Homeopathy Papers


Written by C.G.Raue

Dr. C.G. Raue discusses glaucoma and gives indications for some homeopathic remedies.

Acute form

Its onset may be for hours, days, weeks, months, even years, be premonitioned by one or the other, or several of the following symptoms: a halo, gray or colored, or a circle or several in the same or different colors around candle light or luminous objects, flashes or wheels of light in the dark, as well in the light, with or without intercurrent obscurations of sight, ‘periodic dimness of sight, or dimness of a part of the visual field, rapid increase in presbyopia, ciliary neuralgia, headaches. The attack itself often commences suddenly with severe throbbing pain in the eyeball and the corresponding side of the head. The eyeball is very sensitive to touch. Flashes of a vivid red or deep orange color appear before the eyes with great photophobia, increased by exertion, or anything that quickens the heart’s action, even the taking of food.

The eyeball shows signs of inflammation in different degrees of intensity, such as  lachrymation, an intolerance to light, swelling and redness of the eyelids, conjunctivitis with serous chemosis, but scarcely any purulent discharge, hyperemia of the sclerotica and congestion of the anteruciliary veins. The cornea is hazy and a little roughened, or even vesicular in spots, or sometimes opaque interstitially; its sensibility is more or less lost in parts or in its entire structure. The

iris loses its color, acquiring a slate-like aspect and is pushes against the cornea. The pupil becomes dilated, irregular and fixed, its color is less black than usual, but more of a drab color, shoving sometimes even a shade of green. The eyeball, on palpation feels harder than natural. The vision gradually grows duller, a thick

fog appears before the eye in daylight and at night prismatic colors surround the candle light. The visual field usually commences to contract on the inner side and after a while all vision is lost.

Ophthalmoscopic inspection reveals haziness of the vitreous body. In hemorrhagic glaucoma, which is rare, there is hemorrhage either from the disc, the retina or the choroid, singly or combined, excavation of the optic disc, called glaucomatous

cupping, with dilatation of the retinal veins and pulsation of the central retinal arteries.

Sub-Acute Form

The sub- acute form, or chronic glaucoma, shows all the symptoms above enumerated, only not so sharp and definitely marked, although leading in an insidious and slow manner to the same results. Glaucoma always begins in one eye, and is very apt to develop in the other, in the course of months or years.

Homeopathic Remedies

Aurum – pressure from within outward, and from above downward in eyeball. Heavy, dull aching of the globes, upper half of  an object invisible, showers of bright, star-like bodies appear in the upper dark section, bright, floating streaks and dots in gaslight before the eyes.

Belladonna – Pain in and around the eye, of a pressing nature, as if  the eye were being pressed into the head, or sometimes as if the eye were being torn out.The eyes feel hot, dry and stiff, as if  they might protrude.

Bryonia – The eyes feel as if pressed out, often attended with sharp shooting pains through the eyes and head. They feel sore to touch and on moving them.

Cedron – Severe shooting pain along the course of the supraorbital nerve.

Colocynth -Severe burning, aching, sticking, cutting pain in the eye and around, always relieved by firm pressure, and by walking in a warm room; worse by rest at night and upon stooping.

Phosphorus – Halo around the light, and various lights and colors flashing before the eyes.

Prunus spinosa  – Severe crushing pain in the eye as if pressed asunder, or sharp shooting through the eye and corresponding side of the head.

Rhododendron – Periodic pain in and around the eye, worse before a storm and better after the storm commences.

Spigela – Sharp and stabbing pains through the eye and head, worse on motion and at night.

Besides should be compared: Arnica, Arsen, Cham, Cocc, Collin, Conium, Crot tig, Gels, Hamem, Kali carb. and Merc, Nux vom, Phyt, Sulphur and Val. of Zincum met.

From : Special Pathology and Diagnostics with Therapeutic Hints – C.G.Raue, MD (1882)

About the author


Dr. C.G. Raue, M.D., studied with Constantine Hering in Philadelphia. He received his medical degree in1850 and practiced in both Trenton N.J. and Philadelphia Pa. He also served as Professor of Pathology and Diagnosis at the Homoeopathic College of Pennsylvania.

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