Homeopathy Papers Homeopathy Repertory

Cough by Jahr

Written by Vera Resnick

Cough by Jahr

Dr. George Heinrich Gottlieb Jahr (1800 -1875)


*This table based on Jahr’s work was prepared by homeopath Vera Resnick and appears on her website.


Dry cough Acon, Nux-V, Bell, Hyos, Cham, Bry, Caps, Rhus-T, Sulph, Calc, Caust, Ign, Kali carb
Loose cough early in the morning. Dry at night and in the evening Cham, Nux-V, Calc, Sil, Sulph, Ars, Lyc, Puls, Acid phosphoricum
Racking cough Bell, Nux-V, Merc, Calc, Kali-C, Phos, Stann, Sulph, Carb-V, Rhus-T, Sil, Puls, Ign
Deep, hollow cough Dros, Hepar, Verbasc, Verat-A, Sil, Caust, Bell, Staph
Titillating cough Cham, Hyos, Bell, Ipec, Merc, Rhus-T, Acid phosphoricum, Sulph, Lach, Nux-V, Staph Verat-A
As from dust in the throat Bell, Ign, Calc, China, Ars, Puls
Spasmodic cough Hyos, Bell, Carb-V, Puls, Nux-V, Cina, Dros
Rough, hoarse scraping cough Nux-V, Puls, Ign, Verbasc, Hep, Stann
Suffocative cough Tart. Emet., Ipec, Sil, Cupr, Ars, Nux-V
Starts from throat pit Cham, Ign, Bell, Lach, China, Ipec, Staph, Stann, Calc, Caust
From the chest Caust
From the stomach Bry, Puls, Sep
If there’s much expectoration Sulph, Calc, Puls, Acid phosphoricum, Staph, Stann, Carb-V, Ipec, Hep, Bry, Sil, China, Lyc
Expectoration only early in the morning Nux-V, Cham, Puls, Bry, Phos, Acid phosphoricum, Sep, Calc, Carb-V
Expectoration tastes bitter Puls, Dros, Cham, Merc, Nux-V
Expectoration is putrid, foul Puls, Fer, Carb-V, Lyc, Stann
Like old catarrh Puls, Sulph
Has sweetish taste Phos, Calc, Stann, Sulph
Sour taste Calc, China, Nux-V, Puls, Phos
Salt taste Lyc, Ars, Sulph, Puls, Stann, Phos, Sep
Foul smelling Puls, Sulph, Sep, Carb-V, Stann, Calc, Sil
Mucus expectoration China, Staph, Acid phosphoricum, Sulph, Puls, Ipec, Lach, Lyc, Silic, Stann, Calc, Dulc, Phos, Carb-V
Bloody mucus China, Merc, Acon, Bell, Carb-V, Fer, Staph, Silic, Bry, Ars
Pure blood Acon, Arn, China, Ipec, Phos, Bry, Fer, Ars, Sulph
Lumpy expectoration in little fragments Silic, Calc, Lyc, Lach, Hep, Sulph, Kali-C, Stann
Watery expectoration or consisting of thin mucus Hep, Carb-V, China, Puls, Merc, Ars, Fer, Sulph
Thick mucus Puls, Sulph, Calc, Phos, Silic, Stann
Purulent mucus Dros,  Staph, Calc, Puls, Sil, China, Carb-v, Fer, Merc, Phos, Sep, Stann, Lyc, Sulph
Yellowish Puls, Bry, Carb-v, Sulph, Lyc, Phos, Calc, Phos-ac, Staph, Dros, Sep, Stann
Gray, grayish Carb-v, Lyc, Ars, Sep
Green, greenish Puls, Sulph, Calc, Fer, Merc, Carb-v, Lyc, Sil, Ars, Stann
Whitish Carb-v, Phos-ac, Sil, Calc, Sulph, Lyc, Phos, Sep, Puls
Tough, firmly adherent Sulph, Sil, Nux-v, China, Arsen
Copious Puls, Dulc, Sulph, Sep, Stan, Silic
Matter detached by coughing cannot be expectorated Caust, Sep

Exciting cause and time cough starts:

From every effort Ipec
From every movement of the body Bry, Nux-v, Fer, China, Phos, Sil
From moving the chest Nux-v, China, Phos, Stann
From a cold Dulc, Carb-v, Sep, Cham, Puls, Hep
Worse from cold air Dulc, Lach, Ipec, Rhus-t
In the cold generally Carb-v, Ars, Hep, Caust, Phos
Worse in the open air Phos, Sulph, Ars, Rhus-t
Excited by eating Bry, Lach, Nux-v, Phos, Ars, Calc
Excited by laughing Dros, Phos, Stann, China
While reading Nux-v, Phos, Stann
While lying down Hyos, Dulc, Puls, Sulph, Ars, Phos, Sil, Sep
While reflecting Nux-v
After sleeping every time Lach
From talking China, Lach, Stann, Cham, Hep, Sil, Phos
Worse in a room Puls, Dulc
Excited by a deep inspiration Dulc
Brought on again by drinking Ars, China, Hep, Lach, Bry
From the warmth of the room Puls, Bry, Dulc
Better in the open air Puls, Dulc
When raising oneself in bed Hyos
By warmth, getting warm Cham
Cough starts or gets worse in the evening Carb-v, Caps, Rhus-t, Calc, Ars, Phos, Stann, Hep, Puls
In the evening in bed after lying down Hyos, Ign, Ars, Calc, Carb-v, Puls
At night, generally Merc, Caps, Rhus-t, Sil, Sulph, Stann, Dros, Cham, Hyos, Bell, Kali-c, Puls, Sep
Before midnight Carb-v, Rhus-t
After midnight Kali-c, Dros, Bell, Nux-v
During sleep Cham, Calc, Lach, Merc, Verb
Worse after sleeping Lach
Early in the morning and evening Lyc, Phos
Only early in the morning Ign, Nux-v, China, Ars, Stann, Lyc
Day and night Calc, Carb-v, Lyc, Phosphorus

Accessory Affections (concomitants)

With congestive symptoms around the head Bell, Bry, Nux-v, Sulph
With headache Nux-v, Arn, Bry, Sulph, Calc, Ipec
As if head would fly to pieces Nux-v, Sulph, Bry, Caps, Bell
Sensation of stitches in the head Arn, Calc
Throbbing in the head Ipec, Puls, Arsen, Lyc
Retching and vomiting Ipec, Nux-v, Puls, Carb-v, Dros, Bry, Fer, Calc, Sil, Stann, Sulph, Caps, Rhus-t
Affections of partly digested food (ingesta) Ipec, Nux-v, Calc, Carbo-v, Dros, Puls, Bell, Calc, Lyc
Previous to a paroxysm Bell
Painfulness of chest (centre and sides) epigastrium and hypochondria Nux-v, Puls, Arn, Bry, Lyc, Dros, Hyos, Phos
Sensitiveness in area of liver China, Bry, Lyc, Bell, Lach
Painfulness of umbilical region Ipec, Nux-v
Involuntary urination with every cough Caust, Puls, Staph, Phos, Nat-m, Caps
Inguinal hernia is painful Nux-v, Vert-a, Sil, Sulph
Larynx is painful Acon, Arn, Bell, Hep, Caust, Calc, Carbo-v, Arg, Phos, Lach
Spasm in larynx Ipec, Ign, Hyos, Bell
Pains in the chest Acon, Bry, Bell, Ipec, Carbo-v, China, Staph, Phos-ac, Kali-c, Nit-ac, Nitr., Caust, Lyc, Phos, Puls, Stann
Burning in the air passages Carbo-v, Caust, Spong, Sulph
Pressure in affected parts Bell, Sulph
Ulcerative pain in these parts Calc, Silic, Phos, Hep, Kali-c, Lach
Stitches in those parts Bry, Bell, Sulph, Verat-a, Ars, Phos, Petrol, Caps, Carbo-v, Kali-c, Nitr
Pain as if sore, raw in these parts Caust, Nux-v, Ipec, Sulph, Carbo-v, Phos, Bell, Stann, Arg
Mucous rales Ipec, Tart -emet, Calc, Caust, Cham, Bell, Puls
Arrest of breathing Ipec, Cina, Cupr, Ars, Tart. Emet, Dros, Bell, Sil
Wheezing in the air passages Lach, Bry, China, Sulph, Kali-c, Dros
Palpitation of the heart Puls, Arsen, Sulph, Arn, Calc, Nitr, Natr. Mur
Shortness of breath Sulph, Rhus-t, Sil, Calc, Ars, Arn, Carb-v, Caust
Dyspnoea Ipec, Sulph, Kali-c, Lach, Cupr, Lyc, Sep, Puls
Rheumatic pains in limbs Caust, Puls, Bry, Acon, Caps, Rhus-t, Sulph
Night sweats China, Carbo-v, Arn, Sil, Rhus-t, Kali-c, Phos, Sulph, Calc
Sweating hands Tart.emet
Sweat about the head Tart.emet, Ipec
Great weakness and lassitude after paroxysms Ipec, China, Verat-a, Ars
Moaning, weeping Arn, Hep, Cina
Sneezing Bell, Hep, Cina

Cough after acute catarrh:

Cough remaining after acute catarrh
Dry chronic cough
  1. Sulph, Caust, Calc
  2. 2. Carbo veg, Silic
Cough after catarrh
Copious expectoration of mucus
  1. Puls, Dulc, China, Ferr
  2. Acid phosphoricum, Silic, Sulph, Calc, Carb-V
Cough with chronic hoarseness
Burning and soreness in chest
Throat is not so very painful Sulph, Phos, Calc, Carb-V

Gastric cough: (worms, chronic weakness of digestion, liver complaints)

If cough results in vomiting which gives relief Puls, Ipec, Nux-V, Sulph, Sil, Fer, Calc-C
Worms; Irritation from teething Cina, Merc

Nervous, spasmodic or irritative cough: Bell, Hyos, Ipec, Cina, Puls, Ambra, Conium, Vert-A, Cuprum

About the author

Vera Resnick

Vera Resnick, DHom Med (Lic) IHM, lives and works in Jerusalem, Israel, and teaches and practices locally and internationally. She trained in Tel Aviv, did postgraduate studies with David Little, and has been specializing in Boenninghausen's TPB, provings research and study methods, and use of LMs over the last 15 years. She has been working with the Institute for Homoeopathic Medicine (IHM) since 2010, and is an official of the IHM. You can read Vera's articles on provings, cases, the Organon and on homoeopathy in general on her blogs: www.pandwisrael.wordpress.com and www.jerusalemhomeopath.wordpress.com .


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  • great sharing of ideas but what could be the remedy something if the sensation of something like phlegm is sticking inside my throat with bouts of cough for some time when the throat is dry and hacking a slight greenish and saltish phlegm then what could be remedy please.your suggestion is very kindly welcome.God bless you.God bless you. Hare Krishna

  • This is indeed a very good article. This is a very comprehensive article dealing thoroughly on cough and very extremely useful for students and learners. I hope many more such articles will be penned to propagate the efficiency of Homeopathy.
    God bless you. Hare Raama.

  • It is a most helpful article for cough patients as well as homoeopaths. Thanks to Dr.George Heinrich Gottlieb Jahr.

  • Highly appreciable work done by Vera Resnick in preparing a virtual Ready Reckoner for all types of cough based on Jahr’s work. I may also call it a Bed side Prescriber for cough containing very useful tips and hints. Our thanks to Vera Resnick.
    Dr. Kuldip Singh (Mohali)

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  • Thank you for such a great article. I really appreciated your work. it helped me to solve out my confusion.

    Thanks again.

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