Clinical Cases

A Case of Subacute Intestinal Obstruction

intestinal obstruction types
Written by Brijesh Gupta

Dr. Brijesh Gupta presents a case of subacute intestinal obstruction with nausea, retching, constipation, abdominal distension.  The miasm was judged to be syco-syphilitic.

Name: RS

Age : 72 ,  Female Intestinal (Homeopathy for Intestinal)

Date : 20th April’18


This patient presented with complaint of stomach pain since two weeks. Profuse vomiting 3-4 times a day for the last week.  Nausea, retching, constipation, abdominal distension.

The episodes are recurrent and the patient is well in between these episodes. The intermittent nature of symptoms and signs delayed diagnosis as well as definitive treatment. The patient approached me after being first consulting an allopathic physician, who confirmed the diagnosis with USG.  The patient took allopathic medicines with no response and the doctor suggested surgery but the patient was not willing, due to financial constraints.

Observation:  Obese, phlegmatic and dark complexioned.

Physical Generals:

Thermal – Chilly Patient

Thirstless  – sips of water only

Desires – Oily, Spicy food

Urine- Scanty

Stool- Constipated

Sleep – anxious, restlessness – As observed by his son since the time of illness she prefers to sleep on the right side.

Nature and Behaviour:

She is angry and haughty in nature and cannot tolerate contradiction.

She had seven daughters and one son all of whom are married.

Very much attached to her pet dog

Husband died a long time ago

Irritability and anxiousness increased with illness.

All the above observation/sign/symptoms were correlated:

  1. Irritated nature and intolerant of contradiction. Gets irritated when someone makes noise or if TV is on.
  2. Anxiousness restlessness
  3. Miasm – considering obstructive pathology and severity of complaints Syco-Syphilitic

According  Dr.Vijayakar’s Acute Chart it is a non-recurring acute complaint

  1. a) Anxiety increased
  2. b) Chilly
  3. c) Thirstless – sips of water only
  4. d) Better by lying on right side
  5. e) Sensitivity to noise also increased

This is acute totality:

Sensitive remedy, gets offended very easily

Her reactions to the suffering is anger and irritability

Remedy Selected on the basis of acute presentation:  China officinalis   

China 30(2) on 20/04/18

As it is an emergency condition, patient was advised to report after two days. I will observe for features of relief of obstruction, like reduction in vomiting and pain, and passage of stool/flatus, reduction in tenderness and abdominal girth; disappearance of visible/palpable bowel loops.

Follow up:

24/04/18 – Patient developed diarrhea after the medicine and vomiting subsided. Because of this she is quite relieved but abdominal distension is still there and there is visible peristalsis. I see right remedy reaction with slight aggravation initially.

Rx Sac Lac 1week

03/05/18   Eating improved and she vomited only once and had less abdominal distension and the postprandial discomfort subsided.

Greatest improvement is within a span of one week: NORMAL USG reported.

Rx Sac Lac 1 week

09/05/18   She has a cold and cough but her general health is good,  so no medicine given. No postprandial discomfort, no vomiting since a week and abdominal distension subsided and she has no stomach pain.

Rx Sac Lac 1 week

16/05/18    Most of the complaints have resolved.

Appetite improved

General condition better

Rx Sac lac

This acute case resolved with proper follow up.  The complaints were syco-syphilitic and the second layer, i.e Endoderm pathology, was cured with a single medicine, in a rapid and gentle way.

About the author

Brijesh Gupta

Dr. Brijesh Gupta from Kanpur U.P. has been practicing classical homoeopathy for the last six years. He received his training initially under the guidance of Dr. Surmeet Singh, Founder & President of HERF Jalander. After this he worked under Dr. Ambrish Vijayakar and thereafter, under Dr. Prafull Vijayakar (Mumbai) to understand the concept and approach of predictive homoeopathy. After studying the works of the masters and working with other teachers, he is now mostly influenced by Boenninghausen and Prafull Vijayakar.


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