Homeopathy Papers

Impressions From The Seminar ’Bird remedies’ by Jonathan Hardy In Belgrade, Serbia

Written by Maja Letić

Homeopath Maja Letić shares her impressions of Dr. Jonathan Hardy’s seminar in Belgrade, Serbia in Jun 2019. The desire to escape from everyday life, was a common bird theme.

We all remember Dr Jonathan Hardy’s words that ended the previous seminar: ’We talked about having a feeling that you do not have time to learn everything. I have been practicing homeopathy for thirty years and every day in this thirty years I have the same feeling. Use intuition for what you need to learn, which seminar to attend, which book to buy, what you are really attracted to.’  The knowledge we gained on this and previous lecture, which was easily usable in practice, helped us realize what attracts us most and which seminar will be good for us to attend. Good impressions spread fast, and his third guest in Belgrade filled up the lecture room.

Dr Jonathan Hardy from England held his third seminar in Belgrade 8-9 Jun 2019. The topic of this seminar was bird’s remedies. In Materia medica and repertory this group of remedies was not that common and information about them can be found mostly in the work of Jonathan Shore, Peter Fraser and in proving of these remedies. Dr Hardy consolidated and systematized this data and added his rich clinical experience with lots of representative cases from his practice.


The modern way of life imposes on us responsibilities, duties, fullfiling of norms,  a huge volume of jobs and short deadlines. ’Man’s freedom doesn’t mean that he can do whatever he wants, but that he doesn’t have to do what he doesn’t want“Jean Jacques Rousseau.  People needing bird remedies will talk about the desire to escape from everyday life, the feeling of being trapped, having responsibilities and duties that they don’t want to have.

Dr Jonathan Hardy introduced us to other themes of birds and differentiated them from similar groups of remedies like insects and mammals. He talked about bird sensations, words patients use to express them and he shared with us their experience of flying.

Hardy said that every group of remedies has around 80% common characteristics within it’s members, but only 10-20% of the information leads us to particular remedy within that group“. Through video cases he showed us subtle differences between the remedies, the specific patient gestures and statements. We understood that, no matter which country we live in and what are the cultural differences – we all have simmilar feelings and we express them in simmilar ways.

In a real Englishman’s manner, with sophicated English humor to emphasize a point, Dr. Hardy kept our attention undivided through two days of seminar. Like every great teacher, appart from knowledge he shared his enthusiasm and motivation for learning, for making progress and never fearing unfortunate situations in the world of homeopathy. He is conviced, and now we are too – homeopathy will be one of the main systems of treatment for thousands of years. He said: ’We are just puting in the foundation. Enjoy and be proud of being a homeopath“.

We no longer need an intuition to know from whom to learn and which books to read. Dr Jonathan Hardy will also hold a seminar next year at the ’Similimum’ homeopathic school. We’re looking forward to this!

About the author

Maja Letić

Maja Letić was born in 1970 in Belgrade. After studying sociology and law, she acquired knowledge of gestalt psychotherapy in the Gestalt Studio "Belgrade". She graduated from the Homeopathic School "Simillimum" in 2011 and continued her ongoing education at SAKH (Slovak Academy of Classical Homeopathy). She published 17 articles in her country and abroad. Her work has been translated into several languages. In 2022 she was presented with the "Award for excellence in homeopathy" for Accomplishment and Years of Contributing to Hpathy and to the Homeopathic community. She is the founder of the AUDE SAPERE association, focused on the education and training of homeopaths. She cooperates with the Slovak Academy of Classical Homeopathy.

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