Materia Medica


Written by E.B.Nash

: Dr. E.B. Nash discusses Stramonium, comparing it to Belladonna and Hyoscyamus.

This remedy in delirium differs from Hyoscyamus and Belladonna chiefly in the degree of intensity. The raving is something awful. Singing, laughing, grinning, whistling, screaming, praying piteously or swearing hideously, and above all remedies, loquacious. Again the patient throws himself into all shapes corresponding to his changeable delirium, crosswise, lengthwise, rolled up like a ball, or stiffened out by turns, or, especially, repeatedly jerks up suddenly his head from the pillow. Things look crooked or oblique to him. The whole inner mouth as if raw . The tongue after a while may become stiff or paralyzed.

Stools loose blackish, smelling like carrion, or no stool or urine. Later there may be complete loss of sight, hearing, and speech with dilated, immovable pupils and drenching sweat which brings no relief, and death must soon close the scene unless Stramonium helps them out.

By way of still further comparison Stramonium is the most wildly loquacious. Hyoscyamus is the most insensibly stupid. Belladonna in this respect stands half way between. Stramonium throws himself about, jerking head from pillow.

Hyoscyamus twitches, picks and reaches, otherwise lying pretty still. Belladonna starts or jumps when falling into or awaking from sleep. All have times of wanting to escape.

The same state of mind and sensorium is found in chronic and acute manias. I have cured several such cases. One was a lady about thirty years of age, who was overheated in the sun, on an excursion. She was a member in good standing in the Presbyterian church, but imagined herself lost and called me in six mornings in.

succession to see her die. Lost, lost, lost, eternally lost, was her theme, begging minister, doctor and everybody to pray for, and with, her. Talked night and day about it. I had to shut her up in her room alone, for she would not sleep a wink or let anyone else. She imagined her head was as big as a bushel and had me examine her legs, which she insisted were as large as a church. After treating her several weeks with Glonoine, Lach, Natrum carb and other remedies on the cause as the basis of the prescription, without the least amelioration of her condition, I gave her Stramonium which covered her symptoms and in twenty-four hours every vestige of that mania was gone. But for the encouragement I gave the husband that I could cure her she would have been sent to the Utica Asylum, where her friends had been advised to send her by the allopaths. I gave her the sixth dilution or potency.

I cured a case just as bad since then with the cm. potency. I could relate other experiences, just as remarkable, cured with this remedy, but why do so? Aside from these uses of the remedy, which are the main ones, I will mention now a few symptoms that have been found very reliable guides:

  • Staggers in the dark or with eyes closed.
  • Eyes wide open, prominent, brilliant pupils widely dilated.
  • Desires light and company.
  • Face hot and red, cheeks circumscribed.
  • Convulsions, aggravated in bright light.
  • Mouth and throat dry. (Belladonna)
  • Fear of water and aversion to all fluids.
  • Metrorrhagia, with characteristic mind symptoms.
  • Great pain in hip disease, or abscesses.
  • One side paralyzed, the other convulsed. (Belladonna)
  • Entire absence of pain. (Opium)


From: Leaders In Homoeopathic Therapeutics – E. B. Nash, M. D

About the author


Dr. E.B. Nash 1838- 1917, was considered one of our finest homeopaths and teachers. He was Prof. of Materia Medica at the N.Y. Homoeopathic Medical College and President of International Hahnemannian Assoc. His book Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is a classic. This article is from: :The Medical Advance - A monthly magazine of homoeopathic medicine - edited and published by H.C. Allen, M. D.


  • Stramonium an amazing plant,i have a collection of stramonium plants grown from wild seeds,makes a great pesticide barrier-no animals come near this plant they know how powerfull it is. More about this beautifull flower at

  • Absolutely claasical. There is no futile attempt to describe a particular diseas or disorder in the language of conventionalsystem, thus keeping homeopathy in its most sanctous form-a striking contrast to some modern teachers of homeopathy whoe’s contribution to homeopathy may be questionable for the very reason

  • My father, aged 92 an Alzheimer patient has been greatly helped by Stramonium, Hyoscamus, Bromium and Platina. He was violent, aimlessly talkative, stupid and stubborn. He grew up to be a highly qualified and successful man even after loosing his father at the age of five and was a totally self made man. That made him an extremely confident and very proud man. Though the three medicines did help a lot, Platina helped him a lot by reining in his pride to a large extent and is now more docile and accepts advise, which he never did earlier. Bromium helps him when he visits his childhood often and stays there. Also the medicine helps him a lot when he sticks to his dreams and doesn’t come out of the dreams of several years ago ! He has several other problems like an atonic bladder (He is on catheter permanently), partially working kidney. He also broke both his legs in a span of six years and is on implants in both the limbs now.
    He is largely on Homeopathic medicines only.

  • The position in which the patient is placed today, and the Alzheimer which is progressively taking him over compels me to use the medicines as and when required. His behavior is not predictable. He is unable to articulate his feelings or thoughts. Only his unpredictable actions give the lead to use a particular drug. The sleep inducing drug which the neurologists have suggested to him in the night for a restful sleep also contributes to the problems. He sleeps like a log after the drug and his mornings are very drowsy and stupid. Even in such a stage he doesn’t allow me to touch him exhibiting his proud character of his personality. A dose of Platina sets him right largely. Many a time even in his deep comatose sleep, he dreams and dreams of his childhood and when his eyes open he believes he is in his village in the company of all his family and friends who are dead and gone several decades ago ! A dose of Bromium helps him to recover from such a situation. In these situations, I have no choice but to use the indicated drug because the symptoms are never repetitive nor steady. I am wrong as per the sacred principles of Homeopathy, but have no option, as my method of medication is helping the patient from creating more trouble to other family members and hurting himself. I am not sure if any one would agree with me.

  • Dear Durga Prasad,
    Your method of giving remedies is absolutely correct. I have done or had to do likewise to a Parkinson patient of mine. Started with argentum nitricum which had beneficial effect, but briefly. Had to follow with merc sol,bcoz of salivation. This helped temporarily only.
    At one time he would search entire house with a club in hand for an imaginary intruder who stood at his bedside. A dose of the indicated medhorrhinum set this right. This is not forbidden for incurable cases anywhere in homeopathy.
    . Matk Twain quote: “how empty is ttheory in the presence of hard fact !”

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