Tips and Secrets

Tips and Secrets – January 2012

Written by Alan V. Schmukler

Alan continues his amazing series in 2012.

What is the relationship between LM and C potencies?

Each step of 1:50,000 is a rise of approximately 2.5C, so that considering we started with a 3C, an LM 1 is just over 5C. LM 6 = 17C, LM 12 = 31C, LM 30 = 73C (all approximate figures).

Dose, Dilution and the LM Potencies – John Morgan M.R.Pharm. S., R.S.Hom

If you can’t get an Xray

A severe fall or blow upon the head may have cracked the bones of the skull internally. In severe cases the stupefaction might disappear and the patient apparently improve, yet death ensue in a few days, hence it is very important to ascertain whether there is a fracture. Proceed as follows: Tie one end of a cord to a silver spoon or fork or a piece of iron, something that will give a clear sound when struck, let the patient take the other end of the cord between his teeth, or fasten it to one of his teeth, or wrap it around the finger, which is to be inserted into the ear of the patient; now strike the metal, which must swing clear, and the vibrations will be communicated to the bones and great pain will be felt at the point of fracture if the bone is cracked. Even a stupefied person will show it, if pain is felt, by distorting the face.

The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician -Constantine Hering, M. D.

An Important Lesson

I remember a lesson which “father” Blair gave me in the early years of my practice. The case was that of a child, six months old, who had been in convulsions for several hours. The physician and consultant thought Belladonna the remedy, and it was given in the 3d dilution, a dose every half hour. The child was apparently dying. Dr. Blair was called in and said that Belladonna was the remedy. When told how it had already been given, he replied, “You have killed the child, you have overwhelmed the vital force with your frequent repetition. If you had given the 30th and not repeated it very often, you would probably have cured your case. Do not do it again.”

H.C. Allen, M.D. – Transactions of the American Institute of Homeopathy – April 10th, 1844.

Three Tips from E.A. Farrington

Ranunculous bulbosus is decidedly the best remedy for intercostal rheumatism. It has sharp, stitching pains and a sore spot in the chest, and these are worse from any motion or even breathing.

Probably the very best remedy in the Materia Medica for parotitis accompanying scarlatina is Rhus tox. The next best is Calcarea and next to that Lycopodium.

I think that Urtica urens is the best remedy for non-appearance of the milk without any other symptoms, there being no apparent reason for the agalactia.

A Clinical Materia Medica – E. A. Farrington

Abortion : Clinical Tips

(1) Tendency to abortion at any month during pregnancy – Viburnum Prunifolium

(2) Early months – Apis, Viburnum

(3) First Month – Crocus, Viburnum

(4) Second month – Kali carb 1M

(5) Third month – Apis, Cimicifuga, Crocus, Kali C, Sabina, Secale, Thuja

(6) Black blood in third month – Kreosotum

(7) Fourth Month – Apis

(8) Fifth to seven month – Sepia

(9) Seventh month – Sepia 1M, Ruta

(10) Later months – Opium.

Thanks to Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea – ‘Standstill Cases – Giving an Intercurrent with Emphasis on the Scope of Using a Clinical Tip’

The Significance of Gesture in Disease

If a child refers a persistent pain to the stomach, and there is no tenderness on pressure, disease of the spine is indicated.

In hip joint disease, the pain will be referred to a point inside the knee.

In appendicitis the patient does not touch the skin at all when asked to locate the pain. He simply holds the palm of his hand over the diseased area.

In the pain caused by the descent of renal calculi and gall-stones, he follows their course with the top of the thumb or index finger.

The Medical Counselor – January, 1896.

Falling of the Hair While Nursing

Some females, while nursing, suffer from a falling off of the hair of the head. The following remedies will be found useful : Sulphur, Lycopodium or Calcarea.

Weakness from Nursing

If the mother cannot sleep well, feels bad in the morning, has no appetite, or perspires much, commences to cough, and is very sensitive to the least breath of air, give China.

The Homoeopathic Domestic Physician – Constantine Hering, M. D.

Erysipelas – Cantharis vs Apis

In erysipelas, Cantharis is sometimes the best remedy, and choice has to be made between it and Apis, which also sometimes has great urinary irritation in such cases. In the Apis cases there is apt to be more oedema. In Cantharis more blistering.

In the Apis cases, the patient may not be so very restless and complaining; but in the Cantharis case the patient is uneasy, restless, dissatisfied, distressed, sometimes moaning or violently crying ; wants to be moved about constantly.

Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics E. B. Nash, M. D.


Another drug which seems to act upon both the musculature of the heart and the nervous supply, is Spigelia anthelmia. In rheumatic conditions or in pure neuroses this drug may prove useful. The detailed indications being violent palpitation resulting from movement, with much dyspnoea, and the characteristic “trembling of the heart.”

Hahnemannian Monthly Volume-Two – January To December 1917

He Made Homeopathic Remedies Legal in the U.S.

Royal Samuel Copeland (November 7, 1868 – June 17, 1938) was an American homeopathic physician, and politician. He represented New York in the United States Senate from 1923 until 1938. He was a principal sponsor of the Food Drug and Cosmetic act, and wrote into that law, a legalization of all homeopathic remedies listed in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia. That law makes homeopathic remedies legal in the U.S.

Chronic Sun Headache

Lachesis is one of our best remedies for sun headaches. Of course it does not compare with Glonoine for the immediate effects of sunstroke, but does come in well after the first effects are overcome by that remedy. The patient is troubled with headache every time he is exposed to the sun’s heat, and the trouble has become chronic. (Nat. carb.)

E. B. Nash, M. D. – Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics

Lachesis in Cancer

Lachesis is often of great use in cancer of either the breasts or uterus. In either case the cancer puts on a bluish or purplish appearance, and if open or fungoid bleeds easily, a dark, decomposed blood. In case of bleeding, the pains and suffering, as in the case of uterine hemorrhage, are temporarily relieved by it.

E. B. Nash, M. D. – Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics

Belladonna – Worse Lying Down

The elder Lippe once told me of a case of suspicious enlargement or swelling and pain of the breast of long standing, which, as he expressed it, seemed likely to prove a case for the surgeon (cancer), which was entirely cured by a few doses of Belladonna, to which he was guided by this symptom of the pains being so much worse on lying down.

E. B. Nash, M. D. – Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics

Sensitive to Remedies

I have known temperaments so intensely Aconite or Belladonna that they could not take these remedies except in the high and highest potencies, and then only in single doses at long intervals. Why should this be thought incredible? Carpenter, in his Physiology, tells of a person who was so susceptible to Mercury that she was salivated by sleeping with her husband, who had taken Mercury.

E. B. Nash, M. D. – Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics

 Minister of State for National Regulations in Pakistan Lauds Homeopaths

Islamabad—The newly-elected office-bearers of Young Homeopathic Doctors Association (YHDA) on Friday took oath at a ceremony here. Minister of State for National Regulations and Service, Shahzada Jamal Nazir was the chief guest. Speaking on the occasion, Shahzada Jamal lauded the doctors for their hardwork and the welfare of society. He said that it was a totally non-political association and the purpose of its establishment was only for the betterment and progress of homeopathy and service to the humanity.

The Pakistan Observer

Fucus Vesiculosis

I was led to try the remedy in a pronounced case of goitre, with such good results that I have never since given any other remedy for that disease, either in the exophthalmic or in the uncomplicated form. And what is more, I have never known it to fail to cure when the patient was under thirty years of age. After that time of life, or about that period, it seems to be no longer efficacious.

Respecting its use in goitre, I would like to add a few words. The drug is of variable quality. If one specimen fails to give satisfaction it ought to be discarded and another tried. Time is required for effecting a cure. This varies according to the age and size of the goitre. Three months may suffice for a small goitre of one year’s growth. Six months may be required for one twice as large and of longer standing. The dose is a teaspoonful of the tincture twice or three times daily, in a well developed case. Half a teaspoonful twice a day will answer in recent cases. Smaller doses seem not to produce any effect.

J. Herbert Knapp, M. D. – From : New Old And Forgotten Remedies – Ed. Dr. E.P. Anshutz

Hallucinating Monks

Stille relates an extraordinary account of effects produced by the roots of Hyoscyamus niger on some monks, who had eaten them by mistake. Soon after many of them were seized with vertigo, dryness and heat of fauces, contortions of the trunk and disorder of limbs. One imagined he was reading a service for the dying. Another fancied he was cracking nuts and pretended throwing the empty shells away. Among those who reached the chapel some could not read, others read what was not in the book, and to others the letters appeared to be running about the page.

Constitutional Therapeutics- The Patient Not the Disease – Alfred W. Woodward M.D. 1839-1902

Boericke and Tafel Pharmacy

The first homoeopathic pharmacy in Baltimore (U.S.) was opened by John Tanner in 1850. Dr. Tanner in connection with his pharmacy also practiced medicine. He had been cured by homoeopathy when a young man after the allopaths had given him up. He went to Leipsic in 1840, establishing a homoeopathic pharmacy there. Ten years later he went to Baltimore. He sold to Dr. Amelia A. Hastings, a woman graduate, and in April, 1865, she sold to Dr. Elias C. Price. He kept the establishment two and a half years, then selling to Dr. Boone, who in turn sold to Dr. F. E. Boericke in 1868. In 1869 the proprietors were Boericke & Tafel, who have since continued the business (to this day!).

History of Homoeopathy and its Institutions in America – William Harvey King, M.D., 1905.

Tips from the Clinique

Chloride of gold, in the second decimal trituration, is a better and safer remedy than iodide of potassium in degenerative conditions of the nervous system due to syphilis.

Chionanthus simulates the symptoms of Chelidonium in hepatic disorders when diarrhoea is a constant factor.

Lycopus is a remedy always to be thought of in cases of exophthalmic goitre ; its action upon the sympathetic is cumulative ; it relieves the polyuria, the enteritis and the gastric crises of the primary stage and it is of equal value in correcting the tachycardia, the exophthalmus and the goitre in the later stages. Its use should be continued for a long time for appreciable results.

The Clinique – Vol. XX, Chicago, January 15, 1899. No. I.

A Foul Tip

Everyone knows that babies during dentition, or teething, often get very sick. Something analogous occurs with young fowls when their down begins to be replaced with feathers; that is their ” teething” period. To the best of our knowledge this complaint has never been classified and named. We have called it “feathering,” because the word, if homely, is certainly descriptive. Most poultry raisers have at some time carried a lot of young chicks or turkeys safely through infancy only to have them, when feathers begin to sprout, perversely die. This will happen even where the care food and housing is of the best. What is the matter?

When young fowls of this age begin to droop and die they should be carefully examined to make sure that lice are not the cause. If no lice be found there is a plain call for medicine. The condition described is so vague that no remedy can be with certainty prescribed, but the probabilities are that a helpful one will be found among the three following : Calcarea carb., Chamomilla or Hepar sulph. In general, Calcarea when there seems to be arrested growth; Chamomilla when there is foul evacuation, and Hepar when the chick looks scrofulous or, so to say, mangy. A fourth remedy may be added, Aconite, when there is restlessness, ” crying,” and a general feverish condition. Administer the remedy, a dozen or more pellets, in the water cup or food of the fowls; in the latter case dissolve in water and mix thoroughly.

The Poultry Doctor – Boericke & Tafel – 1891


About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


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