Clinical Cases

Psoriasis in a Man of 38

psoriasis f
Written by Vrushali Pandya

Dr. Vrushali Pandya shares a case of psoriasis in a man of 38. Theorizing, workaholic, and anxiety about business were among the symptoms leading to the simillimum.

This patient is a 38 year old male who has had pustular psoriasis (Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis) (leg, arms, back) for the last 8 years.

Recorded conversation:

Doctor: Anything bothering you in your routine life which is quite continuous in your mind?

Patient: No, I have to do work. I am very much focused on my work and there is no compromise for targets. I do whatever is needed. I really don’t want to get distracted I have to keep my speed at my pace.

Doctor: Why ?

Patient: I want to do something great for my family. I know my capacity and knowledge I want to utilize it fully and I know where and how to apply it.

Doctor: Is it for money matters or financial security?

Patient: Yes, Money is important for my business but I am not doing anything wrong for success. I never misused my position or my power.  I never go beyond my morals it’s my dedication to work and I am doing only that

ethically balanced by my morals.

If I get aggressive on my employees, I later make them comfortable and I understand their needs, which makes them smile again.

Doctor : How is sleep ?

Patient : there are many sleepless nights but it doesn’t affect my routine work. I do my planning at night and make points in my diary.  It’s important for my business

Doctor: Anything else you want to share ?

Patient: Nothing

Doctor : These scales and patches everywhere on your body, what you feel about this?

Patient : Oh I am really least bothered about all these things. I hardly get time for my meals and sleep (he paused here, like he was thinking )….Sometimes I feel I am not the same person I used to be.  Maybe I am more black than previously.  I really don’t give it any thought but I feel maybe I did wrong myself.  It’s my mistake. I have to take care myself for this. I am responsible for all these rashes

Rubric selection:

Repertory: (Murphy & Complete Repertory)

Workaholic industrious overwork

Business talk of

Anxiety business about

Absorbed Buried in thought

Theorising philosophic


Cares others about

Indifference appearance about personal

Delusion black he is

Delusion great person he is



Medicine Sulphur 30

First dose: Sulphur 30 19 Feb 2018

Some improvement in March 2018

Second dose Sulphur 200 in Dec 2018

Third dose  Sulphur1M  Feb 2019

Since July 19, 2019 autoimmune Psoriasis is completely cured.  The selection of the simillimum was based on the mind method (Revolutionary Homeopathy)

Case analysis: The patient is a workaholic by nature and wants to continue work without any rest. We can see he is ambitious and sort of obsessive also. As he forgets to take treatment, we can find frivolousness and indifference to one’s own health, but he feels it’s his mistake and he is not blaming anyone for it. In the work environment he is following his ethics and wants to achieve something through constant struggle.  He has the delusion he is poor so he makes lots of efforts to overcome that.

We can see positivity and hopefulness there. He is often theorizing, making plans for business, writing in his diary.

DD: Nux Vomica was coming up while case taking. Common rubric ; business talk of, anxiety business of, fastidious, passionate, ambitious. But we have to differentiate it with the help of the patient’s conversation. This patient was taking care of others and guiding himself with his personal ethics. He was the philosopher.

About Sulphur

There is constant effort and struggle to be someone, to earn respect. The struggle is for ego and honour.  In the Sulphur patient, there is desire for business, desire to make money and to be financially sound. They become indifferent to their appearance or, they make a lot of effort to appear clean. The patient feels he is expected to be good in relationships and they are caring. (reference: Soul of Remedies Dr. Rajan Sankaran).

About the author

Vrushali Pandya

Dr.Vrushali K Pandya. Homeopath & Counsellor at Healers Homeopathic Healing (True Healers). BHMS, Diploma in Counselling (Black Ford U.K) MBA Healthcare & certified Clinical Research. Published cured cases and and articles : :Psoriasis cured with sulphur, ’Expert Insights in Homeopathy”, “Allergic Rhinitis” book published under Kishore publication. Clever H .The Mag! Cured case: psoriasis in autumn journal, 4) Clever H: The Mag! Cured case of chronic gastritis - Rare medicine ‘Asafoetida’, Clever H: The Mag! Cured case of Allergic Rhinitis, Suicidal attempt cured by ‘Arum met.

1 Comment

  • Hi my esteemed Vrushali!

    I always like to learn How about you?

    I read your 38-year-old psoriasis case from 2020.

    It looks like you use Zomeo homeopathic software.

    It looks like you are a Clinical Researcher.

    Could we discuss the case scientifically and medically?



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