Homeopathy Book Reviews

Two Book Reviews From 1914

Written by Hpathy.com

Two Book Reviews From 1914 -The Elements of Homoeopathic Theory, Practice. Materia Medica Dosage and Pharmacy – Drs. Boericke & Anshutz, and Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics by E.B. Nash

Review 1

The Elements of Homoeopathic Theory, Practice. Materia  Medica Dosage and Pharmacy. By Drs. F. A. Boericke  E. P. Anshutz. Third revised edition. 223 pages. Cloth, Si. 00, net. Postage, 5 cents. Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel. 1914

Available on Amazon.com : https://www.amazon.com/Elements-Hom%C5%93opathic-Practice-Materia-Pharmacy/dp/1296730859/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=The+Elements+of+Homoeopathic+Theory%2C+Practice.+Materia+Medica&qid=1565115047&s=gateway&sr=8-1

Review from:  The Homoeopathic Recorder Vol 29  -1914

The first edition of Elements appeared in 1905. the second and larger edition in 1907, and now the third appears, a pretty good record. The book was written primarily to meet the demand of physicians who wanted a bird’s eye view of Homoeopathy, in its totality, at a low price, and incidentally, for all enquirers. It starts with a little sketch of the man Hahnemann, how he made the discovery, and follows with proving of drugs, dosage, potency, vehicles used in dispensing, pharmacy, therapeutics, materia medica, besides other points of information useful to the one who wants to know. The therapeutics cover nearly all the diseased with a name attached, and are really keynotes that may be useful to even the homoeopathic physician as a very convenient quick reference collection. The materia medica does not go into symptomatology — it would be impossible in the limited space — but gives the conditions, culled from our best books, for which each drug named has been found useful. Also, after each drug is given, what so many inquirers ask for, namely, the strength most in use; these run from the tincture, 1X, 3X, 6x, 3d, 6th and 30th, owing to the character of the drug. The drugs mentioned number about two hundred. This department will also be found very handy by any physician, especially as the book is so compact that it can be carried in the coat pocket or satchel. It also has a very full index.

If you ever want to give anyone a general outline of Homoeopathy, covering the whole of it, this is, we think, by all means the best book to put into their hands. They can get enough out of it to enable them to determine whether they care to go into the matter deeper. Elements is one of the very best for most practical “missionaries” for Homoeopathy in the field today.

This book is still available from several sellers on the internet:





Review 2

 Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics Fourth edition. By E. B. Nash, M. D. 493 pages.

Available on Amazon.com

Review From: Homoeopathic Recorder Volume XXIX  – 1914

Nash’s Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics is the most popular book on homoeopathic remedies published in recent years, as four big editions, all printed from type, attest. The first edition appeared in 1897, and the fourth, though dated 1913, is really a 1914 book. What is the secret of its popularity? Having written the question the reviewer opened the book at random for an answer; Crotalus horridus was on the page’s heading, and there he read, among other things: “It,” Crotalus, “seems, so far, to have shown its greatest usefulness in diseases which result in a decomposition of the blood of such a character as to cause haemorrhages from every outlet of the body (Acetic acid); even the sweat is bloody. This occurs in the lower fevers of hot climates, such as the bilious remittent fevers, typhoids, and that dread scourge of the hot climates, yellow fever. It is also the chief remedy in diphtheria when the profuse epistaxis occurs which marks many cases of a malignant type. In haemorrhages; of the nose in an old man of broken down constitution, where none of the remedies usually applied did the least good. Crotalus acted promptly, and no doubt saved the man’s life.” There is more in the section on this little used remedy, but the quotation will show the style of the book and why it is so popular. In one full page the reader is told, and told in a readable manner, just what the remedy has done. It is the same with over 210 remedies written about in a similar manner.

Read a remedy or two in this book every day during the leisure hour and you will soon have a broad, comprehensive conception of that, to many, stumbling block, The Homoeopathic Materia Medica. This edition contains 73 more pages than the third, which are chiefly made up of a brief synopsis of the symptomatology of the leading drugs; otherwise there is but little change in the text — because none was needed. It is a book that any physician interested in the practice of medicine can buy with the assurance of getting “value received” for his money.

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