Homeopathy Papers

In Production: Documentary Films About the Potential of Homeopathy

Written by Carol Boyce

In Production: Documentary Films About the Potential of Homeopathy


The first film about the potential of homeopathy to reverse autism is well under way and production is starting this summer on the second – the potential of homeopathy in epidemic diseases.

It seems to us to be an amazing project and exactly what the profession needs at this point in its development.

A 6 min draft clip of the autism film is already in the hands of legislators working on health reform. Imagine a 6 min clip of homeopathy and epidemic disease on the desk of Bill Gates? The contacts are in place and just waiting for the footage!

Carol Boyce, homeopath and film maker has nursed this dream for more than twenty years waiting for the time to be right – that time is now. Carol has received lots of encouragement from members of the homeopathic community, but she needs support to get this project out into the world in a timely manner.

Those of you in the UK may have heard about the recent world premiere of Franny Armstrong’s film about climate change – and will understand the power of a “crowd funded” project.

Carol said: ” I met Franny back when the idea for her film was just scribbles on a piece of paper and have watched her bring it to fruition by mobilizing the passion of lots of people making small contributions to a bigger vision. Following the US Presidential elections, this idea has entered the vernacular as “doing an Obama” – mobilizing like -minded people for a common vision – where everyone has a stake in making the vision happen. The homeopathic community already understands this power and I’d love the community to use it to get these films finished and out into the world where they can do the most good for all of us. ”

“The potential benefit to homeopathy and to everyone in the homeopathic world is huge – more patients, more student enrollment, more book and remedy sales, and expansion of grass root support to pressure the legislative process to get/keep homeopathy on the table of health care choices. We just need to show the world what we can do and that’s what these films are about.”

“I want to ensure that the homeopathic community can make maximum use of all aspects of the films – the 6 min first draft posted on the film’s website is available for use – some homeopathic websites have already linked to it – other websites discussing autism are now talking about the potential of homeopathy as a result of finding out about the film and linking to the site – all this has happened organically but time is of the essence and we need to be more proactive. Email me if you want to embed the code in your website. As the project continues I’ll make more clips available for use.”

Visit www.savingalostgeneration.com to see the clip and find out more about the project.

Click on the link below to send Carol $10, $20 – or whatever you can afford and be assured that the project’s fiscal sponsor the North American Society of Homeopaths ensures that every cent/penny/euro donated goes directly into the production of these films. (Accounts are open to the public.)

Invest in all our futures!


ABT Carol Boyce

Carol Boyce BSc, MCH, CCH, RSHom(NA), homeopath, teacher, writer, activist, graduated from the College of Homeopathy, London in 1985 and was on faculty until 1996 when she relocated to Los Angeles and took two years out of homeopathy to attend film school. As a founder and later director of the forerunner of Homeopaths Without Borders UK., she set up homeopathic teaching and clinical projects from Calcutta to Cairo, took homeopathy to Iraq after the first Gulf war and taught in medical schools in Cuba with HWB US. She teaches in schools across the US and has now put her life on hold to make a series of documentary films showing the potential of homeopathy.
(Her full bio and an audio interview can be found on the Whole Health Now website: www.wholehealthnow.com under 1951. )

About the author

Carol Boyce

Carol Boyce, RSHom(NA), homeopath, teacher, writer, activist and more recently film maker, graduated from the College of Homeopathy London, UK in 1985 and is now based in St Petersburg, Florida. As a founder/director of the forerunner of Homeopaths Without Borders (HWB)UK, she set up clinics from Calcutta to Cairo, conducted homeopathic aid work in Iraq after the first Gulf War, taught in medical schools in Cuba and was executive director of HWB US in 2002. In 2011 she produced the 50 min film Making a Difference – Homeopathy Around the World and is currently working on two research projects and the accompanying documentary films. In 2011 she co-founded Vitality TV, an online health channel, where to date she has produced over 200 videos, 100 of which are part of The Vitality Programme. Her homeopathic philosophy video course worth 70 CCH hours is at Homeoversity.

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