
Feedback from January 2004

Feedback from January 2004


Take care and keep up the
excellent work – the ezine is a very straightforward, easily
accessible site that I can see growing into a ‘must have’
– well done.

Kind regards,
Jacki Dray

Hi Jacki,

Thanks for giving the pat! We sure needed it as this was
our first effort in providing a useful source of information
and learning to the homeopathic community. With experience
and participation of more people like you in this OPEN effort,
we hope, that in future we will be able to improve the site
and the zine much more. The quality and quantity will keep
growing – that’s our promise to you. But it is not just our
effort that will make this ezine and the site a ‘must have’,
the active participation from you and the homeopathy community
at large in this global project will make it a ‘must have’.
So keep up your participation and thanks for making Homeopathy
4 Everyone
such a huge success from the very start.

Dr. B

Please keep up the animal stories. I
was very excited to read about the successful treatment of
a cat with carcinoma. My cat was recently diagnosed with the
same thing.
Thanks for the hope.

Shonnie Torres

Sure! Homeopathy works beautifully on animals too and
it would be our aim to provide information on veterinary health
and animal cases too through this ezine. If we can add ‘hope’
and ‘optimism’ in your life through our efforts, we would
consider this ezine a big success! This is the best part of
being part of such an effort and such feedback and requests
is what will keep us motivated to give you more in the future
issues. Hope your cat recovers soon.

Dr. B


I like your list of cold remedies, but your personal story
of your sprained ankle could be taken as erroneous advice.
I sprained my ankle badly several weeks ago, self-treated
with a blend of homeopathic ingredients with arnica being
the primary one, but was unable to walk on it for three weeks.
After finally seeing an orthopedist, he explained I had a
grade three sprain with a torn ligament, and recommended an
air brace to guard against side-to-side movement, which was
slowing the healing and producing the pain. So not everyone
has the same type of sprain where the same remedy can work
for everyone.

Margie Davis
Author: The Healing Way, A Journal for Cancer Survivors

Hello Margie,

I agree with you that not every sprain is of the same kind
and when the sprain is severe, immobilization of the affected
part is a must. But a properly selected homeopathic medicine
can reduce the pain and the healing period to a great extent.
Anyway, in our next issue, we would try to publish an article
which will discuss this issue in detail with the types and
grades of strains, homeopathic therapeutics and the general

Best wishes,
Dr. B

Thank you for your Newsletter which
I received a short while ago. I would like to congratulate
you on starting this monthly newsletter as it will keep people
like me who have not qualified in Homeopathy but are interested
in the subject, abreast of the latest developments in the

I am unable to open the articles listed by clicking on them
as my cursor is unable to activate them. It is strange however
that when I click the cage containing the Useful Links that
the cursor is active and can open them. I use a Macintosh
PowerBook G4 and this is perhaps the reason for my inability
to open these documents.

Please let me know how I can open these articles or in the
alternative I would suggest that you give me their address
to enable me to open them outside your newsletter.

Kind Regards

Joe De Livera

Hi Mr. Livera,

We did send you the link to the online issue of this journal.
Thanks for bringing this glitch to our notice. The method
of linking we were using was giving problems to many of our
Mac users. We have tried to rectify this problem in our current
issue. Hope things will work fine this time.

Dr. B

What a fantastic homeopathic journal.
A credit to all that has worked on it.


Yes Dazza, the credit really goes to all the members of
the Hpathy Ezine Team who have worked hard to conceive this
zine and to bring out the first issue. Lou, Snoopy, Sigi,
Swamy, Dr. Kannan, Barb, Nancy, and Muskan all share the credit
for their wonderful work! The journal is an open international
effort and it is the participation of the homeopathic community
which makes this journal – ‘fantastic’!

Thanks for the feedback,
Dr. B


Dear Hpathy What a brilliant ezine and
work in advancement of homeopathy. Cheers to you all on a
successful addition to hpathy.


Thank you Joy. Cheers to you too for making this ezine
a success!

Dr. B

What a wonderful job you’re all doing.

Thank you for your contribution to the worldwide homeopathic

Vicky Burley

Hi Vicky,

Homeopathy for Everyone is a gift from the homeopathic
community to the homeopathic community. We look forward to
greater interaction and participation of the homeopathic community
in this project. This is YOUR ezine and its growth and success
depend upon YOU. So keep working for homeopathy and spread
the word around that Homeopathy is for Everyone!

Dr. B

About the author

Dr. Manish Bhatia

- BCA, M.Sc Homeopathy (UK), CICH (Greece), MD (Hom)
- Associate Professor, Organon & Homeopathic Philosophy, SKH Medical College, Jaipur
- Founder Director of
- Editor, Homeopathy for Everyone
- Co-author - Homeopathy and Mental Health Care: Integrative Practice, Principles and Research
- Author - Lectures on Organon of Medicine vol 1, 2, 3. CCH Approved. (English, German, Bulgarian)
- Awardee - Raja Pajwan Dev Award for Excellence in the Field of Medicine; APJ Abdul Kalam Award for Excellence in Homeopathy Education
- Visit Dr. Bhatia's website

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