Tips and Secrets

Tips & Secrets January 2014

todd rowe nasdaq
Written by Alan V. Schmukler

Homeopathy tips from the masters, and from Hpathy readers.

Dr. Todd Rowe Brings Homeopathy to Times Square

On Dec 30, 2013 Dr. Todd Rowe, founder of the American Medical College of Homeopathy, rang the closing bell at NASDAQ in Times Square, New York City.

This is a ritual normally carried out by people of international celebrity.


Elsevier Deception

In 2009, the scientific publishing giant Elsevier was found to have invented an entire medical journal, complete with editorial board, in order to publish papers promoting the products of the pharmaceutical manufacturer Merck. Merck provided the papers, Elsevier published them, and doctors read them, unaware that the Australasian Journal of Bone and Joint Medicine was simply a stuffed dummy.

Independent Science News  –


Gunpowder Used Along with Indicated Remedy

In deep seated abscesses, it is not always certain that the indicated remedies (eg. Merc, Hepar) will absorb the pus during their curative action. The wonder remedy Gunpowder 3x, given 3-4 times a day, in addition to the constitutional remedy, can be guaranteed to cure the abscess.

Koppikar’s Clinical Experiences – S. P. Koppikar


Some Remedies in Cataract

Cataract from Contusion : Con (2) Arn (1)

Incipient cataract : Puls (2) Caust, Secale, Sepia (1)

Cataract after surgery – Calendula (3) Senega (2) Arn (1)

Cataract after suppressed footsweat : Sil (3) 

Homeopathic Medical Repertory – Robin Murphy ND



Senega mother tincture is almost a specific for asthmatic bronchitis and chronic emphysema in old people.  5-7 gtts in ½ cup water.  A teaspoon Q1h until relief.

Most valuable Tips from Masters of Homeopathy – Dr. P Rajagopalarao


Caution with Radium

Dr. Copeland and others have warned against the sixth potency of Radium, as it is too strong and produces overwhelming aggravations.

Dr. NM Choudhuri – A Study of Materia Medica and Repertory


Pothos in Asthma

The dried and powdered roots of Pothos are an excellent medicine in asthmatic cases. It alleviates the most distressing symptoms and shortens duration of paroxysms.

Dr, E. P. Anshutz – New Old and Forgotten Remedies



Plumbum is the only effective remedy for diseases with a history of lead poisoning.  Progressive muscular atrophy. Stool is hard black balls. Colic with vomiting.    Also, the 200th cures intestinal obstruction. Give Q2

Dr. TP Chaterjee – My memorable Cures


Lapis Albus

Lapis Albus must not b e given to persons who have previously suffered from malarial diseases or other intermittents, as it engenders relapses of those diseases.

Dr. E.M. Hale – M.M and Special Therapeutics of the Ne Remedies


Ferrum Metallicum Warning

Ferrum Metallicum should never be given in syphilis as it always aggravates the condition.

Dr. HC Allen  – Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons.


Baryta Muriatica in Aneurysm

Baryta Muriatica is almost a specific for aneurysm of the aorta – thoracic or  abdominal.

Dr. Roger Morrison


Two Remedies for the Eyes                                       

Kali bich is one of the most useful eye remedies It has a deep corneal ulcer, tending to perforate with a sharp, clear-cut margin. The patient will tell you it is not painful. Thick stringy discharge.

Kali iodatum has an acute, purulent eye inflammation and the with redness and swelling inside and outside the eye. If you touch the eye, the patient will call out with pain. Purulent discharge.

Classical Homeopathy – Margery Blackie, MD



Mainly a remedy needed during childhood. Extremely irritable, even more than Chamomilla. Cannot stand to be touched or looked at. Capricious and cannot be quieted. May strike, pinch or scratch the parents when frustrated.  Will not tolerate reprimand.

Desktop Guide – Roger Morrison, MD.


Johnson & Johnson Pay 2.2 Billion                                             

Pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay more than $2.2 billion in criminal and civil fines to settle accusations that it improperly promoted the antipsychotic drug Risperdal to older adults, children and people with developmental disabilities. It is the third-largest pharmaceutical settlement in United States history.  The fine is small compared to the profits the company made, as they sold $24 billion of Risperdal.

NY Times -2013


Silica Children         

Some children like to put their toys in order. They like their soldiers or whatever they play with: big one, smaller one, smallest one. This sort of orderliness you will see in Silicea.

Dr. Bill Gray


Reaction to Aurum                          

After prescribing Aurum Metallicum for depression, one may witness irritability and the emergence of suppressed anger. If one waits long enough the anger and irritability will subside.

Dr. George Vithoulkas – Materia Medica Viva


Common Colds That Go to the Chest 

Phosphorus, Tuberculinum, Bacillinum,  arsenicum,  antimonium tart, carbo veg.  ipecacuahna.

Homeopathic Medical Repertory – Robin Murphy ND


U.S. Senator Attacks Dietary Supplements

In the U.S., where GMO’s in crops go virtually unregulated and foods often contain unwarranted levels of pesticides, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) has decided to regulate ….. vitamins and minerals!  He is re-introducing the “Dietary Supplement Labeling Act” (S.1425), in another attempt to shut down the dietary-supplement industry through a series of gradually suffocating laws, rules, and regulations .

National Health Federation


Some Remedies in Agalactea – Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea

Agnus Castus :  Agalactea with despairing sadness. Milk scanty or entirely suppressed. Debility and depression of spirits and vital power. (30C, 200c)

Asafoetida :  Deficient milk, with over-sensitiveness, excitable. (30C, 200C)

Borax Veneta:  Flow of milk coagulates, curdles speedily. If Borax fails give Lachesis. Stony hardness of mammae. A drawing pain in breast during breast feeding, thinks the baby is sucking empty breast. (30c, 200c)

Bryonia Alba :  Lumps, induration, and inflammations of the breasts, with diminished or retarded secretion of milk.  [Milk fever]. (30C, 200C)

Calcarea Carbonica : Deficient secretion of milk, scanty flow; with distended breasts in lymphatic women. (30C / 200C)

Croton Tiglium:  Pains runs from nipple to back, when baby nurses. Breasts inflamed, hard, swollen. (30c, 200c)

Galega Officinalis :  Increases the quantity and quality of the milk in nursing women, also the appetite. Anaemia and impaired nutrition.  [Q. (M.T.) 10-15 drops, 8-12 hourly]

Iodium:  Mammae are heavy, dry, hanging, with huge quantity of thin, watery milk. (30c, 200c)

Lac Caninum :  Loss of milk while nursing, without known cause. Milk scanty. (30C, 200C)

Standstill Cases – Giving an Intercurrent with Emphasis on the Scope of Using a Clinical Tip  Dr. Subrata K. Banerjea – Principal, Allen College Of Homoeopathy


Some Remedies in Neuralgia

Severe darting, stabbing, or burning pain along a nerve trunk or its branches, chiefly affecting those of the head and face, recurring in paroxysms, at regular or irregular intervals.

1. Facial Neuralgia — Belladonna, Arsenicum, Aconite, Coloc, Spigelia, Phosphorus

2. Gastrodynia and Enteralgia. — Nux V., Arsenicum, Coloc.

4. Neuralgia of the heart. — Belladonna, Cact., Spigelia, Verbascumvir.

5. Sciatica. — Arsenicum, Coloc, Aconite, Rhus Tox.

6. Pleurodynia. — Kan.-Bulb., Arnica, Aconite, Arsenicum, Cim.

8. From mechanical injuries — Arnica, Aconite

The Homeopathic Vade Mecum of Modern Medicine and Surgery – E. Harris Ruddock  MD – 1869

Some Tips from Dr. Pankaj Titar

Lessons from the Government Homoeopathic OPD of Mumbai:

Sometimes even after choosing the most accurate simillimum, one sees no improvement in Psoriasis and Eczema. In my experience, virgin and untouched cases of Psoriasis and Eczema respond well to homoeopathic treatment. The problem occurs when the patient has been previously treated with coal tar derivatives, steroids, anti- histamines and antibiotic.


Dr. H.C.Allen in his Key Notes recommends Bovista,  to handle bad effects of Coal Tar application.


Nux Vomica is our master’s choice to commence treatment when a patient arrives after heavy bombardment of modern medicine.


Many eczemas are a result of an antibiotic regimen. Carbo-veg and Mag phos are the best drugs for the bad effects of antibiotics.


Potentized Cortisone is a good drug for bad effects of steroidal preparations.


Always check if the patient has used the Beta blockers Atenolol and Propanolol, as these have psoriasis-like symptoms as side effects. Treat the hypertension but do not stop the anti-hypertensive medication .The medications should be tapered until the remedy affects a cure.

About the author

Alan V. Schmukler

Alan V. Schmukler is a homeopath, Chief Editor of Homeopathy for Everyone and author of ”Homeopathy An A to Z Home Handbook”, (also in French, German, Greek, Polish and Portuguese). He is Hpathy’s resident cartoonist and also produces Hpathy’s Tips & Secrets column and homeopathy Crossword puzzles each month. Alan is a recipient of the National Center for Homeopathy Martha Oelman Community Service Award. Visit Alan at his website: Here.


  • Big Thank you Alan , Tips and Secrets are my fav and improving our knowledge.
    you & and your friends are doing great service to Homeopathy*
    please carry on good work, wish you Good health & luck*


  • OK, wait a minute! A scientific publishing company invented a medical journal, that didn’t really exist, for the sole purpose of promoting products made by Merck? Am I the only person to think this is really bizarre? Aren’t other medical journals sufficiently promoting drugs made by Merck? What am I missing here? How can doctors read a journal that doesn’t really exist? Is this fake journal now going to come out monthly for the sole purpose of publishing fake articles that say how wonderful Merck products are? Or has its exposure doomed the operation? Does everyone know about this? Is Merck an outcast now? Or does no one care?

  • Beta Blockers, Atenolol and Propanolol have psoriasis-like side-effects? Good grief! What next?! Everyone’s on these things! These are the high blood pressure stand-bys and everyone’s got high blood pressure nowadays thanks to eating at McDonalds!

  • Respected Alan,
    every section under tips and secretes is enormously knowledge enriching.
    I will love to get tips for Scorpion Bite and Cholera Infontum.

  • We really thanks them the way they have put their efforts n more imopotrant to share such secretive tips I thinks its spoon feeding all of us.
    we really thankful to them.

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