Clinical Cases

Case of Ms L.S Age/12yrs

eczema symptoms
Written by Riddhi Joshi Jain

Dr. Riddi Joshi uses the case witnessing process to solve the case of a young girl with severe eczema.

Her little eyes are so sad,
her mouth turned in a frown.
Why does this little girl feel so bad?
What is causing her to be down?

Her smile used to be so grand,
but now she hangs onto sickness by a strand.
She doesn’t deserve this pain;
we all have the right to complain.

Her mother stays by her side,
as the doctors remain to reside.
Please she cries; let her find a way out.

Every little girl is so precious,
their happiness is infectious.
Her life will be so great,
if she will overcome her sick fate.

stasis-eczemaA school girl of 12 years was at her peak of emotional frustration due to the severe itching, rashes and marks that were happening all over her body. She was diagnosed by a skin specialist as a case of severe dry eczema where even the touch of certain cloth or metal would cause the flare up.

Her routine essentially became difficult since she couldn’t wear certain kind of clothes; no skirts or half sleeves due to the rashes and marks to the extent that even the school bus seat used to wake up her allergic reaction. A it was emotionally tiring with all the precautions and chronicity of the complaints, the parents decided to get her treatment by homeopathy.

Being a true classical homeopath, for me understanding this girl individualistically and holistically (that is unveiling the peculiars which are running at all levels physically, emotionally, mentally, subconsciously, and deeper in delusions and peculiar sensations) was most important.

The most scientific method, I believe, is the Case Witnessing process, a journey of three steps. A patient-centric individual journey to unfold the holistic pattern and thus match the uniqueness of the patient with the exact similimum.

I explained to the parent the importance of exploring the child completely alone, to give her that space and let her express freely.

I start with the first step of Passive Case Witnessing, in psychological terms a free floating attention to let the patient take the lead and express all about herself.  Here the physician will be silently alert aiming to just make note of all peculiars coming up in different areas of her life when she is talking in this open non guided space. Let us see her peculiar world when she is talking freely in the first step:


D:      I want to understand you….Tell me whatever comes up spontaneously about you in this space. Anything you say will help me and wherever you stop I will help you out…Go on

P:      I have eczema since age of 3. I feel emotional… when it comes I get frustrated and irritated.  Get agitated. When I get these complaints I can’t forget things and can’t express also. In bus I can’t even sit… have to keep a soft velvety cloth… still sometimes it flared up. When people tease me I feel really bad. This much only.

D:      You are doing well and it is helping me. See what else comes up about you…tell more.

P:      I like to be with friends but when this comes I want to be alone. I get over-happy and overexcited, scream a bit and tone increases in excitement… When I don’t have clothes I want new ones and I get irritable and start shouting at everyone. I don’t feel peaceful inside I want to be taller. When I get this flare up feel like an ugly and old person, whole body is wrinkled.

(Takes a pause)

D:      More about your nature, likes, dislikes just see if more comes up…

P:      I have a bad nature to please everybody too much. When I have to talk to somebody, feel bad I don’t have anyone to express myself.  Basically I think a lot and get angry, frustrated, and confused and then can’t express all mixed emotions. I feel if I don’t do this for people they will not like me. If they speak rudely can’t give them back because they won’t be friendly then. I don’t like to feel important, I am shy. I don’t like people who show off too much, get angry.


FOCUS [A repetitive peculiar thing coming up in multiple areas]

Not clear

(We see a lot of out of place things came up, something like, don’t like if somebody speaks rudely/tease, want new clothes, can’t express, when excited scream a bit etc. But nothing very repetitive in multiple areas to consider as a focus or as an entry key for the next step)



(Various emotions of being upset, irritated, angry, lonely etc)

LEVEL:  General  (Goes to multiple areas of complaints, self, friends)


Yes  (She Talks related to self)


(Here in this step we actively go into various other areas of her life with different time zones to get the FOCUS. In this step the subconscious areas act as a pure window towards their peculiar inner world)

D:      Dreams?

P:      Fear world will end, what will happen.

D:      Fears?

P:      Fear of falling down, accidents.

Fear that thief will break into house and murder us and go.

Scared of ghosts, murderers especially vampires because scary and painful death.

D:      Tell about your childhood?

P:      Like to show other people what I have found.



(One of the Peculiar things of passive – she spoke related to her and also during complaints)

D:      You said you can’t express. Tell me about it.

P:      Agitated, angry. Can’t speak it out, get emotional. If express and people don’t appreciate the misunderstandings, my impression becomes bad. What other people say affects me. I am bad, not a nice person. Feel scared people will also talk to me badly, rudely (sensitivity mentioned in passive) they will make faces .

D:      What else will they do?

P:      If you are bad they ignore, make faces, tell other people about you. They might spread rumors, exaggerate. That person who is actually good will be bad all life.

Some people are jealous. They try to make people in trouble so become better than them. Specially big/good student more jealous and make bigger rumors. Tell teacher false things. They will try to pull down (hg). He wants to be first, so pulls down to make themselves higher.

(Slowly the language we see is qualified deeper, so we keep her on this track and see what else comes up and connects.).

P:      Person coming second forms group of people and go together to teacher and tell rumors, prank calls.

Poor person who is a victim, they feel conscious and lesser and second group comes first in a wrong way.

(Connects to self as victim and her issue of feeling conscious whether looks or behavior)

We know we are on the right track due to the following points that happened with this active questioning of probable focus:

  1. Qualified (delusional) language started coming up (they try to make people in trouble, especially good student they are jealous of, person coming second will form groups, spread rumors, poor person is victim)
  2. Body language also comes up and gets aligned (They will try to pull down and HG appropriate where hand goes from up to down)
  3. She connects herself while talking about these peculiar delusions. (The poor person will feel self conscious and lesser)

So now we become Active- Active towards holistic pattern, where all peculiars come together; holistic universal non human language surfaces to reflect exact remedy)



D:      Just tell about these people pulling down, jealous, rude.

P:      If they can’t match then pull you down. They can’t be alone, form groups. One person automatically becomes weaker than that group. That person is less in studies, will think how to help myself. Keeps disturbed by this people, kind of cheating, they automatically rise (HG)

(So she is going deeper and language is more and more Non human)

D:      How does it feel when people do all this?

P:      Frustrated, ultimately will take revenge and not let people distract. People should not cheat other people for something they are not capable of.

(Repeats her sensitivity of cheating so we ask about it)

D:      Describe cheating?

P:      Distracting, ultimately tease, trick the person. Just tricking standards, April fool somebody. They are very intelligent and think how to trick instead of working.  No power to fight other so form more power and strength form groups. Some people are good but influenced by friends so they become rude, greedy, jealous, and bossy. Bad people influence others so they become larger and stronger. Force people to come in their group, want to be best. And victim will feel weak and lonely. They are mentally disturbed, have sleepless nights, and fall sick. They cannot help themselves and not able to fight back. Maybe then they will make good groups to win over bad.

(Again connects to what she complained about self in passive that not able to give back, sleepless nights and keeps on falling sick, lonely as the victim feeling)


(This kind of defense comes up when they touch the Holistic Unique core… they want to go for urinations, ask to switch on A/C, ask for water, complaints start increasing as a sign of patients holistic being surfacing all together)

D:      Tell about the tricks

P:      Example servant comes in house and mistress doing well then servant makes rumors and stories about him.


D:      You said they are very intelligent.

P:      Yes, ordinary man will not succeed without plan. Good brains, systematic arrangements, with a plan, trustworthy. You need to be coordinated. Should be fixed, no confusion or changes to avoid misunderstandings.  To pull somebody down and trick, way of thinking is evil. They are sensible, worthful; you should know it would work out. For them group is better and intelligence important. They have lot of power, very strong, very attractive. They have two plans, to bring people to help and actually work out. Very attractive, good clothes, talk in a certain way to be friends.

D:      So people make two plans, first to trick people and second to execute.

P:      Yes example murderers, they plan in a group, how much effort, need to know everything about that person, what tools, and knives to use.


         ( In this case since she gave us the whole peculiar process in non human language. We take her towards visualizing a SOURCE from universe, which she feels, matches with all she gave at her most individualistic holistic non human level)

This step also helps to bring awareness into the patient and make her stay there till she sees every bit of her other song residing within)

D:      Which animals in universe according to you must be doing this?

P:      Wolves and hyenas. They form groups’ together, surround and attack, very cunning animals, first say something nice, please another animal and kill for food. Very intelligent. Surround, jump, and eat.

So in this case her peculiar issue of non expression is delusion that ‘her impression will be bad’ and she qualified deeper that they will speak rudely and make faces. And when we kept her on that track the whole process came up, where they are forming groups, tricking with their intelligence to tease and distract the other person exactly what she had complained of being teased and distracted in passive So connects all the other out of place of passive too about the need to wear good clothes, talk nicely, and make more friends. Where the holistic language is to form big groups, to use v evil intelligence to trick somebody and pull down. We need to match this language with the exact source language


  • Bad nature to please people. I feel if I don’t do this for them they will not like me.
  • I don’t like to feel important, shy. I don’t like people who show off too much, I get angry with them.
  • If friends speak rudely I want to give back to them but cant feel they wont be friends anymore.
  • Fear that thief will break into house and murder us and go.

Scared of ghosts, murderers especially vampires because scary and painful death.

  • If express and people don’t appreciate the misunderstandings, my impression becomes bad.
  • Dreams of murderers and vampires with painful, scary death.
  • Feel scared people will also talk to me badly, rudely, they will make faces
  • Some people are jealous. They try to make people in trouble so become better than them. Specially big/good student more jealous and make bigger rumors. Tell teacher false things. They will try to pull down (HG). He wants to be first, so pulls down to make themselves higher.
  • Person coming second forms group of people and go together to teacher and tell rumors, prank calls.
  • Poor person who is a victim, they feel conscious and lesser and second group comes first in a wrong way.
  • Frustrated ultimately will take revenge and not let people distract. People should not cheat other people for something they are not capable of.
  • Distracting, ultimately tease, trick the person. Just tricking standards, April fool somebody.
  • Bad people influence others so they become larger and stronger. And victim will feel weak and lonely.
  • Good brains, systematic arrangements, with a plan, trustworthy. You need to be co-ordinate. Should be fixed, no confusion or changes to avoid misunderstandings.
  • To pull somebody down and trick, way of thinking is evil.
  • They have two plans, to bring people to help and actually work out. Very attractive, good clothes, talk in a certain way to be friends.
  • Wolves and hyenas. They form group’s together, surround and attack, very cunning animals, first say something nice, please another animal and kill for food. Very intelligent. Surround, jump, and eat.



Patient’s Centre reflects issue of stronger group pulling down the alone victim. Attack and survival issue, somebody doing something to go higher…



WOLVES:  Characteristics

They are always in packs and they have a leader. They are known for forceful strong biting and aggression when abused or threatened. But characteristic of wolf personality might surprise many people who think of wolves as savage and vicious. The alpha male and female are the oldest members of the pack and the ones with the most experience in hunting, defending territory, and other important activities.

The other pack members respect their positions and follow their leadership in almost all things, the alpha wolves are usually the ones to make decisions for the pack when the group should go out to hunt or move from one place to another.

Wolves usually have a lot of mythological stories and about witches and moons attached. Extraordinarily fond of each other and the bonds between them are so tight that the actions of each individual profoundly affect the entire pack. (FRIENDS / LOVING).  In the proving, many of the “feelings” of the wolf come out very clearly: DETACHED, CONFUSED, CRITICAL, INTRUDER.

So wolves have more of leader who leads the pack and a lot of mythological things attached. Plus the loving and affection in centre along with aggression when threatened.




While hyenas are known as scavengers, they also possess great intelligence and skill on the hunt. One strategy is for a single hyena to cause confusion in the herd, while the others in the pack pick off an older or weaker member and chase the rest away. Spotted hyenas live together in large groups called clans that may include up 80 individuals. Spotted hyenas have good hearing and sharp eyesight at night. They are fast and can run for long distances without tiring. Packs work together effectively to isolate a herd animal, sometimes one that is ill or infirm, and pursue it to the death. The victors often squabble over the spoils, either among themselves or with other powerful animals like lions


How to take the patient from the Kingdom towards source. Where finer differentiation between various sub-kingdoms like snakes, mammals including canines, felines etc becomes essential.

In this case qualified language started with people making faces and stronger group pulling down other to come first due to jealousy. On further questioning towards source and keeping the patient on the whole process, further qualities like cunningness, tricking, attractive, fooling, making group and attacking came up, taking us closer towards the exact universal source of HYENA. Even in her dreams the whole theme was painful death by vampires and murders (syncing with the scavenging hyenas does)



D:      How are you?

P:      I am much better now. It doesn’t itch me much, skin is not that red.

D:      What other changes?

P:      My nature has become more happier. Used to get irritated due to itching. Medicine has helped, not scratching now.

D:      What are changes mentally/emotionally?

P:      Much better, don’t feel conscious that people will tease me. Not scared. doesn’t matter now. Feel nowadays people don’t speak rudely and they don’t plan. Before used to feel bad and start crying.

D:      What difference did homeopathic doses make?

P:      Helped me a lot, made me happier and I can express myself now and not that sad now.


D:      How is she overall according to you?

P:      Much better. Scratching has definitely improved. Face has cleared much more. She has become definitely calmer.

(Since there was a shift seen physically in her complaints, emotions, and deeper state we give her placebo to wait till we see improvement)


P:      I am better but nowadays have developed cough and cold. Skin allergy is going down

D:      Overall how are you?

P:      I have improved in my crankiness and irritation. Now found good group who wants to play with me; previously used to feel left out and taken advantage of. Still scared same thing will come back and people will talk rudely, spread rumors.

D:      Any dreams?

P:      Yes we were in Indore and there was one wizard and she told if you don’t evacuate will destroy the whole house. I told my mom I will take revenge (Very peculiar animalistic language in subconscious area confirming our prescription). Take house back and destroy only by magic. A wizard, a bad magician like a witch male.

D:      What does he want to do?

P:      Evil magic and they want to rule over people. Making their lives miserable and destroying houses. That male witch must be hyena. directly rule no friends. Becomes a friend to deer and kills it.

(So in this follow up we see her whole state surfaced when the dreams were explored. Thus single dose of Hyena was repeated)


D:      How are you overall?

P:      I am much better. Skin is perfect and all gone. It doesn’t itch, no redness, no irritability. Getting very good sleep at night. Now nobody teases me since skin allergy is gone. In bus also used to sit and used to itch, now don’t feel that at all.

D:      How are you doing mentally?

P:      I am much better. My irritability and crankiness is better. I am happy now skin is gone.

D:      How is that issue of teasing, sensitive to people rudeness?

P:      That is not there now. No I am not that moody and sleeping also fine.


She is better in all ways, even nature wise.

D:      What difference has this treatment made?

P:      All allergies are gone. Now she is not reacting to food, weather change or anything.  She is calm, that irritation is not there. Her sleep is better.

D:      What difference has it made in her life?

P:      She is able to do things better. Her concentration is better, interaction with her sibling is better. She is reacting to situations in a better way. She will try to listen and understand the situation, that’s the change.

(A significant change in her physical health; her emotions are balanced; her whole state is dissolved, making her think, react and perceive in an appropriate manner. This is leading to a great change in her relationships and she is living a happier and balanced life now).                                       

About the author

Riddhi Joshi Jain

Dr Riddhi Joshi is Senior Doctor associated with Swasthya Homeopathic Healing, Co-Coordinator for various online courses and clinical courses for international students. She is involved in the project ‘Your Case Our Guide’, to help students with their failure cases. Dr. Joshi is head of the ‘Laymen Awareness Project’ and compiler of various homeopathic articles, including "From Treating to transforming - Choose homeopathy: A designers approach to your child.” She has also lectured to clinical course students, ABJF, College ,


  • Dear Dr. Riddhi

    Thank you so much for sharing of beautiful case. It’s really a great case you shared here. I need your help, since I’m working on mammal remedies and collecting all information of newly proved mammalian remedies and extracting their common themes and building a beautiful understanding about sub- groups of mammals. So, you mentioned here a proving of hyena which I don’t find elsewhere on any website or journals. So please can you provide me proving, it will be great help for me. My email address is [email protected]

    I have one another question… which hyena you used in this case …
    (1) Spotted hyena= Crocuta crocuta
    (2) Striped hyena Hyaena hyaena
    (3) Brown hyena Hyaena brunnea

    Regards from Dr. Kalathia

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