Clinical Cases

Senility in Youth

Written by Roma Buchimensky

Homeopath Roma Bushimensky shares a case in which a feeling of slowness, senility and decrepitude was addressed by a fungi derived remedy.

A woman, 49 years old, psychologist, was on homeopathic treatment for headaches, dizziness, intermittent depression, torticollis (intensified when writing), anemia for 9 years, stomach ache, obesity, poor eyesight, chronic fatigue and joint pain since 2021.

She took several homeopathic remedies successively and the deepest effect was  Natrium muriaticum, on which she noticed the significant improvement of her condition. The last dose of Natrium muriaticum 1М was taken in December 2021.

Her positive dynamics, manifested in the sense of stability and energy, courage when communicating with clients at work, more self confidence and good mood. The frequency of common psycho-emotional discomfort episodes was decreased.

The most important change was on the psycho-emotional level. She became calmer, physically stronger, more positive and cheerful. The woman described the changes, “I surprise myself. I became self-confident.” Also, her headaches and dizziness stopped.

On January 19th, 2022 she bad the following complaints: and she presented with the following complaints: ((probably it was Covid)

  • Increase of body temperature up to 38.4
  • Strong chill,
  • Clouding of consciousness,
  • Strong discomfort in chest,
  • Feeling “ice under the skin”,
  • Hands and feet are cold, sensation of “cold strings”,
  • Cold feet, feeling “like the body is twisted”, unusually strong headache, severe headache,
  • Dryness, thirst,
  • Pain and chill in the thoracic spine,
  • When I move – the pain in body is relieved.

At first Gelsemium 200C was prescribed, then Carbo vegetabilis 200С, both with partial effect.

On January 23rd, 2022 she noticed the improvement: no fever and headache. She had tickling in throat, “like emery-paper”, hoarseness, general depressive mood, much weakness remained, dryness in the mouth. She had a dream that she was surrounded, hopeless, about to be killed, obscurity, defenselessness, vulnerability, loneliness. I was happy that we could come back to Natrium muriaticum, because they were its key symptoms and because it helped before.

Natrium muriaticum 1М was prescribed with no significant effect, then Stannum metallicum 200С – with partial effect and quick return of the symptoms.

On February 2nd, 2022, the case was revisited. The main complaints:

  • Very great weakness and tiredness,
  • Vertigo,
  • Sickness, stomach ache attacks with diarrhea and near-fainting condition after eating,
  • Cough,
  • Aggravation by 5-6 p.m.,
  • Pain in the neck behind the left ear, lightning-pain in the ears,
  • Slowness, must pick words,
  • “I feel to be old, wrecked”,
  • Weakness, helplessness,
  • “I have no aims, they disappeared, I don’t have the reason to get cured for”,
  • “I could feel like I were 80, not 50”,
  • “A piece of my life just flew away, and I’m straight here in decrepitude”.

Rx: The remedy prescribed belongs to the fungi kingdom: Tapinella 30С.

Follow up on March 30th, 2022. In general, she feels better:

  • The energy level is higher,
  • The stomach pains remain, but there are no attacks with fainting and diarrhea.
  • After that the menstrual cycle was restored.

Repeated Tapinella 30C once, in water.

After that there were several traumatic and dramatic situations, which needed other remedies (unfortunately there was no Tapinella 200С available, but if it was… would the remedy prevent the series of trauma? Could Tapinella be more effective than other homeopathic remedies?)

Using this case study as an example, we can see how important it is to know the general themes of fungi to be navigated.

The symptoms:  Polarities

  • Youth – senility – youth,
  • Slowness – speed,
  • No aim and purpose of life – plain aim and the purpose of life,
  • I don’t see the reason to be cured for – I understand, what to live for
  • Senility – freshness, youth,
  • Shootings, threads, lightning – everything is deliberated, planned, rhythmic, no explosions,
  • Absolute absence of energy – enough energy to take the set goals.

 Common Fungi themes in this case:

  • Sensation of cold,
  • Sense of “ice under the skin”,
  • Hands and feet are cold as “icy strings”,
  • Grave condition after the acute case,
  • Extremely strong: headache, weakness, lightning-pains, sense of threads,
  • Helplessness, slowness, dizziness, loss of aim and meaning of life.

 The key symptoms of Tapinella:

Feeling of senility, decrepitude ­– “as if I were 80, not 50”, “ a piece of my life flew away, and I’m straight here in decrepitude ”, “ I feel old, wrecked”.


After Tapinella, the sense of youth started to come back, the menses were restored, the level of energy became higher, the ache attacks with diarrhea after eating disappeared (the body became able to accept food – “something new for it”).

Everything happening in the world now – it is the leaving of something obsolete, old; many people leave, “slipping into old age”, they have no energy to go forward, because it needs not only new energy, but also new forms, new modes, adjustment, adaptation, including adaptation to the fast-changing world. That’s what fungi teach us.

Based on the symposium Fungi in Homeopathy organized by Via Homeopatica

About the author

Roma Buchimensky

Roma Buchimensky, RCHom, MSc, IACH is a graduate of International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Greece where he studied with Prof. George Vithoulkas. Since 1996 he has been running his own practice. At the same year he established "Via Homeopatica" - the International Center for Homeopathy. Roman is active internationally in dissemination of holistic medical knowledge through seminars, books and internet projects. "I am very passionate in integration between different healing fields, the arts, spiritual traditions and science, working to apply such knowledge in my life and sharing this with patients and students, and the growing international community".

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