Materia Medica


Written by Philip Bailey

Carcinosinum materia medica and complete drug picture of homeopathy remedy Carcinosinum. Learn all the signs and symptoms of homeopathic Carcinosinum by Philip Bailey.

Carcinosinum is the primary remedy for balancing the cancer miasm.

The cancer miasm is a complex miasm which results from a combination of Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis and Tubercular miasms.

I use Carcinosinum very much as a constitutional remedy, which means it fits the whole person.

Children who benefit from Carcinosinum treatment often have a family history of cancer, diabetes or stroke. They also often have dysplastic nævi, which are multiple dark flat oval moles, and café au lait spots, which are light brown birthmarks.

Physically, such children are prone to recurrent infections, especially recurrent middle ear infections, recurrent influenza and recurrent bronchitis. They may also have allergies, or autoimmune diseases like eczema, diabetes, or asthma.

Appearance-wise, Carcinosinum children tend to be slim and wiry, with light brown hair. The nose is usually prominent. One or more of the parents usually fits the Carcinosinum picture, which includes prematurely graying hair.

The Carcinosinum child is often given incorrect constitutional treatment by homeopaths, because the picture of the remedy overlaps with the pictures of many other remedies. In particular there are similarities with Tuberculinum, Phosphorus and Natrum muriaticum.

Carcinosinum children are emotionally sensitive, but as they get older they begin to hide their feelings behind a mask of nonchalance. They are very empathic, feeling upset when they see others suffering. One of the main problems with Carcinosinum children is that they absorb a great deal from their surroundings, thus they are strongly affected by disharmony at home or at school. They may respond by becoming moody, irritable, withdrawn or restless, or with physical symptoms such as headaches, acne or eczema. They need encouragement to talk about their feelings, because they don’t want to burden others.

Another tendency is for Carcinosinum children to take on too much responsibility.

Parents of such children should avoid encouraging them to look after siblings, because they are liable to miss out on being children. Like Natrum muriaticum children, they seem mature for their age, and they try to help out with adult responsibilities.
Carcinosinum children need support in developing their sense of identity. They can easily adapt to please others, and need encouragement to follow their own wishes. If they do not learn this lesson as children, they will tend to become co-dependent adults, addicted to looking after others, and neglecting themselves.

Carcinosinum children often have high energy, and are good at sports. However, they suffer from low blood sugar, and hence should eat small meals several times a day. They should avoid eating sugary foods.

The Carcinosinum child tends to be sociable and to mix well with other children. He is usually considerate and sensible, but he may suffer from low self-esteem. This makes him self-critical, and often a perfectionist. Such children need encouragement to relax and avoid pushing themselves too hard to achieve.

Most Carcinosinum children are artistic, and many are very musical. As teenagers they may go a little wild with regard to partying and drinking alcohol, but not usually to a dangerous extent. Carcinosinum teenagers often suffer from apathy, and this may be related to problems at home or at school which the child is not able to express.

Many Carcinosinum children are given Phosphorus, because they are sensitive and relatively open. However, they are far more grounded and practical than Phosphorus children, and a little more introverted. They may also be given Tuberculinum, because they have recurrent infections, and because they have restlessness and high physical energy. However, Carcinosinum is far more sensitive emotionally than Tuberculinum, and not as confident. Many are also given Natrum muriaticum because they are too responsible, and because they suffer from sinusitis or hay fever. Sometimes it is very difficult to tell whether a child needs Carcinosinum or Natrum muriaticum as a constitutional remedy. The general features can help. Natrum muriaticum likes salt, feels the heat, and is worse around midday. Carcinosinum likes fatty foods, feels the cold a little, and is worse around 3pm. Also, Natrum muriaticum children become tense when they are unhappy, whereas Carcinosinum children tend to become dull.

Carcinosinum is a relatively common constitutional type. It covers issues of weak identity and low self-esteem, as well as weakness of the immune system and allergies. It should not be given to children by untrained individuals.

About the author

Philip Bailey

Philip Bailey graduated in Medicine in 1984, and then studied homeopathy at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital, and also with Misha Norland and George Vithoulkas. He began private homeopathic practice in England in 1987, and later emigrated to Perth, Australia, where he has practised for over 20 years. He has studied various psychotherapy approaches, including Gestalt, Analytical Psychotherapy and Family Constellation therapy, and has practised counselling and psychotherapy alongside his homeopathic practice. He is author of 3 homeopathic books, including 'Homeopathic Psychology' and "Lacs in Practice'. Philip gives seminars on homeopathy to homeopaths around the world.


  • Sir,

    My son is 9 years old. He had Ewings sarcoma when he was 7 years old. He was given treatment for one year (chemotherapy, surgery and radiation). He was disease free for one year. Again it relapsed after one year. He took palliative chemotherapy and radiation for 6 months. The disease has progressed.

    Can homeopathy treatment help him. Kindly let us know.

    Thank you,


  • sir,
    my sister have a clear cell carcinoma of rt.ovary.and her charecteristic symptoms are same as nat.mur and carcinosinum i confused which medicine give her for best.or both medicine give at a time.please give me reply..

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