Disease Index

Homeopathy for Rashes

Written by Dr. Manisha Bhatia

A rash may be an outward sign of condition affecting the body as a whole. Infectious fevers, emotional disorders, and allergies may all have accompanying rashes. Rashes take many different forms. A rash that is present at the start of an illness is called a primary rash. New rashes or changes in the original rash are called secondary eruptions.

A rash may be an outward sign of condition affecting the body as a whole. Infectious fevers, emotional disorders, and allergies may all have accompanying rashes.

However, rashes are equally likely to be an indication of a localized disorder in the skin, the kind of inflammation that is commonly called dermatitis, included in this type of local inflammation re diaper rash, prickly heat, eczema, and fungal infections.

Types of rashes

Rashes take many different forms. A rash that is present at the start of an illness is called a primary rash. The rash may subsequently change in character and appearance during the course of the causative disease, owing to complications or in response to the treatment used. New rashes or changes in the original rash are called secondary eruptions, and each has its own set of characteristics.

  1. Primary rashes
  2. Secondary rashes

Primary rashes

The most common of the primary rashes shows as areas of redness known as macules. Any abnormal change in the color of the skin over a limited area qualifies as a macular rash; the redness itself is known as erythema.

Sometimes, in the early stages of measles, the rash consists of hundreds of tiny red spots, each spot discrete or separate from the others.

In other cases the spots enlarge until they run into each other to form blotchy patches. This is called a confluent rash. Usually, if a thumb is pressed on a part of the rash the area will not fade, but a white area may remain temporarily. This is an important diagnostic feature and is characteristic of many conditions; it is especially noticeable in typhoid fever.

The second common type of rash consists of spots which are not necessarily red but project above the surface of the skin. They can be felt as small raised pimples if a fingertip is run over the skin, in contrast to a macular rash which is not raised. The pimples are known as papules, and the rash is called a popular rash. A maculopapular rash has both macules and papules.

When the rash is made up of pimples containing a clear or milky fluid doctors refer to it as vesicular and each pimple is vesicle. Chicken pox and herpes simplex are typical vesicular rashes.

A rash may also consist of raised areas of skin much larger than papules. These are known as welts, and they are usually white at the center and pink or red at the outer edge. This type of skin eruption, called Urticaria or hives, is usually highly irritant and indicates an allergic reaction that releases histamine into the skin, causing inflammation.

Secondary rashes

In some cases a primary rash, whatever its type, simply fades away or resolves as the condition improves, without going through any secondary stage and without leaving scars or any other aftereffects. Secondary eruptions are quite common, however, and may manifest themselves in a variety of ways.

Often the area of skin covered by the rash peels away. This normally occurs if the original rash was a dry macular or papular one or, as in some cases, a mixture of the two.

The type of rash usually seen in the later stages of chicken pox, by contrast, is Pustular: that is, the spots have become infected pustules, containing pus. This type of moist lesion will dry out to form a crust or small scab. New skin will grow under the scabs, which will eventually separate and drop off. If the deeper layers of skin have been affected, as when chicken pox spots are scratched, there may be scarring in the form of pockmarks, or tiny pits in the skin.

Other types of secondary rash include a thickening of the area of the skin concerned, giving it a leathery look and texture that is characteristic of long term inflammation or chronic inflammation. Similarly, permanent discoloration or pigmentation of the skin may develop in the area of the rash.

Finally, entire areas of skin may break down, exposing the underlying or subcutaneous tissue. Without this protective covering of skin, ulcers can form which are very likely to become infected by bacteria from the atmosphere, especially in moist, heavily contaminated environments. This sometimes happens with diaper rash, cold sores, or rashes from shingles.


  • Skin rashes can be caused by allergies, excessive heat, contact with certain plants, infections, or bug bites.
  • Some plants cause rashes when they are touched. The most common of these are poison ivy and poison oak. Both are shiny green and tune orange and red in the fall. Each stem has three leaves at the end of it.


  • Allergies may appear as a red, itchy rash or even like small mosquito bites. Allergies can also cause hives, a blotchy rash.
  • Fungus may appear in the form of ringworm or athlete’s food, or red, itchy crusty patches of skin. Impetigo, a bacterial infection, forms honey colored sores on the skin.

What to do

  • Allergies

If you’re sure it’s an allergy, you may want to take an over-the counter antihistamine, available at the drugstore. Ask the pharmacist to recommended one. You can also try anti-itch cream and powders. If you experiences swelling in the face or tongue or have difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately.

  • Rash from plants

Wash the skin completely to remove the plant oil. If itchiness remains, oatmeal or Aveeno baths can help. A hot bath or shower followed by calamine lotion is also beneficial. All of these items can be found in the drugstore.

  • Impetigo

Soak off the crust with warm water, wash with soap and water, and apply antibacterial cream.

  • Athlete’s foot and ringworm

For athlete’s foot, wash feet well twice a day; dry them thoroughly and apply antifungal medicine. It’s important to put on clean socks each time feet are washed. Wearing sandals or canvas sneakers lets moisture escape and helps and feet heal. If very uncomfortable, cream or liquid treatments may be applied. These rashes and infections are common and nothing to be embarrassed about. If ringworm appears on your scalp, you need to see your doctor for medication.

Common skin rashes

In order to know how to treat a rash, it is best to know the cause. The following table lists some of the conditions that most commonly cause rashes, together with a description of characteristic features. It is not means to be a list of all possible causes of skin rash, however, consult your health care provider for a definitive diagnosis of your rash.

Cause of Rash Description
Acne Inflammation and pimples, possibly with whiteheads and/or blackheads, usually on the face but possibly also on the chest and back. In severe cases, pus-filled cysts and bumps can accompany the pimples.
Allergy (food or drug) Pink or red flat and raised lesions. The skin may appear swollen, and it may be itchy. Usually goes away once the offering food or drug is identified and avoided, but in rare cases a drug allergy can lead to a prolonged skin disease called Stevens Johnson syndrome.
Athlete’s foot Clusters of tiny blisters and scaly sores that appear on the feet, especially between the toes. Itchy and burning. Goes away with treatment, but can be persistent; a complete cure can take up to a month in some cases.
Candida infection Inflamed, splotchy red patches that may itch and/or be tender to the touch, most often in such areas as the underarms, groin beneath the breasts, and other places with skin to skin contact. Gets better with treatment, but can be persistent.
Chickenpox Appears first as a flat, reddish rash, and then turns into batches of tiny pimples and blisters that crust over as they heal. Usually preceded by a day or two of typical viral symptoms fever, headache, fatigue, and general malaise. In most cases the rash begins on the trunk and spreads to the extremities. Usually there are comparatively few lesions on the neck and head. Very itchy.
Contact dermatitis Redness, itching, swelling, often followed by blisters of varying size at the site of contact with the agent responsible.
Eczema A raised red rash that may be dry to scaly or composed of weepy, fluid filled lesions. Itching can be severe. Usually an allergic reaction that improves once the allergen is identified and avoid.
Heat rash Small, raised red lesions with tiny blisters at the center. Appears suddenly, usually in hot weather, and resolves quickly. May be itchy and stinging.
Herpes Small blisters and ulcers, either around the mouth or in the genital area that may be preceded by an itching or burning sensation. Itchy and painful. An outbreak usually lasts four to ten days, but out breaks can be recurring problem.
Lupus Discoid lupus erythomatosus (DLE): starts as one or more red, circular, thickened areas of the skin that later form scars, most often on the face, behind the ears, and/or on the scalp. If lesions lead to scarring on the scalp, there can be permanent hair loss in the affected areas.

Systemic lupus erythomatosus (SLE): a red butterfly shaped rash over the cheeks and nose. There can also be reddening on the palms and fingers; flat or raised red lesions on the face, neck, upper chest, and/or elbow; and circular markings similar to those of DLE.

Lyme disease A round raised reddish lesion that is usually paler or whitish in the center occurs at the site of the tick bite that transmits this disease. May or may not be accompanied by flulike symptoms, including headache, fever, and general malaise. The rash may come and go throughout the illness.
Measles A splotchy purplish red rash of irregularly shaped raised and flat lesions. Begins as small spots that coalesce into larger patches. Usually preceded by several days of viral symptoms, including fever, cough, and general malaise, as well as conjunctivitis. In most cases, the rash begins on the face and spreads to the trunk and extremities. Lasts four to seven days, and then fades away as the virus runs its course.
Poison ivy, oak, or sumac Small fluid filled lesions, with redness and swelling, weeping and crusting. Can appear several hours or several days after contact with the plant. Itching and burning can be severe. Lasts from two to four weeks, and then gradually heals.
Psoriasis Patches of reddened skin covered by thick, scaly clumps, most often on the scalp, elbows, knees, back, and buttocks, though any part of the body can be affected. Cannot be cured, but can usually be managed with treatment.
Ringworm Small, flat lesions that grow to be approximately ¼ inch circular lesions. The skin may appear scaly; there may be fluid filled blister. Itchy. Usually appears on the face, arms, and/or trunk. Goes away with treatment.
Rosacea Areas of redness and swelling, possibly with bumps and pimples, principally in the center of the face. Dilated blood vessels beneath the skin may appear as reddish blotches. Cannot be cured, but can usually be managed with treatment.
Scabies Small red lumps that may become dry and scaly. You may also see thin light gray or pinkish lines under the skin. Often very itchy. Most commonly occurs on the buttocks, genitals, wrists, armpits, and between the fingers and toes. Resolves with treatment.
Seborrhea Dry scaling over underlying redness, usually on the scalp or face or skin folds.
Shingles Tiny vesicles that erupt following two days or so of pain and itching at the site, usually on one side of the face or trunk.
Warts Common warts: raised, sharply outlined rough bumps, often brown or gray in color. Most often found on the hands, feet, face, and/or neck.

Genital warts: clusters of small rubbery, usually pinkish colored, cauliflower shaped growths in the genital area.

Plane warts: small, flat lumps, often found in clusters.

Plantar warts: painful hard round areas in and on the soles of the feet and bottoms of the toes.

Homeopathic treatment of rashes – Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat rashes but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to cure rashes that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints.  For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of rashes:

Belladonna, Aconite, Dulcamara, Rhus Tox, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Bryonia, Arsenic Album, Antim Crude, Graphites, Hepar Sulph, Mercurius, Ipecauc, Natrum Mur, Mezarium, Causticum, Coffea, Arnica, Ledum Pal, Antim Tart, Gelsemium, Glonine, Kali Brom, Nitric Acid, Lachesis, Sepia, Kali Iod, Sulphur, and many other medicines.



David B. Jacoby, R. M. Youngson: Encyclopedia of Family Health; 2004; 1782-84

Arise Foundation, Edmund F. Benson, Susan Benson: Health and Hygiene; 1996; 17

Janet Zand, Allan N. Spreen, James B. LaValle: Smart Medicine for Healthier Living: A practical A to Z reference to Natural; 1999; 529

Rashes Cases Cured with Homeopathic Medicine

Undiagnosed Skin Rash– Dr. Leela D’Souza

A Case of Severe Itching and Total Body Discoloration Solved with Sensation and Synergy – by Hetal Vasa

Case of Ms L.S Age/12yrs – by Riddhi Joshi Jain

A Case of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Pleural Effusion and Acute Kidney Injury – by Manpreet Bindra

About the author

Dr. Manisha Bhatia

M.D. (Hom), CICH (Greece)
Dr. (Mrs) Manisha Bhatia is a leading homeopathy doctor working in Jaipur, India. She has studied with Prof. George Vithoulkas at the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy. She is the Director of Asha Homeopathy Medical Center, Jaipur's leading clinic for homeopathy treatment and has been practicing since 2004.

She writes for Hpathy.com about homeopathic medicines and their therapeutic indications and homeopathy treatment in various diseases. She is also Associate Professor, HoD and PG Guide at S.K. Homeopathy Medical College. To consult her online, - visit Dr. Bhatia's website.


  • Occassionaly I get a rash between my fingers, with intense itching and tiny red bumps, turning to scaly dry skin. It usually occurs with the arrival of winter, but also seems related to stress.

    Here’s my approach to getting rid of it:
    At night just before bed, again upon arising, I soak both hands in very hot water. This is the same technique used for poison ivy or chiggers, the intent is for the heat to draw out or burn out the histamines causing the itch.

    Start with fairly hot feeling water in the bowl a few inches deep, and put in both hands. As they get accustomed to that temperature, keep adding hot water until it gets up to where it is too hot to tolerate. Do not overdo the heat, keep it tolerable. If too hot, I douse and remove my hands a few times for them to adapt. Do this cycle several times, always getting it hotter (drain part of the old cooler water off if needed), for 5 to 15 minutes, until the itching has reached its peak and then is gone.
    Dry thoroughly and apply cortisone 1 % cream, or Neosporin, or both, letting each dry a few minutes.
    Finally, apply a wetting of Listerine over the rash and allow it to dry; this may be done a second time.

    I usually use the creams and Listerine several times a day, without the (time consuming) hot water soak, especially if I’ve gotten my hands wet. I also use an aloe vera cream and Gold Bond Ultimate Healing cream throughout the day.

    So the heat stops the itch, the Listerine reduces the rash and the creams promote skin healing.

  • I get the same blisters and intense itching every now and then, between my fingers. Right now I have it at the base of the index and middle finger, right in the center. water filled blisters that itch so bad, I just want to scratch my hand off. But I know that once I start scratching I can’t stop. So I pour alcohol over them, and cover them with clear nail polish. This dries them out, and stops the itch for hours. I work with my hands, and cannot afford to be in pain like this. IDK what causes this but it happens about 2-3 times a year. It is really frustrating.

  • i was wandering i have a red mark on my leg with a couple of black circle does that mean anything .

  • I have been dealing with a rash on my legs, arms chest and back for over 2 years. I started as a small pimple behind my Rt knee it was itchy so I itched it and then it seemed to spread over my entire body. The itching is so severe that it starts to bleed. Occasionally the red areas open up and seep clear fluid. I have taken prednisone and antibiotics for 3 doses it helps only a little and then it comes back in 3 days. What is it? so Strange Dermatologists are at a loss nothing works had 2 punch biopsies negative having a patch test soon have never had blood tests. I have asthma well controlled the itching is horrible no known allergies to food or anything. Changed laundry, bath soap, wear cotten clothing nothing helps! Thank you

    • Go to http://www.drugs.com and look up the side effects of the drugs you’re taking (words like “pruitis” mean “itching”). Most drugs are capable of causing a rash, an itchy rash at that. Do a search for “The Rashy Horror Picture Show” where one of my clients, Claire, realizes that her rash was caused by the antibiotic prescribed by her dentist. Now, the other thing is, if you’re lucky enough that the rash has a discharge, you can make a remedy out of it! Do a search for “How To Make Your Own Remedy” in the search box above. But as long as you’re on drugs, Carol, this problem could persist! The best way is for a homeopath to take your case and find a remedy for your asthma so you’re not taking drugs for it or for any other issue you might have. I take online cases if you’re interested in pursuing that route.

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