lying down; noises from nervous exhaustion and cerebral anemia, with vertigo.
  • Hearing: Acute to noises and voices but impaired as to articulation of the human voice. Deafness from want of nervous perception, with weakness and exhaustion of the nerves; of old people.
  • Atrophic condition in old people, and tendency of tissues to shrivel up and become scaly (see Skin).
  • Otalgia. Otitis, sensation of fullness. Discharge: Yellow, dark, offensive, sanious, ichorous, purulent (scarlatina).
  • Itching and pimples in canal and external ear. Eczema. Ulceration of membrane tympani. Suppuration of the middle ear with offensive dirty pus, brownish and watery.  § Polypus.


  • Nasal disease with offensive odour, fetid; thick yellow discharge; ozaena. Yellow crusts blown from nose followed by epistaxis (thin, black blood) in weak, delicate constitutions, predisposition to it; in low fevers. Sores inside nose.
  • Sneezes from the slightest exposure; at 2 a.m. Hay fever; as a prophylactic; with great nervous weakness. Cold with sneezing, headache and discharge or clear stringy mucus.
  • Catarrh with offensive, purulent, yellow discharge; obstinate. Itching in posterior nares; thick mucus hawked from P.N.


  • Livid and sunken, with hollow eyes. Haggard, sad, careworn look. Sickly, pale, dirty, yellow, chlorotic. Wart on the lip; epithelioma.
  • Prosopalgia, right side, < when the room becomes too warm, evening, cold air, > warmth of hand, fresh air, cold application (Lil-t.). Stitching, tearing, drawing; exhaustion after the attack.
  • Loss of power in facial muscles, causing contractions. Facial paralysis from working in water; one sided; flushing in young people of nervousness (Ferr-p.).


  • Toothache: From exhaustion, mental labor and loss of sleep, with salivation. After every cold; in delayed or filled teeth. Toothache alternates with dull frontal headache and nausea with dizziness. Toothache of highly serious, delicate or pale, emotional persons with easily bleeding gums; they have a bright-red line or seam on them. Gums spongy and receding (). Toothache starts from the least touch.
  • Nervous chattering of teeth. Brown covering on the teeth (rickets, scurvy).
  • Tongue: Coats brownish, like French (or liquid) mustard; white; slimy; greenish yellow; will cleave to roof as if, feels thick. Cracked transversely. Dry in morning. Inflammation. Creeping paralysis.
  • Breathe offensive; hay like (mown and dried grass like); putrid cheese like; fearful with low nervous condition. Stench from cancrum oris, with mortification of the cheek. Canker sore mouth; gangrenous. Aphthae. Salivation. Palate feels greasy.
  • Taste: Bitter, putrid, sour, greasy.


  • Inflammation and swelling of throat and tonsils with white deposits like membrane.
  • Gangrenous sore throat. Croup, last stage.
  • Diphtheria: With putrid odor. Malignant gangrenous condition, prostration etc. After effects of diphtheria: Weakness of sight, nasal speech and paralysis of any part.


  • Appetite: Ravenous; with languor; but vanishes at the sight of food; from nervous weakness; during menses; soon after eating (); after stool. Very thirsty. Averse to food, bread, meat. Desires ice, icy cold drinks, sour, sweets, vinegar.
  • Nervous dyspepsia like (> eating); but brought on by nervous causes, excitement, worry. Feels seasick without nausea. Nausea soon after eating (later drowsiness), > by (putrid) eructation.
  • Pain: Gnawing pain at 5 a.m. on waking; with fullness in afternoon. Soreness. Stitching. Stone in stomach as if; in a small spot. Pain from fright or excitement.
  • Solar plexus: A nervous gone sensation at the pit of stomach (). Indigestion with nervous depression and faint feeling in the pit. Eructation of bile < after eating.
  • Gastritis; with asthenic conditions.
  • Round ulcer, being a disturbance of the tropic nerves. Deep green or blue or black vomiting from brain troubles, in yellow fever; ulcer or cancer of the stomach.


  • Biliousness from mental worry. Tympanitic with great pain in typhoid fever.
  • Colic: in hypogastrium with ineffectual urging to stool > bending double; left to right; with soreness; with flatulence. Stitching. Cutting; pins pricking like.
  • Borborygmus. Fermentation. Dropsical. Bowel symptoms cease when the mind is employed. Weakness in left side under heart. Splenic troubles. Noisy, offensive flatus. Bearing down, > sitting up; < left side, after drinking water, flatulence; griping, when eating.


  • Hemorrhoids protruding, with swelling and burning pains. Paretic condition of rectum and colon after removal of hemorrhoids.


  • Constipation: Stool difficult, hard, large, knotty, dark brown, streaked with yellowish green mucus; variegated.
  • Diarrhoea: Painless, watery from fright or other depressing causes with great prostration. Stools: putrid, like rice water, bloody, golden yellow. Carrion like odor of decomposition; < while eating, early morning on rising, nightly; watery stool with imperative call, followed by tenesmus. Diarrhea and dysentery; in typhoid; putrid; bloody.
  • Dysentery: Stool consists of pure blood; patient becomes delirious; abdomen swells. Mucus colitis (Schussler). Offensive flatus which > symptoms. Prolapsus recti (). Entero-colitis.
  • Cholera: Rice water stools; want of reaction (, Verat.).


  • Red; saffron colored. Milky; golden orange very yellow; bloody.
  • Enuresis: Nocturnal; old people; in nervous prostration; excitable nervous children; from typhoid.
  • Chronic catarrh of bladder in old people and nervous wrecks. Cystitis in asthenic conditions with prostration, discharge thick white mucus; stream stops and starts. Bright’s disease; depressed conditions of nerves; incipient brain paralysis. Albuminuric nephritis.
  • Diabetes with nervous weakness, voracious appetite; impotence. Breath has peculiar hay (grass) like odour; after shock and grief. Paralysis of bladder; retention of urine.


  • Utter prostration and weak vision after coitus (Kali-c.). Impotency. Sexual passion obliterated; after excesses. A/F suppressed sexual excitement (Con.). Nervousness due to sexual excitement with aching in sacrum, back and occiput; sleeplessness, frequent micturition, despondency. Priapism.
  • Emissions: Nocturnal; without erections.
  • Phagadenic chancre.


  • Menses: Premature and profuse in nervous subjects; irregular, scanty almost black; offensive odor. Amenorrhea with depression of spirits, lassitude, general nervous debility and chest troubles and headache.
  • Before menses: Sense of fatigue. During menses: Restlessness > lying on abdomen, motion. Spasmodic dysmenorrhea; uterine pains alternating with migraine (l.). After menses: Sexual desire intense for 4 or 5 days. Prostrated.
  • Leucorrhea: Horribly foul odor; acrid, burning, copious; in young girls.
  • Pains in ovaries; stitching. Ovaritis.
  • Chronic abscess discharging periodically through va-gina and return a copious orange colored fluid.
  • Mastitis, pus brownish, dirty looking, with heavy odor; adynamia and gangrene, bad smelling pus. Tender mammae.
  • During pregnancy: Bloody discharge; night pains.
  • Labor pains: Feeble and ineffectual; spurious. Threatened miscarriage in nervous subjects. Puerperal mania. Puerperal fever.
  • Excessive sexual desire esp. in virgins ().


  • Aphonia: From paralysis of vocal cords; with exhausted feeling from overuse of voice, with nervous depression or as a rheumatic affection. Sub-acute laryngitis with suppressed lochia, piles and leucorrhea; cases coming too late under treatment, great weakness, pale bluish face, speech slow, becoming inarticulate, nasal speech; creeping paralysis of any part; palsy of vocal cords.
  • Cough: From irritation in trachea in cold air, throat feels sore; with frothy serous masses being brought up in excess and threatening suffocation; lassitude and prostration. Chest very sore; catarrh. Whooping cough with great exhaustion in highly nervous children.
  • Expectoration: Yellow; in phthisis. Thick. Fetid. Salty. Greenish. Soap suds like (frothy); putrid.
  • Nervous asthma; depressed condition of the nervous system; sallow features, sunken eyes, emaciation. Hay asthma. Hay fever. Short breath when going upstairs.
  • Acute oedema of lungs, dyspnea.
  • Phthisis: Catarrhal phthisis with rapid emaciation and colliquative sweats; feeling of faintness and dizziness from weak action of heart; spasmodic cough.
  • Axillae: Swelling; abscess; sweat smelling of onions.

Heart and circulation:

  • Faintness: In nervous people; from weak action of the heart; from fright, fatigue, etc.
  • Intermittent action of the heart with morbid nervous sensitiveness, from emotions, grief or care with palpitation. Functional disturbances of the heart with weak, anxious, nervous state. Distress about the heart; from flatulence.
  • Pulse: Intermittent, irregular, or below normal. Palpitation: From walking upstairs; after rheumatic fever with exhaustion; with nervousness and anxiety; from slight emotional excitement; with sleeplessness.
  • Fatty degeneration of heart. Angina pectoris, from emotions, from flatulence; < descending.
  • Anemia, blood poor, palpitation with sleeplessness and restlessness.
  • Sluggish circulation. Dull throbbing in left side, seems to stop heart beating.


  • Paralytic or rheumatic lameness, with stiffness after rest, yet becoming better by gentle motion < beginning of motion. Weak back, cannot sit erect without a chair, back to lean against. Spinal anemia from exhausting diseases with laming pain. Spinal irritation. Idiopathic softening of the spinal cord with molecular deadening of the nerve centers. Difficulty in guiding himself; loss of power of movement; stumbles and trips easily. Many non-descript spinal affections.
  • Creeping sensation and intense pain along spine relieving the headache at intervals. Lumbar pains < lying on back.


  • Paralytic lameness; drawing > warmth and gentle motion (i.e. motion without exertion), < beginning to move. Muscular weakness after severe illness; esp. lower.
  • Pains with depression and subsequent exhaustion. No trembling (as in or Arg-n.), no much pain (Royal). (But Kent says trembling of hands and Otto Leeser says of calves). Involuntary motion of extremities.
  • Prickling hands, feet (and abdomen). Numb; fingertips. Foot feels frostbitten. Pains in soles. Itching palms and soles.
  • Sciatica > gentle motion, < after rest and beginning of motion; great restlessness and exhaustion. Rheumatic and gouty pains in limbs and joints > warmth and motion (gentle). Fidgety feet; hands. Burning in feet. Paralyzing drawing pain in sole of foot. Chilblains. Stumbling and awkwardness, due to softening of spinal cord.


  • Simple painless wakefulness. Sleepless after worry, business troubles or excitement from nervous causes, abuse of purgatives; of sleeping pills. Night terrors in children awakening with fright and screaming; somnambulism.
  • Yawning: Stretching and weariness with sensation of emptiness at pit of stomach. Excessive, unnatural; hysterical. Drowsy; with headache.
  • During sleep: mumbling and grinding teeth; talking.
  • Dreams: Amorous, fire, robbers, falling.


  • Chilliness: Ascending along the spine in evening. Nervous shivering and shuddering. One sided coldness. Heat all night with hunger. at: High temperature. Heat with no sweat.
  • Perspiration: While eating; with weakness at stomach. Onion like odor of axillary sweat.
  • Typhoid fever: Low putrid type. High fever, brown dry tongue, brown sordes, petechiae, sleeplessness, stupor, delirium (low muttering), low, putrid malignant symptoms. Putrid diarrhea. Offensive breath, great mental depression, small or whizzing pulse; abnormal brain function; face pinched, pale, anxious expression; with hysterical symptoms. Disease not located in any single organ; in later stages lack of recuperative power.
  • Septic hemorrhages. Hectic fever: Putrid sweat and sputa, great nervousness and excitement.
  • Scarlet fever: Skin dusky and throat putrid and dark red, exhaustion, stupor etc. Intermittent fever: Fetid, debilitating profuse sweat; quartan forms.


  • Eczema with oversensitiveness and nervousness. Inactivity of the skin.
  • Itching 2/3-5 a.m.; with crawling, > gentle friction, diabetic. Greasy scabs with offensive smell. Chilblains. Malignant pustule. Smallpox. Felons, abscess and carbuncle when the matter becomes fetid. Pemphigus malignus; blisters and blebs over the body, watery sanious contents, skin wrinkled and withered looking, bloody, watery, offensive discharge. Alopecia areata. Noma. (Leprosy).
  • Erysipelas bordering on gangrene. Blue spots on skin. Jaundiced skin.


  • Similar: Lob-p.
  • Collateral: (but it has no putridity).
  • Intensified: Psor., Sec. and X-ray are intensified Kali-p. Kali-p. is an intensified
  • is more sthenic and not pyemic; has irritability, universal commotion (while Kali-p. has complete inertia), is more pronouncedly chilly, Agar. contains Kali-p. which may be an antidote. Mushrooms contain Kali-p. and hence are useful after a weakening illness in restoring muscle and nerve power (Hering).
  • Nerve group: , Cur. Kali-p., Lach., Lob-p., Nux-v., Psor., Zinc.
  • Counterpart:, Sec.
  • Acute: , Rhus-t.
  • Compare: , Aven., Arn. and Con. (blows), Ars., Bapt., Carb-v., Cadm-p., Chin., Cur., Echi.; Ferr. (diarrhea while eating); Hyos. (mania); Ign., Kali-hp. (debility and wasting of muscular tissue); Kreos., Lach., Macroz. (extreme debility after severe illness; collapse); Murac., Op. (drowsiness); Ph-ac., Pic-ac., Phos., Phyt., Puls., Rhus-t., Sil. (but its weakness is erethistic and is scrofulous); Zinc-p. (paralysis of brain).
  • Compatible: (disordered mental conditions); Kali-m. (in puerperal fever); Mag-p. (bladder troubles).
  • In yellow fever, if Carb-v. is not sufficient, think of Kali-p.


About the author

P I Tarkas

Dr. P. I. Tarkas (1908-2000), the doyen of homoeopathy, belonged to the 20th century generation of sincere and dedicated homoeopaths of India. He worked like a Trojan throughout his life for the cause of homoeopathy. The work he left to posterity will not go into oblivion. Upgrading materia medica and Repertory in an authentic way was the mission he took up in early 1950 and worked endlessly and selflessly for over 50 years.

About the author

Ajit Kulkarni

Dr Ajit Kulkarni M.D. (Hom.) is Director, Homeopathic Research Institute, Pune, A veteran homoeopath, an academician and a famed international teacher. A classical Homeopathic physician, he has been practising for 35 years. He has given over 100 international seminars and workshops in different parts of the world. Dr. Kulkarni is co-author: Absolute Homoeopathic Matera Medica, Five Regional Repertories: AIDS, DM, Thyroid, HTN and Trauma . Also, author of Body Language and Homeopathy, Homeopathy through Harmony and Totality (Three volumes),
Law of Similars in Medical Science, Homeopathic Posology, Kali Family and Its Relations, Homeopathic Covidoscope (published by Amazon) and over 100 publications on various aspects of homeopathy, papers and books translated in several languages, He has Award of ‘Excellence in Homoeopathy, Award of ‘Homoeo-Ratna, Life achievement Award, Dr. B. Sahni Memorial Award.,
He is a member, Editorial Board, National Journal of Homeopathy, Mumbai / E-mail ID: [email protected]

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