Organon & Philosophy

Hahnemanns Advanced Methods Part 10: A Review of the LM and Centesimal Potencies

Hahnemanns Advanced Methods Part 10: A Review of the LM and Centesimal Potencies. Hypersensitivity is composed of over-reactivity of the constitution, idiosyncratic responses, the suppression of psora, suppression in general, quickly developing organic pathology, diseases which up-tune the vital force, and weakened vitality.

Hypersensitive patients (700-1000+)

Hypersensitivity is composed of over-reactivity of the constitution, idiosyncratic responses, the suppression of psora, suppression in general, quickly developing organic pathology, diseases which up-tune the vital force, and weakened vitality.

The signs to look for include rapid mood swings, hysterical states, nervous temperaments, hyperactive senses, allergies, chemical and food sensitivities, quickly changing pathological tissue changes, diseases in the later stages, weakened vitality, and intolerance to changes in the environment, weather and climates.

Study the physical constitution to see if you see diathetic signs of the chronic miasms or organic deformities.


Use 1 pill of the lower potencies like 6c, 12c, 24c, 30c in medicinal solution.


Use 1 pill of LM 0/1 in medicinal solution.

Only use 1 pill in a larger medicinal solution. In sensitive patients one can use from 5, 8, 10, 20, or more ounces of diluent to make the medicinal solution. A larger amount of water helps moderate the remedy right from the start.

This medicinal solution should not be succussed more then 1, 2 or 3 times at the onset of treatment. Only 1/2 to 1 teaspoon should be taken and stirred into 4 oz to 6 oz of water in a dilution glass. From this dilution glass only 1/2 to 1 teaspoon should be used for the first dose. The number of succussion and the number of teaspoons can be increased gradually if necessary to maintain a curative response.

When treating the true ultra-hypersensitive with the LM 0/1 potency the dose must be moderated by diluting the remedy through a series of dilution glasses. Hahnemann mentions up to 6 dilution glasses. The LM 0/1’s medicinal powers are much more developed than the 30 centesimal potency.

Moderate Sensitivity (400-700)

Constitutions of a moderate sensitivity (400-700) are the easiest to treat. The moderate sensitivity is of balanced temperament, relatively stable vitality, and their diseases are functional or at the beginning or early development of pathology. These individuals are fairly tolerant of different environments, foods and medicine.

Such constitutions can be started with the middle range potencies like 200c. In the LM system the 0/1, 0/2 or 0/3 are the normal opening potencies. The succussions should start at a moderate number like 4, 5, or 6.

The average amount of the medicinal solution is 1 to 2 teaspoons stirred in a dilution glass. From this glass the individual is given 1 or 2 teaspoons  as a dose The dose can then be adjusted in the upward direction by more succussions and amount if necessary. Please refer to Hahnemann’s Advanced Methods.

Hyposensitivity (1-300)

Constitutions low on the sensitivity scale (1-300). Hyposensitivity is composed of inherited constitutional sluggishness, slow temperament, low vitality reaction, venereal miasms, suppression, and diseases which under-tune the vital force and produce slowly progressive degenerative states. They are for the most part non reactive to environmental stimuli or weather changes, etc.

The signs of hyposensitivity are flat mood, sluggish temperament, hypoactive states, slow developing symptoms and insidious degenerative processes. Investigate the physical constitution for the signs of the chronic miasms or congenital deformities which stimulate low reactivity.

Normally, hyposensitive constitutions will have a history of lack of reaction to natural treatments and homoeopathic remedies. They often do not demonstrate the side-effects of allopathic medicines, and in many cases, do not believe very much in healing.

The hyposensitive constitutions usually need fairly strong stimulation to respond. They are suited to the higher potencies, if there is not too much organic pathology. In general, those with functional disorders will tolerate remedies better than those with organic pathology.

Many of these cases can be started on the 200c and 1M potency centesimals. Ultra high potencies like 10M, 50M, CM, and MM are normally reserved for later if needed. One, or in the most hyposensitive, two pills are used to make the medicinal solution. The upper range of the LM potency is also indicated in many of these cases.

The opening potencies for true hyposensitives may be between LM 0/3, 0/4, 0/5, and 0/6. It is better to start lower and work up than cause unneeded aggravations.

The number of succussion should be at the higher end of the scale of 1 to 10. 7, 8, 9, 10, and increasing more, succussion may have to be used. Succussion can really’shake up’ the vital force and get things moving. Two or three teaspoons of the medicinal solutions should then be stirred into the dilution glass and 1, 2, 3 or increasing more teaspoons given as a dose until the desired response is attained.

Many of these individuals do very well on the’split-dose’ of the medicinal solution or a series of dose. Refer to Hahnemann’s Advanced Methods for the details.

The Fine-Tuning of the Medicinal Solutions

Now that we have discussed the basics of sensitivity and dose we need to look at a few refinements and how to work up through the potency levels. There are two ways to adjust the amount of the dose of the aqueous solution.

One way is to change the number of teaspoons of the medicinal solution and the other is to change the number of teaspoons from the dosage glass. Increasing the number of teaspoons (1, 2, 3) of the medicinal solution stirred into a dosage glass makes the remedy act deeper progressively. At the same time, it dictates how fast one moves through the potencies.

If one uses 1 teaspoon of a 4oz MS that makes 24 doses whereas if one uses 3 teaspoons from the medicinal solution that makes 8 doses. After finishing the LM 0/1 the standard practice is to move to LM 0/2 unless the case specifically dictates otherwise.

When one uses a larger amount of the medicinal solution, it not only increases the size of the dose, but also affects how fast one raises potencies. Therefore, the amount and the arc of the potency is increased at the same time.

This means that in your lower average and hyposensitive constitutions the progression through the potencies, LM 0/1, LM 0/2, LM 0/3, LM 0/4, etc, is much faster than the progression a hypersensitive goes through. This is because a hypersensitive on the smaller amount, and larger medicinal solution, may stay on LM 0/1 for a very long time, with only the cumulative succussions slowly raising the potency. The potency progression is almost self-regulating in relationship to the sensitivity scale.

The second method is to increase the number of teaspoons from the dilution glass. This is a more subtle increase of the amount and dose which does not affect the progressive rate of consumption of the medical solution or cause a more rapid ascent through the potencies. This, however, can make a great difference in the reaction in some sensitive patients.

If you have a reaction but feel the need to increase the dose, this is often the best way to start. I tend to first adjust the action of a remedy up or down by increasing or decreasing the succussions. If I am not satisfied with this, I will change the size of the dose to larger or smaller amounts. First of all, I change the amount from the dilution glass, and secondly, from the medicinal solution itself. The same theorem is used with the centesimal potencies in medicinal solution.

Succussions Versus the Amount

There are two major ways to adjust the medicinal solution. They are increasing and decreasing the succussions and the size of the dose. How are these two methods similar and how are they different? This subtle question comes with experience in the method.

These two methods form a functional polarity of complementary opposites. Succussions increase the potency causing the remedy to be more active while diluting the remedy decreases the amount of the dose moderating the effects of potency. In the best dose these twin factors balance with each other.

May I offer an analogy? When we increase the succussions it seems to raise the frequency of the remedy to new harmonics. When we increase the amount, it seems to increase the amplitude of the remedy. These have different effects on the vital force. The succussions seem to ‘shake things up’ while the amount seems to ‘fill things out’.

If I was going to use geometry as an analogy I would say that the succussions have a vertical effect while the amounts have a horizontal effect. The perfect balance of the two fills the entire space. When I need more medicinal power to stir things up I increase the succussions. When I wish to have more medicinal qualities I increase the dose. This phenomenon can be witnessed but it is hard to put into words.

Managing the Potency Factors

Normally, we work up through the potencies (LM 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, 0/4, 0/5 and 0/6, etc) as the solution is consumed. If one is not satisfied with the progress of the case, or the effect seems to slow down, the potency should be increased immediately. The same is true if a person seems to relapse, i.e. the potency should be raised. This is another reason you need to have LM 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, etc on hand.

It is much the same as with the centesimal potencies. For example, if a 12c medicinal solution is not holding then the 30c might start the case moving forward again. Of course, the higher the potency, the deeper the effects. Therefore, more waiting and watching is in order with 200c, 1M, 10M, etc..

Nevertheless, with the medicinal solution in centesimal potencies there is no need to wait if the client is only slowly improving or wait for a complete relapse of the symptoms.

Once you have an LM 0/1 of a remedy, it is fairly easy to make an LM 0/2, 0/3, 0/4, 0/5, 0/6 etc. This saves money but takes time and needs the right pharmaceutical supplies (alcohol, distilled water, droppers, and 1 dram vials). I have made many remedies in this fashion. One must learn when one must raise the LM potencies while you follow the case.

As I said before, most cases are started with LM 0/1, LM 0/2 and LM 0/3 but not all. This is like starting between 30 or 200 of the centesimal remedies. The action may be even deeper although the duration may not be as long in some cases. Starting an LM case with LM 0/4, LM 0/5 and LM 0/6 is like 200c, 1M, and 10M but not exactly the same. This is because the medicinal qualities of the LM are quite different from the centesimals. The qualitative difference must be learned through experience.

LM 0/1 has almost the same physical amount of the original substance as a 6c, but it certainly does not act like a low potency! LM 0/1 is much deeper than a 30c and has the depth of a moderately high potency (at least 200c or above but it’s not really the same thing!).

The LM potency passes Avogadro’s number at around LM 0/4. This is speaking of the base tincture, not the amounts when they are diluted in the medicinal solution and the dilution glass. This causes the remedy to pass Avogadro’s number more quickly.

So in a sense you have a remedy that is quite physical yet dynamic and has the best qualities of both a high and low potency. It has great depth and yet it is repeatable if and when necessary. The LM 0/1 is a much deeper acting remedy than a 30c.

If you wish to avoid unnecessary aggravations and use LM’s properly, it is best not to think of them as low potency remedies that can be repeated daily.

Hahnemann’s “new methods” are equally applicable to the centesimal scale as the LM scale. The use of these complementary potency systems greatly expands the therapeutic horizons of Classical Homoeopathy. We call on homoeopaths to make experiments and take on trials with Hahnemann’s definitive potency system.

It will not be easy for those who are only used to the posology methods of the 4th Organon and the dry dose. Much new material must be digested and trials carried out so that one gains experience.

Those homoeopaths who truly practice the methods of the 4th Organon are in a good position to take on the advanced methods. This is because they have mastered the wait and watch method and have real respect for the medicinal powers of homoeopathic remedies.

With this strong foundation they have the background to truly practice the methods Hahnemann introduced in his last 10 years (1833-1843). Many who try to practice the LM potency without this background tend to approach these dynamic remedies in a mechanistic fashion. They do not have the experience in Homoeopathy to understand just what is needed and what must be learned.

Many students of Homoeopathy are learning the correct way from the start which is indeed fortunate. As more experience is gained in Hahnemann’s advanced methods, more qualified teachers will appear. Things are getting better.

I wish you all the best in your studies.

Similia Minimus
Sincerely, David Little

About the author

David Little

David Little was born in the USA in 1948 and has been a student of Homeopathy since the early 1970s. He has studied Homeopathy in the USA and India. His first teacher was the late, great Dr Manning Strahl and he was a colleague of the late Dr Harimohan Choudhury. He started HOE, Homeopathic Online Education in 1999. David Little has recently published The Homoeopathic Compendium, a unique series of textbooks designed to provide a complete guide to Homoeopathy. This monumental work is presented in 6 volumes, with over 4,500 pages. To order online and for more information, including free chapters visit:

1 Comment

  • Oh! As always I loved it, actually its an eye opener….hmm….it seems as if I am going to enter into a new world of homeopathy…cant thank you enough…and yes, I am addicted to these articles….Helllllllllp…tee hee

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