Materia Medica Course on Shameless Remedies with Dr Manish Bhatia
Homeopathy Papers

Tidbits 38–Making Your Own Remedy in an Emergency: Very Easy to Do, So Hard To Get People To Try It!

emergency sign

Never Well Since Chemtrails and Make-up…

Hi everybody!  We’re back with another exciting episode of “Tidbits”!  This time our good friend Maria is here to show us why we can’t really call ourselves homeopaths if we can’t make our own remedies!  She’s brought two examples with her today.  Her first case can be called…

Never Well Since Chemtrails!

In case you didn’t know, “they” are spraying the sky with chemicals, all over the world!  I’ve seen it myself!  “Oh look at the pretty clouds,” I’ve heard myself say.  “Clouds in the shape of straight lines, so unusual!”  Yes, unusual, alright; because they’re not clouds!  The video below may help explain this phenomenon:

Is Maria here yet?  Maria, come on down!

Hi Elaine!  I sent this case to you ages ago, what happened?

In a word–maybe two words–I forgot.

Oh.  OK, I accept your explanation.  So, the most important, life-changing knowledge I can share with your readers is the antidoting method I learned from reading your very important article: “How To Make Your Own Remedy”:

How To Make Your Own Remedy

No, you don’t need a pharmacy, or be in a pharmacy, to make a homeopathic remedy–your kitchen works just fine–and it couldn’t be easier!

Actually, Maria, I never expected such an overwhelming response to that article but you should see the number of comments I got!

Yes, I saw!  And people should read the comments too as they are part of the article as well, as far as I’m concerned.  So, as you know, here in Greece, we were in the middle of elections.

Yes, I read about that.

The sky was night and day full of airplanes spraying.  Even politicians complained to the government about it.

Do you mean spraying campaign messages?  Sky-writing?

No, no, Elaine; that is not what I’m talking about!

There is much research regarding what they are spraying — aluminum, barium, heavy metals, fungus, mold….

I don’t like any of those things!

It is not a theory, it is actually happening.  You probably won’t believe it, but just keep it as information at the back of your head.  People all over the world are getting sick from the chemicals and they don’t realize it!


So my brother complained about a tickling pain in the lower abdomen.  I asked him if he ate or drank anything that might have caused this.  He answered just the usual stuff he normally drinks and eats.  I could not come up with a remedy.  Then I began to think about the chemicals they had been spraying for so many days.  So, remembering your article, I placed on the balcony a glass of water for a day and night so the chemicals they were spraying would go into the glass.

Good thinking, Maria!  I really doubt that I would have thought of the air being a source of the problem!

I took this glass, poured it in a bottle of water, leaving room at the top for succussion (shaking), then I emptied-refilled, emptied-refilled, 6 times all together, and sucussed 40 times in between as you explain, and he took one sip.  The tickling pain in his intestines immediately vanished!  (I know this is a rushed explanation, that’s why you have to read Elaine’s article linked to above: “How To Make Your Own Remedy”, so you’ll know exactly the right way to do it!)

That’s amazing!  The pain immediately vanished?  Then it really was the chemtrails!

I have kept the bottle and labeled it “Chemtrails 6C” and stored it in the fridge for future use.

God forbid you should ever need to use it again.  See, it’s like Robin Murphy always says, “Etiology over-rules symptomatology!”  (The etiology in this case being chemicals in the air.)  And what’s our motto?  “Whatever something can cause, it can cure in small doses.”  And that’s exactly what you just proved!  But you know what?  Don’t be surprised if the exact same remedy doesn’t work again if they change the formula that they’re spraying!  Meaning, you might need to make a brand new remedy the next time this happens.

Some people don’t believe in chemtrails.  The point is, the antidote worked!

Robin Murphy also says, “We have to learn to become ‘antidoters’.”

Probably Alan will not publish this in the ezine since chemtrails is a sensitive subject.

Maria, Alan is NOT a fan of chemtrails, so, not to worry!

I am just passing the information along.  Are you ready for my next case?  I am calling it:


House-Guest Gets Attacked By Make-up!

I hate it when that happens.

So, a friend of mine came to our house to stay for the weekend.  In the evening she complained of pimples that appeared suddenly on her face, all of them on the right side!  After a while they appeared inside her mouth and also a terrible numbness appeared on her right cheek.

Sounds like a nightmare.

No chance of that, because she couldn’t sleep!  The pimples were starting to itch…

Good lord!

…and the cheek numbness was also very annoying.

She came to my room and asked for help.  Like a good aspiring homeopath, I asked her when these symptoms appeared and if she ate, drank or did anything unusual.

Good thinking, Maria!

She answered, “They appeared in the morning,” and further declared that she didn’t do anything unusual… EXCEPT that she put on her face her new make-up powder by Clinique.

While she was talking I was thinking, “Hmmm all the symptoms are on the right, that is a good clue.”  All I had to do was to repertorize, but I didn’t, because I remembered the golden rule from the articles you wrote, namely:

Etiology overrules symptomatology!

So true.

So I took my friend’s make-up powder, scratched some powder into a small, half-filled, spring water bottle, gave it 40 succusions and repeated the dumping-and-refilling technique 6 times (succussing 40 times after each refill as you explain so thoroughly in your article “How To Make Your Own Remedy”), and, essentially, in the end, I had made a 6C remedy bottle, namely: “Clinique 6C”.

She took a sip and started to immediately feel better!

I’m not surprised, to tell you the truth!  This is what happens when you give the exact thing that caused the complaint–In Potency (as we say).  When homeopaths say “in potency”, they mean “as a homeopathic remedy”.

After an hour she had a relapse and took another sip, with 5 succusions first.

Of course!  You must always succuss your remedy bottle before dosing.  And I guess we have to explain what succussion is.  Succuss means “hit”.  Hold your remedy bottle in your right hand, hit or bang the bottom of the bottle into the palm of your left hand.  Do that 5 times before each dose.

The itching and numbness vanished and she slept like a baby.  In the morning she took a last sip and even the pimples went away!

So, that’s my amazing story.  So my message to everyone is to always remember the etiology (the CAUSE) and remember too that every case is NOT a constitutional case!

So well-said, Maria!  Yes, getting pimples on your face after using a new powder has nothing whatsoever to do with your constitution!  It has to do with the powder and what’s in it!  You’re spreading an important message.  I hope everyone will go back now and read, “How To Make Your Own Remedy”. 

I have my own little story….  I’ve been having a heck of a time finding a remedy that consistently works for Shana’s menstrual cramps.

Shana Barges In Unexpectedly!

Shana, what are you doing here?

Mom!!!!  I’m trying to keep you from embarrassing me but I see I’m too late!

OK, the embarrassing part is over!  (I think.)  Now comes the good part!  We bought Dr. Christopher’s Female Reproductive (herbal) Formula in the hopes it would prevent the period cramps from ever taking place, but I guess we were wrong!  But, somehow, I got the idea to make a 6C remedy out of it, and that changed everything!

I’ll say it did!  The cramps stopped right away! 

Nothing could possibly be easier than making a remedy out of an herbal tincture! 


I just put 5 drops into an ounce of water, swished it around, poured it into a small half-filled bottle of spring water, succussed 40 times, dumped out, refilled, succussed 40 times…

Mom!  Just tell them to read “How To Make Your Own Remedy”!

OK, OK!  Fingers crossed it works again this month!

But, OK, folks, this is the idea; there are so many reasons why knowing how to make your own remedy could be just the thing you need in a certain situation; so, let this become part of your thought process, OK?  Thanks again to Maria for sharing her wisdom and expertise, and, hey –see you again next time for another great and thrilling episode of Tidbits!

Which hopefully will be about “Winnie The Pooh” and the constitutional remedies of each character!


Do you have to call Daddy for everything?

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.

Elaine takes online cases! Write to her at [email protected]

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About the author

Elaine Lewis

Elaine Lewis, D.Hom., C.Hom.
Elaine is a passionate homeopath, helping people offline as well as online. Contact her at [email protected]
Elaine is a graduate of Robin Murphy's Hahnemann Academy of North America and author of many articles on homeopathy including her monthly feature in the Hpathy ezine, "The Quiz". Visit her website at: and


  • this reminds me of my daughter when she was two year old she suffered from loose stool.stool was mucoid undigested five six times daily. this continued for six months.she got emaciated appetite was affected.i tried different homeopathic remedies but did not get better.even allopatic medicine did not help disperation i potentised her stool up to 6x.i gave her thrice daily for two days and touchwood she has not suffered any diarrheal episode since then.this was 20 years ago.

    • So I’m trying to understand. You took your daughter’s poop ….how much…like just a tiny tiny amount?…put it in a bottle, fill bottle with water, leaving room to succuss…then succuss 40 times….empty and repeat for a total of 6 times? My question is, is it safe for a human to drink their own feces? Just wondering if there’s any potential danger…maybe add alcohol? Please alleviate my concerns as I would like to try this for my handicapped daughter who suffers from life-long chronic constipation (now 28). I have to give her water enemas 2-3 times a week

      • Bea, first of all, we already have remedies made out of poop. They’re called the Bowel Nosodes. BUT, your daughter’s problem with life-long constipation? You say she’s handicapped. Is this the reason she’s constipated? Or is the cause something else? Constipation is a big issue for a lot of parents because of the standard Western diet consisting mainly of products made of white flour. Alumina is our main remedy for severe constipation. However, there’s also Nux vomica and Opium. However, I’ve seen Kellog’s All-Bran, Original really help with this. Amazon has it.

  • Your website has been such a great help to me over the last few years! Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge with your readers.👍💖😆

  • I’m battling to find the remedy for my dogs diarrhea. Think they ate something when out on walk, but its recurring….so i will potentise the stool. Excited for the solution. Thank you

  • A question: if i’m not finding a remedy/ remedies are not available, can i potentise urine to ‘like cures like’ in a cystitis complaint?

    • Yes, you can potentize urine but I’ve found vitamin C to cure this every time! My recipe:

      6 grams of vitamin C. An hour later 4 grams of vitamin C. An hour later, 2 grams of vitamin C. An hour later 2 grams of vitamin C. It should be gone now. It might be gone after the second dose. I have powdered vitamin C which you can get on Amazon called Sufficient-C. But you can also buy One-Gram C by Twin Lab.

  • Hello,
    This is so interesting.
    Could one make a nosode from a toe nail that has fungus? And from Athlete’s foot skin?
    Thank you!

    • I suppose theoretically, yes. But toenail fungus can also be treated by soaking in raw apple cider vinegar for 20 minutes once a day for, perhaps, 2 weeks. Perhaps the same for athlete’s foot.

        • Anne, when it happened to me (it was my right hand, middle finger) I soaked in 100% ACV, I didn’t see any point in diluting it, though I suppose you could. What I did was, I went to youtube and typed in “nail fungus natural cures” and I’m pretty sure that’s where I found out about it, but, I also may have simply googled it or maybe both.

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