Homeopathy Papers

Dr. Hering’s Messages

Written by Iman Navab

Iman Navab shares some of Constantine Hering’s thoughts and wisdom in this month of Hering’s birth.

Constantine Hering

Constantine Hering

According to an old custom of the German Universities, in the past everyone who has passed the examinations has to invite the faculty and students, through the Dean, to a public debate. This debate contained a number of short propositions and theses, which the candidate for the degree offered to defend. The subject of Constantine Hering’s treatise was “De medicina futura”, wherein he stated that there was no progress in healing , except in following the path which Hahnemann had opened, acknowledging the Homeopathic doctrine. After a successful defense, he received the degree as Doctor of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics, on March 22nd, 1826.

Dr. Hering said: “I was dependent upon the school for support. I went to the place where my weekly expenditure was paid and asked for the allowance that was due me. I received the money, but was told that I should have no more unless I gave up dabbling in Homeopathy. I resented this insult by throwing the money which the chief of the institution had just paid me, at his feet, at the same time exclaiming: I shall never touch another penny of this money. From that moment I never suffered. As long as I live I will work for Homeopathy with all my power.”

In 1855, for the celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the birthday of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, held by the friends of homeopathy in Philadelphia, Dr. Hering wrote an introduction entitled “Hahnemann in the Cradle”, from which the following is a quotation:  “When the father in his delight looked upon the little boy as he lay sleeping in the cradle, could a thought of this have entered his mind? Could he have imagined that so many years after, in a far distant land and another hemisphere, reached in his day only after long, tedious and dangerous voyaging, in that small town laid out by Penn on the river Delaware, in the wilds of Pennsylvania, known to him only from the narration of missionaries, this day would be remembered ? In that town, grown to be one of the great cities of the world, the birthplace of a nation’s independence, a seat of intelligence, a nursery of science and a home of the arts, so great a number, impelled by gratitude, would freely gather together to do honor in solemn assembly to him who lay there in his cradle wrapped in the soft slumbers of innocence? Even the angels in their holy watch could not have foreseen what was known to the Lord alone. But what was it that the father thought? It was made known to us. While he looked upon the son so much desired, this was the thought: “If that boy is permitted to grow up, I will give him lessons in thinking”. As he thought and determined so he acted. An old man in Meissen who had forgotten the son when he heard of his fame, said smilingly: “Many a time have I taken a walk with his father, and always at a certain hour he would say: ‘I must go home now, I have to give a lesson to Samuel, a lesson in thinking; that boy must learn to think.’ And he did learn to think, and he dared to be wise”.

Dr. Hering stood as a true examiner and investigator of this medical system, and as a man of integrity with scientific mind. Hering forever remains a star of homeopathy. For honouring his birthday anniversary (January 1st, 1800 – July 23rd, 1880) I would like to share some of his writings. These are Hering’s messages for us:

The side that hates, loses. Love the Truth because it is Truth, and the Good because it is Good.

All new ideas must be received like new-born children and cherished tenderly, for on them depend the future.

We must neither accept nor reject a thing without reason.

Conclusions in science must be drawn consecutively, like links in a chain.

What does not advance, recedes; nothing remains fixed.

It is the genuine Hahnemannean spirit to disregard all theories, even those of one’s own fabrication, when they are in opposition to the results of pure experience.

If every physician pondered over his work as much as does a shoemaker over his, more people would get well.

These are the golden rules of practice: Learn to observe, learn to prove, learn to examine the sick, learn to select a remedy, learn how to repeat, learn how to wait, learn how to profit by experience.

In good faith, as we have worked until now let us continue to work; the time must come when the right will prevail. Our work will never go down, because it promotes the most beneficial of arts.

About the author

Iman Navab

Iman Navab is a certified classical Homeopath and doctor of alternative medicine from Canada. He is the President of the Applied Research in Homeopathy Foundation of Canada (www.ARHFC.ca). He is the author of 'Miasma of Cancer', and is a historian of Homeopathy. Iman teaches History and Philosophy of Homeopathy at the Canadian College of Holistic Health. Navab gives lectures and seminars to raise awareness about the rich history of Homeopathy.

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